Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе студентов с видеоматериалами на примере документальных фильмов

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Part 6. GREECE
Greece, also known as Hellas and officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country in southeastern Europe, situated on the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula. The country has land borders with Albania, the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria to the north, and Turkey to the east. The Aegean Sea lies to the east of mainland Greece, the Ionian Sea to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Greece has the tenth longest coastline in the world at 14,880 km (9,246 mi) in length, featuring a vast number of islands (approximately 1400, of which 227 are inhabited), including Crete, the Dodecanese, the Cyclades, and the Ionian Islands among others. Eighty percent of Greece consists of mountains, of which Mount Olympus is the highest at 2,917 m (9,570 ft).

Modern Greece traces its roots to the civilization of ancient Greece, generally considered the cradle of Western civilization. As such, it is the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, the Olympic Games, Western literature and historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, and Western drama, including both tragedy and comedy. This legacy is partly reflected in the 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites located in Greece. The modern Greek state was established in 1830, following a victorious uprising against Ottoman rule.

A developed country with a very high Human Development Index and standard of living, Greece has been a member of what is now the European Union since 1981 and its Economic and Monetary Union since 2001, NATO since 1952, and the European Space Agency since 2005. It is also a founding member of the United Nations, the OECD, and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization. Athens is the capital and the largest city in the country; other major cities include Thessaloniki, Patras, Heraklion, Larissa and Volos (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greece).
Task 1. Remember the words:

Athens. The Parthenon – Афины. Парфенон

exhausted – истощенный, уставший

enormous – огромный

to retain – сохранять, поддерживать

greenery – зелень, растительность

inflamed – возбужденный, взволнованный

artistic imagination – творческое воображение

Pericles – Перикл

to inspire – вдохновить

marble – мрамор

dome – купол

arch – арка

alcove – ниша

divinely – божественно

goddess – богиня

demise – закат (цивилизации), угасание

to explode – разбить, взорвать

neglected – запущенный

carving – резьба, to carve – вырезать, высекать, гравировать

bas relief – барельеф

advanced – передовой, прогрессивный

pioneering – новаторский

patent – очевидный, оригинальный, открытый

building cite – строительная площадка

lapicide – резчик по камню, каменотес

to patch – латать, ставить заплаты, чинить

posterity – потомство, последующие поколения

missile – ракета, снаряд

gunpowder – порох
Task 2. Answer the following questions:

  1. How does the narrator characterize Athens in the 21st century?

  2. When was Parthenon built?

  3. What role does Parthenon play in modern architecture?

  4. What is the history of Parthenon?

  5. What specific is in Parthenon’s structure?

  6. Why is it a treasure?

  7. What is happening now in Parthenon?

  8. How long has restoration been going on?

  9. What does the narrator worry about?

Task 3. Discussion:

  • Have you ever been to Greece? What places have you visited?

  • If not, would you like to visit this country?

  • What other masterpieces of Greek architecture and culture do you know?

Part 7. ITALY
Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a country located partly on the continental part of Europe and partly on a Peninsula in Southern Europe and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern, Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, and Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland. The territory of Italy covers 301,338 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. With 60,4 million inhabitants, it is the sixth most populous country in Europe, and the twenty-third most populous in the world.

Italy's capital, Rome, was for centuries the political centre of Western civilization as the capital of the Roman Empire. After its decline, Italy would endure numerous invasions by foreign peoples, from Germanic tribes such as the Lombards and Ostrogoths, to the Normans and later, the Byzantines, among others. Centuries later, Italy would become the birthplace of the Renaissance, an immensely fruitful intellectual movement that would prove to be integral in shaping the subsequent course of European thought.

Through much of its post-Roman history, Italy was fragmented into numerous kingdoms and city-states (such as the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Duchy of Milan), but was unified in 1861, following a tumultuous period in history known as the “Risorgimento”. In the late 19th century, through World War I, and to World War II, Italy possessed a colonial empire, which extended its rule to Libya, Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia, Albania, Rhodes, the Dodecanese and a concession in Tianjin, China.

Modern Italy is a democratic republic. It has been ranked the world's eighteenth most-developed country and its Quality-of-Life Index has been ranked in the top ten in the world. Italy enjoys a very high standard of living, and has a high nominal GDP per capita. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Italy is also a member of the G7, G8 and G20. It has the world's seventh-largest nominal GDP, tenth highest GDP (PPP) and the sixth highest government budget in the world. It is also a member state of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Trade Organization, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union and the United Nations. Italy has the world's ninth-largest defense budget and shares NATO's nuclear weapons.

Italy plays a prominent role in European and global military, cultural and diplomatic affairs, and it is affiliated with worldwide organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization, World Food Programme, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Glocal Forum, and the NATO Defense College, which are headquartered in Rome. The country's European political, social and economic influence make it a major regional power, alongside the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Russia. The country has a high public education level, high labour force, and is a highly globalized nation (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy).

Task 1. Remember the words:

Venice. The Grand Canal – Венеция. Гранд-Канал

the Adriatic Sea – Адриатическое море

splendid – роскошный, блистательный, прекрасный

ridiculous – смешной, нелепый

explosion – взрыв, вспышка, бурный рост

trading gates – торговые ворота

main artery – магистральная артерия (дорога)

trade and art – торговля и искусство

highway – шоссе, большая дорога

palace – дворец

spectacular architecture – захватывающая, блистательная архитектура

fusion – слияние, сочетание, объединение

merchant – купец

riches – богатства

spices – специи

silk – шелк

oriental influence – восточное влияние

classicism – классицизм

Venetian gothic – Венецианская готика

Ca’ d’Oro palazzo – Ка’ д’Оро, или Палаццо Санта-София, дворец в византийском стиле

to sparkle – искриться, сверкать, блистать

Rialto Bridge – мост Риальто

archy – арочный, сводчатый

breath-taking – захватывающий дух

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What two worlds have been met in Venice for two thousand years?

  2. What does the Grand Canal look like?

  3. How does the narrator explain the wealth of its architecture?

  4. How long does the trip along the Canal take?

  5. When was Ca’ d’Oro built?

  6. What is the function of Rialto Bridge?

  7. Why is the Grand Canal the way back in time?

Task 3. Discussion:

  • Have you ever been to Venice? What are your impressions?

  • If you haven’t been in this city, what associations do you have with it?

  • What Russian city resembles Venice? Why so? Do you agree?

  • What is different and what is common between St. Petersburg and Venice?

Task 4. Remember the words:

Rome. The Pantheon – Рим. Пантеон

destinationместо назначения

charming – очаровательный, прелестный

reluctantly – с неохотой

dumb evidence – немое свидетельство, доказательство

to flourish – процветать

the Roman Empire – Римская империя

overwhelmed – ошеломленный, потрясенный, пораженный

be preserved – сохраниться

temple – храм

Emperor Adrian – император Адриан

unrival – не знающий равных, неконкурирующий

to proclaim – провозглашать

might – мощь

to be worthy of divine beings – достоин быть обителью богов

huge portico with triangular pediment – огромный портик с треугольным фронтоном

pathos – пафос, подъем, воодушевление

monolith – монолит

column – колонна

to conquer – завоевать

master – властитель, глава

dome – купол

concrete – цемент

outboard – внешний

niche – ниша

to carry – нести, поддерживать

support – поддержка, опорная стойка

brick arches – кирпичные арки

recess – ниша, укромный уголок, глухое место

intrigue – интрига

oculus – круглое отверстие (проем) в куполе

capability – способность, возможность

to remain – оставаться

mysterious – таинственный, загадочный

magnetic – притягательный

ancestor – предок

glory – слава

Renaissance – Ренессанс, Возрождение

Task 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What impression did the Pantheon make on the narrator 30 years ago?

  2. When was the Pantheon built?

  3. What does this word mean?

  4. What does the architecture of the Pantheon show?

  5. What is the architectural language of Ancient Greece?

  6. Where was this triangular pediment brought from?

  7. Why did Emperor Adrian combine different elements of architecture? What was the purpose of this combination?

  8. What atmosphere is inside the temple?

  9. What is the dome made of?

  10. How much does it weigh?

  11. How is the five-thousand-tons concrete dome supported?

  12. What does the oculus open space in the centre of the dome symbolize?

Task 6. Discussion:

  • Have you ever been to Rome? What are your impressions?

  • What is Rome remarkable for?

  • What do you think of the architecture of the Pantheon?

Task 7. Remember the words:

Florence. Medici Chapel – Флоренция. Часовня Медичи

chapel – часовня, капелла

to reflect – отражать

might – могущество, мощь

inspiration – вдохновение

patron of art – меценат

aristocrat – аристократ

to rule – править

dynasty – династия

spiritual stronghold – духовная цитадель

Michelangelo – Микеланджело

San-Lorenzo – церковь Сан-Лоренцо

under a commission – по поручению

cardinal Julio de Medici – кардинал Джулио де Медичи

mausoleum – мавзолей, усыпальница

envision – представление, изображение

mute light – приглушенный свет

intense colour – насыщенный цвет

astonishing – удивительный, изумительный

soul – душа

amazing – поразительный

sorrow – горе

suffer – страдание

ceiling – потолок

copying miniature – уменьшенная копия

“Angelic Design” – «Ангельский проект»

focus – центральная часть

self-portrait – автопортрет

power struggle – борьба за власть

to rise up – восстать, выступить с протестами

Republicans – республиканцы

dilemma – дилемма

revolt – восстание, мятеж

to crush – подавлять, разбивать

to restore – восстановить

discrimination – установление различия, дискриминация

hired assassin – наемный убийца

to creep – подкрадываться

punishment for support – наказание за поддержку

death mask – посмертная маска, слепок

passage – переход, проход

constant concern – постоянное беспокойство

recycle – повторение, повторный счет времени

Task 8. Answer the following questions:

  1. What and who contributed to development of art and literature in the Renaissance?

  2. What was the reflection of might and glory of ancient Rome?

  3. How long did the Medici dynasty rule Florence?

  4. When was Medici Chapel created and who designed it?

  5. What was the purpose of this chapel?

  6. What atmosphere flourishes inside?

  7. What does the ceiling of Chapel look like?

  8. How did Michelangelo describe his creation?

  9. What meaning has the focus of this building?

  10. What was the terrible dilemma of Michelangelo?

  11. What conclusion does the narrator come to after sightseeing Medici Chapel? How are half of all treasures connected from his point of view?

Task 9. Discussion:

    • What are the famous works of Michelangelo?

    • Have you ever seen Michelangelo’s “Crouching Boy” in St. Petersburg in Hermitage?

    • What do you know about this statue? What connection exists with Medici Chapel?

    • Why are many world’s treasures connected with death? What is your opinion?

Part 8. SPAIN
Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Its mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar; to the north by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the northwest and west by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal.

Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast, and two autonomous cities in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, that border Morocco. Furthermore, the town of Llívia is a Spanish exclave situated inside French territory. With an area of 504,030 km², it is the second largest country in Western Europe and the European Union after France.

Because of its location, the territory of Spain was subject to many external influences since prehistoric times and through to its dawn as a country. Spain emerged as a unified country in the 15th century, following the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs and the completion of the reconquest or Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula in 1492. Conversely, it has been an important source of influence to other regions, chiefly during the Modern Era, when it became a global empire that has left a legacy of over 400 million Spanish speakers today, making it the world's second most spoken first language.

Spain is a democracy organized in the form of a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy. It is a developed country with the ninth largest economy in the world by nominal GDP, and very high living standards (15th highest Human Development Index), including the tenth-highest quality of life index rating in the world, as of 2005. It is a member of the United Nations, European Union, NATO, OECD, and WTO (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain).

Task 1. Remember the words:

Madrid. Guernica – Мадрид. Герника

dark spectre – мрачный призрак

to reduce – ликвидировать, подавлять, сокращать

Civil War – Гражданская война

event – событие

general Franko – генерал Франко

to launch rescue – начать спасительную операцию (зд. поднять мятеж)

to ravage – опустошать

evidence – свидетельство, доказательство

tyrant – тиран

shameful – позорный, постыдный

hostile – враждебный, вражеский

Basque town – бакский город

autonomous republic – автономная республика

German allies – немецкие союзники, помощники

legion “Condor” – легион «Кондор»

defenseless – беззащитный

injured – раненый

outrage – оскорбление, злодеяние, грубое нарушение чужих прав, законов

massacre – кровавая расправа, бойня

anti-violent – антинасильственный

antiwar – антивоенный

Pablo Picasso – Пабло Пикассо

Spaniard – испанец

politically engaged – занятый, заинтересованный политикой

warfare – военные действия

crumbling buildings – рушащиеся здания

flavour – дух

unmistakable – безошибочный

bullfight – коррида

human suffering – человеческое страдание

tremendous success – огромный успех

weeping woman – рыдающая женщина

Museum of Rainer Sophia – музей Софии Райнер

to warn – предупредить

contemporary – современный

exile – изгнание

relevance – актуальность, важность, уместность

the United Nations – ООН

Commandant Paul – комендант Поль

intention – намерение

Granada. The Alhambra – Гренада. Альгамбра. Крепость-дворец мавританских властителей

Morocco – Марокко

Islamic – исламский, мусульманский

Muslim – мусульманский

Arabic – арабский

to survive – выжить, переносить, сохранить, дойти до нас (об исторических предметах)

best-preserved – хорошо сохранившийся

sultan – султан

Jews – евреи

Christians – христиане

to enlighten – просветить, озарять

tolerant – терпимый, мягкий

faith – вера

monarch – монарх

to convert – обращать в веру

anteroom – передняя, прихожая, приемная, сени

to tremble – дрожать, трепетать

to fear – бояться, опасаться

turn – очередь

grandee – гранд, вельможа, сановник

ordinary people – простые люди

throne – трон

to penetrate – проникать

extraordinary – необычный

ceramics – керамика

Koran’s inscriptions – надписи Корана

court of fountain – двор фонтанов

Mauritanian – мавританский

fresco – фреска, роспись

paradise – рай

the Bible – Библия

strips of water – полоски, дорожки воды

the hall of ambassadors – зал послов

diplomatic mission – дипломатическая миссия

incredible – невероятный

to renounce – отказаться, не признавать (власть)

Catholic monarchs Ferdinando and Isabella – католические монархи Фердинандо и Изабелла

exile – изгнание

to overcome – преодолеть, побороть, победить

jewel – драгоценный камень

ruthless – безжалостный, жестокий

consequence – последствие, результат

Task 2. Answer the following questions:

  1. When did Madrid become the capital of Spain?

  2. What tragic events happened in 1936?

  3. What was the most shameful event of the Civil War?

  4. What was created as a response to this massacre?

  5. What was the difficulty for Picasso in creating the picture?

  6. How is the flavour of Spain reflected in the picture?

  7. What meaning have such images as a horse, a bull a weeping woman in Guernica for Picasso?

  8. What is the story of creating the picture?

  9. Why is this picture a real image of 21st century?

  10. What country does Spain remind?

  11. When was the Alhambra built?

  12. What atmosphere flourished between people of different religions in the past?

  13. Why is the beauty of the Alhambra extraordinary?

  14. What is the court of fountains compared with?

  15. What was the most important room in the world from political point of view?

  16. How was the last Islamic kingdom in Western Europe over?

  17. What are the consequences of supplantation of Islam from Western Europe?

Task 3. Discussion:

  • Have you ever been to Spain? What are your impressions?

  • If not, would you like to visit this country? Why?

  • What associations arise with reference to Spain?

  • What famous works of Pablo Picasso do you know?

  • Do you agree that now the mankind is paying a price for supplantation of Islam from Western Europe, the land blessed by the God since past ages?

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