vehicle we used.
Val: Which is also now a sun on fifth density.
AC: Yes.
Val: So, we brought our own potential black hole along with us.
AC: Our own escape hatch. Richard Hoagland is onto the hyperdimensional
bizarreness of Jupiter, but he will never figure it out because he doesn't think
along the lines of spirit, really.
AC: Well, he has set it up so that he has an academic position to defend. The credibility gap. I guess everybody has their niche.
AC: Yes. He just doesn't talk about those things. It all comes from spirit anyway.
Val: So, what happens next Everything must turnout fine after 2003, because they're looking at from a position in time.
AC: Yes. We're
going to go through some stuff, and I don't know how
its exactly going to play out, but they have said on more than one occasion that they are
very proud of us in the end, as a race.
Val: The end. Of the third density experiment?
AC: Yes.
Val: Which will be in linear terms?
AC: They told me that it would be on December 3, Val Tell me more about your understanding of dimensions.
AC: My understanding of dimensions is that each dimension is a holograph that vibrates at a higher color-sound frequency than others. Fifth density has a frequency scale of 214 colors, as opposed to the 73 color frequency spectrum we have herein third density.
Val: How does the mathematical progression go?
AC: I don't know, but it is a progression.
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