- Short- and Long-term Phosphorous Cycling in Various Soil-Crop Eco-Systems.
- Fate, Residual Values, and Loss Pathways (Surface Runoff and Subsurface) of Soil Phosphorus as Related to Soil-Crop-Water Management and Organic Amendments.
- Development of Phosphorus-Based Innovative Nutrient Management Practices for Various Types of Manure, Compost and Biosolids
- Agronomic and Environmental Assessment of Manure Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Metals from Pigs Developed or Treated Using Innovative Technologies (Transgenic Phytase EnvirpigTM and New Diet Formulation) Using Advanced Technologies, Such as XANES.
- Modelling Phosphorus Cycling in Soil-Crop-Water Systems.
- Nutrient and Water Management (Drip Fertigation/Irrigation, Organic Production) for Horticultural Crops, Including Sweet Corn, Green Peppers, Processing Tomatoes, etc.
Value of the Opportunity (issue, results, outcomes)/Valeur ajoutée de l’opportunité (problème, résultats, retombées):
Both nutrient and water management are world-wide issues for agricultural production to secure food supply in an environmental sustainable manner. Enhanced collaboration of research would effectively and efficiently develop innovative theories, knowledge, and technologies, which enable farmers to maximize crop productivity with improved quality, while minimizing damages to the environment (soil, water, and air quality).
D – Describe the qualifications needed (academic, study, knowledge, skills, experiences, etc.), and the benefits to the candidate /Décrire les qualifications requises (études, connaissances, compétences, expériences, etc) et les avantages pour les candidats
Expected qualification of the candidates:
1) Training in soil fertility and chemistry, agronomy, or natural resource and environmental sciences; 2) Excellent English skills in reading, writing, and speaking; and 3) A good team player.
Benefits to the candidates:
The research program at AAFC, Harrow, ON, provides excellent experimental (well-equipped analytical laboratories and long-term field plots instrumented with world-wide first class water auto-sampling systems for monitoring soil phosphorus losses and accessibility of advanced instruments, such as XANES synchrotron facilities) and theoretical platform to determine soil nutrient and water dynamics and to develop new technologies for beneficial nutrient and water management practices. The research work that the candidate will involve will be under direct supervision of highly qualified scientists and/or professors. The activities include 1) set up field plots, facility set-up, data collection and analyses; 2) laboratory sample analysis using the mostly advanced technologies and instruments (such as FIA auto-analyzer, XANES); 3) attend various research meetings to discuss project progress and to exchange ideas for further research planning; 4) prepare research reports (in English) and scientific publications in internationally highly-ranked journals by closely working with the program team scientists; and 4) further develop network for future collaboration.
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Using crop soil model to simulate nutrient dynamics and crop production potentials
A – Identification
Type of Candidate (check one or more)/Type de candidats (choisir un ou plusieurs) :
Graduate students / étudiants des cycles supérieurs:
- Ph.D.
Visiting Scientist from a university or a research organisation/Chercheur visiteur provenant d’une université ou d’un organisme de recherche.
Visitor expected length of stay at AAFC, specify number of months (minimum and/or maximum)/
Durée prévue du séjour du visiteur à AAC, spécifier le nombre de mois (minimum et/ou maximum) :
Start date must be before March 31, 2012/
Date impérative de début du séjour avant le 31 mars 2012, specify/spécifier :
November 2011
Research location in Canada / Lieu de la recherche au Canada :
Greenhouse and Processing Crop Research Centre
Website : http://www.agr.gc.ca/science
City/Ville, Province :
Harrow, Ontario
Jingyi Yang
Email/Courriel : jingyi.yang@agr.gc.ca
Phone/Téléphone : 1-519-738-1270
B – The Research Team/ L’équipe de recherche
AAFC Supervisor/Superviseur à AAC : Dr. J.Y. Yang
Other AAFC scientists/Autres chercheurs d’AAC : Dr. C.F. Drury (Harrow)
University partners/Partenaires universitaires : Dr. G. Hoogenboom (Hashengton State University, USA)
Industry partners/Partenaires industriels :
C – Proposal Description/ Description de la proposition
Objective/Objectif :
The Soil and Environmental Team at Harrow Research Center uses different models to monitor Agri-Environmental Health. The objective of this project is to evaluate crop and soil models to simulate soil C, N and water cycling using field experimental data. Two crop soil models (DSSAT, EPIC) will be evaluated using the field experimental data collected in China or in Canada (i.e., fertilizer N rates or cultivar or density experiments in maize, wheat, potato, barley and soybean etc). The simulated data (biomass, grain yield, soil water, soil C and soil mineral N (NH4-N, NO3-N)) will be compared with field measured data and the models will be further evaluated using pre-established sensitivity and statistical validation methods. Key relationships in soil water balance and soil C and N dynamics will be examined
Value of the Opportunity (issue, results, outcomes)/Valeur ajoutée de l’opportunité (problème, résultats, retombées):
Environmentally sustainable soil nutrient management has been a long-term research goal for producers, scientists and policy makers. Because of the complexity of the issue as well as limited resources, modelling approaches are being used at varying scales to help identify both the problem areas and the possible solutions to ensure that both productivity and environmental health are maintained. For example, over N fertilization causes NO3-N leaching & runoff losses. The optimized N application rates, best crop cultivar and density selections can reduce nutrients loss enhance soil fertility and achieve the maximum yield.
The PhD project will provide a validated crop-soil model available for use in Canadian and China. Two journal papers and two conference presentations will be produced.
The student will complete most of his/her PhD thesis, and benefit from this program by obtaining (1) up-to-date knowledge on crop simulation models, (2) skills for testing and validation of simulation models and 3) improved English communication skills through interaction with soil scientists at Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.
D – Describe the qualifications needed (academic, study, knowledge, skills, experiences, etc.), and the benefits to the candidate /Décrire les qualifications requises (études, connaissances, compétences, expériences, etc) et les avantages pour les candidats
The candidate should be a currently registered PhD student in China or in Canada in soil and environmental science, agronomy, plant science or other related sciences and have good knowledge of mathematics and statistics. Computer use and programming skills would be desirable assets.
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Quantitative proteomic approaches to study fruit aroma biosynthesis during fruit ripening and postharvest handling
A – Identification
Type of Candidate (check one or more)/Type de candidats (choisir un ou plusieurs) :
Graduate students / étudiants des cycles supérieurs:
- Ph.D.
Visiting Scientist from a university or a research organisation/Chercheur visiteur provenant d’une université ou d’un organisme de recherche.
Visitor expected length of stay at AAFC, specify number of months (minimum and/or maximum)/
Durée prévue du séjour du visiteur à AAC, spécifier le nombre de mois (minimum et/ou maximum) :
Start date must be before March 31, 2012/ Sept. 2011.
Date impérative de début du séjour avant le 31 mars 2012, specify/spécifier :
Research location in Canada / Lieu de la recherche au Canada :
Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre
Website : http://www.agr.gc.ca/science
City/Ville, Province :
Kentville, Nova Scotia
Jun Song
Email/Courriel : jun.song@agr.gc.ca
Phone/Téléphone : 1-902-679-5607
B – The Research Team/ L’équipe de recherche
AAFC Supervisor/Superviseur à AAC : Dr. Jun Song
Other AAFC scientists/Autres chercheurs d’AAC :
University partners/Partenaires universitaires :
Industry partners/Partenaires industriels :
C – Proposal Description/ Description de la proposition
Objective/Objectif :
The focus of this proposed research is to develop a new understanding of key biochemical pathways that regulate fruit flavour biosynthesis, through the application of quantitative proteomic techniques. We hypothesize that fruit ripening triggers multiple pathways that involve branched amino acid and fatty acid precursors and activation of some targeted enzymes that produce substrates for flavour ester formation. We will develop and apply experimental techniques to test these hypotheses and provide the underpinning for future work to control ripening and flavour and aroma development in fresh fruits and vegetables in a post harvest environment. The specific goals of the proposed research are to: 1) Develop a quantitative protein detection system for proteins associated with ripening using proteomics by employing quantitative techniques for fruit samples; 2) Investigate and characterize changes in proteins involved in amino acid and fatty acid synthesis and their regulation that impact flavour during fruit ripening; 3) Apply genomic and metabolic tools in concert to complement proteomics in determining biochemical pathways and control mechanisms regulating fruit ripening and flavour development; 4) Assess changes in biochemical pathways for flavour development during postharvest handling by identifying factors that enhance or reduce flavour.
Value of the Opportunity (issue, results, outcomes)/Valeur ajoutée de l’opportunité (problème, résultats, retombées):
To address these objectives, state-of-the-art technologies, including quantitative proteomic, genomics, and metabolomics, will be used to determine fundamental mechanisms underlying flavour biosynthesis of fresh fruit during ripening and postharvest handling. By characterizing the molecular changes at both the transcript and protein levels, these studies will provide new insights into the molecular framework of fruit aroma and flavour development, reveal new pathways or processes affecting flavour biochemistry, and provide avenues for product improvement in the future. Findings of this study can be used in breeding programs to select or create plant material with the potential for high flavour.
D – Describe the qualifications needed (academic, study, knowledge, skills, experiences, etc.), and the benefits to the candidate /Décrire les qualifications requises (études, connaissances, compétences, expériences, etc) et les avantages pour les candidats
Recent laboratory experience in plant physiology, postharvest physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology techniques, such as protein/RNA extraction, PCR, electrophoresis, gene expressions, and the genetic transformation of plants. Experience in analytical chemistry of plant metabolisms. Experience in data collection, statistical analysis and graphical presentation using computers.
Knowledge: biochemistry, general molecular biology, chemistry laboratory techniques, biochemical and chemical properties of plant tissues, preparative and analytical chemical separation techniques, instrumental analysis, information retrieval techniques.
Benefits to the candidates:Successful candidates will have 2-3 years training at AAFC research centre from experimental design to data analysis. The candidates will have opportunity working on state of the art techniques using genomic and proteomic tools to reveal the fundamental changes in fruit in relation to fruit quality during ripening and senescence.