know what to do with" I asked "what
are the teens to do, and you replied that you would have to get back tome on that.
AC: Well, I have asked them if they would outline a workable system of expression that would be positive and beneficial, not only to the teens, but to the adults. Moraney said that the next time he spoke with me that he would have an answer. As soon as I
find out, I will get that information to you.
Val: Great.
In the last interview, it was stated that the Greys captured and boxed human souls, and that Moraney did not want to answer the question of what happens to these souls. Has Moraney changed his mind about that yet?
AC: No, not yet. I don't think it's because of Moraney. He is always reluctant to say he can't answer something, so I think that the directive not to reveal that information comes from a higher level. I don't know if they are concerned that the information might generate more fear on this planet. It could be that they are just trying to figure out away to let us know.
Val: In order to
deal with these kind of issues, perhaps one of the other things
Moraney might want to dwell on besides the question about "what are children to do to cope with this energy constructively, is maybe come up with an effective series of thought patterns to enable the processing of information in a "neutral" way. However,
I think most readers of The Leading Edge are pretty much past the barrier of dealing with
things only in terms of fear, and people who have read it over a number of years are already at the point where they can pretty much take anything and process it constructively. That will come in the future, since it will be delineated anyway.
Val: You noted that "we are all to become teachers" when the Earth passes from the fourth density to the fifth. Are you able to elaborate on that?
AC: Yes. Essentially, what is supposed to happen is that when
we move into fifth density, many of us for some reason are going to find us back where we started with our extraterrestrial origin.
Val: In alien humanoid bodies from whence we came, before we occupied bodies here.
AC: Exactly, and with all the experiences here. According to Moraney, they will all be recognized as teachers and as a group that has gone through a "first ever"
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