Listening Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students Two Gentlemen of Verona

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Round II ~ Reading Comprehension


In this test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by different tasks. You should do the tasks that follow the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer, as specified prior to each text. Choose the best answer and circle the letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

Text 1
You are going to read an article about zoos. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
For most people, a visit to the zoo means going to see wild animals in their cages. For others though, especially in India, zoos provide open spaces where people can find the sort of peace which crowded cities lack. However, India has its share of animal rights activists who claim that zoos are terrible animal prisons. What they don't realise is that for some animals the doors of the prison are always wide open, and for them the zoo is a refuge.

Delhi Zoo is an example of such a place. The zoo's 85 hectares provide shelter to a large number of wild waterfowl. The zoo has three large ponds which are splendid winter habitats for a great number of migratory ducks. Several types of breeding waterfowl build their nests in large trees that grow on islands in the ponds. Since 1960, Delhi Zoo has been an important breeding ground for the painted stork — a large, handsome bird with a big, yellow bill, black and white feathers and a tuft of pink on its tail. Throughout the summer, these birds live in the countryside around Delhi. By August though, they move to the breeding habitat offered by the zoo. They rely on the zoo's trees for safe nesting but to feed their chicks they must fly beyond the zoo to the nearby wetlands of the river Yamuna to catch fish. Several other wild waterfowl like herons and cormorants also nest in the zoo's ponds, but at different times of the year. Like the storks, they too must leave the safety of the zoo to feed. Apart from the Keoladeo Ghana National Park at Bharatpur, Delhi Zoo is the biggest and most important breeding ground for waterfowl in Northwestern India. Many of the birds which travel to the zoo are on the endangered list in India. Across the wild areas their nesting colonies are threatened by human intrusions such as tree cutting for the timber industry and individual use, and land reclamation schemes destroying their habitat. Thus, the Delhi Zoo gives ornithologists the perfect opportunity to study the birds closely and to learn more about them.

The number of storks in the zoo begins to rise at the start of the breeding season in late August. Their numbers decline after September though. They pick up again in 26 January and peak at about 550 birds in February. Few storks remain at the zoo after May.

Unfortunately, the zoo authorities tend to ignore the wild birds that come to breed on their land. They try to discourage the nesting because of the muck that the birds create and the strong smell, which envelops the nesting colonies. The zoo could play a significant role in researching and conserving wetland birds, therefore it is vital that the zoo authorities change their view.

The data gathered by zoo ornithologists observing the birds would be very useful to ecologists, as the success and health of the bird population reflect the well-being of the wetlands around the zoos. Conservationists and animal rights activists must begin to appreciate the visiting wildfowl because there is much to be gained from studying and protecting them.

1.The animal rights activists who are opposed to zoos don't realise that some animals

  1. need peace.

  2. are free to come and go from

some zoos as they please.

  1. belong in cages.

  2. need shelter.

2.Delhi Zoo is an important breeding ground

for the painted stork because

  1. they aren't allowed to breed in the country­side

  2. the birds can only breed at the zoo.

  3. the zoo's trees offer a safe place to build a nest.

  4. the zoo's wetlands offer an unlimited food supply.

3. Many of the birds are endangered species as

  1. their natural habitat is polluted.

  2. humans are destroying their natural habitat

  3. people are hunting them.

  4. the zoos don't want to look after them.

4. What does "they" in line 26 refer to?

  1. the storks

  2. endangered waterfowl

  3. zoos

  4. storks' breeding seasons

5. The zoo is home to the largest number of waterfowl

  1. in August.

  2. in September.

  3. during springtime.

  4. in February.

6. Zoo authorities do not welcome the wild birds because

  1. it is difficult to study the birds as they keep moving around.

  2. the zoos are already crowded with animals

  3. they tend to create too much mess which also has an unpleasant odour.

  4. they take over the nesting colonies and push

other animals out.

7.It would be helpful to ecologists if zoo specialists could

  1. study wetland birds to collect information.

  2. provide shelter for wetland birds.

  3. conserve wetlands for the birds.

  4. take care of the birds' health.

8.Information about the bird population can help ecologists understand more about

  1. the success of the zoo.

  2. the condition of the wetlands.

  3. the conservation process.

  4. nesting colonie.

Text 2
For tasks 9-15 choose the best answer which you think fits best according to the text and mark the symbol + or - of your choice.
The Best Ad Missed the Boat at Cannes

This is the title of an article by Bob Garfield, an American expert on advertising. He was writing about the 1997 International Advertising Film Festival, which takes place at the same time as the main film festival in Cannes.

For Bob, the best ad of the year was from Delvico Bates, Barcelona, for Esencial hand cream. The ad shows a woman riding her bike, which has a very squeaky chain. The woman gets off the bike, opens her jar of Esencial and rubs some of the cream onto the chain. Then she rides away - but the squeak remains. Why? Because, as the voice-over says, “Esencial moisturizes, but it has no grease.”

Why is this ad so good? It can't be for its special effects, because there aren't any. Might it be the music? No, there isn't even a jingle. Could it be that the woman is a celebrity? No. Bob's verdict: “It's a vivid demonstration of brand non-attributes. Inspired. Cunning. Brilliant.” In other words, by showing failure in a different context, the quality of the product is reinforced - grease is good for bike chains, but not for the skin.

So surely this ad must have won at Cannes? No. The simple truth is that it couldn't win, because the agency failed to enter it in time for the festival deadline!


The International Advertising Film Festival takes place at the same time as the main film festival in Cannes.




The best advertisement was for a product for hand soap.




The advertisement has a woman riding a bike and a squeaky chain.




The advertisement is so good because it has lots of special effects and music.




The advertisement accentuates the product’s quality of making skin dry but not greasy.




The author of the article is a professional advisor.




The agency remembered to enter the award in the festival and barely made the deadline.



Text 3

For question (16-20) read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosine, home heating oil, residual fuel oil, and lubricating oils, come from one source—crude oil found below the earth's surface, as well as under large bodies of water from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth's interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface.

Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels.

Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but regardless, their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of various positions and joinings of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule.

The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-call light oils, such as gasoline, kerosine, and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons to produce other products, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types of gasolines.

16. Which of the following is not true?

A. Crude oil is found below land and water.

B. Crude oil is always found a few hundred feet below the surface.

C Pumping and pressure force crude oil to the surface.

D. A variety of petroleum products is obtained from crude oil.
17. Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because

A. the petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance.

B. complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure.

C. the two atoms in the molecule assume many positions.

D. the pressure needed to force it to the surface causes molecular transformation.
18. Which of the following is true?

A. The various petroleum products are produced by filtration.

B. Heating and condensation produce the various products.

C. Chemical separation is used to produce the various products.

D. Mechanical means such as the centrifuge are used to produce various products.
19. How is crude oil brought to the surface?

A. expansion of the hydrocarbons

B. pressure and pumping

C. vacuum created in the drilling pipe

D. expansion and contraction of the earth's surface

20.Which of the following is not listed as a light oil?

  1. distillate oil

  2. gasoline

  3. lubricating oil

  4. kerosine

Writing Comprehension Test For 11th form Students

  • Directions:

In this test you will select from the three tasks written on the board. Choose one which you feel you are most capable to write about.

    1. Right now, the world is becoming more and more polluted, greenhouse gases are being blamed for causing global warming, and our world population is growing. What do you consider to be the most important environmental issue? What can we do to improve this environmental problem? How much should the government interfere in order to make these changes happen?

    1. Tourism is ‘big business’ around the world, and most countries encourage tourism. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Tourism creates jobs, but many are low paying ones. Tourism can also cause products to cost more than when tourists are not visiting a country. What places are popular with tourists in your country? What are some advantages and disadvantages of tourism during the summer?

    1. The world of art can be divided into many categories including: painting, sculpture, architecture, music, dance, theatre, literature, photography, cinema and many others. These arts have helped to express the human soul throughout the centuries and have given us many great treasures. Which category of fine art is your favorite? How do you feel it connects to your life and the lives of others? Give some examples of famous works of this art form and explain how they have made an impression on you.

Listening Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students

Section 1.

True/false statements 1 through 7. Put “+”if the statement is true, “- ” if it is false.

  1. In summer, towns all the way along the coast organise festivals to attract and entertain holiday-makers.

  2. One of the festivals, spread over a weekend, took place in the local opera theatre.

  3. The festival, which attracted more than 4.000 people, presented classical singing and dancing, three demonstrations of hypnosis and telekinesis.

  4. Each programme was split up by intervals during which acrobats and jugglers gave a touch of extra colour to the performance.

  5. At the end of the show the spectators didn’t complain about their losses, they went to see the conjurer and thanked for his performance.

  6. When the Theater Manager went to the conjurer’s dressing room he found him bound and gagged.

  7. The performer had been an outstanding acrobat and the show had offered him a superb chance to show off his talents in front of everyone.

Section 2.

Multiple-choice questions through 8 to 15. Circle the correct letter A, B, C or D.
8. Where did the show take place?

a) in a theatre.

b) in a park.

c) both 1 and 2.

d) neither 1 nor 2.
9. The pickpocketing...

a) took place before the interval.

b) took place just after the interval.

c) was the last performance in the show.

d) probably lasted the majority of the evening.
10. During the show ....

a) the police were able to notice the man pickpocketing.

b) the victims were able to notice the man pickpocketing.

c) both 1 and 2.

d) neither 1 nor 2.
11. While pickpocketing the public did not demonstrate ...

a) astonishment;

b) amusement;

c) admiration;

d) annoyance.
12. The people who had lost things...

a) went up to the stage.

b) complained the Theatre Manager.

c) were the spectators who didn’t go up to the stage.

d) might have been pickpocketed during the interval.
13. Who will probably pay for the loss?

a) the crook.

b) the theatre insurance company.

c) the police.

d) the Manager.
14. The incident wasn’t believed to be investigated successfully because ...

a) of the lack of proves.

b) the pickpocket had disappeared.

c) the police didn’t start initial investigation .

d) both 1 and 2.

15. The main idea of the story is ...

a) not all conjurers are honest.

b) people shouldn’t take on trust everything they see.

c) people admire a pickpocket's skill.

d) people are interested in acrobatics.

Speaking Comprehension Test For 11th Form Students


In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about and return the other two to the table face down. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed. Take a deep breath and begin.

1. Speak about three events which you feel are the most important.

* Explain your choice.

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

* Which recent news events do you feel will go down in history.

2. “As individuals become rich, sport becomes impoverished.”

* Can you think of any examples that support this opinion.

* Who are sports icons of the moment? Why are they famous?

* Do you agree that our culture is obsessed by sport?

3. TV reality shows are third-rate entertainment and not worth watching.

* What is your opinion?

* Do you agree or disagree?

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

4. Most people think that being famous is heaven, but in fact it’s more like hell.

* What is your opinion?

* Do you agree or disagree?

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

5. Imagine that you have been asked to go on a speaking tour to teach people about Ukraine.

* Which three countries would you go to? Why?

*What items would you bring to show people? How do these represent Ukraine?

* What event in Ukraine's history do you think is most important for people to know about? Why?

6. Is there a conflict between science and religion?

* What is your opinion?

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

* What different theories of the creation of the universe do you know?

7. Some people argue that sports like climbing are dangerous and that the sportsmen and women who do them are totally irresponsible. Others say that adventure sports are no longer interesting as there’s nothing new to do.

* What is your opinion?

* What point of view do you support?

* Can you think of any other assumption?

8. What do you believe to be the greatest problem in today's society?

* Describe where you see it.

* Explain why you consider it to be so bad. How does it affect society as a whole and the individuals making up that society?

* How would you propose to do away with this problem?

9. You have just been appointed head of public relations for all of Ukraine. It is your job to encourage tourism in this country.

* What aspects of places in Ukraine do you consider to be the most important for foreign tourists?

* What are some problems that tourists might face in Ukraine? How would you change these problems?

* Think of a motto for Ukraine's tourist industry.

10. Everyone has his or her own set of priorities or a list of things that he or she considers more important than other things.

* What is most important to you in your life?

* What made you decide upon your list of priorities? Do you think priorities change over time? Why?
11. An old proverb says that you are often your own best friend and your own
worst enemy.

* What do you think about this statement?

* Is this egotism, self-hatred or neither?

* Give some examples of when you might be your own best friend or worst enemy.

12. With all of the poverty and illiteracy in the world, many organizations that want to help are faced with a very important question: is it more important to educate people or to feed them?

* What is easier to give: food or education? Why?

* How long can food without education help a person? Vice versa?

* What can one do with only food or with only education?

13. When choosing a profession there are many factors to consider; for example, salary, the difficulty and availability of work, and the benefit the work has on society as a whole.

* When thinking about your future professions, which of these factors do you value most?

* How does your future profession fulfill these factors?

* How realistic is it for your future profession to address these factors?

14. Global warming is receiving more attention as a concern and problem throughout the world.

*Do you think global warming is an important environmental issue? Why?

*What are three sources of global warming, and how does each contribute to the problem?

*What are three solutions to stopping, or at least slowing, the effects of global warming?

15. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” What does this mean in your life?

* How do you start a difficult task?

* Have you ever been afraid to do something? How did you overcome this fear?

* How did you feel after you had started?

16. Teenagers are more fashion conscious than people of other ages?

* What is your opinion?

* Do you agree or disagree?

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

17. Is advertising a good thing?

* What makes a good advert?

* Do you think advertisements should be subject to stricter control?

* Have you ever been persuaded to buy anything which you later regretted?

18. “Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of all evil, the sum of blessing”

* What is your opinion?

* Do you agree or disagree?

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

19. Which of these elements do you consider most important when choosing clothes: comfort, fabric, fashion, label, price, practicality, style?

* Explain your choice.

* Give reasons to support your opinion.

* Can you think of any other elements?

20. Throughout history great societies have produced great artists, musicians and authors of all genres.

* What role do the arts play on creating a well-rounded person?

* How have the arts affected you or someone you know?

* How would a lack of arts in someone's life affect him or her?

the 10th form
Text 1. The Danger of Cold Weather

1 - D 5 - C

2 - C 6 - B

3 - A 7 - C

4 - B

Text 2. As a result of recent oil crisis…

8- C

9 - B

10 - D

11 – A

Text 3. Space Tourism

12- B

13- E

14 - I

15 - D

16 - G

17 - C

18 - F

19 - A

20 –H (extra)

Answer Key to Listening Comprehension Test for 10th Form Students:

1.– ; 2 +; 3 +; 4 – ; 5 +; 6 – ; 7 +.

8. b; 9. a; 10. b; 11. d; 12. a; 13. d; 14. d; 15. c

the 11th form

Text 1 Zoos

1-B 5-D

2-C 6-C

3-B 7-A

4-A 8-B
Text 2 The Best Ad Missed the Boat at Cannes

9 + 13 -

10 - 14 +

11 + 15 -

12 -

Text 3 Petroleum products

16-B 19-B

17-C 20-C


Answer Key to Listening Comprehension Test for 11th Form Students:

1 +; 2 – ; 3 – ; 4 +; 5 – ; 6 +; 7 – .
8. b

9. a

10. d

11. d


13. b

14. d

15. b

the 9th form
Text 1. Scotland

1 - A

2 - A

3 - C

4 - B

5 - D
Text 2. The lions who we are

6 - B

7- A

8 – B

9 - D

10 - D
Text 3. Marie Curie

11 -

12 -

13 -

14 +

15 +

16 -

17 +



Answer Key to Listening Comprehension Test for 9th Form Students:

1.+; 2 –; 3 –; 4 +; 5 +; 6 +; 7 – ; 8 +

9. A; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. B; 15. C

the 8th form
Text 1.

1 - A

2 - D

3 - B

4 - C

5 - C
Text 2.

6 - B

7 - C

8 – B

9 - D

10 - D
Text 3.

11 T

12 T

13 T

14 F

15 T
Text 4.

16 T

17 F

18 T

19 F

20 F
Answer Key to Listening Comprehension Test for 8th Form Students:

1.-; 2 –; 3 –; 4 +; 5 +; 6 -; 7 +; 8 -

9. A; 10. C; 11. C; 12. D; 13. B; 14. C; 15. B
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