Worldwide air traffic network. Links represent routes between the 500 most frequented airports. Brightness indicates the intensity of traffic between nodes. (Source. Brockmann, Db b(n.d.). Money Circulation Science Fractional Dynamics in Human Mobility.) ; Article no.JERR.74936 challenge for the Africa cantered scholars because they often have to do double duty both developing the theoretical and methodological context for analysis and conducting the analysis. They are simultaneously investigation of what is and also constructing a redefinition of what is and whats possible and from what perspective should variables be examined Time and space in the African context is no exception. e aim of this paper therefore is to assess the time convergence. The legendary geographer, Donald Janelle was the first scholar who analysed the contribution of transportation and communication systems on in 1966. In his work, space convergence (TSC) refers to the decline in travel time between geographical locations as a result of transportation, communication, and related technological and ]. A survey of Africa’s infrastructure literature reveals a sense of a dominant genre, which is that, Africa has a huge transport infrastructure gap, which other scholars call, proximity gap [19]. We are living in an era of increasing African mobility [20]. dy economic growth in many parts of Africa and global revolutions in transport and communication, migrants of African origin have increasingly spread across both continental Africa and the world at large. That is s work asserts that, states in Africa must promote both distance and everyday movements