ANOTHER NOTE: It’s very likely that records listed for less than $4, AND USUALLY records listed up to $5, MAY NEVER BE LISTED AGAIN. Therefore, if you want them, you should get them now. Some will go to Archives or the Soul list 84z, but others – later in 2017 – will simply be “Bulked Away.” This is a good thing to consider. Of course it’s possible that new/different copies of the same record will occur again, sometimes, but you shouldn’t rely on that.
JOE EDWARDS grand 001—patsy/(when you…) maggie vg+ #ol 6 R&ROLLISH INSTR’s, midfast with guitar
VINCE EDWARDS russ-fi 7001—why…/squeelin parrot (twist) m- 18 fast r&roll NOVELTY, with sax-drums break, scarce
VINCENT EDWARDS colpix 771—see that girl/no not much m-/PS vg+ 4 RARE and, yes, the Ben Casey guy
EDWIN & ALVIN mercury 71549—shiverin’ and shakin’/the eye m- BID//MIN:20 [P—Halloween rocker]
THE EIGHT MINUTES jay pee 125—oh yes I do/time for a change vg+ 13 [P—northern, funk]
perception 533—looking for a brand new game/find the one who…m- 5 midt female disco/slow soul
BRITT EKLAND [PICTURE DISC, UK] jet 161—private party/do it to me m- 8 **extreme cheesecake** picture
DONNIE ELBERT gateway 761—your red wagon (you can push it or pull it)/never again m- sol 8 mf northern/slow soul
EL CHICANO kapp 2150dj—sugar sugar/don’t put me down m- 4 midt soul instr’s Caribbean type
2173—brown eyed girl/mrs. zacate m- coh 5
ELDERBERERY JAK electric fox 2000—vancie’s blues (comin’ down on me)/inspired m- 15 great fast hard rock/slow Psych
THE EL DORADOS paula 347dj—looking in from the outside/since you came…life m- 15 [O—northern, recent sales listed]
ELECTRIC CITY 20th century 2360dj—we’re gonna make it/same m- 6 midt soul group
THE ELECTRIC DUCK avco embassy 4509dj—most people get happy/same m- 6 mf HEAVY ROCK, gui-organ break
THE ELECTRIC EXPRESS linco 152—life ain’t easy (vocal/instr.) vg+ 15 [P—funk, soul Instru.]
THE ELECTRIC PRUNES reprise 0805—hey mr. president/flowing smoothly vg+ coh xol 12 mf heavy rock/midt psych
THE ELEGANTS united artists 295—happiness/spiral vg+ sol 6 midt, Belmonts type teener/r&roll group
THE ELEVENTH HOUR 20th century 2276—get on or get off/you’ll never know until you try m- 6 good midt, soul/funk
LES ELGART columbia 40180—bandstand boogie/when yuba… vg+ 17 RARE! later used exact cut Amer. Bandstand theme
AL ELIAS payson 103—king kong/jeannie jeannie vg+ 36 GREAT, [P—“jungle RAB”, exotica]
THE ELIGIBLES capitol F4203—car trouble/I wrote a song m- 11 teener, scarce
ELIJAH AND THE EBONIES capsoul 31—hot grits!!!/sock it to ‘em soul brother vg+ 9 [P—funk]
ELIJAH AND THE EBONITES loren 1020—pure soul/sock it to ‘em soul brother m- 15 fast soul r&r/midfast funk, Instr’s
SHAWN ELLIOTT double L 721—I found myself a brand new baby/dinner for one vg+ sol 9 mf r&roll/r&b ballad
ELI’S SECOND COMING silver blue 7302—love chant, part I/part II [[m- coh 5]] [[DJ m- 5]] good female soul disco
THE ELITES chief 7032—jack the ripper/mama look at me vg 9 great, midfast Group r&rolls
MARY ELLEN gramo 5502—love is funny/moon rocket vg+ 11 Dinah Wash’n type ballad/mf Group space r&roll sax break
BILL ELLIOT AND ELASTIC OZ BAND [with vg+ PS] apple 1835—god save us/do the oz m- 7
THE DON ELLIOTT QUINTET [sesac EP 37, NO COVER] don at midnight +3 m- wol 6 Popsike has $30 sales with cover
SHAWN ELLIOTT [BRAZIL, m- Title Sleeve] roulette 6134—shame and scandal in the family/ vg+ 8 the classic Carib. risqué
DON ELLIS columbia 44604dj—star children/homecoming m- 8 A-side slow spacey, “floating” jazz Instr very cool
HORTENSE ELLIS///ALL STAR [JAMAICA] hot shot! 2094—woman of the ghetto///(ghetto version) G wol 4 [P—many sales]
JAMES ELLIS M J 4188—put your hoe to my row/hard times m- 12 midt, risqué funk/funk-blues
JIMMY (PREACHER) ELLIS kris 1679—two tenors – a tone and a bone/…drumbeat m- 9 ms blues/mf soul instru., 60s
JONAH ELLIS viking 1007 dj—I get hot/popcorn cellar m- xol 20 rare, popsike, “funk breaks” (I can’t spot these, myself!!)
LA BERT ELLIS a&m 789dj—batman theme/dancing in the streets m- “djwol” 8 fast 60s Rock Instr’s, organ-drum-guitar
RAY ELLIS mgm 12768dj—the first man into space/mad vg+ sol 9 [P—mod, tittyshaker]
SHIRLEY ELLIS columbia 43829 dj—birds, bees, cupids and bows/truly, truly, truly vg+ 4 mf northern sound/slow
YANCEY ELLIS name 9—ballad of the strapless gown/you dream too much m- 9 teeners, mf r&roll/good ballad
LORRAINE ELLISON mercury 72472—I dig you baby/don’t let it go to your head vg+ wol 5 northern
warner-seven 7394dj—you’ve really got a hold on me/you don’t know nothing about love vg+ sol 5 ms/slow souls
SHIRLEY ELLISTON shell 307—a beautiful love/love can make you know vg+ sol 5e slow/midt light, ELLIS debut??
THE ELUSIONS epic 50344dj—dancin’ music/same m- 5 good fast soul-disco
50402dj—I’d like to say I love you/same m- BID//MIN:25 scarce soul [P—sweet]
THE ELUSIVES philips 40397—you won’t find better than me/lost love m- coh 6 mf 60s—garage/ms harmony duet
ELYSIAN FIELD imperial 66387dj—strange changes/24 hours of loneliness m- 5 mf light/ms rock, late 60s
THE EMBERMEN soma 1429—fat girl/karen m- xol BID//MIN:35 A-side great fast Trashmen type, garage novelty
THE EMBERS pack 5294—fast david and the wolfpack (vocal/instr) vg+ 8 football funk! (fast +girls/Instru.)
THE EMBLEMS bayfront 107—poor humpty dumpty/would you still be mine vg- 5 DOOWOP, mf/ballad [P—recently $20+]
cameo 293dj—(it would still be a) cruel world/whenever I’m feeling low m- 5 slow Surf Harmony/mf gui. 60s
THE EMCEES cimarron 4041—ific/suddenly m- 18 GREAT A-SIDE is mf guitar r&r instru. with sax break
EMERALDS tee-jay 103—big rock/sad and blue vg+ sol 13 mf R&R instr. piccolo-sax/drums/midt r&r ballad-swamp
THE EMERALDS rex 1013—custer’s last stand/I kneel at your throne m- 12 midfast with guitar break/group ballad
EMERGENCY EXIT dunhill 4060dj—maybe too late/why girl vg+ 23 midt to mf Garage, both
BILLY “THE KID” EMERSON m-pac! 7207dj—the whip part I/part II vg+ xol 14 midt r&b 60s, WITH SONG TITLES in it
LARRY EMMETT blues 129—west coast blues/bluesy vg 15 Instr’s r&r sax-drum-gui, midt/slow RARE
RAY EMMETT AND THE SUPERIORS joy 293dj—she belongs to me/I’ll always love you so vg 5 midt r&r with break/ballad
THE EMOTIONS twin stacks 126—somebody new/brushfire m- 9 souls, midt ballad/mf
volt 4021—the best part of a love affair/I like it m- 5 slow/midt souls
THE ENCHANTED TIKI-TONES dionysus 074580—powerhouse/sneaky tiki +2 m-/PS m- 5 mf Surf Gui Instr’s +Sticker
ENCHANTERS golden ear 100—a fool like me/let there be love m- 5 slow/ms souls
THE ENDEAVORS gambit 006—who! shaft where?/sexy woman m- 10 mf Rock INSTR./slow group Soul
010dj—goin’ down/same m- wol BID//MIN:20 fast funk-soul
END GAME roundtable 151—could this be love m- 10 mf, strange hard rock with odd guitar/rock much guitar-drums
SCOTT ENGEL liberty 55312dj—mr. jones/anything will do vg+ #ol 9 midt/fast teeners
JOANNE ENGLE laurel 1019—bring back my doggie/twinkle star m- 9 midt Pre-Teen/mf r&rollish teener
BARBARA ENGLISH roulette 4428dj—we need them/ta-ta-tee-ta-ta m- #ol sol 6 midt soulish r&rolls, 1963 era
BARBARA JEAN ENGLISH alithia 6053—you’re gonna need somebody…/all this m- 6 slow souls, group flip, B. Keyes arr.
ENIGMA [with M- PS, GERMANY] creole 13 157—ain’t no stopping – disco mix ’81 (side 1, 2) m- 5 MEDLEY 12 songs total
[UK] creole 9—ain’t no stopping – disco mix ’81 (sides 1, 2) m- 4 medley (THIS one lists 11, not 12, songs)
[UK] creole 14—I love music (sides 1, 2) vg+ 4 medley, 11 songs listed
BRIAN ENO [UK] polydor 2001 762—king’s lead hat/r.a.f. m- 10 fast r&roll Gui. break/mf Avant-rock (flip with SNATCH)
THE ENTERTAINERS chess 1951dj—too much [BLANK FLIP] vg+ 6 60s soul
ENTICERS cotillion 44156dj—god bless tomorrow/thief (cleans to m-) 17 [P—“funk breaks”]
ARTHUR EPPS spark 903—baby these are the things, i/ii vg+ sol 19 “popcorn-northern” popsike
HARRY EPPS MUSKRAT RAMBLERS olympic 23—peoria/snake rag wol m- 5 Saginaw, Mich. old timey jazz vocal/inst.
THE EQUADORS [with M- PS] rca EPA 4286—sputnik dance/I’ll be the one +2 m- 23 r&roll—doowop, Fifties
EROTIC DRUM BAND prism 301—plug e to death/action 78 m- 5 mf instr’s
DEE ERVIN roxbury 2027dj—face to face/face to face m- 6 midt soul
BIG DEE ERWIN roulette 4596dj—the sun’s gonna shine tomorrow/discotheque vg+ xol sol 10 midt/mf r&b’s, grp. backing
THE ESCORTS scarlet 4005—leaky heart & his red go-kart/I will be home again m- 7 midslow r&roll Novelty group/slow
[knockout 10145] make me over/love is like a dream m- 5 midt Group, funk/soul
alithia 6055—i’ll be sweeter tomorrow/I’m so glad I found you [[m- 6]] [[DJ m- 6]] soul harmony group, ballad/midt
6062dj—disrespect can wreck/all we need (is another chance) m- 5 midt funk-souls
6066—let’s make love (at home sometime)/within without m- 5 Soulcharted item
EP, #01—ooh, baby baby/all we need is another chance +2 m- 5
ESQUIRES lasco 1101dj—the fdish/my lady m- #ol 6 midt disco/slow soul
THE ESQUIRES lamarr 1001dj—girls in the city/same vg+ 8 very good midt soul group
THE ESQUIRES LTD. [smog city 101] I’ve finally for you girl [VOCAL/INSTR] m- 6 midt soul lists Northern
ESQUIVEL [rca 6135dj] siboney/hornblowers serenade m- 5 exotica Instr.
[7316] that old black magic/cielito lindo m- wol 5 ms/mf
7462—I feel merely marvelous/whatchamcalllit vg+ sol 4
ESSENCE epic 50202 dj—lovin’ you comes naturally/same vg+ 6 “northern – 70s soul”
THE ETERNALS warwick 611dj—today/blind date m- xol 19 fast group doowops, NOVELTY FLIP
BOB EUBANKS tracy 6101dj—heaven of the stars/same m- 8 rare Tribute, midslow, like Hillbilly Heaven
tracy 6101—“eleven-ten blues”/heaven of the stars vg+ 17 [LABELS REVERSED] great mf R&Roll gui.-sax Instr/
goliath 1354dj—keep it burnin’/smoke smoke smoke that cigarette m- 26 frantic fast r&roll/mf r&roll novelty redo
EUPHORIA band box 393—somebody listen/dedication of sally & cher m- 23 midslow PSYCH/midt 60s garage-psych, Denver
THE EUPHORIA FIVE DynoVoice 238dj—euphoria/I used to be… vg+ wol 11 midt 60s novelty, kazoos ETC. and Psychish/
EUREKA paramount 0127dj—I wish it would rain/I should feel you loving m- 4 midt to mf/slow, rocks
BILLY EUSTIS R 506—the tope/I’m sorry you’re gone vg 4 midt marty robbins type (death by hanging)/slow light Group
BARBARA EVANS pioneer 7002—charlie wasn’t there/nothing you can do m- 4 BUBBLED UNDER, first lbl. no “Mercury”
FLASH EVANS evans 483—jelly jelly/down home and politics m- 8 fast jazz—r&b—jiver/spoken comedy, scarce 60s Chicago
JACK EVANS kayo 502—colette/what can I say vg tol 4 (flip label damage) ms r&r teener +girls/r&roll ballad, 50s
LEON EVANS de’besth 1113—how could you?/satellite beep bop (cleans to vg+ 11 midt/fast Jazz Instr’s [P--$30 once]
MAUREEN EVANS columbia 43354 dj—never let him go/poco sole m- 29 [P—northern]
MILL EVANS [sharp 6041] I got it bad/don’t forget about me m- 5 mid/ms souls, very nice
PAUL EVANS decca 30680dj—I think about you all the time/oh! no! m- xol 8 midt, Teenish/ROCKER (noveltyish flip)
[JUKEBOX STEREO SINGLE] carlton 130-4 –mister hangman/british grenadier vg+ 4
laurie 3571—think summer/for old time’s sake vg+ wol 5 midtempo, MENTIONS GENE VINCENT (good ole days)
SUE EVANS madison 148dj—give me your arm, papa/I returned the ring m- (8% label rip) 5 midslow Teeners
[with M- PS] 20th fox 199dj—rumble at joe’s/mary Ellen, give me back my guy m- 7 rare sleeve; mf/midt pop nice beat
THE EVENTUALS capella 504dj—chicken spaceman/the upsetter vg+ 12 r&rolls, ms Novelty/good mf Group late 50s
BETTY EVERETT c. j. 619—happy I long to be/your loving arms (cleans to m-) 8 Chicago 60s soul, early in career
KEITH EVERETT tmp-ting 118—don’t you know/conscientious objector vg+ 6 ms/midt, FLIP light rock DRAFT protest
EVERGREEN BLUES abc 11198 dj—don’t mess up my mind/funky woman m- 5 soul flip, both fast 60s
EVERGREEN BLUE SHOES amos 115 dj—walking down the line/johnny B. goode m- 6 mf/ms rock group
DON EVERLY ode 66046dj—warmin’ up the band/evelyn swing vg+ wol 4
THE EVERLY BROTHERS warner bros. 5808sdj—(you got) the power of love/leave my girl alone vg+ wol 5 1966
EVERY DAY PEOPLE [YELLOW WAX] abnak 149dj—I think I’m gonna rain/same m- 6 mf light rock, FUZZ GUI. break
THE EVERYDAY PEOPLE [CANADA] grt 1233 01—you make me wonder/nova scotia home blues m- midt rock/mf funkish
[red coach 801 dj] the “bump” Pt. 1/same m- 4 midt funk Instr. with many shouts
EXACT CHANGE sunburst 537—having a good time part 1, 2 vg+ wol 5 midfast funk-soul
THE EXCITERS roulette 4594—just not ready/are you satisfied m- coh 9 fast/ms girl Group r&roll-soul
THE EXILES columbia 45210dj—put your hands together/your day is comin’ m- 6 slow/midt guitar rocks, Kentucky group
EXORCIST p & m 393dj—(on my way to) the devil/same vg+ xol 6 midt soul-rock
THE EXOTIC GUITARS ranwood 871dj—holly holy/high noon (do not…) m- wol 5 ms/midt Instru. vocalized
EXPERIENCE II capitol 3634dj—‘bout time I told you baby/freedom train m- sol 7 mf group souls
EXPORTATIONS united artists UA1169-Y --strange sensations/same m- a 5 midt soul
EXUMA inagua 3—pretty woman/give a little bit of your love m- 6 midt/fast souls, GOOD FLIP
EZRA AND THE IVIES united artists 165dj—comic book crazy/rockin’ shoes (baca…) m- 11 doowop r&r, mf novelty/midt
FABIAN chancellor 1084dj—a girl like you/dream factory vg wol (and label damage) 5 R&Rolls, mf/Teener fast, good!!
1092dj—wild party/made you [[m- wol 10]] midfast r&rolls, A-side mention U.S. Bonds, C. Checker, etc.
[CANADA] chancellor 1092—wild party/gospel truth vg+ wol 11 NON-USA FLIP is mf r&roll with group
dot 16413—break down and cry/she’s stayin’ inside with me m- sol 7 mid/r&roll midfast
THE FABULOUS EMPOLLOS empollo 1—stand up (part one)/(part two) m- BID//MIN:25 fast soulrock-funk
FABULOUS FLIPPERS cameo 454—shout/turn on your love light vg coh 6 fast (frantic!) horn-garage redo older hits
THE FABULOUS FOUR coral 62479—got to get her back/now you cry vg+ 4 mf/ms 60s
THE FABULOUS IMPERIALS impra J80W 1267/1268—weird/class ring vg+ sol 45 Fla. slow Instr. exotica/fast sax RAB
THE FABULOUS PACK lucky eleven 007—wide trackin’/does it matter to you girl m-/PS m- 11 Michigan 60s garage
FABULOUS POODLES [UK] blueprint 2015—stompin’ with the cat/anna rexia +1 vg+ 4 1980 RAB about, yes, a cat!
THE FABULOUS RAIDERS wye 1007dj—summertime/c. c. rider m- 11 midt Instr. drum-gui-sax-SCREAMS/midt doowopish
THE FABULOUS SHALIMARS rack 701—funky line – part 1/part 2 m- 16 fast funk – northern
FACE OF THE EARTH sonday 6002—sign of the times (groovin’ around)/so the saying goes m- 7 mf/slow group souls
THE FACES regina 1326dj—skaier jones/what is this dream (I have)? vg+ 10 fast/mf group r&rolls
THE FACTS OF LIFE [kayvette 5128] sometimes/love is the final truth m- #ol 4 ms souls, A-side Deep
THE FAGAN BROTHERS swan 4131dj—jail break/mr. james m- 7 mf folk with guitar break/teener
TOMMY FAIA & THE TRUE BLUE FACTS a&m 945dj—rain, rain, rain, rain/the boy m- 7 fast/midt sunshine pop 60s
TOMMY FAILE lawn 104—the rest of my life/that’s all right vg+ sol 14 Popcorn??/mf r&r-rocker gui. break
FAINT HEART AND FAIR LADY BAND bell 906dj—sing a little sunshine song/so long susie m- 5 ms sunshine pop/midt
THE FAIRLANES zonk 1001—I’m not the kind of guy (that gives up easy)/the dagwood m- 26 mf dancers [P—mod r&b dance]
minaret 103—I’m not the kind of guy/the dagwood [[yellow m- wol 19]] [[black m- 13]] “R&B-mod-garage”
argo 5357 dj—comin’ after you/little girl little girl vg+ sol 6 doowop-harmony group, midt ballad/midt r&roll
FAIRPORT CONVENTION a&m 1108dj—I’ll keep it with mine/same m- wol 4 ms/slow, 60s rockish-folk
1333dj—the journeyman’s grace/the world has surely lost its’ head vg+ 5 midt hard rock/slow rock
1348dj—john lee/the time is near m- 5 midt/slow rock group
ADAM FAITH dot 16405dj—don’t that beat all/mix me a person m- wol 6 midt, r&roll/ballad; UK HIT
GENE FAITH virtue 2511dj—lady in the harbor/hung up on a feelin’ m- 4 midt/ms
P[ERCY FAITH [with VG PS] zenith ZTV 22157/22158—“football songs” GA tech, Michigan, Wisconsin +3 vg+ 4
FAITHFUL BREATH [GERMANY, with m- PS] sky 1055—hurricane/better times m- 17 fast Metal/slow hard rock
FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY sussex 231—god bless the world/we can change the world vg+ 6 midt souls
THE FALKONS [fujimo 2521] why? marianne/kiss me when you’re glad vg 33 rare Indiana garage, 1st copy in years
THE FALLING STARS black 101—batman/the real batman m- 36 surfish mf theme +fem./sketch with profanity! 60s
GEORGIE FAME epic 10640dj—fire and rain/the movie star song m- 8 flip mentions Gish, Garbo, Laurel & Hardy, etc.
FAMES restored 1000—drinkin’ wine spo de oode/ can you love me m- 9 midt R&B’ish +yells/group doowop ballad (novelty)
THE FAMES merri 6010—long black train/the hoochi coochi coo m- 11 good fast r&rolls early 60s
THE FAMILY u.s.a. 894—san francisco waits/without you vg+ 10 midt 60s flower-rock
lcr/little city 10106dj—music/music m- 4 midt soul-disco
10108—feeling what you wanna feel/trump tight m- 8 mf disco-soul, intense flip
THE FAMILY CIRCLE sky disc 642-- change/if you wanta really make it m- 5 “group” in Manship
FAMILY CIRCLE sky 644—I hope you really love me/loving you make the world go round m- 8 midt/slow group souls
THE FAMILY GOAT capricorn 101—magilla the gorilla/now she’s gone (cleans to m-) #ol BID//MIN:25 [P—organ gar.-Psych]
THE FAMILY JEWELS harbor 306dj—you baby you/same m- 7 midt soul
FAMILY OF SWEDE butter fields 2039 dj—I got to move on/same m- wol 6 “group” per Manship, soul
FAMILY PLANN—drive 6242dj—sexy summer/sexy summer m- 5 midt funk group
THE FAMILY TREE paula 329dj—electric kangaroo/terry tommy m- 5 mf/slow 60s
THE FAMOUS FLAMES [king 6341 dj] who am i/nobody knows but my baby and me m- 5 great slow deep souls
JAY FANNING acme 2033—baby baby/your girl (cleans to vg+) wol 9 rocker-RAB
THE FANTASTIC FIVE KEYS capitol 4828—out of sight, out of mind/from the bottom of my heart vg+ 5 ms ballad/fast r&roll
FANTASTIC FOUR ric tic 136dj—love is a many-splendored thing/goddess of love m- 5 slow souls
137—man in love/no love like your love m- 6 good ms/midt group souls
THE FANTASTIC JOHNNY C kama sutra 515dj—you’ve got your hooks in me/good love vg+ 5 mf funk/midt soul
THE FANTASTIC RHYTHMS b & b 1435—the thing of the past/the girl… m- 39 Ohio garage, midt +Fuzz-drums break/slow
THE FANTASTICS: [deram 7528 dj] face to face with heartache/this must be my rainy day m- 5 good mid. soul group
THE FANTASTIC ZOO double shot 105—midnight snack/this calls for a celebration m- 16 midt 60s (re: POT) gui. break/mf
CHRIS FARLOWE immediate 5002—paint it black/you’re so good for me m- 5 mf Heavy redo, mideast Infl./mf
polydor 14013dj—medicated goo/betty lou vg #ol 4 midfast soulish rocks, A-side redo Traffic song
DONNY FARMER spectrum 1002—friendship ring/these tender years m- 4 mf light teener/slow, early or mid-60s
FLORENCE FARMER bethlehem 3091—living legend – part 1/part 2 [[m- 12]] [[DJ m- 12]] talker +Instr (J. Brown tribute)
LOWELL FARMER soh 009—huffin’ ‘n’ puffin’/shadows on the lawn m- #ol 5 midt funk, Instrumental +talking
JOHNNY FARNHAM capitol 2128—sadie the cleaning lady/in my room vg+ 5
GARY FARR & THE T-BONES epic 9832 dj—give all she’s got/don’t stop… vg+ 10 slow/mf 60s “PRE-Traffic Grp” “freakbeat”
JOEY FARR [eagle 1002] devotion/movin’ on down vg+ 11 ms/great fast sax r&roll
DICK FARRELL dot 16007—sixteen cavalry men/epitaph m- sol 5 1800’s wars against Indians (Native American)
FAT rca 74 0408dj—still water/jump town girl m- 5 slow/midt
THE FAT ALBERT… tetragrammeton 1500—fat albert (hey, hey, hey)/cosbyianna m- 8 midt funk/midfast, Instr’s
THE FATBACK BAND perception 520—soul march/to be with you m- 3 mf disco Instr/slow light soul
540—njia (nija) walk/soul man m- 4 mf funk instrumentals, some vocals/none
FAT CHANCE aspen 901dj—heaven and earth 3:33 and 4:34 versions vg 13 local Colorado rare, midt Prog.-psych
FATHER & SONS minit 32004dj—soul in the bowl, part I/part II m- 8 fast soul shouter
FAT MAN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL scepter 12274dj—highway of your dreams/boats of angel bay m- wol 5 midt rock/slow, ’71?
FAT WATER mgm 14101dj—santa anna speed queen/amalynda guinevere m- 5 mf’/midt light 60s
FAVORS pineapple 1111—heavy happy birthday/sketina tanjobee vg+ 6 both midfast soul-disco
THE FAWNS cap city 105dj—wish you were here with me/nothing but love can save me m- 17 VIETNAM/northern flip
rca 74 0779—the other woman/frustrated woman m- 5 girl group souls, ms/midt
FEARNS FOUNDRY parrot 40033 dj—now I taste the tears/love, sink and drown m- wol 5 midt, northern soul flip
CHINO FEASTER [blue rock 4078 dj] you’re so much woman/a grown man cry vg+ 24 rare ms/slow souls
FEATHER viva 367dj—moccasin/moccasin m- 6 midt rock – bubblegum
FEDELLAH AND THE PARSEES [with vg+ Lyric Sleeve] isolato (no number)—twist and spout [BLANK FLIP] m- 7
strange novelty; Moby Dick meets “Hey Bo Diddley” beat!! also mentions Gregory Peck…
THE FEELIES jerden 910—look at me/happy m- 6 Seattle garageish group 1970 era?
FELICIA potential 1003dj—everlasting love/same m- 4 midt soul
JOSE FELICIANO rca 9807—point of view/Wichita lineman m- 3 ms/slow
THE FENDERMEN soma 1142—don’t you just know it/beach party vg+ 8 midfast redo, proto-garage 1961
THE FENWAYS chess 1901dj—humpty dumpty/nothing to offer you m- 18 GREAT mf r&roll, Pittsburgh group, Detroit hit!!
blue cat 116—hard road ahead/the fight m- 12 fast r&roll with drums-horn break/midt 60s SOUL group
JOHNNY FERG decca 30572dj—candy love/sad sad day vg+ sol 6 midt rocker/mf country Fifties flip
HELENA FERGUSON compass 7017—don’t spoil our good thing/the loneliness (is coming again) m- 10 midt/slow souls
HOOPY FERGUSON…DOGS renegade 5603 dj—I need good lovin’/you snooze, you lose m- 17 GREAT mf r&roll-rock, both
NOTE that, on popsike, some claims about NRBQ guitarist here. That’s the kind of stuff I simply don’t know!!!
LITTLE GARY FERGUSON mothers 1320—a mother’s love/never been more right m- 9 midt/fast kid soul, 60s
RUDY FERGUSON prestige 798—cool goofin’/baby, baby I need you so vg 9 fast jazz vocal/instr, A-side R&B titles 1951-53!
TROY FERGUSON sharp 107—midnight ride of paul revere/should I get wise m- 5 midt history song with banjo/slow
MIKE FERN demo 4—brake jake/a bomb bop m- BID//MIN:55 Louisiana RAB monster both sides (as well as novelty)
WALLY FERNEZ [with m- PS] arrow 1004—jamaica ginger/cumbia m- 13 Group 50s, midt calypso/mf with piano-drum break
BRYAN FERRY atlantic 3017dj—a hard rain’s a gonna fall/same m- 5 midt boogie rock!
FERRY AID profile 5147—let it be (the gospel jam mix – 2:30)/let it be (4:38) m- 1 [SALE]
FESSOR FUNK roxbury 2007dj—take me to the river/same m- 5 midt funk-soul
THE FESTIVALS colossus 146—gee baby/give her up m- 3 group midtempo souls
FEVER TREE uni 55095—what time did you say it is in salt lake city?/where do you go? m- coh 7 midt rock, very hard flip
mainstream 665dj—girl, oh girl (don’t push me)/steve Lenore m- xol 8 ms/midt rocks, 60s
KARL FIELDS kel 1141—just like that/I was wrong vg+ [PLAYS M-] 8 midt crude, 60s/folkish, rare Wisconsin release
LILLIE FIELDS, HOAGY LANDS spectrum 116—beautiful music mono/stereo versions vg+ 12 mf soul
W. C. FIELDS MEMORIAL… hbr 507—hippy elevator operator/don’t lose the… vg+ 19 Heavy rock—She’ll take you so high../
THE FIESTAS old town 1074—good news/that was me m- 14 doowop, somewhat scarcer; novelty flip
1104dj—mr. Dillon, mr. Dillon/look at that girl vg 6 midt Coasters type r&r novelty (Gunsmoke)/mf doowop
vigor 712dj—so fine/so fine m- 4 midt SOUL redo of their hit
respect 2509—I can’t shake your love/sometimes storm m- 6 slow/midt souls
5TH AVE. BUSSES 20th century fox 6653dj—robin, boy wonder/fantastic voyage m- 13 mf 60s, vocal/instr. – Northern beat?
THE FIFTH ESTATE jubilee 5588—the goofin song/lost generation m- 4 midt/mf, novelties, flip “generational” satire
THE FIFTH REVELATION epic 11012dj—make up your mind/same m- wol 5 midslow soul group
COSMO FILANE [CANADA, act 108] no money/send flowers vg 4 label autographed; mf R&R, Girls-backing/midt
FILLET OF SOUL [mercury 73096] don’t touch the sun/wake up now m- 9 GROUP, midt soul/mf Northern
FRANK FILLINGIM red wing 701—they call it the blues/please, forgive me m- #ol 11 ms blue-eyed blues/slow, RARE
FINAL TOUCH blue thumb 258dj—it’s spinning love/same m- 8 midt soul group
FINESS brown bomber 101—have it your way/I don’t want to be left… m- BID//MIN:30 Detroit, [P—northern, sweet soul]
FINGERPRINTS BAND f. b. i. 1227—stagger lee/michelle m- 5 mf r&roll redo, Beach style 1980 era, Beatles flip
ALBERT FINNEY motown 1423—those other men/what have they done (to my home town?) m- 4 slow/ms, rare #
R. C. FINNIGAN spirit 0020—rollin’ to toledo/midnight… m- 4 midfast BOOGIE-PIANO ROCKER, piano-guitar break/
FIRE AND ICE crazy horse 1323—the truth of the madder/sugar shaker vg 7 mf 60s rock, horns/no horns
FIRE AND RAIN mercury 73373—hello stranger/somebody to love m- 8 northern soul
FIREBALL spark 10dj—bachanalia/I dunno m- 5 mf rockish instru’s
THE FIREBALL fireball 0214—the fireball/train to nowhere m- 5 fast modern piano rocker/ms
THE FIREBALLS dot 16715—more than I can say/the beating of my heart vg 4 ms/midt vocals
TEST PRESS, TYPED LABEL atco 6569—goin’ away [BLANK FLIP] m- 5
THE FIRESTONES [UK] decca 11436—party twist (two different medleys, 3 songs each) vg sol 4 Instru. fast sax-drums-horn
FIRST CLASS all platinum 2368—this is it/filled with desire m- 4 midt disco group, funk/soul sides
FIRST LOVE chycago international 03822—don’t give up (on our love)/the love I had m- wol 7 good slow/ms soul ballads
ANN FISHER music city 886—nothing in common/upstairs vg+ 7 risque black sultry novelty talker/midt R&B
JERRY FISHER amos 112—sloiw it down a little while/city ways m- 6 midt, funk/soul guitar rock
TOMMY FISHER b & d 1314dj—audrey/rock and roll robin hood vg 12 ballad/mf r&roll—rocker with gui-sax break
VIGOR FISHER mala 438dj—teenagers’ blues/al caplone vg+ 15 fast rock and rolls
ELLA FITZGERALD [reprise 0875 dj] I’ll never fall in love again/savoy truffle m- 5 midtempo rare, flip Soul redo Beatles!
0922dj—try a little bit/yellow man vg+ 6 slow soul with girls backing/ms
THE FIVE AMERICANS [hbr 454] I see the light/the outcast m- 5 GREAT fast garage 1966
[ORANGE WAX] abnak 125dj—stop light/tell ann I love her m- 4 mf/ms, late 60s
FIVE BUCS omnibus 1001—I’ll walk alone/so wrong vg 33 Detroit [P—garage-fuzz-psych]
FIVE BY FIVE paula 302—fire/hang up vg+ 7 fast garage 1968 era
THE FIVE CROWNS de’besth 1121—a surprise visitor form outer space/memories… vg+ 34 doowop novelty/R&B-Jump, 50s
THE FIVE DU-TONES one-derful! 4824—the chicken astronaut/the cool bird vg+ coh 16 [P—r&b, mod soul]
4836dj—mountain of love “faithful to me”/outside the record hop… m- coh 13 slow soul/midt Northern
THE FIVE EMPREES freeport 1002—why/hey baby vg+ (plays m-) 13 Chicago 60s garage
THE 5 JOHNS pen 118dj—50 miles with vigah/tiptoe vg #ol 10 R&R Instr’s, mf organ-sax-piano/fast piano-guitar
THE FIVE KEYS king 5273—dream on/dancing senorita vg 8 [small print] Group ballad/jump (midt R&B-doowops)
THE FIVE MOORE parrot 323dj—whole lotta soul/shine on, harvest moon m- 8 A-side mentions soul stars’ names!
THE FIVE OUNCES OF SOUL cu-wu 103—I’ve got a piece…mind (part 1)/(part 2) m- BID//MIN:100 Detroit funk-soul rare
FIVE PIECES OF EIGHT///NYNA SHANNON basf 15144—age of the gun///I believe in god m- 7 slow (psychish)///mf rocks
THE FIVE QUAILS harvey 114—get to school on time/been a long time m- 19 Detroit doowop group, mention “Charlie Brown”
THE “5” ROYALES [BIOGR. LABEL] king 4785dj—how I wonder/mohawk squaw BID//MIN:20 ms group ballad/mf r&roll
FIVE SHADES mgm 13035dj—one hot dog/Sherlock jones m- 16 fast Group rock and rolls; also novelty
THE FIVE SHARPS khrisse 101—yellow fever/the freeze vg+ 15 R&R INSTR’s, drum-gui-horns, midt/fast, RARE
THE FIVE SPLENDORS stroll 106—ehe elephant walk/your dog hate me m- 25 r&roll novelty talker +group, fast doowop flip
FIVE STAIRSTEPS & CUBIE curtom 1933dj—stay close to me/I made a mistake m- xol 6 mf/slow souls
1944—madame mary/little boy blue vg+ coh 5 good midt funk/slow soul sides
THE FIVE STARS kernel 002—atom bomb baby/you sweet little thing vg- 8 very cool, fast rock and roll group
FIVE SUPERIORS///HAYWARD LEE jan ell 459—geneva twist///blue mood vg much wol 4 cool, fast crude r&roll (novelty)
5 WAGERS tiara 100—come and ask me (vocal/instr) m- 6 midt group soul
PAUL “SIR RAGGEDY” FLAGG atlantic 2443dj—“papa-momma-romper-stomper”/shoo fly pie m- 8 midt funk/mf r&b
THE FLAGMEN limelight 3014dj—drag strip u.s.a./mary m- 31 mf surf, guitar break (mention Beach Boys etc.)
SONNY FLAHARTY decca 31419dj—please don’t wear that bikini/c’mon little mary m- 13 fast novelty Teener/mf teen r&r
THE FLAIRS epic 9447dj—shake shake sherry/the memory lingers on [[vg wol 6]] [[m- 14]] fast wild doowop r&roll/ballad
rap 007—you got to steal it/where you live m- 161 **RARE** northern
THE FLAME ‘N’ KING raines 370—the whip/tell me m- 8 mf funk-soul with sax break/slow soul
FLAMING EMBERS ric tic 132—hey mama (what’cha got good for daddy)/let’s have… m- 7 GREAT midslow soul, Detroit hit!
THE FLAMINGOS philips 40413—she shook my world/itty bitty baby vg+ 4 midt/ms heavy souls, 60s
40496dj—oh mary don’t you worry/do it, to it m- 8 ms soul harmony/mf group soul
worlds 103—think about me (VOCAL/INSTR versions) m- 4 midt soul
polydor 14019—buffalo soldier 3:45 and 7:40 versions m- 7
14044dj—lover come back to me/straighten it up (get it together) m- 9 ms funk/slow soul-blues
TOMMY FLANDERS verve forecast 5064dj—friday night city/reputation m- 23 midt/ms, Psychish flip, ZAPPA in this!
THE FLARES press 2807dj—do it with me/yon he go vg+ 10 cool, mf group r&rolls
2810dj—do it if you wanna/the monkey walk [[m-]] or [[DJ m-]] 8 mf doowop novelty/midt r&rroll, group
FLASH renegade 1203dj—lollipop/hey, I want to love you vg+ BID//MIN:15 midfast, Garage/60s
[ITALY, with m- artwork PS] keep on rolling/same vg+ 7 good rolling stones medley, done as midt rock
LINDA FLAVELL [UK] decca 12312—over and over/and the trouble with me is you vg 12 GOOD mf teeners, sax break flip
FLAVOR [columbia 44881 dj] dancing in the street/comin’ on home m- 6 mf 60s rock REDO MOTOWN/fast 60s
THE FLEAS challenge 9115—tears/scratchin’ [labels reversed, “correcting” wol] m- 17 good doowop r&roll, novelty
FLEETWOOD MAC reprise 1079 dj—oh well – part 1/the green manalishi m- 9 scarce
1093 [WITH aftermarket PROMO MATERIAL FOR KQV, Pittsburgh] sentimental lady/ m- 5 rare
FRANK FLEMING laurie 3131 dj—all by myself alone/school bells vg+ 12 rare teener—doowop (popsike)
RAY FLEMING gambit 1105—something in the wind/devil in disguise m- sol 12 mf/fast r&rolls, with group
YOUNG WEB FLEMING gan-tree 101—the astronauts/so natcherly vg+ xol 10 R&Roll, midfast with girls/midt
WADE FLEMONS vee jay 471—I hope, I think, I wish/ain’t these tears? vg+ 4 ms/midt, with light group
578—when it rains, it pours/watch over her [[vg+ 5]] [[DJ vg xol sol 4]] midt R&B’s group in flip
DARROW FLETCHER genna 1002—now is the time for love part 1/part 2 m- 5 midt gospel-soul
FLINT-NIKS buddah 178dj—yaba daba do (honey I love you)/the f m- 11lint-nik rock m- 26 mf Northern!! – same vocal/instr.
FRED FLINTSTONE epic 9475dj—bedrock beat/stone age rock vg 9 mf r&r-jazz/midt r&r Instru. scarce
THE FLOWER POT vault 935—mr. zig zag man/black moto vg+ 22 midtempo Grateful Dead type (ACID TRIP)
THE FLOWER POT MEN deram 7516 dj—a walk in the sky/am I losing you m- 4 slow Wall Of Sound psych/slow rock
PHIL FLOWERS a&m 1168dj—eveery day I have to cry/same m- 5 midslow soulish with group
FLOWERS, FRUITS & PRETTY THINGS g & p 101dj—take me away/wanting you m- 10 Detroit 60s, garageish
THE FLOWER SISTERS///LEROY JONES hit 136—people say///c’mon and swim vg+ 5 midt girl group/mf soul r&roll
EDDIE FLOYD lu pine 1022 dj—a deed to your heart/I’ll be home m- 6 “ballad” in Manship
FLUFF djm 70020dj—sunny honey girl/walking alone m- wol 5 mf bubblegum/midt
THE FLYING BURRITO BROS. a&m 1166dj—if you gotta go/cody, cody m- 20 GRAM PARSONS claimed; fast 60s +Break
THE FLYING CIRCUS [AUSTRALIA, columbia 8989] run, run, run/all fall down vg+ sol 8 mf, bubblegum/rock, 1969-70?
FREDDIE FLYNN…FLASHES lyric 107—green stamps/hazel m- 23 RARE, fast r&roll with group (novelty), gui. break/mf Instr.
FOCUS atco 7002dj—harem scarem/same m- 6 fast vocalized Instrumental, Prog.
FOGHAT [with m- PS] sire 49779dj—wide boy/same m- 3 **SALE** found a few copies…
RED FOLEY decca 27981—milk bucket boogie/salty dog rag vg+ 9 midfast rocker A-side
DAN FOLGER hickory 1374dj—go on back (to where you’ve been)/seven lonely days m- 5 midt ballad/mf
EDDIE FONTAINE decca 30256dj—money/homesick blues vg+ #ol 5 midslows Fifties
CHUCK FOOTE roulette 4474dj—(she wore a) short, short, sloppy sweater,…hair/I’ve got… vg 6 mf r&rolls, girls backing
TED FORBES AND THE KISSES modern sound 6901—knee sox/the flirt m- 13 r&rolls, fast/mf, male-female sides
KITTY FORD smash 1704dj—rules of happiness/gee mom vg+ sol 5 mf/midt r&rollish, 1961
LINDA FORD & CO. kasaba 102—black rock/daddy you’ve… m- 8 Ann Arbor, Mich. – mf girl vocal +Guitar, etc./
MACK AND SANDY FORD cuca 6767—that crazy thing/I don’t love you anymore m- sol 6 mf/midt RARE folk, Wisconsin
NEAL FORD AND THE FANATICS tantara 1101 dj—don’t tie me down/bitter bells m- 18 mf/midt GARAGES, Break in flip
hickory 1433—shame on you/gonna be my firl vg+ 16 60s garage Psych, PEBBLES cut
1450—wait for me/(I’ve got a) brand new girl m- coh 6 mf/fast 60s
TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD capitol 54 40258—mule train/anticipation blues m- 8 SCARCE, 1949 release
FX1295—the shot gun boogie/I ain’t gonna… m- 15 EARLY ROCKER [THESE 2 as “TENNESSEE ERNIE” name]
4793—work song/rags and… m- wol 12 slow popcorn version
FORD THEATRE abc 11192dj—wake up in the morning/time changes m- 4 slow/ms
11227dj—I’ve got the fever/jefferson airplane m- 14 [P—garage, psych-fuzz]
FORESTINA AND CITA verve 10429 dj—suddenly it’s love/darling be mine m- sol 12 Instru, midt/slow Northerns
FOREVER AND EVER jubilee 5567dj—peggy/early morning bath m- 4 midt/mf, 60s rock light novelty
FOREVER CHILDREN abc 10974dj—only the rain/merry go-round m- 23 flip midt, STRANGE PSYCH VOCAL, rare?
THE FORMINX london 9742dj—jeronimo yanka/dream in my heart m- 8 mf organ-drum voiced Instru./midt vocal
“FOR STUDENTS ONLY!” [with vg+ PS] columbia/epic ae7 1150dj—LAKE, CRAWLER, PIERCE ARROW, Ram Jam cuts m- 3
J. D. FORTUNE & THE WHEELS mountain empire 1008—vanna/vanna m- 9 MIDTEMPO DOOWOP TRIBUTE!
JESSE FORTUNE THE VIOLATORS BAND new chicago sound 6919—trip to the moon/I know… vg 16 rare funk-blues
JOHNNY FORTUNE united artists 780dj—don’t stay out after midnight/don’t you lie to me m- #ol 13 mf r&r/garage, Gui Break
TERRY FORTUNE pink 704—daddy rabbit/the locket m- 23 [P—“teen R&B rocker”]
THE FORTUNES harmon 1016—skip with me lulu/little egypt vg+ sol wol 14 [P—r&b, exotica, tittyshaker]
THE FORVMS prism 1940—bring it on back/I remember you vg+ 10 Ohio, midt 60s r&roll/midt redo Ifield (popsike sales)
BOBBY FOSTER select O hits 105—I’m so glad/where do you go m- 19 midt [P—crossover, northern soul]
EARL FOSTER earthquake 1—jodine (vocal/instru.) vg+ 5 midt funk
JERRY FOSTER AND TENNESSEE TORNADO monument 242dj—the fifties/same m- 6 mf modern (‘78) rocker, gui. break
THE FOUNDATIONS uni 55073—any old time (you’re lonely and sad)/we are happy people m- coh 5 midt/mf soul rocks
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH colgems 66 1020dj—livin’ too fast/make the hurt go away m- 5 fast/mf polished 60s
THE FOUR AVALONS algon 634dj—fatima/falafel m- 5 mf/midt eastern Europe vocals
THE FOUR BLAZERS buddy 143—girl/silver city vg+ 5 mf garage 60s (but horns)/slow, Texas label
THE FOUR CAL-QUETTES liberty 55549dj—movie magazines/I cried m- xol 14 midt/ms teeners, girls
THE FOUR COUNTS josie 840—yum-mee, yum-mee/cuckoo vg+ 8 fast, Teener r&roll (Donald Duckish voice)/doowop
THE FOUR DUKES imperial 5633dj—john henry m- 5 fast/mf Pop-Jiver, history song flip
THE FOUR-EVERS [smash 1921] (say I love you) doo bee dum/everlasting m- coh 4 midt group, SURFISH!
THE FOUR FINKS antler 4024—wiki wiki woo/hello sucker m- 24 novelty; [P—jungle exotica rocker] Chipmunks voices
THE FOUR GUYS kent 111—you took my heart by surprise/you don’t have to tell me vg 4 midt r&b’ish group
FOUR HUES r-dell 18—give us rain/crystal ball vg 3 mf/fast pop Fifties
THE FOUR JOKERS amy 832dj—uggaboo/she’s a flirt vg+ coh 10 mf doowops, both novelty rock and roll
4 MILES HIGH calla 169 dj—come on fall in line/problem child m- 3 Northern, yes, A DOLLAR PER MILE!!
FOUR MINTS capsoul 27—do you really love me/(I’m gonna) keep on loving you m- wol 8 slow talk-soul/midt northern
THE FOURMOST atco 6307 dj—a little bit of loving/if you cry m- wol 6 Sixties, mf with gui-drum break/midt
6317dj—how can I tell her/you got that way vg+ sol xol 12 mf UK sound, garage break flip, 60s
capitol 5591—girls, girls, girls/why do fools fall in love m- 14 UK type, good midfast/fast
THE FOUR PREPS capitol 5236—the girl without a top/two wrongs… vg+ 4 WAY COOL! mf novelty ballad about bikinis!
5921dj—draftdodger rag/hitchhiker m- 5
THE FOUR SHARPS darrow 512—safari/stranger vg 6 m id guitar r&r Instr. +animal sounds/slow r&r Instr.
THE FOUR SONICS sport 110—you don’t have to say you love me/it takes two m- coh 10 A-side great soul group ballad
THE FOUR SOUNDS tuff 1—peter’s gun/the ring m- BID//MIN:20 very goofy talker—mf Doowop/slow group r&b ballad
ran-dee 104—nobody wants me/mama ubangi bangi m- BID//MIN:15 [P—r&b, popcorn, Mad Mike]
THE FOUR SPORTSMEN sunnybrook 5—sixty minute man/jelly roll brown m- 11 FAST DOOWOPS
THE FOUR STARS amm 101—death of the twist/when we meet again vg 14 fast r&roll with sax break/ballad
FOUR STARS gray 101—death of the twist/when we… vg 8 fast r&roll with sax break/ballad
THE FOUR TEMPOS rampart 664—lonely prisoner/strange dream m- 18 midslow soul/slow Righteous Bros, type
THE 4th COMING pzazz 047—we got love/take time vg label damage 5 midt/slow deep, souls
THE 4th FORM—20th century fox 6662dj—1000 days/I’ll make you that much stronger m- 6 fast/midt smooth polished 60s
THE FOUR TUNES [CANADA] quality 1543—the ballad of james dean/the japanese farewell song vg+ tol 7 dark grp. ballads
FOUR WONDERS solid foundation 108dj—just looking for my life/same BID//MIN:20 decent midt northern soul
KIM FOWLEY imperial 66326dj—born to be wild/space odyssey m- 8 midt Psych Jazz instrumentals
capitol PRO 6638 (3534) dj—interenatiional heroes/same m- 6 midfast rock
3662—something new/born dancer m- 9 midt, Dylanish rock/Psych-grateful dead type
THE FOX rings of Saturn 1000—the man, the man/the astrology song vg+ [WARP, PLAYS OK] 18 flip mf Garage, farfisa break
KENNY FOX rca 9590dj—I’m crazy ‘bout you baby/you’re mine (and I love you) m- 8 soul ballads
BEVERLY AND CHARLIE FOXX…CHILDREN tee off 105—mockingbird ‘72/sign…+1 vg+ BID//MIN:20 funk-soul, Ala. label
INEZ FOXX dynamo 138—north carolina (south carolina)/I got it vg+ 5 midt/mf souls (Charlie in flip?)
volt 4087dj—you hurt me for the last time/watch the dog (that brings the bone) m- 6 mf/midt funbks
INEZ & CHARLIE FOXX symbol 201—la de da I love you/yankee doodle dandy m- 5 midt, soul/R&B sides
INEZ AND CHARLIE FOXX symbol 204—don’t do it no more/I fancy you m- xol 8 midt/mf R&B’s
dynamo 119dj—fellows in VIETNAM/vaya con dios m- 11 slow deep souls
FOXY double shot 145—call me later/I like the way you love me m- 5 girl, midt/ms light souls
THE FOXY LADIES tapestry 4734—who’s making love/it’s your thing m- 8 mf synth, funk-disco vocal/midt soul
THE FRAGGIES cameo 410—stick with you/I wanna love you vg+ (flip has 2% label rips) vg+ 14 mf/fast 60s, garage flip
PETER FRAMPTON a&m 1379dj—jumping jack flash/on for another day m- 5 midt rock redo/very slow dreamy
FRAMPTON’S CAMEL a&m 1456dj—all night long/same m- 5 midt hard rock
BOB FRANCIS [atlantic 2643 dj] there goes my baby/love has come m- 4 redo Drifters GOOD ms soul +girls/midt Northern
CONNIE FRANCIS [jukebox stereo single, mgm SB 9—I almost lost my mind/come back to worrento vg+ 4
gsf 6901—should I tie a yellow ribbon around the ole oak tree? (THE ANSWER)/paint the rain m- 5
[GERMANY] mgm 61 114—weekend-boy/hast du Heimweh vg 8 non-USA, midt ballads, girls in flip
FRANCK, BILL AND PETER scotty 911—sunrise/moontalk vg+ 13 mf group (non0lyrical voiced)/R&R Novelty, rare!
FRANCOIS & THE ANGLOS Romulus 3004dj—mimi/city farm (city jail) vg+ wol 13 [P—northern soul]
BARRY FRANK///MICHAEL STEWART Q. [with vg+ Pic Cover] bell 16—a rose and a baby ruth///petticoats of Portugal m- 4
JOE FRANK AND THE KNIGHTS el-jay 100463—twistin’ mississippi/fdive elephants in a Volkswagen
vg+ 22 rare INSTRUMENTALS, Cleveland MISS. label! – gui-drum-organ R&Rolls: fast/midslow RARE
FRANKIE AND JOHNNY lido 604—big clem/together tonight vg+ 6 mf (light novelty)/midt (A-side about Sasquatch!)
FRANKIE & JOHNNY liberty 55271—do you love me/my first love vg+ 6 midt r&roll/good ms ballad harmony duet, 1961-2
FRANKIE AND THE SPINDLES gamble 2510dj—makin up time (part I)/same m- wol 5 good slow soul
ARETHA FRANKLIN [with PROMO LETTER] atlantic 23603dj—tracks of my tears/same m- 5
BOBY FRANKLIN babylon 1123—what ever’s your sign (you got to be mine) 3:25 and 4:51 versions m- 4 midt disco-soul
CAROLYN FRANKLIN rca 74 0314dj—chain reaction/everybody’s talkin’ m- 5 fast funk-soul/midfast soul redo Nilsson
RAY FRANKLIN & HIS… [chris 00-12] big otis blues/that’s not nice m- 5 ms blues instru./mf soul
RAY FRANKLIN ORCHESTRA [with “glossy” PROMO LETTER, photo] chris 110—look at your self/um hum m- 9 ms souls,
RAY FRANKLIN AND HIS ORCHESTRA chris 1019—that’s not nice/tears out to dry m- 5 fast organ-drum r&r Inst/midt pop
MICHAEL FRANKS brut 809dj—I can’t seem to shake this rock and roll/the king of Oklahoma m- #ol 4 ms/midt
THE FRATS Washington square 2030—do you love me/stormy weather vg 17 midtempos 60s GARAGE, r&roll/Instru. MICH.
BILLY FRAZIER liberty 55417dj—give us back the twist/let me walk you home m- 8 early 60s rock and roll
[verve 10501] try me/temptation m- coh 4 slow/ms, deep souls
JOE FRAZIER capitol 2479dj—if you go stay gone/truly, truly lovin’ me m- 6 ms/midt souls YES THIS IS THE BOXER…
2661dj—knock out drop/gonna spend my life m- 16 midt funks [P…]
jobo 100—try it again/knock on wood m- 9 midt funk/mf soul
JOHN FRED AND HIS PLAYBOY BAND uni 55135—back in the U.S.S.R. [beatles song]/silly sarah carter m- coh 4
55187dj—love my soul/julia, julia m- 4 slow/mf rocks
JOHN FRED & HIS PLAYBOY BAND uni 55160dj—three deep in a feeling/open doors m- 5 midfast, a-side R&Roll
55220dj—where’s everybody going/miss knocker m- 8 midslow/heavy midfast, rocks (never saw this before??)
FRED & THE NEW J.B.’s people 651—makin’ love/rice n’ ribs m- 5 midt funk/mf soul instru.
655—(it’s not the express) it’s the J. B.’s
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