Developments in Psychopharmacology (Vol. 4). New York: Spectrum Publications, Inc., pp. 181-214.
6. Silbergeld EK: Health Effects of PCB's: Review of Occupational Exposure. In: Barros M, Konneman
HM, and Visser R (eds.): PCB Seminar Proceedings. Hague: OECD, 13:146-157, 1978.
7. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, Weir R, and Kennedy SW: Dopaminergic and serotonergic effect of ergot drugs. In: Fuxe K and Calne DB (eds.): Dopaminergic Ergot Drugs and Motor Function. London: Pergamon, pp. 223-235, 1979.
8. Silbergeld EK and Hruska RE: Effects of kainic acid on behavioral and biochemical aspects of cholinergic function. In: Chase TN, Wexler NS, and Barbeau A (eds.): Advances in Neurology, Vol. 23 (Huntington's Disease). New York: Raven Press, pp. 633-644, 1979.
9. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Problems in experimental studies of lead poisoning. In: Singhal RD and Thomas JA (eds.): Lead Toxicity. Baltimore: Urban and Schwartzenburg, pp. 19-42, 1979.
10. Silbergeld EK and Hruska RE: Neurochemical investigations of low level lead exposure. In: Needleman HL (ed.): Low Level Lead Exposure: The Clinical Implications of Current Research. New York: Raven Press, pp. 135-157, 1980.
11. Silbergeld EK: Detection of neurotoxicity using neurochemical methods. In: Gryder RM and Frankos VH (eds.): The Effects of Food and Drugs on the Development and Function of the Nervous System: Methods for Predicting Toxicity. Washington, D.C.: FDA (Pub. No. 80-1076), pp. 99-105, 1980.
12. Chisolm JJ and Silbergeld EK: Increased excretion of homovanillic acid (HVA) in urine by young children with increased lead absorption. Procs. Internat. Conf. on Heavy Metals. Edinburgh: WHO-EEC-EPA, pp. 565-568, 1981.
13. Silbergeld EK: Neurochemical and ionic mechanisms of lead neurotoxicity. In: Prasad KN and Vernadakis A (eds.): Mechanisms of Actions of Neurotoxic Substances. New York: Raven Press, pp. 1-24, 1982.
14. Silbergeld EK: Experimental and environmental neurotoxins: correlation of behavioral and biochemical effects. In: Spiegelstein MY and Levy A (eds.): Behavioral Models and the Analysis of Drug Action. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 297-315, 1982.
15. Silbergeld EK, Lafferman JA, and Finkel T: In vitro testing for neurotoxicity. In: Kolber AR, Wong TK, Grant LD, Dwoskin RS, and Hughes TJ (eds.): In Vitro Toxicity Testing of Environmental Agents. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 473-486, 1982.
16. Hruska RE, Weir R, Pitman KT, and Silbergeld EK: Ergot derivatives are potent drugs at CNS aminergic receptors: Correlations to behavior and aging. In: Agnoli A, Trabucchi M, and Spano PF (eds.): Aging Brain and Ergot Alkaloids. New York: Raven Press, pp. 215-226, 1983.
17. Silbergeld EK: Experimental studies of lead neurotoxicity: Implications for mechanisms, dose-response and reversibility. In: Rutter M. and Russell Jones R (eds.): Lead Versus Health. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 191-216, 1983.
18. Silbergeld EK: Effects of lead on reproduction: a review of experimental studies. In: Rutter M and Russell Jones R (eds.): Lead Versus Health. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp. 217-227, 1983.
19. Mattison DR, Nightingale MS, Takizawa K, Silbergeld EK, Yagi H, and Jerina D: Benzo (a) pyrene reproductive toxicity and ovarian metabolism. In: Rystrom J, Montelius J, and Bengtsson M (eds.): Extrahepatic Drug Metabolism and Chemical Carcinogenesis. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 337-350, 1983.
20. Silbergeld EK: Behavioral teratology of lead. In:Yanai J (ed.) Neurobehavioral Teratology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 433-445, 1984.
21. Fowler BA, Abel J, Elinder C-G, Hapke H-J, Kägi JHR, Kleiminger J, Kojima Y, Schoot Uiterkamp AJM, Silbergeld EK, Silver S, Summer KH, and Williams RJP: Structure, Mechanism, and Toxicity. In: Nriagu JO (ed.): Changing Metal Cycles and Human Health. New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 391-404, 1984.
22. Silbergeld EK: Mitochondrial mechanisms of lead neurotoxicity. In: Narahashi T (ed.) Cellular and Molecular Neurotoxicity. New York: Raven Press, pp. 153-164, 1984.
23. Mattison DR, Nightingale MS, and Silbergeld EK: Reproductive toxicity of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. In: Lowrance WW (ed.): Public Health Risks of the Dioxins. Los Altos: Kaufmann, pp. 217-242, 1984.
24. Wogan GN, Brain J, Carrano A, Davis D, Harris C, Mendelsohn M, Silbergeld EK, and Tannenbaum S: Biochemical and cellular markers of chemical exposure and preclinical indicators of disease. In: USDHHS, PHS Human Health and the Environment: Some Research Needs. 3: 203-267, 1984.
25. Silbergeld EK: Where do you go from here? Assistance from state and federal agencies, confirmation of problem, and analytical epidemiology. In: Legator MS (ed.): Community Health Studies: A Guide for Citizens. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, pp.165-173, 1985.
26. Silbergeld EK: Neurotoxicology of lead. In: Blum K and Manzo L (eds.): Neurotoxicology. New York: Dekker, pp. 299-322, 1985.
27. Silbergeld E: Environmental concerns of risk management of application technology. In: Hall FR (ed.): Improving Agrochemical and Fertilizer Application Technology. Bethesda: Agricultural Research Institute, pp. 65-69, 1985.
28. Group report from Dahlem conference (Silbergeld EK, Ehrenberg LG, Hemminki K, Hutton M, Laib RJ, Lauwreys RR, Neumann H-G, Nordberg GF, Piotrowski J, Thilly WG, and Wright AS): Exposures: Uptake, tissue and target dose. In: Fowler BA (ed.): Mechanisms of Cell Injury: Implications for Human Health. London: John Wiley & Sons Limited, pp. 405-429, 1987.
29. Silbergeld EK and Percival RV: The organometals: Impact of accidental exposure and experimental data on regulatory policies. In: Sparber S and Tilson H (eds.): Neurotoxicants and Neuro-Biological Function. London: JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 328-352, 1987.
30. Silbergeld EK and Bean MJ: Afterword to Special 20th Anniversary Edition of Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, Houghton-Mifflin, Boston, 1988.
31. Silbergeld EK, Mattison DR, and Bertin JE: Occupational exposures and female reproduction. In: Evans MI, Fletcher JC, Dixler AO, and Schulman JD (eds.): Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy: Science, Ethics, and the Law. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., pp. 149-171, 1989.
32. Silbergeld EK: Developing formal risk assessment methods for neurotoxicants: An evaluation of the state of the art. In: Johnson B (ed): Advances in Neurobehavioral Toxicology: Applications in Environmental and Occupational Health. Chelsea (MI):Lewis Publishers, pp. 133-148, 1990.
33. Silbergeld EK: Risk Assessment and Risk Management: An Uneasy Divorce. In: Mayo D and Hollander R (eds): Acceptable Evidence, London: Oxford University Press, pp.99-114, 1991.
34. Silbergeld EK: Dioxin: A case study in chloracne. In: Marzulli FN and Maibach HI (eds.): Dermatotoxicology, 4th Edition. New York: Hemisphere, pp. 667-686, 1991.
35. Silbergeld EK: Dioxin: receptor-based approaches to risk assessment. In: Scheuplein R, Houk V, and Van der Hejden R (eds): Biological Basis of Dioxins and Related Compounds. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, pp. 441-458, 1991.
36. Denison RA and Silbergeld EK: Health Effects of Municipal Waste Incineration. In: Hattemer-Frey H and Travis C (eds.): Health Effects of Municipal Waste Incineration. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, pp. 275-293, 1991.
37. Silbergeld EK: Neurological perspective on lead toxicity. In: Needleman HL (ed): Human Lead Exposure. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, pp. 89-103, 1992.
38. Silbergeld EK: Environmental case studies: key lessons and commentary. In: Guzelian P, Henry C, and Olin S (eds.): Similarities and Differences Between Children and Adults: Implications for Risk Assessment. Washington: ILSI Press, pp. 191-198, 1992.
39. Silbergeld EK: Revising the risk assessment paradigm. In: Cothern R (ed.): Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment. Ann Arbor (MI): Lewis Publishers, pp. 73-78, 1993.
40. Silbergeld EK, Gordon M, and Kelly LD: Dioxin at diamond: A case study in occupational/environmental exposure. In: Wedeen R and Sheehan H (eds.): Toxic Circles. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers University Press, pp 55-80, 1993.
41. Silbergeld EK: A proposal for overcoming paralysis in improving risk regulation. In: Burke TA, Tran NL, Roemer JS, and Henry CJ (eds): Regulating Risk: The Science and Politics of Risk. Washington: ILSI Press, pp. 45-47, 1993.
42. Silbergeld EK: Receptor-mediated biological processes: Implications for evaluating carcinogens. In: Spitzer H, Slaga T, Greenlee W, and McClain M (eds): Receptor Mediated Biological Processes: Inplications for Evaluating Carcinogenesis. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., pp. 273-293,1994.
43. Silbergeld EK and DeFur PL: Risk assessments of dioxin - like compounds. In: Schechter A (ed): Dioxins and Health. New York: Plenum Press, pp. 51-78, 1994.
44. Gandley R and Silbergeld EK: Male-mediated reproductive toxicity: effects on the nervous system of offspring. In: Olshan AF and Mattison DR (eds): Male-mediated Developmental Toxicity. New York: Plenum Press, 1994.
45. Bhattacharyya MH, Wilson AK, Silbergeld EK, Watson L, and Jeffery E: Metal Induced Osteotoxicities. In: Goyer R, Klaassen C, and Waalkes M (eds): Metal Toxicology. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 465-510, 1995.
46. Silbergeld EK: Chemicals and chloracne. In: Marzulli FN and Maibach HI (eds): Dermatotoxicology, 5th Edition. Philadelphia: Thomas and Hudson, pp. 249-263, 1996.
47. Rice D and Silbergeld E: Lead neurotoxicity: Concordance of human and animal research. In: Chang LW (ed): Toxicology of Metals. New York: CRC Lewis Publishers, pp. 659-675, 1996.
48. Bhattacharyya MH, Jeffery E, and Silbergeld EK: Bone metabolism: Effects of essential and toxic trace metals. In: Chang LW (ed): Toxicology of Metals. New York: CRC Lewis Publishers, pp. 959-971, 1996.
49. Ashley PJ, Krogstad EJ, Lees PSJ, Silbergeld EK, and Smith DR: The use of stable lead isotopes to identify and apportion sources of lead in urban house dust. In: Johnson B, Xintaras C, Andrews J (eds): Hazardous Waste: Impacts on Human and Biological Health. Princeton (NJ): Princeton Scientific Publishing, pp. 139-150, 1997.
49. Silbergeld EK and Thomas VM: Dioxins and Related Compounds. In: Rom WN (ed): Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, pp. 1185-1198, 1998.
50. Silbergeld EK: Risk characterization. In: Wallace RB (ed): (Maxcy-Rosenau-Last) Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Stanford: Appleton and Lange, 14th Edition, pp. 441-445, 1998.
51. Silbergeld EK, Strickland GT, and Jacobson S: Risk interactions: The epidemiological context of toxic chemicals and infectious disease. In: Valuing the Global Environment: Actions and Investments for a 21st Century. Washington: DC.: Global Environmental Facility, pp. 126-127, 1998.
52. Silbergeld EK: Environmental exposures. In: Goldman MB and Hatch MC (eds): Women and Health. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 599-600, 2000.
53. Silbergeld EK: The environment and women’s health: An overview. In: Ibid, pp. 601-606, 2000.
54. Flaws JA, Sharara FI, Silbergeld EK, and Hirshfield AN: Environmental exposures and women’s reproductive health. In: Op Cit., pp. 625-633, 2000.
55. Silbergeld EK and Chia KS: Environmental health hazards in the tropics. In: Strickland GT (ed) Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 8th Edition, pp. 158-166, 2000.
56. Silbergeld Ellen K. Molecular epidemiology and the prevention of disease. In: Global Perspectives in Health, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO, EOLSS Publisihers, Oxford UK, 2005 []
57. Peterson, AE, Vegosen L, Leibler J, Davis MG, Feingold B, and Silbergeld E. Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Environment. In: Henao S, Carvalan C, and Finkelman J (eds): The Environment and Sustainable Development, Washington: Pan American Health Organization, 2010.
58. Solomon GM, Huddle Am, Silbergeld EK, and Herman J. Manganese in gasoline: are we repeating history? In: Clapp R (ed): From Critical Science to Solutions, Amityville NY: Baywood Publiching, pp. 91-104, 2011
1. Silbergeld EK: Effects of lead on neuromuscular function: In vitro evidence for site of action at the presynaptic level. Fed. Proc 32: 275, 1973.
2. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Lead poisoning: Animal model of hyperactivity. Pharmacologist 15: 143, 1973.
3. Silbergeld EK and Goldberg AM: Cholinergic-aminergic interactions in lead-induced hyperactivity. Pharmacologist 16: 335, 1974.
4. Goldberg AM and Silbergeld EK: Neurochemical aspects of lead-induced hyperactivity. Trans Amer Soc Neurochem p. 185, 1974.
5. Silbergeld EK, Carroll PT, and Goldberg AM: Monoamines in lead-induced hyperactivity. Pharmacologist 13: 203, 1975.
6. Goldberg AM, Carroll PT, and Silbergeld EK: Cholinergic aspects of hyperactivity. Fifth International Meeting for Soc. Neurochem, 1975.
7. Pfeiffer R and Silbergeld EK: Differential behavioral and neuro-chemical effects of three dopaminergic agonists. Neurosci. Abstr. II: 720, 1976.
8. Silbergeld EK and Miller LP: Lead intoxication: Changes in seizure threshold and gamma-aminobutyric acid function. Neurology. 4(27): 405, 1977.
9. Adler HS and Silbergeld EK: Intrasynaptosomal interactions of lead and calcium in dopaminergic neurotransmission. Pharmacologist. 19(2): 40, 1977.
10. Silbergeld EK and Walters JR: Dopamine uptake and release in substantia nigra: Effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid and substance P. Pharmacologist 19(2): 544, 1977.
11. Silbergeld EK, Miller LP, Kennedy S, and Eng N: Lead and seizures: Role of GABA. Neurosci. Abstr. III: 1039, 1977.
12. Adler HS, Costa JL, and Silbergeld EK: X-ray microanalysis in neurochemistry: Localization of an elemental neurotoxin and manipulations of mitochondrial Ca+++. Neurosci. Abstr. III: 1235, 1977.
13. Baring MD, Walter JR, Silbergeld EK, Eng N, and Lakoski JM: Effect of systemic apomorphine on firing rates of dopamine cells in rats with striatal kainic acid lesions. Neurosci. Abst. 4: 267, 1978.
14. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Ergot drugs inhibit spiroperidol and serotonin receptor binding. Soc. Neurosci Abst. 4: 425, 1978.
15. Kennedy S, Hruska RE, and Silbergeld EK: Serotonergic-dopaminergic effects of ergot drugs. Soc. Neurosci Abst. 4: 426, 1978.
16. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, Lamon JM, Frykholm BF, and Hess RA: Neurotoxic mechanisms in porphyria and lead intoxication: Possible role of D-aminolevulinic acid. Clin. Res. 27: 307A, 1979.
17. Lamon JM, Silbergeld EK, Frykholm BF, and Hruska RE: Extra-erythropoietic heme metabolism in lead intoxication. Clin Res. 27: 299A, 1979.
18. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, Lamon JM, Frykholm BF, and Hess RA: The effects of lead (Pb) on hepatic heme synthesis and drug metabolism, Pharmacologist 21: 209, 1979.
19. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, and Lafferman JA: Actions of lead (Pb) on GABAergic neurotransmission: Discrepancies between in vivo and in vitro effects. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 5: 562, 1979.
20. Lafferman J and Silbergeld EK: Erythrosin B (food, drug, and cosmetic Red No. 3) inhibits dopamine uptake in rat caudate synaptosomes: A kinetic study. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 5: 562, 1979.
21. Hruska RE and Silbergeld EK: Increased dopamine receptor sensitivity after estrogen treatment. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 5: 73, 1979.
22. Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE, and Schwarcz R: GABA in the basal ganglia: Effects of selective lesions. Brain Res. Bull. 4: 696, 1979.
23. Weir RL, Hruska RE, and Silbergeld EK: Effects of dopamine agonists on 3H-spiroperidol receptor binding. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 5: 81, 1979.
24. Hruska RE, Ludmer LM, and Silbergeld EK: Prolactin increases the number of striatal dopamine receptors. Pharmacol 22: 220, 1980.
25. Silbergeld EK: Erythrosin B: Ouabain-like actions of an artificial food dye in rat brain tissue. Pharmacol. 22: 198, 1980.
26. Hruska RE, Ludmer LM, and Silbergeld EK: The striatal dopamine receptor supersensitivity produced by estrogen may be mediated through prolactin. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 6: 441, 1980.
27. Chisolm JJ and Silbergeld EK: Increased excretion of homovanillic acid (HVA) in urine by young children with increased lead absorption. Neurosci. Abst. Vol. 6: 508, 1980.
28. Silbergeld EK and Anderson SM: Erythrosin B: Specific inhibitor of high affinity (3H)-ouabain-binding and ion transport in rat brain. Neurosci. Abst. Vol. 6: 56, 1980.
29. Silbergeld EK, Anderson SM, DeRyck M, Chronwall B, and Morris SJ: Neurotoxicity of an artificial food color (erythrosin B): Methods for rapid testing. Abstr. 8th Meeting International Soc. Neurochem., p. 238, 1981.
30. Pitman KT, Hruska RE, Ludner LM, and Silbergeld EK: Prolactin increases the density of striatal dopamine receptors in normal and hypophysectomized male rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 7: 217, 1981.
31. DeRyck M, Hruska RE, and Silbergeld EK: Estrogen potentiates haloperidol-induced Catalepsy/Akinesia in male rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 7: 217, 1981.
32. Silbergeld EK: The biochemical basis of lead neurotoxicity. Abstr. Ann. Mtng. AAAS, Toronto, 1981.
33. Hruska RE, Pitman KT, Ludmer LM, DeRyck M, and Silbergeld EK: Comparison of the biochemical and behavioral effects of estrogen in male and female rats. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 7: 218, 1981.
34. Silbergeld EK, Morris SJ, and Anderson SM: Erythrosin B and Na, K-ATPase: Receptor-like interactions with brain synaptic membranes. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 7: 105, 1981.
35. Silbergeld EK: Basic and applied neurochemistry of hazards. Abstr. Annual Meeting AAAS, Washington, D.C., p. 63, 1982.
36. Silbergeld EK: Neurotoxic implications of altered heme synthesis in lead poisoning. Neurotoxicol. 3: 119,120, 1983.
37. Silbergeld EK, Nightingale MS, and Mattison DR: Effect of oocyte destruction by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on fertility of DBA/2N (D2), C57BL/6N(B6), and (D2 x B6) Fl mice. Soc. Gynecol. Invest. Abstr., p.51, 1983.
38. Silbergeld EK, Nightingale MS, Godlove K, Malley J, and Mattison DR: Reproductive toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in female mice. Pharmacol. 25: 655, 1983.
39. Mattison DR, Takizawa K, Silbergeld EK, Nightingale MS, Jerina D, and Yagi H: Genetics of ovarian benzo(a)pyrene metabolism, oocyte destruction and impaired fertility in inbred DBA/2N and C57BL/6N mice and D2xB6 Fl heterozygote mice. Abstr. Intern. Conf. Extrahepatic Metabolism of PAHs and Carcinogenesis, 1983.
40. Mattison DR and Silbergeld EK: Occupational exposures and pregnancy. Abstr. 15th Ann. Cong. Col. Soc. Obstet. Gynecol., Bucaramanja, Columbia, 1983.
41. Mattison DR, Nightingale MS, Shiromizu K, Takizawa K, Silbergeld EK, Kay HH, and Swartz WJ: Ovarian toxicity and reproductive function. Ibid, 1983.
42. Swartz W, Silbergeld EK, Malley K, and Mattison DR: The Effects of benzo(a)pyrene on murine ovarian function and fertility. Abstr. Amer. Assoc. Anat. 177A-178A, 1984.
43. Silbergeld EK: PCB transformer fires. Abstr Amer. Pub. Health Assn. Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 1984.
44. Silbergeld EK: PCB electrical incidents: Toxicology, health effects and public policy. Abstracts 5th Internat. Symp. on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds (Bayreuth), No. 59, 1985.
45. Silbergeld EK and Mattison DR: Reproductive toxicology of TCDD. Ibid, No. 81, 1985.
46. Silbergeld EK: Re-evaluation of epidemiological data from Nitro, WV (USA). Op. cit, No. 121, 1985.
47. Silbergeld EK: Do neurotoxicants have a threshold? Abstr. Ann. Mtng. AAAS, 1986.
48. Silbergeld EK and Schwartz J: Bone lead mobilization in women. Pharmacol. 28: 230, 1986.
49. Silbergeld EK and Max SR: Neuromuscular targets for the action of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Abstracts 6th Internat. Symp. on Dioxins, 1986.
50. Silbergeld EK and Schwartz J: Lead and osteoporosis: Mobilization of bone lead in postmenopausal women and possible etiologic role in bone demineralization. Abstr. Intern. Conf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment, September 1987.
51. Silbergeld EK: Hazards of manganese as an additive in vehicle fuel. Ibid.
52. Sills M and Silbergeld EK: Exposure to lead in food: Exposure and estimated risk. Toxicol 9: 21, 1989.
53. Aoki Y, Silbergeld EK, and Fowler BA: Alteration in hepatic gene expression patterns following in vitro and in vivo exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlordibenzodioxin (TCDD). Abstr. 5th Interna. Cong. Toxicol., 1989.
54. Silbergeld EK and Fowler BA: Biological markers for low-level lead poisoning. Abstr. 7th Internat. Conf. on Heavy Metals in the Environment, 1989.
55. Silbergeld EK, Aoki Y, and Fowler BA: TCDD: Alterations in hepatic gene expression after in vitro and in vivo exposure. Abstr. 9th Internat. Symp. on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, 1989.
56. Silbergeld EK, Akkerman M, Fowler BA, Albuquerque EX, and Alkondon M: Effects of lead on male teproduction and offspring of treated male rats. Abstr., APHA, 1990.
57. Arceo V, O'Shea P, Norris R, Fowler BA, Silbergeld EK, Somerman M, and Sauk J: Biological markers for lead toxicity. Abstr. Internat. Assoc. Dental Res., 1991.
58. Silbergeld EK, Akkerman M, Fowler BA, Albuquerque EX, and Alkondon M: Lead: male-mediated effects on reproduction and neurological development. Toxicol. 11: 235, 1991.
59. Silbergeld EK: Incorporating receptor based mechanisms into quantitative risk assessment of dioxins and related compounds. Abstract 11th Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, 1991.
60. Silbergeld EK, Bshara B, and Lahvis G: Identification of an Ah receptor in leukocytes. Ibid, 1991.
61. Gandley R, Anderson L, and Silbergeld EK: Lead: effects of paternal exposure on gene expression in the embryo. Toxicol. 12: 213, 1992.
62. Silbergeld EK: Dioxin: differential expression of Ah receptors in neurons and glia. Toxicol. 12: 196, 1992.
63. Bertin JE, Kidd-Taylor A, Lessin N, Rudolph L, and Silbergeld EK: Impact of the UAW vs. Johnson Controls Decision: update on workplace reproductive hazards. Abstr. APHA 120th Annual Meeting, Amer. J. Pub. Health 82: 311, 1992.
64. Silbergeld EK: Lead in humans: The challenge to clinical assessment. Abstr. Clin Chem '92, Amer Assn. Clin. Chem. Conf., p12, 1992.
65. Silbergeld EK and Davis DL: Environmentally induced disease: what is the role of biological markers? Abstract ICCF-Beckman Symposium, 1993.
66. Gandley R, Couture M, Anderson LD, and Silbergeld EK: Sex-linked heritability of male-mediated effects of lead. Toxicol. 13: 349, 1993.
67. Watson L, Gandley R, and Silbergeld EK: Lead: interactions of pregnancy and lactation with lead exposure in rats. Toxicol. 13: 349, 1993.
68. Willis SM, Conner EA, Fowler BA, and Silbergeld EK: Urinary excretion of alpha-2-u-globulin N-terminal cleavage product in rats following low level Pb exposure. Toxicol. 13: 440, 1993.
69. Watson LR and Silbergeld EK: Lead kinetics: the effects of lead on pregnancy and lactation. Toxicol 14: 78, 1994.
70. Ashley PJ, Lees PSJ, Krogstad EJ, Silbergeld EK, and Smith DR: Use of stable isotope systematics to identify and apportion sources of lead in house dust. Abstr. 2nd Internat Congress Hazards Waste, ATSDR, 1995.
71. Silbergeld EK: The hazards of synthetic (anthropogenic) toxicants. Int Cong Toxicol VIII, abstr. 83-D-1, 1995.
72. Katz EJ, Silbergeld EK, and Eldefrawi ME: Interactions of lead and cocaine and dopamine uptake in rat forebrain cocaine on dopamine uptake. Int Cong Toxicol VII, Abstr 99-P-5, 1995.
73. De Santi A, Flaws J, Sommer B, Silbergeld E, and Hirshfield A: 2,3,7,8-TCDD affects vaginal opening in the rat. Soc Study Reprod 1996.
74. Loffredo CA and Silbergeld EK: Sex differences in human glutathrone-s-transferase genes: Increased risk for congenital heart defects. Fund Appl Toxicol (suppl.) 36(1): 101-102, 1997.
75. Devine PJ and Silbergeld EK: In vitro embryonic gene expression as markers for developmental toxicity. Fund Appl Toxicol 36: 103, 1996.
76. Hirshfield AN, Flaws JA, De Santi AM, Silbergeld EK, and Davis MA: Mitogen-activated kinases (MAPK) are involved in the regulation of ovarian apoptosis. Fund Appl Toxicol 36: 356, 1996.
77. Flaws JA, De Santi AM, Devine PJ, Hirshfield AN, and Silbergeld EK: Effect of in utero kepone exposure on the female rat urogenital-tract. Fund Appl Toxicol 36: 356, 1996.
78. Loffredo CA, Beaty TH, and Silbergeld EK: Solvent and paint exposures interact with polymorphisms in glutathione-S-transferase genes to increase the risk of congenital heart defects. Teratology 55: 42, 1997.
79. Loffredo CA, Beaty TH, and Silbergeld EK: Markers of polymorphic glutathione-S-trabsferase genes unmask an unsuspected risk factor for atrial septal defect in infants. Am J Epidemiol 145 (suppl.) 1997.
80. Laessig SA, Mong JA, Flaws JA, Hirshfield AN, Silbergeld EK, and McCarthy MM: Prenatal exposure to the chlorinated pesticide, kepone, has estrogenic effects on open field behavior and SDN-POA volume in adult rats. Society for Neuroscience 1997.
81. Frame SR, Flaws JA, Hirshfield AN, O’Connor JC, Elliott GS, Silbergeld EK, Van Pelt CS, Hurtt ME, Cook JC, and Biegel LB: 90-Day feeding study in Crl:CD BR rats with 17b-estradiol. SOT 1998 (Abstr. 491).
82. Nash D, Silbergeld E, Magder L, and Stolley P: Menopause, hormone replacement therpay (HRT) and blood lead levels among adult women from NHANES III, 1988-1994. Amer J Epidemiol 147: S93, 1998.
83. Quintanilla-Vega B, Hoover D, Silbergeld EK, Waalkes M, and Anderson L: Lead binding to protamines as a potential mechanism of toxicity. SOT 1998 (Abstr. 631).
84. Silbergeld EK, Trevant C, Strickland GT, Liggans G, Woodruff S, Sacci J, Azad A, and McKenna K: Effects of mercury (Hg) on resistance to P. yoelli malaria in a mouse model. SOT 1998 (Abstr. 1011).
85. Silbergeld EK, Woodruff S, Gutirrez P, McKenna K, Azad A, and Sacci J: Effects of mercury (HG) on immune function in male and female mice. SOT 1998 (Abstr. 1012).
86. Devine PJ and Silbergeld EK: Effects of methylmercury on preimplantation mouse embryos. SOT 1998 (Abstr. 1286).
87. Silbergeld EK, Huang W, Powell JL, Azad A, and Sacci J: Mercury: effects on immune response in mice may involve glutathione dependent mechanisms. Toxicol Sci 48: 5 (Abstr. 23), 1999.
88. Nash D, Strickland GT, Trevant C, de Souza JM, da Silva RSU, and Silbergeld EK: Mercury exposure, toxicity, and malaria prevalence among Brazilian gold miners. Toxicol Sci 48: 45 (Abstr. 214), 1999.
89. Laessig SA, McCarthy MM, and Silbergeld EK: Prenatal exposure to estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) affects sexual differentiation of the rat brain. Toxicol Sci 48: 46 (Abstr.220), 1999.
90. Alfaro JAB, Sorg BA, Silbergeld EK, and Schenk JO: Effect of prenatal lead exposure on cocaine conditioned place preference in rats. Toxicol Sci 48: 50 (Abstr. 237), 1999.
91. Nash D, Silbergeld E, Sherwin R, Magder L, Rubin R, and Stolley P: The relationship of blood lead to blood pressure and hypertension among adult women from NHANES III, 1988-1994. Amer J Epidemiol 149: S58, 1999.
92. Nash D, Silbergeld E, Sherwin R, Magder L, Rubin R, and Stolley P: The relationship of blood lead and use of hormone replacement therapy to cognitive function among adult women from NHANES III, 1988-1994. Amer J Epidemiol 149: S35, 1999.
93. Nash D, Silbergeld E, Sherwin R, Magder L, Rubin R, and Stolley P: Public health implications of environmental exposures. Prevention 1999.
94. Alfaro JAB, Sorg BA, Silbergeld EK, and Schenk JO: Prenatal lead exposure in rats alters cocaine conditioned place preference. Soc Neurosci, 1999.
95. Sass J, Choich J, and Silbergeld EK: Application of the 2-deoxyglucose method to fish for identification and characterization of known and unknown environmental neurotoxins. Soc Neurosci 1999.
96. Silbergeld EK, Trevant C, da Silva RM, de Souza JM, Ventura AM, Crompton P, and Strickland GT: Malaria and mercury exposure among goldminers in Amazonian Brazil. Amer J Trop Med Hygiene 61: S466, 1999.
97. Silbergeld EK, Sacci J, Huang WT, Powell J, Vergato L, Crompton P, and Azad A: Mercury: immunotoxic mechanisms of impaired host response to malaria in mice. Amer J Trop Med Hygiene 61: S486, 1999.
98. Silbergeld EK, Eldefrawi AE, Sass JB, El-Nabawi A, Choich J, Sathyanarayana S, Brewer V, Conrad S, Eilers P, Kane A, Oldach D Hall S, and Morris JG: Pfiesteria piscicida: identifying toxins associated with a novel human neurotoxic syndrome. HAB Conf Tasmania, February 2000.
99. Sass JB, Choich JA, and Silbergeld EK: Adaptation of the 2-deoxyglucose method to fish for characterizing known and unknown aquatic neurotoxins. SOT 2000.
100. Laessig SA, Auger AP, McCarthy MM, and Silbergeld EK: Persistent neurobehavioral effects in Sprague Dawley rats following prenatal exposure to the environmental estrogen, chlordecone. Tox Sci 56: 266, 2000.
101. Loffredo CA, Aposhian HV, Cebrian ME, Yamauchi H, and Silbergeld EK: Variability in human sensitivity to arsenic: an international study of population response to arsenic in drinking water. Tox Sci 54: 132, 2000.
102. Ramirez BL, Rubite R, Catapia J, and Silbergeld EK: Mercury: effects of exposure on Schistosoma japonicum infection in mice. Tox Sci 54: 157, 2000.
103. Borgeest C, Laessig S, Silbergeld EK, Flaws JA: The effect of in utero kepone exposure on the rodent ovary and vagina. Abst. Serono Symposium, 2000.
104. Stine OC, Carnahan A, Singh R, Powell J, Furuno JJ, Dorsey A, Silbergeld EK, Williams HN, and Morris JG: Characterization of microbial communities from coastal communities from costal waters using microarays. 2001. Procs ICAAC 2001
105. Choich J, Sass J, and Silbergeld EK: Excitatory effects of NMDS in fish brain regions characterized by the 2-deoxyglucose method. Tox Sci 60: 1097, 2001.
106. Sass J, Haselow D, Lustberg M, Vergato L, and Silbergeld EK: Mercury disrupts movement of neurons, possibly via a cytokine-mediated mechanism. Tox Sci 60: 881, 2001.
107. Silva I, Graber J, Lustberg M, and Silbergeld EK: Age-dependent differences in the murine response to low doses of mercury chloride. Tox Sci 60: 148, 2001.
108. Arfsten D, Yokoo E, and Silbergeld EK: Benchmark dose calculations for methylmercury-associated neurophysiological deficits in an adult population. Tox Sci 60: 2071, 2001.
109. El-Nabawi A, Quesenberry M, Saito K, Silbergeld E, Vasta G, and Eldefrawi A: Molecular mechanism for memory loss produce by pfiesteria piscicida toxin. Tox Sci 60: 1737, 2001.
110. Silbergeld EK, Hoover D, Nguyen P, Silva I, Lustberg M, and Via C: Mercury accelerates autoimmune disease in the graft versus host disease model. Tox Sci 66: abstr 391, 2002.
111. El Nabawi A, Choich JA, and Silbergeld EK: Characterizatino of histamine H1 receptor binding sites in fish. Tox Sci 66: abst 72, 2002.
112. Choich JA, El Nabawi A, and Silbergeld EK: Evidence of histamine H1 and H2 receptors in fish brain as characterized by the 2-deoxyglucose method. Tox Sci 66: abst 73, 2002.
113. Calvin LY, Hoover D, and Silbergeld EK: Lead-induced aggressive behavior in adult mice. Tox Sci 66: abst 2002
114. Silbergeld EK, Hoover D, Nguyen P, Silva I, Lustberg M, and Via C: Mercury acclerates autoimmune disease in the graft versus host disease model. 3rd International Congress on Autoimmunity, Autoimmun Rev 1: abstract 134, 2002.
115. Silva I, Gorman A, Perisse A, Ventura AM, Santos E, Burk L, Rose NR, and Silbergeld EK: Mercury exposures and prevalence of serum autoantibodies; ANA/ANoA in the Amazon populations in Brazil. 3rd Int. Congress on Autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev 1: abstr 135, 2002.
116. Furuno JP, Dualan ARA, Torpey DJ, Youngman L, Silbergeld EK. Epidemiological survey of bacterial colonization in poultry production workers and a human referent population. ICEID 2002: abstr 75, p 92, 2002.
117. Silbergeld EK, Silva I, Brager J, ECO Santos, Ventura AM, de Souza JM, Dualan AM, Maramba N, Strickland GT. Complex health: environmental interactions in small scale goldmining. 2nd Conference, Internat Society for Ecosystem Health Conference, p 31, 2002.
118. Silbergeld EK. An in vitro system to assess neuronal mirgration. 4th World Congress on Alternatives, abstr A4, p. 82, 2002.
119. Nyland JF, Afanasayeva M, Silva I, Via C, Rose NR, and Silbergeld EK. Mercury exacerbates acquired autoimmune disease in mice. Keystone Immunology Conference, 2003.
120. Silva IA, Gorman A, Perisse A, Venura AM, SAantos ECO, de Souza JM, Burek L, Rose NR, Silbergeld EK. Mercury exposures and prevalence of serum autoantibodies ANA/ANoA in Amazon populations in razil. Environmental Factors in Autoimmune Disease, NIEHS, abstr p 10, 2003.
121. Silva I, Elnabawi M, Hoover D, and Silbergeld EK: Prenatal HgCl2 exposures in Balb/C mice: Effects on the ontogeny of the immune system. Ibid., 2003.
122. Silbergeld EK. Mercury accelerates autoimmune disease in the graft versus host disease model. Ibid, 2003.
123. Lein PJ, Goldberg A, Locke P, and Silbergeld EK. In vitro and alternative approaches to developmental neurotoxicity testing. Abstr, International Neurotoxicology Assoc, Dresden, 2003.
124. Silbergeld EK, Silva I, Via CSD, Afanasyeva M, Nyland J, Nguyen P, and Rose NR: Mercury accelerates autoimmune disease in mice. Tox Sci, 171: abstr 1825, 2003.
125. Price, L On S, Siemer B, and Silbergeld EK. Fluoroquinolone resistant Campylobacter carriage on US
retail poultry products grown with and without antibiotics as growth promoters. 12th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms, 2003. Abstr F-49, Internat J Med Microbiol, p. 51, 2003.
126. Calderon-Aranda ES, Jedlicka AE, Scott AS, and Silbergeld EK. Gene expression analysis of the mouse cerebellar cells in vitro exposed to methyl mercuric chloride. Tox Sci 78, S-1: 233, 2004.
127. Nyland JE, Fairweather D, Rose, NR, and Silbergeld EK. Inorganic mercury increases severity and frequency of autoimmune myocarditis in mice. Tox Sci 78, S-1: 233, 2004.
128. Silbergeld EK, Burek L, Rose N, Souza JM, Santos EC, Graber J, and Silva I. Effects of mercury (Hg) exposure on biomarkers of autoimmunity in human populations. Tox Sci 78, S-1: 12, 2004.
129. Silva IA, El Nabawi M, Hoover D, and Silbergeld EK. Prenatal mercuric chloride exposure in BALB/c mice: gender specific effects on the ontogeny of the immune system. Tox Sci 78, S-1: 97, 2004.
130. Silbergeld EK and Bartolomei M. Role of genomic imprinting in male-mediated developmental neurotoxicity of lead. NIEHS-ACC Developmental Toxicology Workshop, March 2004, abstracts.
131. Silbergeld EK and Nyland J Mercury exposures and autoimmune disease. Xth Internat Congress on Toxicology, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 197 (3):147, 2004.
132. Aposhian HV, van Tilburg A,Garcia-Vargas G, Chowdhury UK, Zakharyan RA, Avram MD,
Silbergeld EK, and Cebrian ME. Polymorphisms in the human monomethylarsonic acid (MMAV) reductase/HGSTO1 gene and changes in urinary arsenic profiles. Xth Internat Congress on Toxicology, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 197(3): 254, 2004.
133. Silbergeld EK. Children’s environmental health: issues and challenges. Internat Meeting for Autism
Research Abstr p. 78, 2004.
134. Roberts JE, Silbergeld EK, and Graczyk T. Urban fishing: an under-recognized risk. APHA 2004 Abstr
135. Roberts JE, Silbergeld EK, and Graczyk T. Risk of cryptosporidium infection among Baltimore urban anglers. APHA 2004, Abstr 83204.
Silbergeld EK. Ecology and public health: the case of artisanal gold mining and infectious diseases. APHA 2004, Abst 95043.
Gardner RM, Nyland J, and Silbergeld EK. Mercury exposure increases biomarkers of autoimmune dysfunction in an exposed gold mining population compared to occupational reference groups. Tox Sci 90(1); Abstr 284, p.58, 2006.
138. Silbergeld EK, Gardner RM, and Nyland JE. Characterizing human susceptibility to mercury-induced immunotoxicity. Tox Sci 90(1); Abstr 1175, p. 239, 2006.
139. Roberts JD, Silbergeld EK, and Graczyk T. Risk of cryptosporidium infection among Baltimore urban anglers. Tox Sci 90(1); Abstr 1611, p. 329, 2006.
Arias-Salvatierra D, Acosta-Saavedra lC, Conde-Moo PC, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Methylmercury exposure, in vitro increases soluble gp130 receptor, a modulatory factor of IL-6 function in organotyptic cultures of mouse cerebellum. Tox Sci 90(1); Abstr 1776, p. 364, 2006.
Roberts J, Silbergeld E, Graczyk T. A risk analysis of the level of risk to Cryptosporidum through consuming or having contact with contaminated fish among Baltimore urgan anglers in Maryland. Abstracts, International Congress of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, p. 77, 2006.
Silbergeld E, Nyland J, Gardner R, deSouza J, Santos E, and Ventura A. Mercury and infectious disease: interacting risks. Abstracts, International Congress of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, p. 428, 2006.
Silbergeld E, Nyland J, Gardner R, de Souza J, Santos E, and Ventura A. Mercury and infectious disease: interacting risks. Epidemiol 17: 6 suppl, S445, 2006.
Roberts J, Silbergeld E, and Graczyk T. A risk analysis of the level of risk to Cryptosporidium through consuming or having contact with contaminated fish among Baltimore urban anglers in Maryland. Epidemiol 17: 6 suppl, S140, 2006.
Nweke O, Silbergeld E, Bandeen-Roche K, Lees P, Aposhian V, Gallicchio L, Guallar E, and Alberg A. Poultry production and arsenic in drinking water from groundwater in the Eastern and Southern Shore counties of Maryland. Tox Sci 69; Abstr 713, 2007.
Gardner RM, Nyland, J, Evans S, and Silbergeld EK. Very low dose mercury modulates cytokine secretion by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro without changing cell populations. Tox Sci 69; Abstr 1935, 2007.
Silbergeld E. Autism: what does mercury have to do with it? Tox Sci 69; Abstr 28, 2007.
Silbergeld E, Gardner R, and Nyland J. Adventures in the low dose range. Abst, Workshop on Low Dose Effects of Chemicals, Berlin (Charite-UBA), 2007.
Silbergeld EK. Implications of new research for occupational exposures to metals. Conference of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health, Kaohsiung Taiwan, abstr p 1, 2007.
Knuth BA, McOliver C, Silbergeld E, Connelly NA, and Faulds A. Contaminant and pathogen considerations: balancing the fishing experience with the need to protect human health. Abstr Amer Fisheries Soc, 2007
Silbergeld EK, Price L, Lackey L, Evans S. Risks of exposure to antimicrobial resistant E coli among workers in industrial food animal production. Salud Pub Mex 49:E663-664 (Internat Soc Environ Epidemiol), 2007.
Silbergeld EK, Roberts J, Graczyk T, and McOliver C. Pathogen exposure risks among anglers in urban watersheds. Salub Pub Mex 49:E658-659 (Internat Soc Environ Epidemiol), 2007.
Navas Acien A, Guallar E, Silbergeld EK, Rothenberg SJ. Lead exposure and cardiovascular disease: beyond blood pressure. Salud Pub Mex 49:E439 (Internat Soc Environ Epidemiol), 2007.
Navas Acien A, Schwartz B, Rothenberg SJ, Hu H, Silbergeld EK, and Guallar E. Bone versus blood lead as determinants of blood pressure and hypertension: a meta-analysis. Salud Pub mex 49:E451 (Internat Soc Environ Epidemiol), 2007.
Navas Acien A, Silbergeld EK and Guallar E. Meta-analyses of arsenic health effects. Internat Conf Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health Sciences, abstr 2007.
Silbergeld EK, Nweke O, Nachman K, and Aposhian HV. Arsenicals and food animal production. Internat Conf Pacific Basin Consortium for Environment and Health Sciences, abstr 2007.
Liebler JH, Otte JM, and Silbergeld EK. Zoonotic disease risks and socio-economic impacts of industrial poultry production: review of the experience with contract growing in the United States of America. International Poultry Conference. FAO Animal Production and Health Proceedings 9: 50, 2007.
Gardner RM, Nyland JE, Evans S, Wang S, Doyle KM, Ansari DM, and Silbergeld EK. In vitro immunotoxic effects of mercury depend on activation of human PBMCS. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 194, 2008.
Nyland JE, Bai J, Katz HE, Silbergeld EK. Assessing in vitro responses of murine splenocytes to dansyl-siloxane nanoparticles through flow cytometric methods. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 1041, 2008.
Price LB, Roess A, Graham J, Baqaar S, Vailes R, Lackey L, Sheikh KA, and Silbergeld EK. Neurological symptoms and neuropathological antibodies in poultry workers exposed to Campylobacter jejeuni. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 1463, 2008.
Salvatierra D, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Methylmercury inhibits nitric oxide signal transduction in developing mouse cerebellar cells. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 1847, 2008.
Silbergeld EK, Jedlika AE, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Scott AS, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Mercury modifies LPS-induced gene expression in developing mouse cerebellar cell cultures. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 1848, 2008.
Luque B, Arias-Salvatierra D, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Methylmercury decreases ERK1/2, p38 and TAK1 phosphorylation in developing mouse cerebellar cells. The Toxicologist CD 102:S-1, Abstr 1850, 2008.
Calderon-Aranda ES, Arias-Salvatierra D, Acosta-Saavedra LC, and Silbergeld EK. Methylmercury decreases NF-kappaB nuclear translocation in cerebellar organotypic cultures in vitro. The Toxicologist CD 102; S-1, Abstr1851, 2008.
Silbergeld EK. Evidence-based toxicology: lessons from evidence based methods in medicine and health care. (EUROTOX) Toxicol Lett 180S:S18, 2008.
Arriolo CS, Castillo R, Angelats R, Moulton L, Gilman R, and Silbergeld E. Multidrug resistant Escherichia coli in fecal samples of market-ready pigs on medium- and large-scale pig farms, Lima Peru. Amer Soc Microbiol 2008.
Silbergeld EK. Gene:environment interactions in metal toxicity. ICHMET 2008, National Taiwan University, 2008.
Navas Acien A, Tellez-Plaza M, Guallar E, Muntner P, Silbergeld E, Jaar B, Weaver V. Cadmium and lead exposures and risk of chronic kidney disease in US adults. Amer Soc Nephrology 2008.
Silbergeld E, Adler R, Gadhoke P, Gardner R, and Nyland J. Small scale goldmining: perspectives on ecology and health. Internat EcoHealth Forum, abstracts, p 120, 2008.
Nyland J, Bai J, Katz H, Silbergeld EK. Assessing in vitro responses of murine splenocytes to dansyl-siloxana nanoparticles through flow cytometric methods. Abstracts Collegium Ramazzini, 2008.
Leilber JH, Silbergeld EK, Pekosz A, and Gray GC. No evidence of infections with avian influenza viruses among US poultry workers, Delmarva Peninsula. 7th International Sympposium on Avian Influenza 2009.
Yasin RZ, Leibler J, Silbergeld E, and Safi BA. Preventing avian influenza in small scale commercial poultry producers. IDSA Conference on seasonal and pandemic influenza, 2009.
Gardner RM, Nyland JF, and Silbergeld EK. Modeling individual variability from in vitro data. SOT 2009, Tox Sci 108: 82, 2009.
Leibler J, Silbergeld EK, Pekosz A and Gray G. No evidence of infection with avian influenza among US poultry workers, Delmarva Peninsula. Tox Sci 108: 248, 2009.
Nyland JF, Wang S, Santos EC, Centura A, De Souza JM, and Silbergeld EK. Prenatal exposure to mercury: partitioning of otal and ANA immunglobulins in material and cord blood, and assessment of a biomarker of mercury immunotoxicity. Tox Sci 108: 249, 2009.
McOliver CC, Silbergeld EK, and Graczyk TK. Cryptosporidium exposure and recreational water contact in persons with HIV/AIDS in Baltimore Maryland. Tox Sci 108: 250, 2009.
Weaver VM, Navas Acien A, Tellez-Plaza M, Guallar E, Muntner P, Silbergeld E, and Jaar B. Blood cadmium and lead and chronic kidney disease in US adults. Tox Sci 108: 324, 2009.
Gardner RM, Nyland JF, and Silbergeld EK. Low-dose mercury targets macrophage activation in human cells in vitro. Tox Sci: 108: 359, 2009.
Nyland JF, Wang E, Santos ECO, Ventura AM, deSouza JM, and Silbergeld EK. Assessment of a biomarker or prenatal mercury immunotoxicity: cross sectional study. IMFAR, 2009.
Clark K, Zheng Q, Ondijo C, Katz H, and Silbergeld E. Characterization of the interaction between DNA and engineered silica nanomaterials. EuroNanOSH 2009.
Arriola CS, Angelais R, Changanaqui C, Gurer M, Gonzalez A, Gilman R, Moulton L, Silbergeld E. Recovering methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus from pigs in large scale farming in Lima Peru using nonselective and selective methods. MRSA – ASM Conference 2009, p 28.
Peterson AE, Davis MF, Awantang G, and Silbergeld EK. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: correlation between nasal carriage and environmental samples at US horse and cattle farms. MRSA in Animals – ASM 2009 p 33.
Peterson AE, Davis MF, Limbago BB, and Silbergeld EK. Genetic comparison of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in US mid-Atlantic horses and their local environments. MRSA in Animals – ASM 2009, p 61.
Peterson AE, Davis MF, and Silbergeld EK. MSA surveillance in the environment: methods, validation, and implications. NEPHC Annual Meeting 2009.
Leibler J, Carone M, and Silbergeld EK. Contribution of company networks and social contacts to risk estimates of between-farm transmission of avian influenza. NEPHC Annual Meeting 2009.
Peterson A, Davis M, Leibler J, and Silbergeld E. Emerging concerns with MRSA: industrial food animal production and antibiotic resistance. NEPHC Annual Meeting, 2009.
Silbergeld E, Clark K, Zheng Q, Ondijo C, and Katz HE. In vitro approaches to characterizing interactions between engineered silica nanomaterials and DNA. (World Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing 2009) ALTEX 26, 202, 2009.
Gardner RM, Nyland JF, Goldber AM, and Silbergeld EK. The true gold standard: a comparison of human immune cells in vitro to human in vivo immunotoxicity data. (World Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing 2009) ALTEX 26, 132, 2009.
Davis M, Hoppin J, Alavanja M, Freeman L, Gray G, McKhann G, Nelson K, and and Silbergeld EK. Neurologic symptoms associated with raising poultry and swine among participants in the Agricultural Health Study. APHA 2009 #213221.
Feingold MJ, Leibler J, and Silbergeld EK. Satellite remote sensing of concentrated animal feeding oprations: an application of an innovatibve environmental exposure assessment. APHA 2009 #206941.
Silbergeld E. Neurological sequelae to Campylobacter infection in agricultural workers. (Second International Symposium on Emerging Diseases 2009) Mongolian J Infect Dis Res 3: 28, 12, 2009.
Silbergeld EK. Variability in human immune response to mercury: what is the evidence and what are the implications. IBAMTOX, 2009.
Peterson A, Davis M, Leibler J, and Silbergeld E. Emerging concerns with MRSA: industrial food animal production and antibiotic resistance. National Environmental Public Health Conference CDC, 2009.
Leibler, J, Glass G, Pekosz A, and Silbergeld E. Contribution of company networks and social cntacts to risk estimates of between-farm transmission of avian influenza. National Environmental Public Health Conference CDC, 2009.
Peterson A, Davis M, and Silbergeld E. MRSA surveillance in the environment: methods, validation and implications. National Environmental Public Health Conference CDC, 2009.
Silbergeld EK, Feingold B, and Leibler J. The animal:human interface in food animal production. Soc Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2009, p. 182, 2009.
Clark K, Zheng Q, Katz H, and Silbergeld EK. Characterization of the interaction between DNA and engineered silica nanomaterials. Tox Sci 109, abs 1698, 2010.
Hardy CG, Silbergeld EK, Cannon J, Lackey L, and Price LM. Prevalence of neuropathic Campylobacter jejuni on commercial broiler children products. Tox Sci 109, abs 667, 2010.
Vegosen L, Davis M, Silbergeld E, Preysse P, Gray G, Freeman B, and Kamel F. Occupational exposure to Campylobacter jejuni and autoimmune peripheral neuropathy in farmers. ICEID 2010, Abst 10-!-46, 2010.
Krain LJ and Silbergeld EK. Challenges and opportunities for source tracking of community-association methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA) in the United States. ICEID 2010 Abst 08-A-249, 2010.
Silbergeld EK and Clark KA. Nanobiological approaches to assessing health risks of nanomaterials. International Workshop on “Innovation by nanotechnology and nanomaterials – current aspects of safety assessment and regulation” (Dresden) 2010.
Davis MF and Silbergeld EK. Policy strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance of animal origin. 2nd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans and the Environment, Abst 2010-A-126-ASM-AR, 2010.
Silbergeld E, Davis M, Feingold B, Krain L, Leibler J, Peterson A. The animal human interface in industrial food animal production. 2nd ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens in Animals, Humans and the Environment, Abst KS-6, 2010.
Silbergeld EK, Gardner RM, de Souza JM, Ventura AM, and Nyland JH. Immunotoxic effects of mercury compounds in humans: concordance of in vitro and in vivo studies. IUTOX, 2010.
Clark KA, Silbergeld EK, Katz HE, and Nyland JF. Nanoscale methods for nanotoxicology. IUTOX 1335, 2010.
Silbergeld E and Chimedsuren Ochir. The Fogarty Project: Cooperation in research andtraining in environmental and occupational risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Third International Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Mongolian J Infect Dis Res 4:28, 2010.
Silbergeld E, Murphy M, and Gombobaatar S. Wild birds as biomonitors of zoonotic disease and anthropogenic pollutants. Third International Symposium on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Mongolian J Infect Dis Res 4:11, 2010.
Weaver V, Tellez-Okaza Nm Bavas-Acien A, Jaar B, Fadrowski J, Muntner P, Silbergeld E, and Guallar E. Divergent associations of blood and urine cadmium levels with kidney function. Tox Sci, p 180 (abst 767), 2011.
Torres-Aviles NA, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Luna AL, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda EC. Effect of pp-DDE on JAK2, STAT1α, and NFκB activation in macrophages. Tox Sci, p 148 (abst 403), 2011.
Luna AL, Torres-Aviles, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Effect of lead exposure on the marcrophages activation through TLR4. Tox Sci, p 174 (abst 868), 2011.
Albores-Garcia D, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Methylmercury decreases neuronal migration, vinculin levels and location in focal adherion of a neuroblastoma cell line. Tox Sci, p 238 (abst 1386), 2011.
Rodriguez-Kessler GT, Aolbores-Garcia D, Acosta-Saavedra LC, Luque B, Arias-Salvetierra D, Silbergeld EK, and Calderon-Aranda ES. Effect of methylmercury on the neuronal migration and on activity of FAK in human neuroblastoma cells. Tox Sci, p 238 (abst 1387), 2011.
Navas-Acien A, Francesconi KA, Silbergeld EK, and Guallar E. Seafood intake and urine concentrations of total arsnic, dimethylarsenate, and arsenobetaine in the US population. Tox Sci, p 290 (abst 1974), 2011.
Spelran KL, Shirley DL, Silbergeld EK, and Nyland JF. Differential effects of adult versus prenatal Hg exposure on the innate immune response to CVB3 infection. Tox Sci, p 311 (abst 2196), 2011.
Silbergeld EK, Davis M, Keremetang-Amoah E, Castillo R, Vegosen L, and Feingold B. International Conference on Occupational Health. Emerging Occupational Diseases, April 2011.
Weaver V, Navas-Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Singer, AB, Fadrowski J, Garcia-Vargas GG, Rubio M, Rothenberg SJ, and Guallar E. Associations between blood and kidney outcomes in adolescents from a smelter community. ISEE (abst 515), 2011.
Tellez-Plaza M, Navas-Acien A, Guallar E, Fadrowski J, Jaar B, Silbergeld EK, and Weaver V. Divergent associations of blood and urine cadmium levels with kidney function. ISEE (abstr 699), 2011.
Singer AB, Guallar E, Silbergeld EK, Navas-Acien A, Rubio-Andrade M, Rivera M, Duron J, Weaver V, and Garcia-Vargar GG. Blood lead levels in children and adolescents in Torreón, 1999-2009: an age, period, and cohort analysis. ISEE (abstr 870), 2011.
Garcia-Vargas GG, Parsons PJ, Rubio-Andrade M, Rothenberg SJ, Navas-Acien A, Weaver V, Singer AB, Silbergeld EK, and Guallar E. Multimetal exposure in adolescents from a smelter community in Northern Mexico. ISEE (abstr 812), 2011.
Rothenberg SJ, Guallar E, Garcia-Vargas GG, Navas-Acien A, Singer AB, Weaver V, Parsons PJ, and Silbergeld EK. Multiple metal exposures in adolescents: attention-induced stress lead, arsenic and cardiac variability. ISEE (abstr 1019), 2011.
Feingold BJ, Zaitchik, B, and Silbergeld EK. Satellite Remote Sensing of Animal Feeding Operations: A Novel Approach to Characterizing Sources of Environmental Exposures, Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Health Symposium - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Santa Fe, NM, 2011.
Gribble MO, Howard BV, Umans JG, Francesconi KA, Goessler W, Crainceanu CM, Silbergeld EK, Guall E, Navas Acien A. Urine arsenic concentrations and glycated hemoglobin: associations by diabetes status in the Strong Heart Study. EPI/NPAM 2012 (American Heart Association abstracts.
Tellez-Plaza M, Guallar E, Howard BV, Francesconi K, Goessler W, Silbergeld E, Devereus R, and Navas Acien A. Cadmium exposure is prospectively associated to cardiovascular risk in the Strong Heart Study. EPI/NPAM 2012 (American Heart Association 2012, Abstract 699.
Motts J, Silbergeld EK, Gardner RM, and Nyland JF. Identification of novel biomarkers of mercury-induced dysregulation in humans. Soiety of Toxicology, Abst 2437, 2012.
Book Reviews
1. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Lead in Man and the Environment.” for Trends in Pharmacol Sci, 1981.
2. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Hazardous Waste in America.” for Quarterly Rev of Biol 59: 88-89, 1983.
3. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Nutrition and Brain Function.” for Trends in Neurosci, 1984.
4. Silbergeld, E.K.: “The Burning Season: The Murder of Chico Mendes and the Fight for the Amazon Rain Forest.” for New Eng J Med., p. 930, March 28, 1991.
5. Silbergeld, E.K.: “The EPA: Asking the Wrong Questions.” for New Solutions, 3(1): 91-92, 1992.
6. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Chemical Risk Assessment and Occupational Health.” for New Solutions, 1995.
7. Silbergeld E: Risk assessment essay collection fills gap, recommended for D.C. audience. New Solutions Summer: 92-93, 1995.
8. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Betrayal of Science and Reason.” for New Eng J Med., 1997.
9. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Pesticides and Children’s Health.” for Amer Sci, 1997.
10. Silbergeld, E.K.: “The Body Project.” for Washington Post, Aug 1997.
11. Silbergeld, E.K.: “Making Better Environmental Decisions” for Public Health Reports, 2001.
12. Silbergeld, E.K.: “The unbearable heaviness of lead” for Bulletin of the Institute for the History of Science and Medicine, 2002.
13. Silbergeld E.K.: “The Great Lead Water Pipe Disaster” for Global Public Health, 6: 339-342, 2010.
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