Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 08/22/04  Sunday 12:55 A.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  I used all of the regular ingredients except instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop extra sharp cheddar cheese.  I ate the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/21/04  Saturday 11:40 P.M.:  I had a telephone call from a friend this morning about 7 A.M..  I slept until 6 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside, and I chatted with a neighbor.  I gave the neighbor a  10 foot telephone extension cord that I left outside the neighbor's apartment door.  I then cleaned up, and I went downtown.  I went by the Exxon gasoline station next to the Greenwich Library, and I bought $7.30 of regular unleaded gasoline at $2.259 a gallon for about 30 miles per gallon usage.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue including the train station area, and I sat out at various locations.  I used the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Greenwich Avenue.  I toured CVS and Scott toilet paper goes on sale tomorrow for $4.99 for a dozen rolls of a thousand sheets.  Scott toilet paper is not quilted like Charmin, but it works better in certain septic and sewer systems, since it does not clog as easy as the quilted variety which is more comfortable.  Also a liter bottle of CVS mouthwash will be $1.99.  I then completed my walk.  I next went down by the waterfront, and I chatted with some of the regular fishermen.  I then  went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 10 ounce bar of Stop and Shop New York extra sharp cheddar cheese for $2.50 and a 10 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese for $2.50 plus a 10 ounce box of fresh mushrooms for $2.29 for $7.29 total.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  Before I went out, I moved the Scotch 3M paper binding kit in a box from the bedroom closet floor to the false ceiling above the bed in the bedroom.  I put the Sears blue and grey Kenmore upright vacuum cleaner in the bedroom closet with the three other vacuum cleaners, so it is now not in the way in the bathroom.  I brought up my straw hat from the car, and I put it on the brass hat and coat stand in front of the sweater closet in the hallway with my Greenwich Country Club golf hat, the smaller straw hat, and the Australian bush canvas hat.  I noticed while I was downtown that the public bus leaving from in front of the train station traveling east had a bicycle rack for two bicycles on the front of the bus, so perhaps in the future if more people use bicycles, they will want to install larger bicycle racks on the public buses.  Alas though, Connecticut is not as flat as the Netherlands, so people whom tend to ride bicycles have to be in better shape with all of the hills not to mention dealing with the traffic, since there are no bicycle lanes to speak of.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/21/04  Saturday 1:40 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer.  I will eat a bowl of wheat crackers with iced tea.  I will then go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/21/04  Saturday 1:35 A.M.:  I ran the repair feature of Microsoft Office 2003.  I then ran the Office updates.  I installed one update for Contact Manager.  I then ran Norton Win Doctor without the first two Active X tests.  I then ran the second Active X test.  I then ran the first Active X test with the scanning features disabled.  I then ran the first Active X test with the scanning features enabled.  Thus Norton Win Doctor fixed all the problems without freezing.  I then did a System Restore backup.  I then ran Ad-aware SE personal.  I then ran CCleaner with the remove cookies feature disabled.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/21/04  Saturday 12:15 A.M.:  Of course if one were cleaning up after a hurricane www.geocities.com/mikelscott/weather.htm or a volcano http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/volcanoe02.htm , I don't think a Sears Vacuum cleaner would help much, but http://www.allstate.com/ or www.geico.com might help, but as I recall after Hurricane Andrew, State Farm http://www.statefarm.com/ quit issuing new insurance policies in Florida, and I am not sure about Allstate or GEICO.  I once knew somebody from John Hancock insurance http://www.johnhancock.com/ in Florida, and I would imagine Aetna http://www.aetna.com/index.htm , Travelers http://www.stpaultravelers.com/ or https://www.travelerslife.com/ or Prudential www.prudential.com or General Reinsurance www.genre.com or eventually Lloyd's http://www.lloyds.com/ might be helpful. I once ran into somebody from Lloyds that claimed they lost a lot of money in Hurricane Andrew, but that is a different story, we will not dwell on at the present.  Of course the United States government does sell flood insurance too http://www.fema.gov/nfip/whonfip.shtm .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 11:45 P.M.:  I looked at this link Floor Care Accessories at sears.com , but their web site does not tell which parts items are for which model numbers which is a serious error on Sears' part, so more than likely they hope you will show up in the store and buy something you had not plan on buying.  I think in the business, they call that a loss leader.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 11:20 P.M.:  The Sears parts web site does not show any parts for the sale model yet including bags and belts, but I suppose that takes time, but more than likely bags and belts would be at the store.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 11:05 P.M.:  Of course the vacuum cleaner on sale is normally $40 more plus about $3 more tax, so I actually have saved about $90.  The unit I have is the same configuration as the one on sale, but it is blue and gray as opposed to green and gray.  It does not have the capability of using the extra filters including the Hepa filters which would be another $20 plus the tax, which I don't think the extra filters come with the sale unit but are available as additional items.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:55 P.M.:  Thus compared to the one on sale for $40 plus $9.50 shipping and about $2.50 tax, I have saved $52 minus $5 or about $47 by repairing the older Sears Upright Vacuum, which on my budget is quite a lot of money.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:45 P.M.:  Well basically since the Sear Upright vacuum cleaner that I got for free by our dumpster because it had a broken belt is like the one on sale but a couple of years older probably.  Thus it only cost me that $7.99 shipping and handling which includes the cost of shipping the bags too, $2.99 for each of the two belts, and one is a spare, and a spare light bulb for $2.99 and the vacuum bags for $10.99 plus $1.68 tax for $29.63 total, thus the actual cost of the Sear Upright Vacuum cleaner to me is only about $5 which is a fourth of the cost of the shipping and the cost of the belt to repair it, and of course I would need the bags and the spare parts in the future to continue to use it.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:35 P.M.:  I could have gone over to the new Sears at the Galleria in White Plains, New York to get the parts, but I figured it would have been about $4 in gasoline and wear and tear on the car to save the $8 shipping and handling, so I decided not to venture over there.  Plus by not going there, I do not have the temptation to spend money on other items.  Of course, I could have bought the new upright vacuum cleaner for $12 more tomorrow with tax there, but alas, I still would have had to buy the vacuum bags which would have been another $12 with tax, so by repairing the slightly used one, I have saved about $24 plus the gasoline and wear and tear on the car.  Also I imagine in August, it would be a bit warm driving in White Plains, New York, since my car does not have air conditioning.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:25 P.M.:  I just noticed that in the Sears www.sears.com circular starting tomorrow Sears.com Circular that the same vacuum Kenmore Upright Vacuum, Swing Green w/Dark Gray at sears.com is $10 cheaper starting tomorrow for $39.99 for half price.  I also figured out that one can have it shipped to Greenwich, Connecticut for $9.50 plus about $1.60 tax.  Thus if one is thinking about getting an upright vacuum cleaner, it is a good deal.  I paid for the parts I ordered nearly that much, but it included $8.00 shipping and handling, plus I ordered 8 vacuum bags for $11, so the repair parts were only $9 plus tax with the shipping and handling.  I chatted with two relatives, and I went outside briefly.  CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 08/20/04:

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 8:40 P.M.:  I dusted off the inside and outside of the Sears Kenmore upright vacuum cleaner.  I cleaned and reinstalled the foam sponge air filter inside the unit by running it underneath hot water and rinsing it out.  I will now send out my weekly notes.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 8:20 P.M.:  I had a little wooden folding chair which I had for soaking my feet in the bathtub with a Rubbermaid container from under the sink with Epsom salts which folding chair I had in the bathroom on the wall where the Sear Kenmore vacuum is now, so to make room I put the folding wooden chair underneath the far rear side of the blue sofa.  It is a tight fit, but it is easy to access, if one needs it.  I also use the folding wooden chair for changing smoke detector batteries and ceiling fixture lights and storing the Christmas decorations in the false ceiling in the living room.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 8:10 P.M.:  One of my neighbors discarded a broken Sears Kenmore upright vacuum today model number 116.39109991 similar to this unit Kenmore Upright Vacuum, Swing Green w/Dark Gray at sears.com .  I retrieved it from the dumpster area, and I inspected it.  It had a broken belt.  It also had a full vacuum bag.  I noticed the neighbor had bought a new vacuum at Sears, because they are on sale through today.  I decided to fix the unit.  I ordered from Sears online www.sears.com two belts part #4369591 for $2.99 each, a package of eight vacuum bags part #50688 for $10.99 and a bulb part #5240 for $2.99 plus $7.99 shipping and handling and $1.68 tax for $29.63 total.  I can track the order at http://www3.sears.com/orderstatus.html .  It may seem a little bit expensive to spend on a used vacuum, but the bags were more than one third, shipping and handling and tax were one third, and the other parts were less than one third.  I do not have room in my bedroom closet for it, so I placed it in the bathroom along the wall toward the toilet to have it handy.  I still have the old Hoover upright, the Electrolux with the hose and power nozzle, and the Electrolux with just the hose and metal tubes with brush attachment.  On the Sears Kenmore unit, I can wash the sponge air filter.  CIO  

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 6:00 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  This time instead of using a can of tuna fish, I used a 4.25 ounce can of shredded crab meat.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop extra sharp cheese.  I did not use mushrooms, since I am out of mushrooms.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  I will now go outside briefly to throw out some garbage and check the weather.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 4:45 P.M.:  I went outside, and I did my previous mentioned errands.  I picked up my mail.  Earlier today, I moved the brass coat rack from the bathroom entrance to in front of the hallway sweater closet.  I do not use the sweater closet much this time of the year, and I do not want to catch my toe on the brass pedestal of the brass coat rack.  During the colder days of the winter, when I wear my Rainforest down filled overcoat, I hang it on the brass coat rack to have it readily available.  However, currently it is 84 degrees Fahrenheit and feels like 92 degrees Fahrenheit http://www.w3.weather.com/weather/local/06830 . The NOAA weather radio just went off Weather Hazards for Northern Westchester County, NY .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 4:25 P.M.:  I went out after the last message, and I went by the Arnold Bread outlet.  I bought two 5.5 ounce boxes of Arnold seasoned regular cut croutons for .99 each and a loaf of Arnold stone ground wheat bread for $1.89 for $3.87 total.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  Everything is still half price except those items marked not half price and clothes and linens are $20 a bag.  There is not too much merchandise left, but one never knows what one will find.  I then arrived at noon an hour early at the Greenwich Hospital dental clinic, and at 1 P.M., the dental hygienist started cleaning my teeth.  They were dirty, and it took about an hour, and they also took a full set of dental x-rays.  I then went back by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop, and they had two 19 inch made in year 2000 Dell monitors for $20 each which at half price would be $10 each.  I bought a 20 inch Dell M1110 monitor for $20 not half price.  I used my cart that I keep in the hatchback area of my Hyundai to carry it to the car.  I then returned directly home, and I carried up the Dell monitor to my apartment.  I disconnected the CompUSA 19 inch monitor from the left side of my primary computer setup, and I connected the Dell 20 inch monitor with the existing cables, since the 20 inch Dell came with out cables.  It works just fine, and I now have two 20 inch CRT SVGA and UVGA monitors on my primary computer setup.  I have them both at the same level, and the Dell sits on books on the dining room table to raise it up to the same height as the Sony 20 inch monitor that is at the center position.  I have the Dell at about a 40 degree angle to the Sony monitor.  From the Dell backup computer in the living room, I put the Dell Trinitron monitor with the AMD backup computer in the bedroom.  I connected the 19 inch CompUSA monitor with a VGA cable that I had to the Dell backup computer in the living room.  The CompUSA 19 inch monitor is about five years old.  I bought it for about $429 plus tax at CompUSA in Norwalk.  Actually $279 of it was paid for by a friend as a Christmas gift that year.  I move the HP Ultra VGA 17 inch monitor from the AMD backup computer to on top of the Gateway 2000 backup computer, and I moved the Royal 17 inch monitor from the Gateway 2000 to on top of the right Dell monitor on the sideboard in the bedroom.  They are all connected up and running.  I now have the Royal monitor for the IBM Cyrix computer that I do not have set up, but although it is 233 Mhz, it only has 64 megs of memory, but it does work.  Maybe I should offer it to a thrift shop, but I am not sure they would want it.  I adjusted and degaussed the 20 inch Dell monitor.  Thus I have an even better primary computer setup.  I will now go out to put the cart back in my car, and I will throw out my old ink cartridges that I had saved.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:20 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out.  It is warmer today http://www.w3.weather.com/weather/local/06830 with a high of 87 degrees Fahrenheit expected.  I will eat a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of iced tea before cleaning up and going out.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/20/04  Friday 10:05 A.M.:  I woke up during the night, and I ate a couple bowls of wheat crackers.  I was awake at 7 A.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I did my house cleaning and watering the plants.  I just threw out the garbage.  I have a 1 P.M. dental appointment today.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 9:15 P.M.:  I watched a Travel channel television show about the Bahamas.  Of course, since I am not very good in the sun in anymore, and since I do not drink alcohol anymore, I guess that is not a travel getaway option for myself.  I once visited Paradise Island in the Bahamas around January 1978.  It was a pleasant few days escape from Florida where I was camping out at the time.  I guess, one would have to get use to the tropical lifestyle to enjoy the Bahamas.  At the moment, it is still not to cool yet in Greenwich, Connecticut, and it was actually a bit warm today.  I suppose in travel and tourism, it is what one is use to.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed, since I did not have much sleep today.  CIO 

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 7:50 P.M.:  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I used a tin of sardines that I chopped.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I used Stop and Shop extra sharp cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 6:45 P.M.:  I was up at 12:30 P.M..  I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I cleaned up, and I made my 3 P.M. appointment.  I stopped by the Greenwich Hospital Dental clinic, and they had a cancelled appointment, so I have an appointment to get my teeth checked tomorrow at 1 P.M., so I will be back on a day time schedule.  I then went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift Shop.  Everything is mostly half price and linens and clothes are $20 a bag.  I next walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I used the bathroom at the senior and arts center.  I then drove down by the waterfront, and it seems like Long Island Sound is still there.  I then went by the Greenwich Library, and I read the Greenwich Time, and I read the Time magazine special edition on El Qaida.  I just now returned home.  I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 6:50 A.M.:  If you can afford a safe deposit box http://goldinfo.net/ and MintProducts.com .  Alas, no one seems to have found the Lost Dutchman goldmine after all of these years of searching. However, the price of gold coins seems to be at a 10% premium compared to the spot price of gold Live Market Quotes , thus gold coins are not a good investment.  I just chatted with a friend.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 6:05 A.M.:  Charley aftermath hurricane information The News-Press .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 5:40 A.M.:  I finished going through my email.  CIO 

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 4:55 A.M.:  Windows Your Way .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 4:50 A.M.: 842242 - Some programs seem to stop working after you install Windows XP Service Pack 2  and Windows XP SP2 P.C. Magazine .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 4:45 A.M.:  I am going through my email.  I shut down the HP Kayak XA computer and the bedroom hub.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 4:00 A.M.:  Recover From a Bad SP2 Install (Microsoft) .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 3:55 A.M.:  I tried starting the HP Kayak XA computer, but it would not start, and since I had had the same problem before, I disconnected the cables, and I opened the case, and I pressed on all the cable connections and the memory.  I put the Opti USB 1.0 2 port USB PCI card in it.  I then closed the case and reconnected the cables.  It booted without any problems.  I downloaded and installed the HP Kayak XA onboard sound drivers.  I then finished configuring the computer.  I am now running one last maintenance utility on it.  I put the ice tea in the refrigerator.  CIO 

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 1:45 A.M.:  I put away my laundry, and I ate my salad.  I am now making a batch of www.geocities.com/mikelscott/icetea.htm .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/19/04  Thursday 12:20 A.M.:  I made my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm , but I did not eat it yet.  I will eat it after I fold and put away the laundry shortly.  I used all of the regular ingredients, and for the cheddar cheese portion, I used Heluva A Good muenster cheese.  I will have the salad with a glass of iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 11:40 P.M.:  I had a call from a relative in Maine after the last message this morning.  The day bed is assembled in the bunk room in the basement in the house in Maine, and my other relatives scrubbed it with Fantastik and still wool to remove the old finish, and then they applied Formby's furniture finish http://www.formbys.com/products/face_lift.cfm to it to clean up the finish, and then they put a new box spring and mattress with it from Sam's Club http://www.samsclub.com/ , and they have the pine table next to it, so it apparently it looks very nice.  I was up at 6 P.M., and I had breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went outside briefly.  I put clean linens on the bed in the bedroom.  I then cleaned up, and I went out.  I went by the Stop and Shop, and I bought a 10 ounce bar of Stop and Shop white cheddar Wisconsin cheese for $2.50 and 10 ounce bar of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese for $2.50, fresh broccoli crowns for .79 a pound for .65, a 16 ounce bag of baby carrots for $1.50, plum tomatoes at .99 a pound for $1.68, and a 10 ounce bag of fresh spinach for $1.99 for $10.82 total.  I went by the Greenwich Library, and I read P.C. Magazine.  I then drove by the lower level of the Greenwich Train station office building parking lot, and the dumpster has lots of 20 inch computer monitors, but I can not lift them, and I have no room for them.  I then drove down by the waterfront.  I then by Starbucks and I used the bathroom.  I next walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  I then returned home.  I started two loads of laundry, and I have 50 minutes to go on the dry cycle.  I washed my yellow Dupont Gortex wind breaker, and I have it drying in the bathroom shower tub area.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 10:45 A.M.:  I ate a bowl of wheat crackers with some iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 10:25 A.M.:  I finished configuring the HP Kayak XA backup computer.  I could not get the onboard sound to work, but I will work on that at a later time.  I shut it down along with the bedroom hub.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 9:15 A.M.:  On the primary computer, I ran Ad-aware SE personal.  I am running maintenance utilities on the HP Kayak XA backup computer.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 8:20 A.M.:  There is a new version of Ad-aware http://www.lavasoftusa.com/support/download/ .  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 7:20 A.M.:  I am still configuring the HP Kayak XA computer.  I went outside briefly.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 6:05 A.M.:  I had a problem getting the Linksys 8 port hub working on the bedroom backup computers, but I finally disconnected all of the cables including the power cable, and I changed the multiple power adaptor plug to another similar one, and it would not work on 3 volts, and it is suppose to use 3.3 volts, but it works on 4.5 volts.  I am still in the process of configuring the left HP Kayak XA computer.  Today, I received a Bush Cheney 04 bumper sticker in the mail, and since I already have a W04 bumper sticker, I sent it to a relative in Kennebunkport, Maine http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/137.htm .  I mailed it at the Valley drive post office, when I went out the first time this past evening.  CIO

Note: <888> 08/18/04  Wednesday 2:15 A.M.:  I took the second power strip that I had on the floor in front of the living room desk, and I used it to connect the cordless telephone wires, answering machine, and lamps on the maple table.  I put the white extension cord on the floor in the left living room closet.  I put the three prong adaptor and the three plug converter in the top left mahogany bureau drawer in the bedroom.  CIO 

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