Maintain hospitality industry knowledge

© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge 33 Resignation and termination requirements

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© ASEAN 2012 Trainee Manual Maintain hospitality industry knowledge
Resignation and termination requirements
All employees should
– and some must – give notice of their intentions to resign from their place of employment. If you quit work without giving your employer sufficient notice the employer maybe able to take money out of wages owing to you as compensation for the lack of notice of your intention to leave. In the same way, employers must give sufficient verbal and written notice to staff prior to terminating them, or they have to pay wages instead of that notice. Suitable notice varies and ranges from two days to two weeks Exceptions to these requirements involve serious offences, which can be dealt with immediately
– meaning staff can be sacked on the spot without notice and without pay in lieu of notice.
Environmental issues and requirements
All venues should operate in away designed to protect the amenity of the area and the environment in which the property exist. Protecting the amenity of the area means premises should be conducted and managed in way that does not allow the business to adversely impact on the local peoples right to enjoy the peace and tranquillity of their private homes. Issues associated with amenity of the area concerns are noise (from the premises themselves and from patrons leaving the premises, drunks in the street, fighting outside premises, activities of patrons walking past residential properties on their way home. In addition, all premises are required to conform with statutory environmental requirements (such as waste management, building and planning) as well as legislated requirements relating to noise, air, waste and water. The industry is currently facing several environmental issues relating to Water use
– and its conservation The appropriate use of land by tours
– including consideration of sustainable tourism activities designed not to damage/adversely impact physical aspects of the land Recycling of materials
Elimination/reduction of packaging and wrapping
– to lessen the production of garbage for landfill Responsible purchasing of food
– to minimise the carbon footprint, and support local communities, their economic development and local employment Reduction of power usage
– to reduce harmful environmental emissions.

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