; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Input key presses from the keyboard until Enter is pressed.
; --------------------------------------------------------------
CLO ; Close unwanted windows.
IN 00 ; Wait for key press - Store it in AL.
CMP AL,0D ; Was it the Enter key? (ASCII 0D)
JNZ Rep ; No - jump back. Yes - end.
; --------------------------------------------------------------
11) Easy! Display each character at the top left position of the
VDU by copying them all to address [C0].
12) Harder Use BL to point to address [C0] and increment BL after
each key press in order to see the text as you type it.
13) Harder! Store all the text you type in RAM when you type it in.
When you press Enter, display the stored text on the VDU display.
14) Difficult Type in text and store it. When Enter is pressed,
display it on the VDU screen in reverse order. Using the stack
makes this task easier.