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cObject – Generic objects

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03 cObject – Generic objects

Covers the cObject, a generic object class that's a superclass of all other MIF objects.

cObject - Generic objects

The cObject class is at the heart of all the interactive

fiction objects, such as lanterns, monsters, player characters,

doors, and rooms. Every other interactive fiction object

is based directly or indirectly from cObject.

This tutorial will give an overview about how to use cObject.

You should read this before learning how to use cRoom for rooms,

cCharacter or cMonster for monsters, NPCs, and player characters, cDoor

for making doors, cContainer for containers, etc. since they're

all based on cObject.

Making a new object

To make a new object for your world, such as a lantern:

  1. Create a new object using the "Objects" menu, and

    selecting "Add a new object".

  2. Type in the name for the object; if it's an object in

    the world (such as a specific lantern) then prefix the

    name with a "o" so it's easy to identify it as such.

    If it's a class, such as a "light emitting class" then

    prefix it with "c".

  3. Under the object's "Superclass" tab, press

    the "Add class" button.

  4. In the "Add class(es)" page, check the "cObject" class.

    This tells MIFL that your lantern object is based off

    the generic object.

  5. Press "Back" to return to the classes page;

    you'll see the "cObject" class listed.

  6. Check the "Automatically create an an object" button;

    this is what makes it an object and not a class.

  7. Below that, select the room that the lantern will

    appear in. If it starts out held or contained by another

    object then select that object.

  8. Don't bother changing the object's GUID since

    a unique one has automatically been generated.

  9. Switch to the properties tab.

  10. When you selected the cObject class, some properties were

    automatically added. These include pNLPParseName, pNLPNounName,

    and pVisual.

  11. Type in pNLPParseName and pNLPNounName.

    These are the names used to identify the object when its name

    is typed in a command, and how to diplay the name to the

    user. For more information on these,

    see the How command parsing works and Noun

    cases and noun-verb agreement tutorials.

  12. Some commands, particularly in conversations, allow the use of

    possessives, like as "Bill Smith's". Circumreality already contains code

    to create possessives in NLPMakePossessive(), but if this

    ends up making a mistake then you may need

    to provide your own pNLPParseNamePossessive.

  13. For pVisual you'll need a resource that

    is to be used to "draw" a picture of the object. It

    can either be an Image, ThreeDScene, ThreeDObject, Title,

    or Text resource. If you don't have one now, leave this

    blank and a default visual will be provided.

  14. You should set pWeightSelf to the weight of

    the object, in kilograms. pVolumeSelf is

    the area that the object takes up, in liters. If the object

    is roughly as dense as water, use the same values for both.

    However, if the object is light but large, like a pillow,

    you'll need a high volume.

  15. Since you want your lantern to provide light,

    add the pProvidesLight property and set

    it to TRUE. Of course, this means that

    your lantern is always on, but it's good enough

    for the purpose of this tutorial.

  16. If you want your lantern to be described the first

    time a player sees it, set pDescribed.

Assuming you had a room to place the latern in, you should

be able to compile the project and visit the room with

your character. The lantern will be there and providing light.

Properties and methods

The default cObject supports numerous properties and methods.

A typical object will only need to override some of the

properties and methods. For example: The lantern object

needs to change pProvidesLight and the methods

dealing with turning the object on or off.

For more details on the supported properties and methods,

look around the help files.

04 cRoom – Room objects

How to make rooms and connect them.

cRoom - Room objects

In MIFL, rooms are just objects (based on cObject) that players

can walk around in. If you want, you could even design backpacks

that players could walk around in; it's all the same. A room

is basically a container that's large enough to hold player

characters. (Although the room class is not based

on the cContainer class.)

Creating a new room

Creating a room is easy:

  1. Just as described in the "cObject" tutorial, create

    a new object, but instead of deriving

    your room off cObject, derive it from cRoom.

    (cRoom is a subclass of cObject, so by deriving from cRoom

    you are also deriving from cObject.)

  2. If you want to make a grid of rooms, such as 16 x 16 rooms

    for a section of wilderness, then name your rooms like,

    "oRoomWildernessXXxYY". Replace XX with the X (east/west) location in the

    16 x 16 grid, and YY with the Y (north/south) location.

    However, offset your numbers so that the room in the center of the

    3D model (.m3d file) is at 50 x 50. Thus, the center room would

    be oRoomWilderness50x50. The room to the west of it would be


    If all of the rooms in the grid are basically

    the same, you can save yourself time by creating the room in the

    north-west corner first, oRoomWilderness42x42, and then copying the

    same object. Everytime you copy a room, the last number, Y, will be

    automatically incremented by one, to "oRoomWilderness42x43", then

    "oRoomWilderness42x44". One you've created 16 rooms at 42xYY, you'll

    need to manually enter a 43 for the X location.

  3. Make sure the Automatically create as an object button

    is checked.

  4. Rooms do not need to start off contained in

    other objects, although it's possible.

  5. In the object's properties tab, you'll find a

    number of properties that were automatically added when

    you selected the "cRoom" class. You'll need to fill these in.

  6. pNLPParseName and pNLPNounName will

    need to be filled in. See How command parsing

    works and Noun cases and noun-verb agreement.

  7. pAutoMapMap should be filled in the the

    map that the room is in. For now, use oMapDefault for

    the value. I'll discuss maps, regions, and zones later.

  8. pLocation controls

    where the center of the room is in the map. This is a list

    of [EW, NS, UD], where EW is the location in meters east (positive)

    or west (negative). NS is north (positive) or south (negative).

    UD is up (positive) or down (negative).

  9. You don't have to set pLocation if your room is

    part of a grid of rooms. The X and Y locations will automatically

    be converted into a pLocation, using pAutoMapMap.pMapRoomSeparation

    to determine the room spacing. The default spacing is 10 meters.

  10. pDimensions specifies the size of the room.

    It is a list with [EW, NS, UD], where EW is the east/west

    size in meters, NS is north/south, and UD is the

    height. You might

    also want to change some of the other automap settings (see

    the help) to control the room's shape or orientation.

  11. You don't have to set pDimensions. If you don't,

    the dimensions will be guessed based on the sizes of the

    surrounding rooms.

  12. pVisual and pVisualDark provide

    the image that the user sees when he/she enters the room.

    You should probably use a ThreeDScene resource with a 360

    degree view for a room. If you haven't produced a 3D model

    yet, leave pVisual and pVisualDark blank. (pVisualDark is

    optional; it is used to draw the room when there's no light,

    but will be automatically simulated by the lighting models.)

  13. Alternatively, you can leave the room's pVisual blank and

    create a pVisual for the room's pAutoMapMap. In

    this case, the room's visual will automatically be based on

    the map, and the camera location will be set to the

    room's pLocation. An empty pVisual is particularly

    useful for a grid of rooms.

    You'll ususally use a ThreeDScene resource with

    a 360-degree camera. Unless you

    change pRoomAutoCameraHeight, the camera height

    that you set in the ThreeDScene resource will be ignored,

    and it

    will automatically be adjusted based on the terrain or building (block)

    that the character is in. This is desirable most of the time,

    but may cause some confusion once in awhile when the camera

    height suddenly changes.

  14. If you want your room to be described the first

    time a player enters it, set pDescribed.

Adding exits to rooms

Once you have built your room you need to add some exits (and

hence entrances.)

  1. In the "Properties" tab, add a pExitXXX property,

    like pExitNorth,

    where XXX is "North", "South", "East", etc. There are twelve

    different directions to choose from.

  2. If your room is part of a grid of rooms then exits

    to other rooms in the grid will be automatically generated.

    You will still have to set up exits to non-grid rooms. And, if

    you don't want an automatic exit in a grid room then

    set pExitXXX to NULL.

    Room exits will automatically be created as hotspots in the

    360-degree room image unless you

    change pRoomAutoHotSpots. The size and location

    of the hotspots are automatically calculated, although you

    can override this by changing pExitNorthHotSpot (or

    pExitXXXHotSpot), or writing

    your own RoomExitHotSpot() method.

  3. In the property's value, type in the name of the room you

    wish to connect it to, such as oRoomCircular.

  4. You will also need to modify oRoomCircular and provide an

    exit that connects to your new room.

That's all. Easy, eh? If you wish to add doors,

read the cDoor - Door objects tutorials.

Spawning objects

This is a bit of an advanced topic, but I'll cover it now since

I'm covering rooms.

Online virtual worlds (and some single player games) requires

that monsters and items "spawn" from time to time. This means

that new copies of monsters and items are automatically created

a few minutes after the old ones are killed or taken. This

is necessary for muliplayer games to ensure that there are

still monsters and loot around even after previous players have been through.

To have a room spawn monsters (or items):

  1. Set the pSpawnClass property to a string with

    the spawned monster's class, such as "cOrc". Or, to spawn

    magic mushrooms, use "cMushroomMagic". You can also use

    a list, to ensure that several orcs appear in the

    room, like ["cOrc", "cOrc", "cOrc"].

  2. Set the pSpawnTime to the average number

    of minutes between spawns. If you want

    an exact time, or want to control how the time varies,

    then use a list with [min time, max time].

    If you don't set the value, the default pSpawnTime for

    rooms is 10 minutes.

  3. See also pSpawnTimeRange to limit the times.
  4. If you wish the objects to spawn in an area (as opposed

    to always appearing in this room), or you wish them

    to appear in a container (such as a letter appearing in

    a mailbox), then change pSpawnLocation. Look

    at its documentation for details.

Other properties and methods

Rooms support many other properties and methods, such as properties

for controlling ambient sounds. To find out more, look

in the documentation.

  • If you want to play a special cutscene when a player enters the room,

    then set pRoomEnterDisplay or write

    your own RoomEnterDisplay() method. This is particularly

    useful when a player enters a room and you wan't to narrate a special

    entrance, and have the NPC provide a special greeting.

Maps, regions, and zones

A large virtual world can contain tens of thousands of rooms.

Because this many rooms is too conceptually difficult to fit

onto one map, the rooms in a virtual world are grouped together.

First, a collection of rooms is grouped into a "map", such as

a map of a house, a map of a city, or a map of a dungeon.

A collection of nearby maps is a "region". Regions might

include counties, with multiple cities and towns.

A collection of

nearby regions is a "zone". Zones could include entire

countries, containing multiple counties.

Thus, every map is in a region, and

every region in a zone.

The IF library includes a default map, region, and zone

object: oMapDefault, oRegionDefault, oZoneDefault. You can

use these objects if you only want one map, one region, or

one zone in your world. However, if you want more you'll

need to create new objects.

To make a map object:

  1. Create a new object,

  2. Set its super-class to cMap.

  3. Make sure the Automatically create as an object button

    is checked.

  4. In the object's properties page, fill

    in pNLPNounName and pNLPParseName with

    the map's name, such as "New York City".

  5. Fill in pAutoMapRegion with the region where

    the map is, such as oRegionDefault, or whatever regions you


  6. Fill in pLocation with [EW, NS, UD].

    These are offsets for

    the center of the map, compared to the center of the region.

  7. The same properties in a room control the room's location in the

    map. Likewise, in a map object, they control the map's location

    within the region. You must fill these in properly

    or the artificial intelligence routines will have difficulty

    walking from rooms on one map to another.

  8. If your map has waterfalls, or other objects that can be

    heard several rooms away, you might wish

    to set pMapAmbient.

To create a region object, follow basically the

same actions as a map object, but base the object off

the cRegion class, and fill in pAutoMapZone instead

of pAutoMapRegion.

A zone object can be created in the same way,

but is based off cZone and doesn't need a

pAutoMapZone or pAutoMapRegion.

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