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SUMMARY: After right-winger Ann Coulter used the "f-word" to slam
John Edwards, the candidate put the video on his Web site and used it to raise money.
Prominently featured on John Edwards' presidential campaign Web site is a video of conservative commentator Ann Coulter insulting him. And with just a mouse click you can hear the invective and get a chance to donate at the same time.
On Friday, Coulter, a writer and columnist known for provocative remarks, told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington: "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I -- so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards."

The Edwards camp is now seeking to capitalize on the slur by soliciting $100,000 in

"Coulter Cash" to "show that inflaming prejudice to attack progressive leaders will only backfire."
Meanwhile, conservatives were none too pleased with Coulter, either. Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said: "Frankly, I would have loved to have heard Ann expose and dissect the radical agenda of Sen. Edwards instead of restoring to cheap name-calling." (AP)


Obama referred to as “Clean Darky”

Disc jockey Sam Allred, who appears on KXAN TV in Austin, Texas, has been suspended for referring to presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as a "clean darky" on the air, sources report.
Last Thursday, Allred and his co-host, Bob Cole, were apparently referring to the comment made by Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) in January describing Obama as "clean." Then Allred added, "Clean darky." Cole immediately responded "Sammy!" and the show cut to commercial.
When the jocks returned, Allred commented, "See, I was making fun of politicians who say things like that."
The NAACP clearly saw the comments differently, and told the station, "That kind of ignorance has no place in this country in 2007."
Allred, meanwhile has refused to apologize, claiming that he was exercising his right to free speech. He said, "It's called the First Amendment, and you get the right to say anything."


Pedophile Removes Web Photo of Obama's Daughters After Legal Threat

A self-admitted pedophile has removed from his Web site a family photo of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, his wife and two daughters after receiving a cease and desist order from the presidential candidate's attorney.
Proud pedophile Lindsay Ashford, who runs Puellula Web site based in Panama, said despite the request from Obama attorney Robert F. Bauer, he is keeping up a link to the senator's presidential campaign site, in part because he considers it a tribute.
"I have no intention of removing references to Senator Obama and his family from my website. Whatever anybody thinks of my opinions, they are not defamatory. If anything, my comments are laudatory. Furthermore, my right to express my opinion is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution," he wrote in a letter to Bauer.

Ashford's response came after Bauer wrote on behalf of Obama ordering the family photo to be removed.

"The image you use on your Web site is used without the express permission of the copyright owner, and constitutes copyright infringement. Your willful and unauthorized copying of this copyrighted picture subjects you to substantial criminal and civil damages and penalties," Bauer wrote.
Bauer also wrote that Obama's family photo on the site leaves a misimpression among those who would read Ashford's blog.
"Pedophilia — sex with under-age children — is illegal in the United States and many countries of the world. Your inclusion of a pictures associated with Senator Obama personally and Obama for America on your website creates two highly misleading and untrue impressions: first, that Senator Obama and/or Obama for America share your views, and second, that Senator Obama and/or Obama for America have authorized or sponsored your site, or are affiliated or associated with you in any way. Your actions are overtly defamatory of Senator Obama and Obama for America, infringe upon the rights of publicity of Senator Obama and his family, and have the potential to cause serious and irremediable harm.
"Your actions are particularly objectionable — if not outright dangerous — because you have included a picture of Senator Obama's young daughters on a site advocating pedophilia with young girls, heightening the risk they face. This is not simply defamatory, but is a criminal act," Bauer wrote in the letter dated Feb. 26. Calls placed to Obama and Bauer's offices were not immediately returned.
Ashford, who is brazen enough to post his photo on his site along with a long biography that reveals he has a daughter, wrote Bauer to say that pedophilia itself is not the same as child molestation and is not illegal on its face.
"Pedophilia, according to the definition of the American Psychiatric Association is a sexual attraction to children. It does not imply any action whatsoever upon that attraction. ... Whilst I agree that under the laws of many nations, sexual contact with children is illegal, my website does not encourage anybody to break the law. In fact, it clearly discourages illegal activity. It does support using democratic means to encourage dialogue and reconsider such statutes," Ashford wrote.
The APA notes (pdf) that pedophilia is a mental disorder that can be treated with drugs and cognitive-behavioral therapy but prospects for successful treatment and rehabilitation are "guarded." The APA also states that "an adult who engages in sexual activity with a child is performing a criminal and immoral act and this is never considered normal or socially acceptable behavior."
The site Puellula, the Latin diminutive of girl, is a forum not only for Ashford to describe his fascination with "girllove" and describe himself as "somebody who is physically and romantically attracted to young girls," it offers advice for living as a pedophile and for individuals coping with learning that a partner is a pedophile.

Aside from the adoration of young girls, Ashford also uses the site to rail against the United States, which he calls "the Evil Empire," and post anti-Israel commentary, among other topics.

Ashford apparently first predicted last April that the winner of the 2008 presidential contest would be the person who had the cutest daughters. Writing that an opponent of his wrote the candidates to ask them to take action, no one did anything until last week, when he received the letter from Obama's attorney. Obama entered the presidential race in December.
Ashford said despite the content of his site, he would hope that Obama would appreciate the democratic flavor of his site.
"I certainly hope that Senator Obama would agree that debate and public discourse are important facets of any democratic society, irrespective of how distasteful some may find particular issues," he said.

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