EUMETSAT Meteosat-7 Yes Yes Yes Yes
There is no experience on the ROSHYDROMET products as Elektro-L N1 is currently not imaging.
The CMA FY-2E Atmospheric Motion Vectors have been assimilated experimentally. Regarding the ISRO INSAT-3D AMVs, initial indications are that the winds are of good quality.
Regarding inter-calibration with other satellites, the Global Space based Inter- Calibration System (GSICS) is the forum where these activities are developed.
A summary of the capabilities of the main CGMS partner satellite systems is contained in Annex I and II, these tables were updated during CGMS-42. These tables and the table in Section 3 have also been distributed to partners prior to CGMS-43. It is expected that the information contained in the tables will also be consolidated during the Working Group III meeting.
Based on the EUMETSAT analysis of the CGMS partners’ capacities presented in section 4 and on bilateral discussions held with international partners, EUMETSAT presented a possible scenario for the continuation of the IODC services beyond 2016 to its Council in November 2014.
This scenario would be to rely in the future on the operational capability provided by ISRO (INSAT-3D at 82°E and INSAT-3DR / DS at 74°E) and by CMA (FY-2E and
follow-on at 86.5°E). Such a constellation would become available by the end of 2015,
Based on the above, EUMETSAT is proposing to CGMS a scenario and a timeline for IODC services after 2016 with associated actions. This scenario is proposed for endorsement under the following assumptions.
Dissemination of CGMS Satellite data and products via EUMETCast and the GTS. Further Meteosat-8 data access mechanisms for CGMS partners will be discussed during the WG III meeting.