Is our earth

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And there the abstraction ends, but my readers might find the thoughts and conclusions aired therein of some use in extending their own cogitations upon the subject-matter of this paper. Now I will move on to some of the other possible aspects of whatever curious realm may lie concealed inside the earth beneath our feet!

The Second Inner Earth.

As I mentioned at the outset, there are three possible “inner worlds” to contemplate, when we speak of a Hollow or Inner Earth. We have already taken a cursory look at the classic prime example, about which so much has been written and fantasized over during the past two centuries. However, there still remain two other possibilities to consider.

The second inner world is the terrifying, gloomy, redly-glowing hellish realm of devils and demons, and other fearsome creatures which love the darkness. It is the lurking-place of the bogeys and ghosts of our infantile nightmares, and the grisly ghouls, trolls, goblins, dwarfs and dragons that haunted our later childhood. This is the dreaded Stygian habitation of those horrific beasts and monsters which still fill the of annals of ancient, classic legend - the vampires, zombies and undead corpses from Gothic tales of terror.

(Speaking of vampires, by the way, it’s interesting to note that they are said to shun the UV-laden sunlight, are of pallid white skin colour, and subsist directly upon human and animal blood. These same characteristics appear to be shared by the so-called alien “Greys”, who also appear to venture forth only at night, who are renowned for their abduction and “experimentation” upon humans and large animals - from whom they remove organs and body fluids - and, according to purported autopsy-reports, possess only the most rudimentary of digestive systems - which would be ideally compatible with a diet of such direct nutritional value as fresh blood! Could there be some relationship?)

However, according to some of the myriad stories about this uncanny underworld, all is not entirely gloom and doom. It is also the daytime hiding-place of fairies, pixies and elves; the enchanted domain of wizards and witches and their enslaved princesses and changeling frog-princes. It is also the time-honoured shadowy resting-place where Britain’s once and future King Arthur and his valiant, virtuous knights, slumber together with their great snow-white chargers, awaiting Merlin’s great Clarion Call to Arms to join in the final battle of Armageddon!

The Awsome Underworld.

The eerie subterranean world underneath our feet, of which we first learned in our childhood; a weird and frightening place of labyrinthine tunnels, caverns and chasms, which are the alleged home of goblins, dwarfs and trolls, of demons, devils and other fearsome creatures of the darkness, has long been greatly feared by most of mankind.

Yet, despite our inherent dread of deep, dark underground places, they have always held a strange fascination for mankind, and have ever been a continuing source of great wonder, excitement and interest to us. Perhaps there may be some atavistic racial memory within us all, of such places having once provided our first surface ancestors with the only really safe and secure shelter from a violent and vicious world of giant carnivores, volcanic and tectonic upheavals, and appalling storms, despite the ferocious cave-bears and mountain-lions (aye, and even dragons!) with which they shared such fearsome and dangerous underground lodgings.
Today, daring young adventurers boldly go down such awsome chasms and tunnels, at great risk of life and limb, purely in the name of spelaeology, both as a science and a sport, since it has rapidly become very popular among fit young men and women over the past fifty years or so.
Spelunkers”, as they are called, were once fairly thin on the ground – or rather under it - and many, alas, remained under it, too, fifty or sixty years back, when proper caving equipment was either non-existent or, at best, extremely flimsy and clumsy. However, since the advent of suitable and lightweight safety-headgear, easily portable powerful electric lights and equipment, body-harness and virtually unbreakable nylon ropes, the sport has taken off in quite a big way, and many previously quite inacessible caves and tunnel-systems have now surrendered their long-guarded secrets to these daring latter-day “Cave-Men and Cave-Women”. They have brought back many thousands of excellent colour-photographs of the often incredibly lovely and awsome chambers and vaults which they entered underground, their high ceilings often filled with amazing hanging stalactites and equally astonishing stalagmites rising up to meet them.
Nature’s Hidden Sculpture Galleries…

Some of these pieces of Nature’s artistry are quite spectacular, as also are some of the wonderfully delicate traceries of varicoloured limestone, which adorn the caverns. One really has to marvel at the handiwork that has been so intricately and gloriously moulded and woven, entirely by the relentless drip-dropping of tiny droplets of calcite-laden water, filtering down through the porous limestone for long millennia of time! I myself as a boy was a great fan of Norbert Casteret, a long-departed French speleologist, who wrote a series of excellent books about his amazing adventures and discoveries in the deep caverns and gulfs of the Pyranees and other mountainous regions of France. I collected several of his fascinating books, profuse with old flash-photos, and I grew up with this awareness of that terribly dangerous yet wonderously-sculpted subterrannean world beneath our feet. Casteret’s almost poetical descriptions of his finds really fired my imagination with marvellous visions of the incredible fragile natural beauty which he was privileged to be the first to discover.

If this is (as I for one, most truly believe) God’s marvellous craftsmanship, one wonders why He has allowed it to grow and blossom forth unseen for so long! Then, one realises that Man, by and large, is a terribly destructive creature, who loves nothing better than to tear down and destroy his natural surroundings, rather than leave them to thrive in their original natural beauty. If it were not so, we would have no need for National Parks, National Trusts, or Preservation Orders to save our surroundings from being vandalised or falling victim to commercial devastation.
However, this is not the proper forum for airing such environmental preservation sentiments, no matter how heartfelt, even though my reader may fully endorse my views, so I must proceed apace with my main discourse.

The Hollowness of The Earth’s Crust.

One of the major outcomes of all this spelaeological interest in the labyrinthine underworld has been the amazing revelation of how much the apparently solid ground beneath us is literally honeycombed with caverns, tunnels, and gargantuan shafts and grottos like some gigantic Swiss cheese!

No wonder our far-distant forefathers believed that it was a veritable gloomy world of darkness and death, filled with all kinds of lurking, frightful creatures! However, one might expect that ancient concept to have died the death in today’s enlightened world, where there is hardly a corner which has not been explored by men and illuminated by his electric lighting. But this apparently, is not the case at all!
If we are to believe all the plethora of disturbing reports which today flood the Internet - primarily from American sources - the ancient and fearsome reptilian hominid inhabitants of that realm of darkness have returned in strength to threaten modern man in his underground mining activities, his subterranean geological explorations, and his construction of deep underground military facilities and radiation-proof shelters for the political, financial and military élite. We’re constantly reading of reported encounters with these demonic denizens of the abyss, and their threatening activities toward those who dare to poach upon their underground preserves - not to mention their alleged horrific predilection for human flesh and blood!
It’s from these alleged encounters that a whole new mythos appears to have sprung up, particularly in the USA (though not exclusively so), positing that these vile creatures – and their “Gray” helpers, who are humanoid in form – are in fact aliens from outer space, who have set up secret hive-like subterranean headquarters, in preparation for a massive world-wide take-over of the surface of this planet!

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