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cCollection – Collection objects

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06 cCollection – Collection objects

Collects are objects that are grouped together, such as gold, sand, and liquids.

cCollection - Collection objects

The cCollection class lets you create objects that are

groups of objects, such as gold, water, sand, and a deck of

cards. The collection object allows you to combine collections

(such as two piles of gold), split collections (one pile

of gold into two), and it displays a quantity in front of

the object (such as "52 gold pieces" or "5 liters of water").

If you haven't read the tutorial on cObject - Basic

objects then you should do that now because

cCollection objects are based off cDoor objects.

Creating a collection object

Here's how you create a collection object:

  1. Just as described in the "cObject" tutorial, create

    a new object, but instead of deriving

    your room off cObject, derive it from cCollection.

    (cCollection is a subclass of cObject, so by deriving from cCollection

    you are also deriving from cObject.)

  2. Make sure the Automatically create as an object button

    is checked. (Note: If you are going to have more than one pile

    of gold, you may want to make a cCollectionGold class, and then

    derive each individual pile from that. This tutorial assumes

    you only have one pile of gold though.)

  3. Underneath the checkbox, select the room that

    the collection will be in.

  4. In the object's properties tab, you'll find a

    number of properties that were automatically added when

    you selected the "cCollection" class. You'll need to fill these in.

  5. Set the pVisual property, of course.

  6. pNLPParseName and pNLPNounName will

    need to be filled in. See How command parsing

    works and Noun cases and noun-verb agreement.

    Generally, pNLPParseName will be something like "[(pile|piece|pieces) [of]] gold [piece|pieces]",

    and pNLPNounName "gold piece". Unless you change pNLPNounQuantity,

    a number will always be displayed in front of "gold piece".

  7. Fill pQuantityUnits in with a character indicating

    what type of units are associated with the collection.

    Use 'm' if the object is grouped in meters (like a rope),

    '2' if it's square meters (like cloth), 'l' if it's in liters

    (liquids), 'f' if it's a fractional unit (like modern currency),

    or 'i' if it's an integer unit (like pieces of gold).

  8. If you have any type of units (besides the integer units) then

    set pQuantityMin to indicate the smallest size

    the object can be divided into. If you don't, some user

    will divide 100 liters of water into 100,000 objects, each

    with 1 ml.

  9. Set pQuantity to the number of such units.

    In the case of gold, it will be the number of gold coins.

  10. Set pCollectionType to a string that uniquely

    identifies the class of object that this collection holds.

    In this case, it would be "goldpieces". If you had

    a water object you'd use "water". If you have healing potion

    it would be "healingpotion". This string is necessary to make

    sure that only collections of the same type can be merged


That's it. If you play with your new object you'll notice the

following feature:

  • The name always displays the quantity in front of it.

  • You can split the object into smaller parts, using

    a command like "divide gold into 3 parts".

  • You can combine piles of gold togehter with

    a command, "combine all gold", or "combine 3 gold pieces with

    5 gold pieces" (assuming you have one pile with 3 gold peices,

    and another with 5 gold pieces).

07 cContainer – Container objects

Describes how to make containers, like backpacks and chests.

cContainer - Container objects

The cContainer object lets you easily make containers, such

as bags, backpacks, chests, hat racks, book cases, etc.

If you haven't read the tutorial on cObject - Basic

objects then you should do that now since

containers are based off basic objects.

Creating a container

Here's how you create a container:

  1. Just as described in the "cObject" tutorial, create

    a new object, but instead of deriving

    your room off cObject, derive it from cContainer.

    (cContinaer is a subclass of cObject, so by deriving from cContainer

    you are also deriving from cObject.)

  2. Make sure the Automatically create as an object button

    is checked. (Note: If you are going to have more than one container

    of the same type, you may want to make a cContainerBackpack class, and then

    derive each individual backpack that. This tutorial assumes

    you only have one backpack though.)

  3. Underneath the checkbox, select the room or object that

    the container will be in.

  4. In the object's properties tab, you'll find a

    number of properties that were automatically added when

    you selected the "cContainer" class. You'll need to fill these in.

  5. Set the pVisual property, of course.

  6. pNLPParseName and pNLPNounName will

    need to be filled in. See How command parsing

    works and Noun cases and noun-verb agreement.

  7. Fill pContainerVolumeMax with the maximum volume

    that the container can hold, in liters.

    The pContainerVolumeScale should be filled in with

    a number from 0 to 1, indicating how much larger the container

    gets when you shove more objects in it. For example: A canvas

    bag will use 1.0, since the volume of the bag is dependent upon

    its contents. A chest would be 0.0 since shoving more stuff

    into a chest does not increase its volume.

  8. Fill pContainerWeightMax with the maximum weight

    the container can hold; a canvas bag cannot hold as much

    weight as a chest. You can add

    the pContainerWeightScale property to turn

    the container into a magic item; the default scale is 1.0,

    which means that if the container holds 10 kg of weight, it's

    10 kg heavier. However, if the scale is reduced, to 0.5, then

    the 10 kg of contents will only add 5 kg to the weight

    of the container.

  9. Set pVolumeSelf and pWeightSelf for

    the volume and weight of the container, without contents.

  10. If you wish your container to be openable,

    set pOpen to FALSE, causing the

    container to initially be closed. It can be set

    to TRUE if you wish it to start out opened.

That's it. You now have a container that you can put stuff in.

Locked containers

To create a locked container:

  1. In the container's property tab, add the pLock property.

    Set it to TRUE. This defaults to the container being

    locked... which makes sense from a game point-of-view.

  2. Also add the pLockShape tab, and type in

    a string the identifies the shape of key that will

    open the container, such as "SkeletonKey12". Some

    keys may fit to several shapes, allowing them to open

    several types of locks, just as master keys do. Conversely,

    you can have a container accept several key shapes by

    setting pLockShape to a list, like ["SkeletonKey12",


  3. If you want your container to automatically lock itself after

    it has been unlocked, set pLockAutoLock to

    the number of seconds delay before it locks. This feature

    is extremely handy for multi-user interactive fiction,

    causing a container puzzle to reset. If you use automatic

    locking you may also wish to set pOpenAutoClose to

    have the container automatically close itself... a locked

    container does not good if it's left open.

  4. You'll need to create a key object that

    supports pKeyShape with "SkeletonKey12".

    See the tutorial, cObject - Generic objects for

    information on general-purpose objects.

That's it. Now, players (and NPCs) will have to unlock the

container before accessing its contents.

Other properties and methods

Containers support some other properties and methods, such

as ways to make the containers

see-through, using pCanSeeContents. For more information

see the documentation.

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