Masaryk university faculty of education

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This diploma thesis entitled Reflections of American Nationalism in Coca-Cola Advertisements-Diachronic Approach examines how the advertising strategies used by the Coca-Cola Company have been changing over time. The main focus of the thesis is laid on American nationalism expressed in Coco-Cola advertisements on the background of important historical events. Additionally, the thesis compares and presents how the analysed advertisements reflect the society’s picture and give the product its symbolic value.

The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is theoretical and describes structures and rules of a successful advertising. Topics such as the elements of communication situation, the functions of language dominant in advertising, and the rules necessary for compilation of effective visual and verbal messages are discussed.

The second part, building on the theoretical one, carries out analyses of selected Coca-Cola advertisements within the period of 1890’s - 1990’s. Firstly, the historical context of each advertisement is presented in order to draw a picture of the time an advertisement was published. Secondly, the visual and verbal messages of the advertisements are assessed and possible reflections of American nationalism are discussed. The analyses are rather subjective, because any advertisement offers a great number of possible interpretations depending on a reader and his or her background.

The third part poses a question concerning the awareness of young people, members of fast-living consumer society, of the previously discussed advertising strategies and their impacts. To make the young people conscious of the elaborated techniques of advertising companies, an activities-based project on the topic of media literacy is included.

The findings of the analyses reveal not only the elements of American nationalism concealed in the Coca-Cola Company’s advertisements, but also the need of the language of advertising to be constantly reacting to the changing and developing world in order to be able to address and influence people’s needs for membership and self-identification.


Tato diplomová práce nazvaná Reflections of American Nationalism in Coca-Cola Advertisments – Diachronic Approach zkoumá, jakým způsobem se v čase proměňovaly strategie reklam používané společností Coca-Cola. Tato diplomová práce se soustředí především na Americký nacionalismus vyjádřený v reklamách na Coca-Colu na pozadí důležitých historických událostí. Dále tato diplomová práce porovnává a představuje, jak reklamy, které jsou předmětem rozboru, odrážejí obraz lidské společnosti a dávají tak výrobku jeho symbolickou hodnotu.

Tato diplomová práce sestává ze tří částí. První, teoretická část popisuje struktury a pravidla úspěšné reklamy a pojednává o takových tématech, jako jsou prvky komunikační situace, funkce jazyka převládající v reklamě a pravidla nutná pro vytvoření účinného obrazového a slovního sdělení.

Druhá část, která staví na části teoretické, provádí rozbor vybraných reklam na Coca-Colu v období od 90. let 19. století do 90. let 20. století. Nejdříve jsou vždy pro vytvoření představy doby zveřejnění reklamy představeny historické souvislosti. Následně je posouzeno obrazové a slovní sdělení reklamy a jsou rozebrány možné odrazy Amerického nacionalismu v ní obsažené. Rozbory jsou spíše subjektivní, neboť v závislosti na čtenáři a jeho prostředí nabízí jakákoli reklama velký počet možných výkladů.

Třetí část pokládá otázku týkající se povědomí mladých lidí, členů rychle žijící konzumní společnosti, o reklamních strategiích rozebraných v předchozí části a jejich dopadech. Pro zvýšení povědomí o propracovaných technikách reklamních společností je zde předložen projekt na téma mediální gramotnosti.

Zjištění analýzy představené touto prací odhalují prvky amerického nacionalismu skryté v reklamách společnosti Coca-Cola, jakož i potřebu použitého jazyka nepřetržitě reagovat na měnící se a rozvíjející se svět tak, aby jím bylo možno oslovit a ovlivnit lidské potřeby začlenění a sebeurčení.


Brewster, Arthur Judson, and Herbert Hall Palmer. Introduction to Advertising. Reprinted from the 1929 Edition. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of the Pacific, 2001
Cook, Guy. The Discourse of Advertising. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2001
Davidson, James West. Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998
Dontcheva-Navratilova, Olga. Grammatical Structures in English: Meaning in Context, Brno: Masaryk University, 2005
Jakobson, Roman, "Linguistics and Poetics", in T. Sebeok, Style in Language, Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1960
Ogilvy, David. Ogilvy on Advertising. London: Prion, 2011.
Pendergrast, Mark. For God, Country and Coca-Cola. London: Orion Group, 1993
Vestergaard, Torben, and Kim Schrøder. The Language of Advertising. Oxford, Oxfordshire: B. Blackwell, 1985
Yule, George. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996

Electronic Sources: N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. .
"Barack Obama, Remarks at a Campaign Event—August 1, 2012." Barack Obama, Remarks at a Campaign Event—August 1, 2012. 26 Mar. 2013 .
BrainyQuote. Xplore. 27 Mar. 2013 .
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. .
"Coca-Cola Journey Homepage: The Coca-Cola Company." The Coca-Cola Company. 26 Mar. 2013 .
"Coca-Cola Magazine Ads." Coca-Cola Magazine Ads. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .
GONO. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. .
Herbert, Louis. "The Actantial Model." Signo. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2013. .
Hébert, Louis. "The Functions of Language." Signo. N.p., 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.

Homan, Andrew. "Bobby Walthour." Bobby Walthour. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013 .
"Home, Sweet Home - by John Howard Payne." Poetry Archive. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. .
"Logos of the 100 Largest Companies in the World." Slasmarks. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. .
"Mark Thomas On Coca Cola." Perf. Mark Thomas. Documentary. YouTube. 27 Feb. 2011. 26 Mar. 2013 .
"2012-2013 Magazine Media Factbook." MPA-The Association of Magazine Media. 26 Mar. 2013 .
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2013. .
"The American’s Creed" A website dedicated to the Flag of the UnitedStates of America. 27 Mar. 2013 .
"The Bald Eagle - USA's National Emblem." American Bald Eagle. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. .
"Theodore Roosevelt, The New Nationalism—August 31, 1910." Theodore Roosevelt, The New Nationalism—August 31, 1910. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .


Appendix A-The Collection of Analysed Advertisements

Sources of advertisements: Adbranch-Evolution of the Advertising Industry and GONO

  1. Appendix A1 (Adbranch)

  1. Appendix A2 (Adbranch)

  1. Appendix A3 (Adbranch)

  1. Appendix A4 (Adbranch)

  1. Appendix A5 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A6 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A7 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A8 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A9 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A10 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A11 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A12 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A13 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A14 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A15 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A16 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A17 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A18 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A19 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A20 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A21 (GONO)

  1. Appendix A22 (GONO)

Appendices B: Media Literacy

Appendix B1: Logos
Source: Slashmarks, see Bibliography

Answers: BMW (automobiles), HP (printers, desktops, laptops, servers, storage, enterprise solutions, etc.), ING (financial services), Coca-Cola (beverages), Royal Dutch Shell (oil, gas), Vodafone (phones, tablets, tariffs, etc.), Volkswagen (automobiles), Nestlé (chocolate, biscuits, cereals, etc.)

Appendix B2: Key Advertising Words








Target Audience





Body Copy




Celebrity Endorsement


Definitions taken from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary:

  • a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper, or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio

  • something that is said or written that intentionally makes you think of a particular thing or person

  • a short easily remembered phrase, especially one used to advertise an idea or a product

  • written text which is to be printed, or text which is intended to help with the sale of a product

  • the use, especially in poetry, of the same sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several words that are close together:

  • 'Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran'

  • the creation and use of words which include sounds that are similar to the noises that the words refer to

  • a person or a particular group of people at whom something is directed, or for whom it is intended

  • an amusing use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word: "What's black and white and red (= read) all over?" "A newspaper."

  • a design or symbol used by a company to advertise its products

  • to appear in an advertisement, saying that you use and like a particular product

  • a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc. than they are

  • making you want to do or believe a particular thing

  • the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest

  • an expression which describes a person or object in a literary way by referring to something that is considered to possess similar characteristics to the person or object you are trying to describe

  • when you repeat something

Appendix B3: Advert Analysis Plan
How to Write an Advert Analysis: Areas to Consider

  1. You can start writing your advert analysis by giving it an introduction assessing its general background:

  • What is advertising?

  • Why do we advertise?

  • Where are we exposed to advertising?

  • Does advertising affect us in our everyday life? If yes, how?

  • Where did you find the piece of advertising you are going to write about? (men’s or women’s magazine, year of publication)

  • Why did you choose it? Did it appeal to you somehow?

  • Who do you think is the target audience?

  1. In the next step, you should turn to considering the visual (illustration, logo, colours, and possible connotations) and verbal (headline, body copy, and slogan) messages of the advert.

  • Is it appealing?

  • How do you feel looking at it?

  • Dou you find the advertisement persuasive? If yes, how?-What is employed to persuade the reader to buy the product.

You might try to look for the following terms: alliteration, pun, hyperbole, metaphor, repetition. You might wish to consider aspects such as target audience, focus, celebrity endorsement, the story of the advert and any other things which come into your mind.

  1. Conclusion: At this point you should give a brief summary of the most important features of the advert.

  • Which features were the most effective?

  • Would you buy the product advertised?

Appendix B4: Design Your Own Advert
How to Design an Advert: Areas to Consider

  • What is the product you are going to advertise?

  • What about its name?

  • Where is it going to be published?

  • Who is the target audience?

  • What is the message of your advertisement?

  • Is there any story in your advertisement? What about a main character?

  • What are the usual constituents of an advert? (headline, body copy, slogan, logo) Will you use all of them?

  • What illustration will you employ? (drawing, photo, picture-collage, etc.)

  • What colours will you use?

  • Will you create any logo for your brand?

  • What language devices will you employ? (alliteration, pun, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, metaphor, etc)

1 Historical facts taken from the following publications: Nation of Nations and American History: A Survey, see Bibliography.

2 A sprite made his appearance in Coca-Cola advertisements in the early 1940s and the Company states to have no connection with its Sprite brand: “In fact, the company did not introduce the beverage Sprite until 1961, after the Sprite Boy was no longer featured in ads” (The Coca-Cola Company)

3 In his publication, Pragmatics, Yule describes tautologies as apparently pointless expressions like ‘business is business’ or ‘boys will be boys’, nevertheless, if they are used in a conversation, clearly the speaker intends to communicate more than is said (Yule. 35).

4 Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines the term pun as follows: “an amusing use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word. ”

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