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Control Loop Representation on P&ID

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Control Valves Basics - Sizing & Selection
FMD3x00 98 DB Initialize (5), configuration-and-evaluation-software-pi-9045582-en-gb, configuration-and-evaluation-software-pi-9045582-en-gb, Document, colour present
Control Loop Representation on P&ID:
Instrumentation and control design engineers add all the loop and local instruments to the
P&ID, to define the instrumentation and control scheme. Let’s take a problem statement of controlling flow rate in the pipeline. Figure below shows an electronic loop consisting of a flow control element (orifice plate, flow transmitter, controller, transducer and a fail open control valve.

• FT (Flow transmitter) senses the differential pressure proportional to the flow rate in the line caused by a flow element or orifice plate and transmits a 4-20 mA dc (direct current) signal corresponding to the varying differential pressure.
• FIC (Electronic flow controller) transmits a 4-20 mA dc signal to the converter or transducer, FY.
• FY (Transducer) converts the 4-20 mA DC signal into a pneumatic signal. This signal changes the position of the valve actuator, which in turn changes the position of the control valve trim causing change inflow through the control valve. The dotted line indicates that information is transmitted electronically from the flow transmitter, FT, to the controller, FIC, and from the controller to pneumatic converter (IP, FY. Simple instruments permit direct reading of a process variable in the field. These devices include pressure gauges, thermometers, level gauges and rotameters. Other loops are

slightly more complex, transmitting a signal to the remote control room, where the measurements can be read or recorded.
There are three basic types of controllers 1) digital (e.g. microprocessor or computer based,
2) analog, and 3) pneumatic. The following guidelines maybe applied in selecting the appropriate controller
• For plants with many control loops use digital type of controllers.
• For the expansion of existing controls within a plant use the existing technology. This maybe either digital, analog electronic, or pneumatic controllers.
• Use pneumatic controllers in hazardous areas.
• Avoid use of pneumatic controllers in the control room.
• When using digital control avoid depending on a single or a few control devices for the entire plant without having a backup. A redundant controller might not be required if only a single controller controls one loop. However, if a single controller controls a large number of loops then provide redundancy so that if the controller fails another controller will automatically takeover Use the type of controller that is the most economical and reliable.

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