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I N G A n imal s an d P la nts i n th e Sc ho ol I N G

Wit h t he pri or ap pr ova l of t he pr i nc i pa l , a ni mal s or pla nts ma y b e b ro u ght t o sch oo l f or i n s t ru c t i on a l pur po ses .

I f s o me o ne i s i nj ure d b y an a ni mal or c o me s i nto c ont act w i t h a t oxic p l a nt , t he i nci de nt s hall be i mme d i a t e l y r ep ort ed t o t h e ad mi ni s t r a t i o n b y t he s up er visi n g t ea ch er . T he pr i nc i pa l s hal l n ot i f y t h e ap pro pria t e p ers on s .

A p pr o ve d: 0 7 / 0 4 ; 0 4 / 1 0 ; 0 2 / 1 2 R et ur n t o Se ctio n I In de x

B a c k to Ma ster In d ex


JA Goals and Objectives - KSA 72-8205

JB Attendance - KSA 72-1111-1113; 72-7204

JB Compulsory Attendance Ages

JBC School Admissions - KSA 72-53,106 Proof of Identity - KSA 72-53,106

JBC Resident Students - KSA 72-1046

JBC New Resident Students - KSA 72-1046

JBC Homeless Students

JBC Nonresident Students - KSA 72-6757; 72-7201etseq.
JBC Tuition (See JS) - KSA 72-7204

JBC Assignment

JBC To Schools

JBC To Classes

JBC Transfers and Withdrawals

JBD Absences and Excuses (See IHEA, JDD) (See JBE) - KSA 72-1111; 72-1113

Grade Reduction

JBE Truancy - KSA 72-1113

JBH Release of a Student During the School Day

JCAB Searches of Lockers and Students

SN For policy statement regarding searches by school officials.

JCAC Interrogations and Investigations in School

SN For policy statement regarding interrogationsby school officials and law enforcement authorities.

JCDA Behavior Code - KSA 72-8901 et seq.

JCDAA Smoking (See JCDA) - KSA 21-4009 et seq. ; 72-53,107

JCDAB (See JCDAA) Alcohol Use - KSA 21-4109; 41-719; 41-715; 41-805; 41-710

JCDB Dress Code

JCDBB Weapons in School

JCE Complaints and Grievances

JCEC Demonstrations and Strikes - KSA 72-8901 et seq.

JDA Corporal Punishment

JDB Detention

JDC (See JDB) Probation

JDD Suspension and Expulsion (See IHEA, JBD) - KSA 72-8901 et seq.

JDDA Drug Free Schools

JDDB Reporting Crimes to Law Enforcement (See JDD and EBC)


JF Academic Achievement

JF Reporting - (See JR et seq.)

JF Report Cards

JFA Peer Grading of Assignments

JFAB Student Conferences JFAC (See JFAB) Parent Conferences

JFB Promotion and Retention (See IHE)

JFC Graduation - KSA 72-116 (See IHF)

JFCA Early Graduation

JGA Student Insurance Programs - KSA 72-8401 et seq.

JGC Student Health Services - See Chapter KSA 65; 72-5201 et seq.

JGCA Local Wellness Policy JGCB (See JGC) Inoculations - KSA 72-5209

JGCC Communicable Diseases - KSA 65-122; 65-118; 72-5208; 72-5210; 72-5211

JGD Student Psychological Services - KSA 72-961 et seq. JGEAA Crisis Planning

JGEB Child Abuse - KSA 38-1523; 21-3609

JGEC Sexual Harassment

JGECA Racial Harassment

JGFB Supervision of Students - KSA 72-1111

JGFF Use of Motorized Vehicles - KSA 72-9101

JGFG Student Accidents and Illness - KSA 72-8404

JGFGB Supervision of Medications

JGG Student Transportation (See ED) - KSA 72-8305

JGGA Videotaping on school buses and in school buildings

JGH School Lunch Service - KSA 72-5112 et seq.

JGHB Vending Machines and Other Automated Play Machines

JH Student Activities (See IDE) - KSA 72-130-134; (See KSHSAA By-Laws) JH Activities Fees - KSA 72-5389-5391

JH Activity Fund Management (Also DK) JHC Student Organizations

JHC Student Clubs (See JH) - KSA 72-5311

JHC Student Equal Access

JHC Student Government (See JH)

JHC Student Publications (See JH)

JHC Student Social Events (See JH)

JHCA Student Publications

JI Student Volunteers

JI School Service

JI Public Service

JI Student Performances (See JH) JJ Employment of Students

JJ School Employment

JJ Outside Employment

JK Solicitations

JK Solicitations of Students

JK Solicitations by Students

JL Gifts - KSA 72-8212 (See GAJ, KH)

JL Student Gifts to Staff Members

JL Student Gifts to School - KSA 12-1252; 72-8210; 72-8212

JL Faculty Gifts to Students (See GAJ, KH) JM Contests for Students

JN (See JM) Awards and Scholarships - KSA 72-6810-6815

JQ Exceptional Students - KSA 72-933 et seq.; 72-977

SN Includes those students for whom special policy dispensations may or may not have to be made.

JQA Physically Handicapped

JQE Pregnant Students

JQI Post-Secondary Students (Vocational Ed.) - KSA 72-4408 JQKA (See JQE) Foreign Exchange Students

JQL Gifted Students

JQLA Class-size/Caseload Limits for Exceptional Students

JR Student Records - KSA 72-5386; 45-216; 72-6214

JRA Types

JRB Release of Student Records - KSA 45-216 et seq.

JRC Disposition - KSA 72-5369-5373

JRD Hearing Request

JS Student Fees, Fines and Charges (See JBCBA) - KSA 72-5389-5391

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