T. France-America Society (Société France-Amérique), 1920-1924
This subseries contains correspondence, brochures, menus, programs, invitations, clippings, and other printed material that document receptions, dinners, visits sponsored by the Society.
V. Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle (International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation), 1926-1938
The Assembly and Council of of the League of Nations founded the Institute of Intellectual Cooperation (IICI) in 1924 as part of its Organization of Intellectual Cooperation. The initial grant for its founding was made by France. Twenty other countries also provided annual subsidies. The IICI and The International Committee of Intellectual Co-operation (CICI) were the two major organizations merged to form UNESCO in 1946.
This subseries includes correspondence, minutes, agendas, reports, and publications that document the work of the American National Committee on International Intellectual Cooperation, the Institution for the Scientific Study of International Relations, the Liaison Committee of Major International Associations (Comité d'Entente des Grandes Associations Internationales), the International Federation of Teachers Associations, American Coordinating Committee for International Studies, Conférence Permanente des Hautes Études Internationales (International Studies Conference), as well as that of IICI. Individuals with whom there is correspondence include F. Chalmers Wright (IICI), Henri Bonnet (IICI), Leo Gross (IICI), Jiri F. Vranek, James Shotwell (American National Committee), and J.B Condliffe (International Studies Conference).
These files consist mostly of publications (mainly annual reports) issued by various Carnegie organizations including the Endowment, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Carnegie Foundaton for the Advancement of Teaching, and the Carnegie Institution of Washington.