Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

Access and update specific information on

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TM Maintan hosp ind knowledge 310812
develop-and-update-tg, SITHIND001B R1
1.3 Access and update specific information on
relevant sectors) of work
While it is extremely useful to gather information on the industry in general
– and doing so will undoubtedly bring benefits
– you will need to focus on your particular work area. The idea of obtaining all this information is so you can use it
– for your benefit, the benefit of the venue, and the ultimate benefit of the customers. Focusing on your own work sector means the knowledge you gather will be useful background information
– essential to put your sector into perspective, and necessary to compare what you do to what others dob What information is involved

At a personal/career level
The specific information you gather about your role should cover Career prospects
– identifying your next career step including what is needed (inexperience and qualifications) to make the move to the next level Training requirements for the next step
– identifying how and where you can access the required training to qualify you for your next career move … and then taking action to enrol in a course, do the study and gain the credential

Element 1: Seek information on the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge Employment obligations and entitlements
– knowing these are important as they enable you to make sure your work efforts are focused where the employer expects them to be this information about your personal entitlements is also valuable working knowledge for you when you move up in the organisation and become involved in supervisory/management duties. You can obtain information regarding your employment obligations and entitlements from a combination of
 The employment contractor similar) you are employed under
 The job description for your role
 The job specification for your position
 Talking to your employer about their expectations of your work
 Reading relevant policies and procedures applicable to your designated tasks Quality assurance issues
– making sure you are 100% aware of the QA requirements for all the products and services you are responsible for making, delivering and/or serving so you can take appropriate remedial action when you identify something failing to meet the required in-house standards Union and employer concerns
– you should always make sure you are across IR issues arising from time-to-time. Once again this awareness can assist your decision making and direct the action you take in the workplace so you continue to meet employer expectations and move your own career forward this knowledge will be of assistance when you move to supervisor/manager level too Legislative and political changes
– while management should keep you abreast of any legislative changes impacting on your workplace operations, it is wise to be proactive and monitor these things yourself. Sources for doing this include industry websites, the general media, newsletters, government agencies and industry bodies Service, product and facility initiatives
– there is an obligation on you to make sure you know all about any initiatives your employer is undertaking in order to, for example, increase sales or generate extra interest in the property. These initiatives may include depending on the nature and objective for the activity) promotions relating to one or more of the following
 Sales
Package deals
 Discounts
 Introductory offers
 Advertised Specials
 Tours of the premises.

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