Sub-Families for
Account Balancing
Zero Balancing
Transaction is a cash management instruction, requesting to zero balance the account.
Zero Balance Accounts empty or fill the balances in accounts at the same bank, in the same country into or out of a main account each day.
Transaction relates to a cash management instruction, requesting a sweep of the account above an agreed floor amount.
The purpose is to move the funds from multiple accounts to a single bank account. Funds can move domestically or across border and more than one bank can be used.
Transaction is a cash management instruction, requesting to top the account above a certain floor amount. The floor amount, if not pre-agreed by the parties involved, may be specified.
Controlled Disbursement
Transaction is related to a service that provides for movement of funds associated with cheque presentation. This is the funding leg of the transaction performed as part of the account balancing.
Transaction relates to a cash management instruction that requesting the processing of overdraft conditions
Transaction is related to a cash management activity that is cross-border account balancing operation.
One selected code out of the generic code for Sub-Family: Not available, Other, Fees, Commissions, Taxes, Charges and Interest etc (see section 3.4.1 for more details)