Modernization of Poultry Slaughter Inspection

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Journal Articles (peer reviewed)

1. Silbergeld EK: Dieldrin. Effects of chronic sublethal exposure on adaptation to thermal stress in a freshwater fish. Environ Sci Toxicol7: 846-849, 1973.

2. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: A lead-induced behavior disorder. Life Sci 13:1275-1283, 1973.
3. Silbergeld EK: Blood glucose: A sensitive indicator of environmental stress in fish. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 11(1):20-25, 1974.
4. Silbergeld EK, Fales JT, and Goldberg AM: Evidence for a junctional effect of lead on neuromuscular function. Nature 247(5435):49-50, 1974.
5. Silbergeld EK, Fales JT, and Goldberg AM: The effects of inorganic lead on the neuromuscular junction. Neuropharmacology 13:795-801, 1974.
6. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Lead-induced behavioral dysfunction: An animal model of hyperactivity. Exp. Neurol 42:146-157, 1974.
7. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Hyperactivity: A lead-induced behavior disorder. Environ Health Perspect 7:227-232, 1974.
8. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Pharmacological and neurochemical investigations of lead-induced hyperactivity. Neuropharmacology 14:431-444, 1975.
9. Morrison JH, Olton DS, Goldberg AM, and Silbergeld EK: Alterations in consummatory behavior of mice produced by dietary exposure to inorganic lead. Dev Psychobiol 8(5):389-396, 1975.
10. Silbergeld EK and Chisolm JJ, Jr.: Lead poisoning: Altered urinary catecholamine metabolites as indicators of intoxication in mice and children. Science 192:153-155, 1976.
11. Fitzgerald RS, Garfinkel F, Silbergeld E, and Loscutoff SC: Factors in the interpretation of mouth occlusion pressure during measurements of chemosensitivity. Chest 70(1)Suppl: 145-149, 1976.
12. Silbergeld EK: Interactions of lead and calcium on the synaptosomal uptake of dopamine and choline. Life Sciences 20:309-318, 1977.
13. Carroll PT, Silbergeld EK, and Goldberg AM: Alteration of central cholinergic function by chronic lead acetate exposure. Biochem Pharmacol 26:397-402, 1977.
14. Silbergeld EK and Pfeiffer RF: Differential effects of three dopamine agonists: Apomorphine, bromocriptine and lergotrile. J Neurochem 28:1323-1326, 1977.
15. Silbergeld EK: Na+ regulates release of Ca++ sequested in synaptosomal mitochondria. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 77(2):464-469, 1977.
16. Silbergeld EK, Adler HS, and Costa JL: Subcellular localization of lead in synaptosomes. Res. Comm. Chem Pathol Pharmacol 17(4):715-725, 1977.
17. Silbergeld EK, Adler H, Kennedy S, and Calne DB: The roles of presynaptic function and hepatic drug metabolism in the hypothermic actions of two novel dopaminergic agonists. J Pharm Pharmacol 29:632-635, 1977.
18. Silbergeld EK and Adler HS: Subcellular mechanisms of lead neurotoxicology. Brain Research 148:451-467, 1978.
19. Silbergeld EK and Costa JL: Synaptosomal Ca metabolism studied by electron microprobe analysis. Exp Neurol 63:277-292, 1979.
20. Calne DB, Kebabian J, Silbergeld EK, and Evarts E: Advances in the neuropharmacology of Parkinsonism. Ann Int Med 90(2):219-229, 1979.
21. Silbergeld EK and Walters JR: Synaptosomal uptake and release of dopamine in substantia nigra: Effects of -aminobutyric acid and substance P. Neurosci Lett 12:119-126, 1979.
22. Walsh MJ and Silbergeld EK: Rat rotation monitoring for pharmacology research. Pharmacol Biochem Behavior 10:433-436, 1979
23. Hruska RE, Kennedy S, and Silbergeld EK: Quantitative aspects of normal locomotion in rats. Life Sciences 25:171-180, 1979.
24. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Abnormal locomotion in rats after bilateral intrastriatal injection of kainic acid. Life Sciences 25:181-194, 1979.
25. Lafferman JA and Silbergeld EK: Erythrosin B inhibits dopamine transport in rat caudate synaptosomes. Science 205:410-412, 1979.
26. Silbergeld EK, Miller LP, Kennedy S, and Eng N: Lead, GABA, and seizures: Effects of subencephalopathic lead exposure on seizure sensitivity and GABAergic function. Environ Res 19:371-382, 1979.
27. Silbergeld EK and Hruska RE: Effects of ergot drugs on serotonergic function: Behavior and neurochemistry. Eur J Pharmacol 58:1-10, 1979.
28. Silbergeld EK and Hruska RE: Lisuride and LSD: Dopaminergic and serotonergic interactions in the "serotonin syndrome”. Psychopharmacol 65:233-237, 1979.
29. Silbergeld EK and Hruska RE: Tremor: Role of striatal cholinergic neurons and the effect of intrastriatal kainic acid. Neurosci. Letters 15:235-242, 1979.
30. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Estrogen treatment enhances dopamine receptor sensitivity in the rat striatum. Eur J Pharmacol 62:397-400, 1980.
31. Silbergeld EK, Wolinsky JS, and Goldstein GW: Electron probe microanalysis of isolated brain capillaries poisoned with lead. Brain Res 189:369-376, 1980.
32. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, Miller LP, and Eng N: Effects of lead in vivo and in vitro on GABAergic neurochemistry. J Neurochem 34(6):1712-1718, 1980.
33. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Increased dopamine receptor sensitivity after estrogen treatment using the rat rotation model. Science 208:1466-1468, 1980.
34. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Cortical neurochemical changes after intrastriatal injection of kainic acid. Brain Res 191:572-576, 1980.
35. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Effect of ergot derivatives on post-decapitation convulsions. Commun Psychopharmacol 4:57-62, 1980.
36. Hruska RE, Ludmer LM, and Silbergeld EK: Hypophysectomy prevents the striatal dopamine receptor supersensitivity produced by chronic haloperidol treatment. Eur J Pharmacol 65:455-456, 1980.
37. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Inhibition of (3H)spiroperidol binding by in vitro addition of ethanol. J Neurochem 35: 750-752, 1980.
38. Silbergeld EK and Lamon JM: Role of altered heme synthesis in lead neurotoxicity. J Occup Med 22(10):680-684, 1980.
39. Hruska RE, Ludmer LM, and Silbergeld EK: Characterization of the striatal dopamine receptor supersensitivity produced by estrogen treatment of male rats. Neuropharmacol 19:923-926, 1980.
40. Silbergeld EK: Erythrosin B is a specific inhibitor of high affinity 3H-ouabain binding and ion transport in rat brain. Neuropharmacol 20:87-90, 1981.
41. Silbergeld EK and Calne DB: Animal models of Parkinsonism. Pharmacol Ther 12:159-166, 1981.
42. Goudsmit J, Rohwer RG, Silbergeld EK, and Gadjusek DC: Hypersensitivity to central serotonin receptor activation in scrapie-infected hamsters and the effect of serotonergic drugs on scrapie symptoms. Brain Res 220: 372-377, 1981.
43. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Inhibition of neurotransmitter receptor binding by ergot derivatives. J Neurosci Res 6:1-11, 1981.
44. Weir RL, Hruska RE, and Silbergeld EK: Binding of antiparkinsonian ergot derivatives to the dopamine receptor. Psychopharmacol 75:119-123, 1981.
45. Hruska RE, Pitman KT, Silbergeld EK, and Ludmer LM: Prolactin increases the density of striatal dopamine receptors in normal and hypophysectomized male rats. Life Sciences 30:547-553, 1982.
46. Hruska RE, Ludmer LM, Pitman KT, De Ryck M, and Silbergeld EK: Effects of estrogen on striatal dopamine receptor function in male and female rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 16:285-291, 1982.
47. Silbergeld EK and Anderson SM: Artificial food colors and childhood behavior disorders. Bull NY Acad Med 58:275-295, 1982.
48. Morris SJ, Silbergeld EK, Brown RR, and Haynes DH: Erythrosin B (USFD&C Red 3) inhibits calcium transport and ATPase activity of muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 104:1306-1311, 1982.

49. Silbergeld EK, Anderson SM, and Morris SJ: Interactions of erythrosin B (USFD&C Red 3) with rat cortical membranes. Life Sci 31:957-969, 1982.

50. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, Bradley D, Lamon JM, and Frykholm BC: Neurotoxic aspects of porphyrinopathies lead and succinylacetone. Environ Res 29:459-471, 1982.
51. De Ryck M, Hruska RE, and Silbergeld EK: Estrogen and haloperidol-induced versus handling-related catalepsy in male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 17:1027-1035, 1982.
52. Silbergeld EK and Lamon JM: Effects of altered porphyrin synthesis on brain neurochemistry. Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 4:635-642, 1982.
53. Silbergeld EK: Localization of metals: Issues of importance to neurotoxicology of lead. Neurotoxicol 4:193-200, 1983.
54. Hall KL and Silbergeld EK: Reappraising Epidemiology: A response to Mr. Dore. Harvard Environ Law Rev 7: 441-448, 1983.
55. Hay A and Silbergeld E: Assessing the risk of dioxin exposure. Nature 315:102-103, 1985.
56. Phillips AM and Silbergeld EK: Health effects studies of exposure from hazardous waste sites - where are we today? Amer. J. Indust. Med. 8:1-7, 1985.
57. Silbergeld EK: The relevance of animal models for neurotoxic disease states. Int J Mental Hlth 14(3):26-43, 1985.
58. Silbergeld EK: Maternally mediated exposure of the fetus: In utero exposure to lead and other toxins. Neurotoxicol 7(2):557-568, 1986.
59. Silbergeld EK and Mattison DR: Experimental and clinical studies on the reproductive toxicology of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Am J Industrial Medicine 11:131-144, 1987.
60. Max SR and Silbergeld EK: Skeletal muscle glucocorticoid receptor and glutamine synthetase activity in the wasting syndrome in rats treated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 87:523-527, 1987.

61. Silbergeld EK. Reflections on the problem of reliability in occupational and environmental toxicology. Am J Ind Med. 1988;13(5):601-3.

62. Denison RA and Silbergeld EK: Risks of municipal solid waste incineration: An environmental perspective. Risk Analysis 8:343-355, 1988.
63. Schwartz J, Landrigan PJ, Feldman RG, Silbergeld EK, Baker EL, and Von Linden IH: Threshold effect in lead-induced peripheral neuropathy. J Pediat 112(1):12-17, 1988.
63. Silbergeld EK, Schwartz J, and Mahaffey K: Lead and osteoporosis: Mobilization of lead from bone in postmenopausal women. Environ Res 47:79-94, 1988.
64. Silbergeld EK: Models for assessing the risk of neurotoxins. Commun Toxicol 3(1):69-86, 1989.
65. Silbergeld EK and Gasiewicz TA: Dioxins and the Ah receptor. Amer J Indust Med 16:455-474, 1989.
66. Landrigan PJ, Halper LA, and Silbergeld EK: Toxic air pollution across a state line: Implications for the siting of resource recovery facilities. J Publ Health Policy 10(3):309-323, 1989.
67. Reagan P and Silbergeld EK: Establishing a health based standard for lead in residential soils. Trace Subst in Environ Hlth 23:199-238, 1989.
68. Silbergeld EK: Implications of new data on lead toxicity for managing and preventing exposure. Environ Health Perspec 89: 49-54, 1990.

69. Landrigan PJ, Silbergeld EK, Froines JR, Pfeffer RM. Lead in the modern workplace. Am J Public Health 80(8):907-8, 1990.

69. Sills MR, Mahaffey KR, and Silbergeld EK: The long-term effects of exposure to low doses of lead in childhood. New Engl Journal Med 324:416-417, 1991 (letter).
70. Silbergeld EK: The role of toxicology in causation: A scientific perspective. Courts, Health Science & Law 1:374-385, 1991.
71. Silbergeld EK, Landrigan PJ, Froines JR, and Pfeffer RM: The Occupational Lead Standard: A goal unachieved, a process in need of repair. New Solutions Spring: 20-30, 1991.
72. Silbergeld EK: Lead in Bone: Implications of lead storage and mobilization during pregnancy and lactation. Environ Health Perspect 91:63-70, 1991.
73. Aoki Y, Silbergeld EK, Max SR, and Fowler BA: Alterations in protein synthesis in rat liver cells by in

vitro and in vivo exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Biochem Pharmacol 42(6):1195-1201, 1991.

74. Silbergeld EK. Carcinogenicity of dioxins. J Natl Cancer Inst. 83(17):1198-9, 1991

74. Sauk JJ, Smith T, Silbergeld EK, Fowler BA, and Somerman MA: Lead inhibits secretion of osteonectin/SPARC without significantly altering collagen or Hsp47 production in osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 116:240-247, 1992.
75. Silbergeld EK: Mechanisms of lead neurotoxicity: looking beyond the lamppost. FASEB J 6:3201-3206, 1992.
76. Silbergeld EK. Lead exposure in sandblasting. Am J Public Health 82(3):464-5, 1992.

76. Silbergeld EK: Risk assessment: the perspective and experience of US environmentalists. Environ Health Persp 101(2):100-104, 1993.

77. Florini KL and Silbergeld EK: Getting the lead out. Issues in Sci Technol IX (4):33-39, 1993.
78. Silbergeld EK: Investing in prevention: Opportunities to reduce health care costs through identifying and reducing environmental contributions to preventable disease. New Solutions Fall: 37-51, 1993.
79. Silbergeld EK, Sauk J, Somerman M, Todd A, McNeill F, Fontaine A, and Fowler BA: Lead in bone: Storage site, exposure source, and target organ. Neurotoxicology 14:225-236, 1993.
80. Connell R, Anderson K, Russell W, Anderson KE, Clapp R, Silbergeld EK, and Landrigan PJ: Angiosarcoma, porphyria cutanea tarda, and probable chloracne in a worker exposed to waste oil contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Br J Ind Med 50:699-703, 1993.
81. Silbergeld EK: Neurochemical approaches to developing biochemical markers of neurotoxicity: Review of current status and evaluation of future prospects. Environ Res 63:274-286, 1993.
82. Marcus M, Silbergeld E, Mattison D. A reproductive hazards research agenda for the 1990s. Research Needs Working Group. Environ Health Perspect 101 Suppl 2:175-80, 1993.
82. Silbergeld EK: New approaches to monitoring environmental neurotoxins. Ann NY Acad Sci 694:62-71, 1993.
83. Silbergeld EK and Davis DL: Role of biomarkers in identifying and understanding environmentally induced disease. Clin Chem 40(7):1363-1367, 1994.
84. Silbergeld EK: The risks of comparing risks. NYU Environ Law J 3(2):405-430, 1994.
85. Silbergeld E, Tonat K. Investing in prevention: opportunities to prevent disease and reduce health care costs by identifying environmental and occupational causes of noncancer disease. Toxicol Ind Health. 10(6):675-827, 1994

86. White RF, Gerr F, Cohen RF, Green R, Lezak MD, Lybarger J, Mack J, Silbergeld E, Valciukas J, Chappell W, et al. Criteria for progressive modification of neurobehavioral batteries.

Neurotoxicol Teratol. 16(5):511-24., 1994.
85. Silbergeld E. Receptor-mediated biological processes: implications for evaluating carcinogens. Prog Clin Biol Res. 387:273-93, 1994.
85. Silbergeld EK: Protection of the public interest, allegations of scientific misconduct, and the Needleman case. Am J Public Health 85(2):165-166, 1995.
86. Wirth DA and Silbergeld EK: Risky reform. Col Law Rev 95(7):1857-1895, 1995.
87. Silbergeld EK and Watson L: Exposure to lead during reproduction and menopause. Funda Appl Toxicol 25:167-168, 1995.

88. Silbergeld EK. The hazards of synthetic (anthropogenic) chemicals. Toxicol Lett. 82-83:835-41, 1995.

88. Zelikoff JT, Bertin JE, Burbacher TM, Hunter ES, Miller RK, Silbergeld EK, Tabacova S, and Rogers JM: Health risks associated with prenatal metal exposure. Funda Appl Toxicol 25:161-170, 1995.
89. Silbergeld EK: Understanding risk: The case of dioxin. Sci Amer Science and Medicine Nov/Dec: 48-57, 1995.
90. Silbergeld EK: The international dimensions of lead exposure. Int J Occup Environ Health 1(4):336-348, 1995.
91. Roberts JS and Silbergeld EK: Pregnancy, lactation and menopause: How physiology and gender affect the toxicity of chemicals. Mt Sinai J Med 62(5):343-355, October 1995.
92. Silbergeld EK: Lead poisoning: The implications of current biomedical knowledge for public policy. Maryland Med J 45(3):209-217, March 1996.
93. Lasky T and Silbergeld E: p53 mutations associated with breast, colorectal, liver, lung, and ovarian cancers. Environ Health Persp 104(12):1324-1331, 1996.
94. Silbergeld EK: Preventing lead poisoning in children. Ann Rev Public Health 18:187-210, 1997.
95. Solomon GM, Huddle AM, Silbergeld EK, and Herman J: Manganese in gasoline: Are we repeating history? New Solutions, pp 17-25, Winter 1997.
96. Flaws JA, Sommer RJ, Silbergeld EK, Peterson RE, and Hirshfield AN: In utero and lactational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) induces genital dysmorphogenesis in the female rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 147:351-362, 1997.
97. Manheimer EW and Silbergeld EK: Critique of CDC’s retreat from recommending universal lead screening for children. Public Health Rep 113:38-46, 1998.
98. Biegel LB, Flaws JA, Hirshfield AN, O’Connor JC, Elliott GS, Ladics GS, Silbergeld EK, Van Pelt CS, Hurtt ME, Cook JC, and Frame SR: 90-Day feeding and one-generation reproduction study in Crl: CD BR rats with 17-estradiol. Toxicol Sci 44:116-142, 1998.
99. Silbergeld EK and Flaws JA: Chemicals and menopause: Effects on age at menopause and on health status in the postmenopausal period. J Women’s Health 8(2):227-234, 1999.
100. Gandley R., Anderson L, and Silbergeld EK: Lead: Male-mediated effects on reproduction and development in the rat. Environ Res 80:355-363, 1999.
101. Laessig SA, McCarthy MM, and Silbergeld EK: Neurotoxic effects of endocrine disruptors. Curr Opin Neurol 12:745-751, 1999.
102. Silbergeld EK, Grattan L, Oldach D, and Morris JG: Pfiesteria: Harmful algal blooms as indicators of human:ecosystem interactions. Environ Res 82:97-105, 2000.
103. Silbergeld E and Nash D: Lead and human health: Is this mine exhausted? Prog Environ Science 2(1):53-68, 2000.
104. Dienhart MK, Sommer RJ, Peterson RE, Hirshfield AN, and Silbergeld EK: Gestational exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin induces developmental defects in the rat vagina. Toxicol Sci 56:141-149, 2000.
105. Silbergeld EK, Waalkes M, and Rice JM: Lead as a carcinogen: Experimental evidence and mechanisms of action. Am J Indust Med 38:316-323, 2000.
106. El-Nabawi A, Quesenberry M, Saito K, Silbergeld E, Vasta G, and Eldefrawi A: The N-methyl-D-aspartate neurotransmitter receptor is a mammalian brain target for the dinoflagellate Pfisteria piscicida toxin. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 169:84-93, 2000.
107. Quintanilla-Vega B, Hoover D, Bal W, Silbergeld EK, Waalkes MP, and Anderson LD: Lead effects on protamine-DNA binding. Am J Indust Med 38:324-329, 2000.
108. Quintanilla-Vega B, Hoover DJ, Bal W, Silbergeld EK, Waalkes MP, and Anderson LD: Lead interaction with human protamine (HP2) as a mechanism of male reproductive toxicity. Chem Res Toxicol 13:594-600, 2000.
109. Silbergeld EK, Sacci J, and Azad AF: Mercury exposure and murine response to Plasmodium yoelii infection and immunization. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 22(4):685-695, 2000.
110. Benedict JC, Borgeest C, Silbergeld EK, and Flaws JA: Environmental influences on the female reproductive system: susceptible tissues unique to women. Environ Epidemiol Toxicol 2:91-97, 2000.
111. Loffredo CA, Silbergeld EK, Ferencz C, and Zhang J: Association of transposition of the great arteries in

infants with maternal exposures to herbicides and rodenticides. Amer J Epidemiol 153(6):529-536, 2001.

112. Sass J, Haselow DT, and Silbergeld, EK: Methylmercury-induced decrement in neuronal migration may involve cytokine-dependent mechanisms: A novel method to assess neuronal movement in vitro. Toxicol Sci 63:74-81, 2001.
113. Choich JA, Sass JB, and Silbergeld EK. A novel system applying the 2-deoxyglucose method to fish for characterization of environmental neurotoxins. Toxicology Mechanisms & Methods 12:35-43, 2002.
114. Smith DL, Harris AD, Johnson JA, Silbergeld EK, and Morris JG. Animal antibiotic use has an early but important impact on the emergence of antibiotic resistance in human commensal bacteria. PNAS 99:6434-6439, 2002.
115. Silbergeld EK, Flaws JA, and Brown KM. Organizational and activational effects of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals. Cad Saude Publica (Rio de Janeiro) 18:495-504, 2002.
116. Crompton P, Ventura AM, deSouza JM, Santos E, Strickland GT, and Silbergeld EK: Assessment of mercury exposure and malaria prevalence in a Brazilian Amazon riverine community. Environ Res 90:69-75, 2002.
117. Lustberg M, and Silbergeld EK. Blood lead and mortality in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey II (NHANES II) cohort. Arch Int Med 162:2443-2449, 2002.
118. Silbergeld EK and Flaws JA. Environmental exposures and women’s health. Clin Obstet Gynecol 45(4):1119-1128, 2002
119. Silbergeld EK, Nash D, Trevant C, Strickland GT, de Souza JM, and da Silva Rui SU. Mercury exposure and malaria prevalence among gold miners in Para, Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 35(5):421-429, 2002.
120. Nash D, Magder L, Lustberg M, Sherwin RW, Rubin RJ Kaufmann RB, and Silbergeld EK. Blood lead, blood pressure, and hypertension in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. JAMA 289(12):1523-153, 2003.
121. Loffredo CA, Aposhian HV, Cebrian ME, Yamauchi H, and Silbergeld EK. Variability in human sensitivity to arsenic. Environ Res 92:85-91, 2003.
122. Via CS, Nguyen P, Niculescu F, Papadimitriou J, Hoover D, and Silbergeld EK: Low dose exposure to inorganic mercury accelerates disease and mortality in acquired murine lupus. Envir Health Perspect 111(10):1273-7, 2003.
123. Stine OC, Carnahan A, Singh R, Powell J, Fuuno JP, Dosey A, Silbergeld E, Williams HN, and Morris JG. Characterization of microbial communities from coastal waters using microarrays. Environ Monitor Assess 81:327-336, 2003.
124. Yokoo E, Valente J, Grattan L, Schmidt SL, Platt I, and Silbergeld, EK: Low level methyl mercury exposure affects neuropsychological function in adults. Environmental Health 2002:8-19.
125. Longnecker MP, Bellinger, Crews D, Eskenazi B, Silbergeld EK, Woodruff TJ, and Susser ES. An approach to assessment of endocrine disruption in the National Children’s Study. Environ Health Perspect 111:1691-1697, 2003.
126. Weaver VM, Schwartz BS, Ahn KD, Stewart WF, Kelsey KT, Todd AC, Wen J, Simon DJ, Lustberg M, Parsons PJ, Silbergeld EK, Lee B-K. Associations of renal function with polymorphisms in the -aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, vitamin D receptor, and nitric oxide synthase genes in Korean lead workers. Environ Health Perspect 111(13):1613-9, 2003.
127. Stine OC, Carnahan A, Singh R, Powell J, Furuno JP, Dorsey A, Silbergeld E, Williams HN, and Morris JG. Characterization of microbial communities from coastal waters using microarrays. Environ Montior Assess 81: 327-336, 2003.
128. Silbergeld EK, Quintanilla Vega B, and Gandley RE. Mechanisms of male-mediated developmental toxicity induced by lead. Adv Exp Med Biol 518:37-48, 2003.

129. Goodwin SS, Sanbury M, Wang M, Silbergeld E, Parker JE. Previously undetected silicosis in New Jersey decedents. Amer J Indust Med 44:304-311, 2003.

130. Silbergeld EK. Facilitative mechanisms of lead as a carcinogen. Mutation Res 533:121-133, 2003.
131. Marnell LL, Garcia-Vargas GG, Chowdhury UK, Zakharyan RA, Avram MD, Kopplin MJ, Cebrian ME, Silbergeld EK, Aposhian HV. Polymorphisms in the human monomethylarsonic acid (MMAV) reductase/GST01 gene and changes in urinary arsenic profiles. Res Chem Toxicol 16:1507-1513, 2003.
132. Choich JA, El-Nabawi A, and Silbergeld EK. Evidence of histamine receptors in fish brain using an in vivo [14C]-deoxygloucose autoradiographic method and in in vitro receptor-binding autoradiographic method. Environ Res 94:86-93, 2004
133. Theppeang K, Schwartz BS, Lee BK, Lustberg ME, Silbergeld EK, Kelsy KT, Parsons PJ, Todd AC. Associations of patella lead concentration with polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor, δ-aminolevulinc acid dehydratase and endothelial nitric oxide synthase genes. J Occup Environ Med 46:528-537, 2004.
134. Arfsten DP, Silbergeld EK, Loffredo C. The effect of fetal alcohol exposure and infant ADH2*3 on the odds ratios for atrial septal defect. Internat J Toxicol, 23: 47-54, 2004.
135. Choich J, Salierno JD, Silbergeld EK, and Kane AS. Altered brain activity in brevetoxin-exposed bluegill,

Lepomis macrochirus, visualized using in vivo 14C-2-deoxyglucose. Envir Res 94: 192-197, 2004.
136. Lustberg ME, Schwartz BS, Lee BK, Todd AC, Silbergeld EK. The G894-T 894 polymorphism in the gene for endothelial nitric oxide synthase and blood pressure in lead-exposed workers from Korea. J Occup Environ Med 46:584-590, 2004.
136. Navas-Acien A, Selvin E, Sharrett AR, Calderon-Aranda E, Silbergeld E, and Guallar E. Lead, cadmium, smoking and increased risk of peripheral arterial disease. Circulation 109:3196-3201, 2004.
137. Nash DR, Magder LS, Sherwin R, Rubin RJ, and Silbergeld EK: Bone density-related predictors of blood lead among peri- and post-menopausal women in the US, from the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey, 1988-1994. Amer J Epidemiol 160:901-911, 2004.
138. Silbergeld EK. Commentary: The role of toxicology in precaution and prevention. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 17:91-102, 2004.
139. Silbergeld EK. Arsenic in food. Environ Health Persp 112: A338-339, 2004.
140. Silbergeld EK, Lerman S, and Hrushka L. Human health research ethics. Science 305:949, 2004.
141. Lein P, Locke P, Goldberg AM, and Silbergeld EK. An alternatives approach to developmental neurotoxicity testing. Envir Toxicol Pharmacol, 2004.
142. Silva IA, Nyland JF, Gorman A, Perisse A, Ventura AM, Santos EC, Souza JM, Burek CL, Rose NR, Silbergeld EK. Mercury exposure, malaria, and serum antinuclear/antinucleolar antibodies in amazon populations in Brazil: a cross-sectional study. Environ Health 2004 Nov 2;3(1):3-11.
143. Navas-Acien Ana, Silbergeld EK, Sharrett AR, Calderon-Aranda E, Selvin E, and Guallar E. Metals in urine and peripheral arterial disease, Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Feb;113(2):164-9.
144. Silva IA, Elnabawi M, Hoover D and Silbergeld EK: Prenatal HgCl2 exposure in Balb/C mice: Gender-specific effects on the ontogeny of the immune system. Dev Compar Immunol 29: 171-183, 2005.
146. Price LP, Vailes R, and Silbergeld EK. Influence of antibiotic use on Campylobacter carriage and ciprofloxacin resistance in isolates from consumer broiler poultry products. Environ Health Perspect 113: 557-560, 2005.
147. Silbergeld EK, Silva I A, and Nyland JF. Mercury and autoimmunity: implications for occupational and environmental health. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 207: S282-292, 2005.
148. Silva I A, Graber J, Nyland JF, and Silbergeld EK. In vitro HgCl(2) exposure of immune cells at different stages of maturation: Effects on phenotype and function. Environ Res 98(3):341-8, 2005.
149. Nachman K, Price LB, Graham JP, and Silbergeld E. Arsenic, a roadblock to potential animal waste management solutions. Environ Health Perspect 111:1123-1124, 2005.
150. Weaver VM, Schwartz BS, Jaar BG, Ahn KD, Todd AC, Lee SS, Kelsey KT, Silbergeld EK, Lustberg ME,

Parsons PJ, Wen J, and Lee BK. Associations of uric acid with polymorphisms in the δ- aminolevulinic acid dehydratase, vitamin D receptor, and nitric oxide synthase genes in Korean lead workers. Environ Health Perspect 113:1509-1515, 2005.

151. Navas-Acien A, Sharrett A R, Silbergeld EK, Nachman K, Burke TA, Schwartz BS, Guallar E. Arsenic exposure and cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis of the epidemiological evidence. Amer J Epid 162:

1037-1049, 2005.

152. Silbergeld EK and Patrick TE. Environmental exposures, toxicologic mechanisms and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Amer J Obstet Gynecol 192; S11-21, 2005.
153. Sapkota AR, Price LB, Silbergeld Ek and Schwab KJ. Arsenic resistance in Campylobacter spp isolated from retail poultry products. Appl Environ Microbiol 72:3069-3071, 2006.
154. Frisancho-Kiss S, Nyland JF, Davis SE, Barrett MA, Gatewoord SJL, Steele RA, Houston AJ, Njoku DB, Cihakova D, Silbergeld EK, and Fairweather D.  TIM-3 reduces inflammatory heart disease by increasing CTLA-4 during innate immunity.  J Immunology 176:6411-6415, 2006.
155. Navas-Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Streeter RA, Clarke JM, Burke TA, Schwartz BS, Guallar E. Arsenic exposure and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review of the experimental and epidemiological evidence. Environ Health Perspect 114:641-648, 2006.
156. Guallar E, Schwartz BS, Sharret R, and Silbergeld EK. Confounding of the relation between homocysteine and peripheral arterial disease by lead, cadmium, and renal function. Amer J Epid 163:700-708, 2006.
157. Menke A, Muntner P, Batuman V, Silbergeld EK, and Guallar E. Blood lead below 10μg/dL and mortality among US adults. Circulation 114: 1388-1394, 2006.
158. Otte J, Pfeiffer D, Silbergeld E, Price L, and Tiensin T.HPAI risk, biosecurity, and small holder adversity.   FAO Policy Brief, 2007.


159. Graham J, Boland J, and Silbergeld EK. Growth promoting antibiotics in food animal production: an economic analysis. Public Health Rep 122(1): 79-87, 2007.

160. Roberts JD, Silbergeld EK, and Graczyk T. A risk analysis of Cryptosporidium parvum exposure among Baltimore urban anglers. J Toxicol Environ Health A:70;1568-1576, 2007.
161. Laessig SA, Auger AP, McCarthy MM, and Silbergeld EK. Effects of prenatal chlordecone on sexually

differentiated behavior in adult rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol 29: 255-263, 2007.

162. Silbergeld EK and Weaver V. Exposure to metals: are we protecting the workers? Occup Environ Med

64: 141-142, 2007.

163. Navas Acien A, Guallar E, Silbergeld EK, and Rothenberg SJ. Lead exposure and cardiovascular disease—a systemic review. Environ Health Perspect Mar 115(3):472-482, 2007.
164. Coecke S, Goldberg AM, Allen S, Buzanska L, Calamandrei G, Crofton K, Hareng L, Hartung T, Knaut H,

Honegger P, Jacobs M, Lein P, Li A, Munday W, Owen D, Schneir S, Silbergeld E, Reum T, Trnovec T,

Monnet-Tschudi F, and Bal-Price A. Incorporating in vitro alternative methods for developmental

neurotoxicity into international hazard and risk assessment strategies. Environ Health Perspect Jun 115(6): 924-931, 2007.

165. Price LB, Lackey, L, Vailes R, and Silbergeld EK. The persistence of fluoroquinolone resistant

Campylobacter in poultry production. Environ Health Perspect 115:1035-1039, 2007.

166. Price LB, Roess A, Graham JP, Baqar S, Vailes R, Shaikh K, and, Silbergeld EK. Neurologic symptoms

and neuropatholic antibodies in poultry workers exposed to Campylobacter jejeuni J Occup Environ Med

49(7):748-55, 2007.

167. Graczyk TK, McOliver C, Silbergeld EK, Tamang L, and Roberts JD. Risk of handling as a route of

exposure to infectious waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by Atlantic blue crabs

(Callinectes sapidus). Appl Environ Microbiol 12:4069-4070, 2007.

  1. Price LB, Graham, JP, Lackey L, Roess A, Vailes R, and Silbergeld EK. Elevated risks of carrying gentamicin resistant E coli among US poultry workers. Environ Health Perspect December 115 (12):1738-1742, 2007.

169. Balbus JM, Maynard AD, Colvin VL, Castranova V, Daston GP, Denison RA, Dreher KL, Goering PL, Goldberg AM, Kulinowski KM, Monteiro-Riviere NA, Oberdörster G, Omenn GS, Pinkerton KE, Ramos KS, Rest KM, Sass JB, Silbergeld EK, Wong BA. Hazard assessment for nanoparticles: report from an interdisciplinary workshop. Environ Health Perspect 115: 1654-1659, 2007.

170. Silbergeld EK, Graham J, and Price LB. Industrial food animal production, antimicrobial resistance, and human health. Ann Rev Public Health 29:151-169, 2008.
171. Navas Acien A, Schwartz BS, Rothenberg SJ, Hu H, Silbergeld EK, and Guallar E. Bone lead levels and blood pressure endpoints: A meta-analysis. Epidemiology 19(3):496-504, 2008.

  1. Silbergeld, EK and Graham JP. The Cuyahoga is still burning. Environ Health Perspect 116(4):A150, 2008.

  1. Graham J, Leibler JH, Price, LB, Otte JM, Pfieffer DU, Tiensin T, and Silbergeld EK. The animal- human interface and infectious disease in industrial food animal production: rethinking biosecurity and containment. Public Health Reports 123:282-298, 2008.

  1. McOliver C, Grazcyk T, and Silbergeld EK. Assessing the risks of exposure to Cryptosporidium from

recreational water activities in Baltimore, Maryland.  Trans Amer Fish Soc 67: 1-10, 2008.
175. Silbergeld EK. Mercury, vaccines, and autism, revisited. Amer J Pub Health 98:1350, 2008.
176. Navas Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Pastor-Barriuso R, and Guallar E. Arsenic exposure and prevalence of type

2 diabetes in US adults. JAMA 300:814-822, 2008.

177. Silbergeld EK and Nachman K. The environmental and public health risks associated with arsenical use in animal feeds. Annals NY Acad Sci 1140:346-357, 2008.

  1. Rule AM, Evans SL, and Silbergeld EK. Food animal transport: A potential source of community exposures to health hazards from industrial farming (CAFOs). J Infect Public Health 1(1):33-39, 2008


  1. Silbergeld EK, Davis M, Leibler JH, and Peterson AE. One reservoir: Redefining the community origins of antimicrobial-resstant infections. Med. Clin. N Am 92: 1391-1407, 2008.

  1. Menke A, Muntner P, Silbergeld EK, Platz EA, and Guallar E.  Cadmium levels in urine and mortality among US adults.  Environ Health Perspect 117: 190-196, 2009.

  1. McOliver CC, Lemerman HB, Silbergeld EK, Moore RD, and Graczyk TK. Risks of recreational exposure to waterborne pathogens among persons with HIV/AIDS in Baltimore MD. Amer J Public Health 99: 1116-1122, 2009.

  1. Graham JP, Price LB, Evans SL, Graczyk TK, and Silbergeld EK. Antibiotic resistant enterococci and staphylococci isolated from flies collected near confined poultry feeding operations. Sci Total Environ 407: 2701-2710, 2009.


  1. Leibler JH, Otte J, Roland-Holst D, Pfeiffer DU, Soares Magalhaes R, Rushton J, Graham JP, Silbergeld EK. Industrail food animal production and global health risks: exploring the ecosystems and economics of avian influenza. EcoHealth 6(1):58-70, 2009.

  1. Graham JP, Evans SL, Price LB, and Silbergeld EK. Fate of antimicrobial resistant enterococci and staphylocci and resistance determinants in stored poultry litter. Environ Res 109: 682-689, 2009.

  1. Nyland J, Bai J, Katz HE, and Silbergeld E. In vitro interactions between splenocytes and dansylamide

dye-embedded nanomaterials detected by flow cytometry. Nanomedicine 5: 298-304, 2009.

  1. Navas Acien, A, Umans JG, Howard BV, Goessler W, Francesconi KA, Crainiceanu CM, Silbergeld EK,

and Guallar E. Urine arsenic concentrations and species exretion patterns in American Indian communities over a 10-year period – the Strong Heart Study. Environ Health Persp 117: 1428-1433, 2009.

  1. Navas Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Pastor Barriuso R, and Guallar E. Rejoinder: arsenic exposure and prevalence of type 2 diabetes: updated findings from the NHANES 2003-2006. Epidemiol 20; 668-672, 2009.

  1. Navas Acien A, Tellez-Plaza M, Guallar E, Muntner P, Silbergeld EK, Jaar BG, Weaver VM. Blood Cadmium and Lead and Chronic Kidney Disease in US Adults. Amer J Epidemiol, epub doi 10.1093/aje/kwp248. 2009

  1. Silbergeld E. Applying an evidence-based approach: arsenic as a health risk. Human Exper Toxicol 28: 127-129, 2009.

  1. Nyland J and Silbergeld E. A nanobiological approach to nanotoxicology. Human Exper Toxicol 28: 393-400, 2009.

  1. Navas Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Pastor-Barriuso R, and Guallar E. Rejoinder: arsenic exposure and prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Epidemiolg 20: 668-673, 2009.

  1. Silbergeld E. A question of ethics: publication policy and animals in research. Amer J Bioethics 9: 61-62. 2009.

193, Gardner R, Nyland JF, Crainescu C, and Silbergeld EK. Mercury induces an unopposed inflammatory

response in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. Environ Health Persp 117: 1932-1938,

194. Gardner RM, Nyland JF, Silva IA, Ventura AM, de Souza JM, and Silbergeld EK. Mercury exposure

serum antinuclear-antinucleolar antibodies, and serum cytokine levels in mining populations in Amazonian Brazil: a cross sectional study. Environ Res. Doi:10.1016, 2010.
195. Leibler JH, Carone M, and Silbergeld EK. Contribution of company networks and social contacts to risk

estimates of between-farm transmission of avian influenza. PLoS one. 9: e9888.

doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009888, 2010.
196. Feingold BJ, Vegosen L, Davis, M, Leibler J, Peterson A, and Silbergeld EK. A niche for infectious

disease in environmental health: rethinking the toxicological paradigm. Environ Health Persp, 118: 1165-1172, 2010.

197. Moodie SM, Tsui EK, and Silbergeld EK. Community- and family-level factors influence care-giver

choice to screen blood lead levels of children in a mining community. Environ Res 110: 484-496.

198. Gardner RM, Nyland JF, and Silbergeld EK. Differential immunotoxic effects of inorganic and organic

mercury species in vitro. Toxicol Lett. 198: 182-190, 2010

199. Silbergeld E, Davis M, Feingold B, Goldberg A, Graham J, Leibler J, Peterson A, Price LB. New

infectious diseases and industrial food animal production. Emerg Infect Dis 16(9): 1503, 2010.

200. Arias-Salvatierra D, Silbergeld EK, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Calderon-Aranda ES. Role of nitric oxide produced by iNOS through NFκB pathway in migration of cerebellar granule neurons induced by lipopolysaccharide. Cell Signal 23(2): 425-435, 2011.
201. Navas Acien A, Francescona KA, Silbergeld EK, Guallar E. Seafood intake and urine concentrations of total arsenic, dimethylarsinate, and arsecobetaine in the US population. Environ Res 111(1): 110-118, 2011.
202. Leibler JH, Gray G, and Silbergeld EK. No evidence of infection with avian influenza viruses among US poultry workers in the Delmarva Peninsula, Maryland and Virginia USA. J Agromed 16(1): 52-57, 2011.
203. Hardy CG, Lackey LG, Cannon J, Price LB, and Silbergeld EK. Prevalence of potentially neuropathic Campylobacter jejuni strains on commercial broiler chicken products. Int J Food Microbiol 145(2-3): 395-399, 2011.
204. Davis M, Kamel F, Hoppin JA, Alavanja MCR, Freeman LB, Gray GC, Nelson K, Silbergeld E. Neurologic symptoms associated with raising poultry and swine among participants in the Agricultural Health Study. J Occup Environ Med 53(2): 190-195, 2011.
205. Wells EM, Navas-Acien A, Herbstman JG, Apelberg BJ, Silbergeld EK, Caldwell KL, Jones RL, Halden RU, Witter FR, and Goldman LR. Low-level lead exposure and elevation in blood pressure during pregnancy. Environ Health Persp 119(5): 664-669, 2011.
206. Clark KA, White RH, and Silbergeld EK. Predictive models for nanotoxicology: current challenges and future opportunities. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 59(3): 361-363, April 2011.
207. Nyland JF, Wang SB, Shirley DL, Santos EO, Ventura AM, de Souza JM, and Silbergeld EK. Fetal and maternal immune responses to methylmercury exposure: a cross-sectional study. Environ Research 111(4): 584-589, May 2011.
208. Davis ME, Price LB, Lin C M-H, and Silbergeld EK. An ecological perspective on US industrial poultry production: the role of articial ecosystems on the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria from agricultural environments. Curr Opin Microbiology 14(3):244-250, 2011.
209. Nyland JF, Fillion M, Barbosa F, Chine C, Shirley DL, Mergler D, and Silbergeld EK. Biomarkers of mercury exposure and health risk among fish consumers in Amazonian Brazil. Environ Health Perspect. 119: 1733-1738, 2011.
210. Silbergeld EK, Contreras EQ, Hartung T, Hirsch C, Hogberg H, Jachak AC, Jordan W, Landsiedel R, Morris J, Patri A, Pounds JG, Ruiz AV, Chvedova A, Tunguay R, Tatarazaka N, van Vliet E, Walker NJ, Wiesner M, Wilcov N, and Zurlo J.  Nanotoxicology: “The End of the Beginning” – Signs on the roadmap to a strategy for assuring the safe application and use of nanomaterials – 14 workshop report.  ALTEX 28(3): 236-241, 2011.
211. Nyland JF, Fairweather D, Shirley DL, Davis SE, Rose NR, and Silbergeld EK.  Low dose inorganic mercury increases severity and frequency of chronic coxsackievirus-induced autoimmune myocarditis in mice. Toxicol Sci 125: 134-143, 2012..
212. Feingold, BJ, Zaitchik, BF, and Silbergeld EK. Satellite remote sensing of animal feeding operations: A novel to characterizing sources of environmental exposures. J Environ Management, submitted 2011.
213. Castillo R, Vegosen L, Davis MF, Price L, and Silbergeld EK.  Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria: an unrecognized work-related risk in food animal production. Safety and Health at Work, submitted 2011.
214. Tellez-Plaza M, Guallar E, Howard BV, Umans JG, Francesconi KA, Goessler W, Silbergeld EK, Devereux RB, and Navas-Acien A.  Cadmium Exposure and Incident Cardiovascular Disease: the Strong Heart Study. New Engl J Med, submitted 2011.
215. Scheer J, Findenig S, Goessler W, Francesconi KA, Howard B, Umans JG, Pollak J, Tellez-Plaza M, Silbergeld EK, Guallar E, and Navas-Acien A. Arsenic species and selected metals in human urine: validation of HPLC/ICPMS and ICPMS procedures for a long-term population-based epidemiological study.  Analytical Methods, submitted 2011.
216. Arriola CS, Guere ME, Larsen J, Skov RL, Gilman RH, Gonzalez A, Silbergeld EK.  Presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pigs in Peru.  PLoS ONE 6(12) e28529, 2012.
Papers in press

Vegosen, L, Davis MF, Silbergeld E, Breysse PN, Agnew J, Gray G, Freeman LB, Kanel F. Neurological symptoms associated with cattle farming in the Agricultural Health Study. J Occup Environ Med, in press, 2012

Castillo R, Davis M, Vegosen L, Resnick C, and Silbergeld EK. Antimicrobial resistant bacteria: an unrecognized work-related risk in food animal production. Safety and Health at Work, in press, 2012.
Peterson AE, David MR, Awantang G, Limbog G, Forsheim GE, and Silbergeld EK. Correlation between animal nasal carriage and environmental methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus at US horse and cattle farms. Veterin Microbiol, in press 2012.
Books or Monographs
1. Silbergeld EK and Fowler BA (eds.): Mechanisms of Chemical-Induced Porphyrinopathies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 514, 352 pages, 1987.
2. Florini KL, Krumbhaar GD, Jr., and Silbergeld EK: Legacy of Lead: America’s Continuing Epidemic of Childhood Lead Poisoning. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Defense Fund: 1990.

3. Silbergeld EK: Investing in prevention: Opportunities to reduce disease and health care costs through identifying and reducing environmental contributions to preventable disease. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Defense Fund, 1993.

4. Silbergeld EK and Tonat K: Investing in prevention: Opportunities to prevent disease and reduce health care costs by identifying environmental and occupational causes of noncancer disease. Toxicol Indust Hlth. Special Issue 10(6), 1994.
5. Roe D, Pease W, Florini K, and Silbergeld EK: Toxic ignorance: The continuing absence of basic health testing for top-selling chemicals in the US. EDF, 1997.
6. Silbergeld EK (editor and author of several articles): Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety and Health, Toxicology, Geneva: ILO, WHO, 1997.
7. Silbergeld EK. Antimicrobial resistance and human heakth. A Report of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production, www.ncifap/reports/AntBioReportv3, 2008.
8. Silbergeld EK (editor and author). Childrens Exposures to Mercury. IPCS Monograph. World Health Organization Childrens Environmental Health Programme, 2010.
9. Krain L and Silbergeld E. MRSA: What do we know and what do we need to know. Report to the Pew Charitable Trusts, 2010.
10. Silbergeld EK (editor and coauthor). Childrens Exposure to Mercury. World Health Organization, 2011.

Articles and Editorials not peer reviewed (Other Publications)
1. Silbergeld EK, Lamon JM, Bradley D, Hruska RE, Pitman K, Hess RA, and Frykholm BC: Heavy metal neurotoxicity; porphyrinopathic mechanisms. Procs. Internat. Conf. on Heavy Metals. Edinburgh: WHO-EEC-EPA, pp. 561-564, 1981.
2. Silbergeld EK and Highland J: Ghost Dumps (letter). Science 216:462, 1982.
3. Silbergeld EK: Current status of neurotoxicology, basic and applied. Trends in Neurosci 8:291-294, 1982.
4. Silbergeld EK: Lead in Question. TINS, July: 247, 1982.
5. Silbergeld EK: U.S. lead program vital (editorial). Clin Chem News, February 1983, p.4.
6. Silbergeld EK: Health Effects of PCBs: Occupational Exposure. In: Environmental Defense Fund, Dumpsite Cleanups: A Guide to the Superfund Program. Washington, D.C., 1983.
7. Silbergeld EK: Cancer policy: Has the dust settled? Environmental Forum 2: 25-29, 1983.
8. Silbergeld EK: Indirectly acting neurotoxins. Acta Psychiat Scand 67(Suppl. 303):16-25, 1983.
9. Silbergeld EK: New lead control plan unlawful and ineffective (editorial). Clin News, August 1984, p 5.
10. Silbergeld EK: Nutrition and the brain, Vol. 6: Physiological and behavioural effects of food constituents (letter). TINS, May: 177, 1984.
11. Silbergeld EK: Risk, science, and democracy-A response to Ruckelshaus. Issues in Science Technol, Summer: 4, 1985.
12. Silbergeld EK: Bhopal - More than an environmental issue. Environ Forum, August: 24-25, 1985.
13. Silbergeld EK: Avoiding a chemical disaster: Put teeth in the laws on toxic leaks. New York Times, Aug. 18, 1985.
14. Silbergeld EK: Mediating environmental disputes (letter). Chem Eng News, Nov. 4, 1985.
15. Silbergeld EK: Uncertainty in risk assessment. Natural Resources Law Journal 2:17-20, 1985.
16. Silbergeld EK: Remembering 'Silent Spring'. Newsday, June 9, 1986.
17. Silbergeld EK: Risk assessment (letter). Science 237:1399, 1987.
18. National Research Council Committee on Biological Markers (Goldstein B, Gibson J, Henderson R, Hobbie J, Landrigan P, Mattison D, Perera F, Pfitzer E, Silbergeld E, and Wogan G): Biological markers in environmental health research. Environ Health Persp 74:3-9, 1987.
19. Silbergeld EK: Porphyrins as indicators of chemical injury and exposure. In: Silbergeld EK and Fowler BA (eds.): Mechanism of Chemical-Induced Porphyrinopathies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 514, pp. 170-171, 1987.
20. Silbergeld EK: Role of altered heme synthesis in chemical injury to the nervous system. In: Silbergeld EK and Fowler BA (eds.): Mechanism of Chemical-Induced Porphyrinopathies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 514, pp. 297-308.
21. Silbergeld EK: The Fullness of Time in Epidemiology (invited editorial). Arch Environ Hlth 42(2):71-72, 1987.
22. Silbergeld EK: Five types of ambiguity: Sources of uncertainty in risk assessment. Haz Waste Haz Mat 4(2): 139-150, 1987.
23. Silbergeld E: From the outside: An environmentalist's view. EPA Journal 13:35, 1987.
24. Silbergeld EK: Reflections on the problem of reliability in occupational and environmental toxicology. Amer J Indust Med 13:601-603, 1988.
25. Silbergeld EK: Science and the EPA: Voodoo toxicology. Environ Sci Technol 22(10):1145, 1988.
26. Silbergeld EK: Science and the public’s trust. Public Hlth 2:4, 1988.
27. Silbergeld EK: Epidemiology versus risk assessment: Resolving some old controversies (comment). Risk Analysis 8(4):555-557, 1988.
28. Silbergeld EK: Silent Spring revisited. Quarterly Review of Biology 64:81-82, 1989.
29. Silbergeld EK and Fowler BA: Biological markers for low level lead poisoning. Procs. 7th Internat. Conf. Heavy Metals in the Environment. Edinburgh: CEP Press, Vol 1., pp. 241-244, 1989.
30. Silbergeld E: Aspectos da contaminacao mercurial em pesquisas desenvolvidas pela Johns Hopkins University – USA. In: Contaminacao Mercurial: Homem versus Meio Ambiente nos Garimpos de Ouro da Amazonia. Association of Amazon Universities, pp. 43-47, 1989.
31. Silbergeld EK: Agent Orange claims should be paid now (letter). Am Legion Mag, December: 18, 55, 1989.
32. Silbergeld EK: Lead in the environment: Coming to grips with multisource risks and multifactorial endpoints (guest editorial). Risk Analysis 9(2):137-140, 1989.
33. Travis CC, Hattemer-Frey HA, and Silbergeld E: Dioxin, dioxin everywhere. Environ Science Technol 23(9): 1061-1063, 1989.
34. Fowler BA and Silbergeld EK: Occupational diseases: New workforces, new workplaces. Ann NY Acad Sci 572:46-54, 1989.
35. Silbergeld EK: Toward the twenty-first century: Lessons from lead and lessons yet to learn. Environ Health Perspect 86:191-196, 1990.
36. Silbergeld EK: Toxic hazards: Beyond cancer to other health effects priorities. Environ Impact Assess Rev 10:433-440, 1990.
37. Landrigan PJ, Silbergeld EK, Froines JR, and Pfeffer RM: Lead in the modern workplace. Am J Publ Hlth 80(8):907-908, 1990.
38. Silbergeld EK: Beyond Chemophobia: A reasonably apprehensive view of chemical industrialization and agriculture. Environ Carcino Revs C8(2):245-252, 1990-1991.
39. Silbergeld EK: Lead exposure in sandblasting. Am J Publ Hlth 81(4):514, 1991.
40. Silbergeld EK: Carcinogenicity of dioxins (invited editorial). J National Cancer Inst 85:1198-1199, 1991.
41. Silbergeld E: Comments on “The importance of the technical characteristics of hazardous materials in considering environmental risk.” Risk Analysis 11(1):33-34, 1991.
42. Silbergeld E: Risk assessment: The perspective and experience of US environmentalists. In: Procs Int Conference on Risk Assessment. London: HSE, vol 1, pp 45-53, 1992.
43. Silbergeld E: The risks of risk assessment. New Solutions, Winter: 43-44, 1993.
44. Silbergeld EK: Environmental neurotoxins: How much do we know? (invited editorial) Health and Environ Digest 7(6): 1-4, 1993.
45. Silbergeld EK and Takeuchi Y: Summary of Workshop: Biochemical methods in neurobehavioral toxicology. Environ Res 60:74-75, 1993.
46. Silbergeld EK: Transgenerational effects of lead: The next frontier of toxicology and epidemiology. In: Procs Int. Conference Heavy Metals in the Environ. Edinburgh: CEP, vol 2, pp 512-515, 1993.
47. Marcus M, Silbergeld E, Mattison D, and the Research Needs Working Group: A reproductive hazards research agenda for the 1990s. Environ Health Perspect 101(suppl. 2):175-180, 1993.
48. White RF, Gerr F, Cohen RF, Green R, Lezak MD, Lybarger J, Mack J, Silbergeld E, Valciukas J, Chappell W, and Hutchinson L: Criteria for progressive modification of neurobehavioral batteries. Neurotoxicol Teratol 16(5):511-524, 1994.
49. Silbergeld EK: Evaluating the success of environmental health programs in protecting the public’s health. In: Hazardous Waste and Public: Health International Congress on the Health Effects of Hazardous Waste. Atlanta: ATSDR, pp. 43-48, 1994.
50. Chisolm JJ, Goldstein G, Cory-Slechta D, Weiss B, Landrigan PJ, Mushak P, Needleman HL, Rice D, Rosen J, and Silbergeld E: Lead debate goes on (letter). Pediatrics 95:408-409, 1994.
51. DeFur PL and Silbergeld EK: A national policy on dioxin. New Solutions, Fall: 3-5, 1994.
52. Clapp R, DeFur P, Silbergeld E, and Washburn P: EPA on the right track. Environ Sci Technol 29(1):1-2, 1995.
53. Lasky T and Silbergeld E: On teaching molecular epidemiology: Some lessons learned. Epi Monitor, August Issue: 59, 1995.
54. Silbergeld EK: The hazards of synthetic (anthropogenic) chemicals. Toxicology Letters 82/83: 835-841, 1995.
55. Florini K and Silbergeld E: Taking MMT out of gasoline. J Commerce, Monday, January 29, 1996.
56. Silbergeld EK: Getting ahead of lead. Forum Appl Res Public Policy, Winter: 48-54, 1996.
57. Loffredo CA, Silbergeld EK, and Parascandola M: The environmental genome project: Suggestions and concerns. Environ Hlth Perspect 106(8):A368, 1998.
58. Silbergeld EK: MMT: Science and policy. Environ Res 80: 93-95, 1999.
59. Silbergeld EK and Devine PJ: Mercury – are we studying the right endpoints and mechanisms. Fuel Processing Technology 65-66: 35-42, 2000.
60. Silbergeld EK: The new millenium in occupational and environmental toxicology. Clin Occup Environ Med 1:457-462, 2001.
61. Silbergeld EK. An NGO perspective on risk assessment and scientific research. Human Ecoogical Risk Assessment 8(6):1243-1247, 2002.
62. Silbergeld Ellen. US needs tougher mercury policy (invited editorial), Newsday April 14, 2004.
63. Patz JA, Daszak P, Tabor GM, Aguirre AA, Pearl M, Epstein J, Wolfe ND, Kilpatrick AM, Foutopoulos J,

Molyneux D, Bradley DJ, and members of the working group on land use change and disease emergence [including E Silbergeld). Unhealthy landscapes: policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence. Environ Health Perspect 112:1092-1098, 2004.

64. Silbergeld Ellen and Nyland J (invited editorial), Understanding mercury, understanding autism. Autism Advocate, September 2006.

  1. Otte MJ, Pfeiffer DU, Silbergeld E, and Price L. Evidence-based policy for controlling HPAI in poultry: biosecurity revisited. FAO Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative Working Paper, in press 2006.

  1. Otte J, Roland-Holst D, Pfieffer D, Soares-Magalhaes R, Rushton J, Graham J, and Silbergeld E (2007). Industrial livestock production and global health risks. FAOR Research Report PPLPI

  1. Silbergeld EK. “The landscape of industrial farm animal production in the United States: A Guide for the Commission”, prepared for the National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production, a collaboration of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, March 2006.

  1. Silbergeld EK, Price L, Graham J. Industrial farm animal production, antimicrobial resistance, and human health. A report of the National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production. www.ncifap/reports/AntBiorRptv3[2].pdf

  1. Silbergeld EK. (editorial), Food Industry Fails at Safety: Better regulation of conglomerates needed. The SUN July 7, 2008.

  1. Gabrielli J, Schwartz J, and Silbergeld EK. “Fishing for solutions” The Urbanite, March Issue, 64-65, 2008.

  1. Silbergeld EK. Gene:environment interactions in metal toxicity. Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 2008.

  1. Silbergeld EK and Graham JP. The Cuyahoga is still burning [editorial], Environ Health Perspt 116: A 150, 2008.

  1. Goldberg M, Silbergeld E.  On multiple comparisons and on the design and interpretation of epidemiological studies of many associations.  Environ Res. 2011 Sep 7. [Epub ahead of print]

1. Silbergeld, E.K., Carroll, P.T. and Goldberg, A.M.: Neurotoxicology of lead: A review of experimental studies. Proc. International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 213-228, 1975.
2. Silbergeld EK: Neurochemical and pharmacological studies of central nervous system lead toxicology. In: Carnow BW (ed.): Health Effects of Occupational Lead and Arsenic Exposure. Washington, D.C.: USDHEW, pp. 74-84, 1976.
3. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Hyperactivity. In: Goldberg AM and Hanin I (eds.) Biology of

Cholinergic Function. New York: Raven Press, pp. 619-645, 1976.
4. Goldberg AM and Silbergeld EK: Animal models of hyperactivity. In: Hanin I and Usdin E (eds.): Animal Models in Psychiatry and Neurology. New York: Pergamon Press, pp. 371-384, 1977.
5. Silbergeld EK: Neuropharmacology of hyperkinesis. In: Essman WB and Valzelli L (eds.): Current

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