Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Use ‘chits' or counters to represent all units: allies, armies, jumpships, etc.

Each player should have a set of blank 'control' marker chits of a unique color.

Put control markers on worlds and unit stacks to indicate ownership.

Ally chits are placed next to the owning player, not on the map.


Each player begins with:

1 Homeworld

3 Nobles

3 House Troops

3D6 Solats

Any 2 Armies unique to that homeworld

1 Nuclear Arsenal

2 Jumpships

X Random Allies: 8 in a 2 player game, 5 with 3 players, 4 in a 4 player.


Control every planet on the map.


Larger maps, Specific scenarios, Jumpships move 4, Higher upkeep costs...



It took 3.5 billion years to make this game.


The player with the most species at the end of the game wins.


Each player has a set of counters of a unique color.

Each counter set has 100+ counters.

Each set has ten counters marked #1, another ten marked #2, and so on.


The map is a 6 X 6 grid.

It has 36 spaces.

9 spaces are “Land” spaces.

9 are “Open Water” spaces.

18 are “Island” spaces.

The top row and bottom row are Arctic (Polar)

The two middle rows are Tropical.

The intermediate rows are Temperate.


Have an index card for each of your species.

Every species has 5 attributes.

Record on the card the values of the attributes.

Also, be sure to name your species.

(Kingdom, Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species)


Each player starts with one species with the following attributes:

Diet = Herbivore

Terrain = Water

Climate = Hot Adapted

Size = Tiny

Speed = Slow

This will be each players “#1” species (use #1 counters).

Each player starts with 3 population counters.

Place counters in 3 adjacent spaces not containing opponent’s populations.


The turn is divided into 6 phases:

Geologic Time Phase

Random Events Phase

Mass Extinctions Phase

Reproduction Phase

Speciation Phase

Migrations Phase


The game ends after 16 turns.

Move a time marker one space (Era, Period, Epoch) on the following track:

1. Archean (Start)

2. Proterozoic

3. Paleozoic

4. Cambrian

5. Ordovician

6. Silurian

7. Devonian

8. Carboniferous

9. Permian

10. Mesozoic

11. Triassic

12. Jurassic

13. Cretaceous

14. Cenozoic

15. Tertiary

16. Quaternary (End)


Players share a common deck.

Each player fills hand to 7 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Extinction cards may not be played until the Ordovician Period

Players take turns playing Extinction cards.

The player with the (most) fastest species goes first.

If there is a tie, the smartest player goes first and play proceeds clockwise.

To play the cards Predation, Competition, and Parasitism you must have a

Species with the indicated attributes in the same space as an opponent’s

Species with the indicated attributes.

For example: You play Predation: Pick one of your Carnivore Species and

pick any one species of a smaller size. In all spaces that contain

populations of both, the prey populations are removed from play.


A space may contain an absolute maximum of 3 species (Total of all players).

In each space that you have species, pick one of those species to reproduce.

Add one Population Counter of the appropriate type to the space.


Play (discard) an evolve card to have one of your populations evolve.

Replace one population counter with a counter that has an unused number.

Roll once on the Evolution table.

The Roll determines which attribute of the population changes.

The Attribute goes up or down one level.

Roll 1D6: on 1-3 go up. On 4-6 go down.

If you are at one end of the scale you automatically move towards the other end.

The population becomes a new species.

Write up a new index record card for it.

A population may only evolve once per turn.


For each of your species, you may pick up to X number of populations to

move to an adjacent space.

X is determined by the Species Speed Attribute.

You may move a species into a space that already has 3 species in it.

If a space has too many species, a random species in that space is destroyed.


Card Name: # Notes:

Behavioral Isolation 1 Evolve

Temporal Isolation 1 Evolve

Geographic Isolation 1 Evolve

Mechanical Isolation 1 Evolve

Gametic Isolation 1 Evolve

Polymorphism 1 Evolve

Adaptive Radiation 1 Evolve

Genetic Variability 1 Evolve

Sexual Reproduction 1 Evolve

Mutations 1 Evolve

Natural Selection 1 Evolve

Survival of the Fittest 1 Evolve

Biodiversity 1 Evolve

Crossing Over in Meiosis 1 Evolve

Hardy-Weinberg Disequilibrium 1 Evolve

Glacier Movements 1 Evolve

Climate Shift 1 Evolve

Gene Flow 1 Evolve

Genetic Drift 1 Evolve

Missing Link 1 Evolve

Evolutionary Dead End 1 Extinction: Kill all populations of target Species

Predation 5 Extinction: Carnivore kills Smaller Species

Competition 5 Extinction: Kill Species with 2+ same Attributes

Parasitism 5 Extinction: Carnivore kills Larger Species

Asteroid Impact 1 Extinction: All Large and Huge species Killed

Ice Age 1 Extinction: All Hot Loving Species

Global Warming 1 Extinction: All Cold Loving Species

Volcanic Activity 2 Extinction: All populations in target space Killed

Sterile Hybrid 1 Extinction: Kill 1 newly evolved population

Mechanical Defenses 1 Negate a Predation card

Chemical Defenses 1 Negate a Predation card

Behavioral Defenses 1 Negate a Predation card

Symbiosis 1 Negate a Parasitism card

Mutualism 1 Negate a Parasitism card

Commensalism 1 Negate a Parasitism card

Resource Partitioning 1 Negate a Competition Card

Find new Niche 1 Negate a Competition Card

Find new Habitat 1 Negate a Competition Card

Hydrothermal Vents 1 Gain one Population of the starting Species type

Continental Drift 1 Move an extra population

Land Bridge 1 Move an extra Land population

Colonization 1 Move an extra population

Pangea Breaks Apart 1 Move an extra population

Pioneer Species 1 Move an extra Tiny/Small population

Geographic Dispersal 1 Move an extra population

Vestigial Organs 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Directional Selection 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Sexual Selection 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Common Ancestor 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Analogous Structures 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Homologous Structures 1 Pick result of any Dice roll

Reproductive Success 1 Gain 1 extra population in 1 space

Exponential Growth 1 Gain 1 extra population in 1 space

Climax Community 1 Gain 1 extra population in 1 space

Keystone Species 1 Carnivore gets +1 Population in 1 space

Living Fossil 1 Target Population Avoids Extinction

Top of the Food Chain 1 Large/Huge Carnivore get +1 Population

# = number of that type of card in the deck.

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