Proposed Project
Potential Impacts
Mitigation Measures
To reduce the effects of soil erosion in the district by proper land use management.
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Initiate the preparation of the district’s integrated land use plan
Encourage lining of drainage channels
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Preparation of Integrated Land Use Plan
Construction of storm water drainage
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Carrying out EIA
Regular cleaning up of channels
To improve waste management efforts through public education and the involvement of private sector.
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Conduct workshops and seminars
Enable private sector partici pation through reasonable rates.
Promote recycling of waste
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Conduct workshops and seminars
Privatisation of waste collection
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To reduce underground water pollution by the use of appropriate technology and regulations.
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Enforce the lining of pit latrines in the district.
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Land degradation and soil erosion
Loss of vegetation
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To reduce dependence on fuel wood by promoting other forms of energy and afforestation.
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Public education
Avail seedlings of indigenous trees to people.
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Organise workshops on environmental issues
Intensify public education on the use of alternative energy sources such as coal and solar
Distribute seedlings to communities during the National Tree Planting Day
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Provide waste bins and waste collection points
To reduce the incidence of veldt fires in the district through proper safety measures and legislation.
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Conduct public education
Create fire control committees.
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Construction and equipping of a fire station
Construction and maintenance of fire breaks
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