Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

Element 1: Seek information on the hospitality industry

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Element 1: Seek information on the hospitality industry

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge
Industrial relations issues and major organisations
Major organisations must comply with basic standards in relation to the employment of staff. These standards can relate to wage rates and working conditions. In many countries these standards are subject to constant challenge by both employers and employees meaning they are likely to changeover time. Unions operate to improve wages and conditions for workers, and industry associations function to further the interests of the employers/large organisations. It is important for you to determine what requirements (for employers and employees) exist in your industry/workplace in relation to issues such as Wage rates
– including payments for overtime, working broken shifts, work outside nominated spread of hours, work on public holidays, rates for different classifications of work, pay rates for casual, part-time and permanent staff Procedures in place resolving industrial disputes
– including identification of protocols, timing requirements and personnel involved Termination of employment
– identifying situations when employers are allowed to dismiss staff, and the conditions that apply OHS requirements
– identifying employer and employee responsibilities as they apply to creating and maintaining a safe workplace for workers and members of the public Training
– identifying what (if any) compulsory training the employer is obliged to provide for staff, together with any refresher/update training required Sources available for identifying and obtaining relevant information related to individual rights.
Work ethic and industry expectations
Employer and industry expectations are very much tied to having a good work ethic. If your work ethic is acceptable, you will meet these expectations.

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