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Automatically run immediately after an object is reloaded.

If an object supports the Constructor2() method then when the object is reloaded from a saved session (NOT created), the Constructor2() method will automtically be called.

If an object has one or more superclasses with Constructor2()'s the superclass's constructors will be called first, working its way up the chain to the object's Constructor2().

NOTE: The object should NOT delete itself in its own Constructor2().

Parameter Name


Return value description


Overrides: Call all the methods, from lowest to highest priority – don’t stop

Common to all objects


Returns the object that contains this object.

This returns the object that contains the current object.

For example: If the "money" object is contained within the "wallet" object it will return the wallet object.

Parameter Name


Return value description

The object that contains this object, or NULL if it isn't contained.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Moves the object into another object.

This moves the object so it's contained by another object.

For example:

money.ContainedInSet (wallet);

return money.ContainedInGet();

This resturns "wallet".

Parameter Name



The object to move this one into. This can either be an object or NULL (which will cause the object to not be contained in any other object.)

Return value description

TRUE is the move succedes, FALSE if it fails (perhaps because the container object no longer exists.)

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns a list of objects that this object contains.

This returns a list of objects that are contained by this object.

For example:

money.ContainedInSet (wallet);

return wallet.ContainsEnum();

This returns [money].

Parameter Name


Return value description

List of objects that this object contains. The list may be empty if the object contains nothing.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Deletes the object along with all its contained objects.

This deletes the object along with all the object it contains, and the ones they contain.

If you just with to delete the object by itself (and leave the contained objects around) then call "delete ".

Parameter Name


Return value description

TRUE is deleting succeded, FALSE if it failed.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Automatically run immediately before the object is destroyed.

If an object supports the Destructor() method then when the object is deleted, the Destructor() method will automtically be called.

If an object has one or more superclasses with Destructor()'s the object's destructor will be called first, working its way down to the superclasses.

When an application is quickly shut down, the destructors of the remaining objects may not be called (to speed up shutdown.)

NOTE: The object should NOT delete itself in its own Destructor().

Parameter Name


Return value description


Overrides: Call all the methods, from highest to lowest priority – don’t stop

NOT Common to all objects


Adds a new layer to an object.

This adds a new layer to an object. The index of the layer (for purposes of LayerGet(), etc.) will depend upon the priority.

Adding a new layer will add all of the methods of the class to the object. It will NOT add the properties of the class, although if the class provides any property get/set code, that will be added.


Object.LayerAdd ("LayerName", "LayerClass", 43.54);

Parameter Name



String to identify the layer. The name is only to make it easier for the application to monitor the layers.


String representation of the layer class. If the class isn't valid the layer will not be created.


Priority for the layer. Layers are ordered such that the ones with the highest priorities have their methods take precedence over the others.

Return value description

TRUE if it succedes. FALSE if there's an error (such as a bad layer class).

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Gets information about a layer.

This returns information about a layer: its name, class, and priority.


return Object.LayerGet (0);

Returns ["LayerName", "LayerClass", 43.54].

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.

Return value description

This returns a list. List[0] is the layer name. List[1] is the layer's class, as a string. List[2] is the layer's rank; higher ranks will always appear first on the list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Adds an individual method to a layer.

This adds an individual method to a layer. Applications can use this to dynamically create methods for objects.


Object.LayerMethodAdd (0, "MyNewMethod", Trace);

This adds a new method to layer 0, called "MyNewMethod". When the method is called, it really calls into the code of the function, "Trace".

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


The name of the new method. This must be a string (with a valid method name) or a method.


This is the code that will be run when the method is called. It must either be the name of an existing function or method. If it's a method, the method must exist in the object; it can come from another object if "Object.Method" is used to specify the object.

Return value description

TRUE if the method was added, FALSE if there's an error.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns a list of methods in the layer.

This returns a list of methods in the layer.

If it is enumerating class-defined methods then it only enumerates the public ones. If enumerating invidually added methods then it enumerates all of them.


return Object.LayerMethodEnum(0, TRUE);

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


If TRUE then enumerate all the public methods from the layer's class. If FALSE then enumerate all individually added methods (using LayerMethodAdd()).

Return value description

List of methods, or NULL if an error occurs.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Removes an individual method to a layer.

This removes an individual method to a layer. Applications can use this to dynamically remove methods for objects.


Object.LayerMethodRemove (0, "MyNewMethod");

The removes "MyNewMethod" which was added by calling LayerMethodAdd().

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


This removes an individual method to a layer. Applications can use this to dynamically remove methods for objects.


Object.LayerMethodRemove (0, "MyNewMethod");

The removes "MyNewMethod" which was added by calling LayerMethodAdd().

Return value description

TRUE if the method was removed, FALSE if there's an error.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns the number of layers in an object.

This returns the number of layers in an object.

Parameter Name


Return value description

The number of layers in an object.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Adds code for getting or setting a property to a layer.

This adds code for getting or setting an individual property to a layer. Applications can use this to dynamically create code to intercept property get and set for an object. (If no code exists then the property is accessed directly.)


Object.PropertySet ("MyNewProp", 0);

Object.LayerPropGetSetAdd (0, "MyNewProp", GetFunc, SetFunc);

After this is called, any attempts to change "MyNewProp" will be passed to SetFunc(), and any attemps to get the value will be passed to GetFunc().

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


The name of the property. This must be a string.

If the method already exists in the layer's individual methods then an error will be returned.


This is the code that will be run when the property is read from. It must either be the name of an existing function or method. If it's a method, the method must exist in the object; it can come from another object if "Object.Method" is used to specify the object.

If this is NULL the property will be accessed directly when it's read.


This is the code that will be run when the property is set. It must either be the name of an existing function or method. If it's a method, the method must exist in the object; it can come from another object if "Object.Method" is used to specify the object.

If this is NULL the property will be accessed directly when it's written.

Return value description

The number of layers in an object.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns a list of properties supported by the layer.

This returns a list of properties supported by the layer.

If it is enumerating class-defined properties then it only enumerates the public ones. If enumerating invidually added properties then it enumerates all of them.


return Object.LayerPropGetSetEnum(0, TRUE);

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


If TRUE then enumerate all the public properties from the layer's class. If FALSE then enumerate all individually added properties (using LayerPropGetSetAdd()).

Return value description

List of properties (as strings), or NULL if an error occurs.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Removes an individual property from a layer.

This removes an individual property from a layer. Applications can use this to dynamically remove property get/set code for objects.


Object.LayerPropGetSetRemove (0, "MyNewProp");

The removes "MyNewProp" which was added by calling LayerPropGetSetAdd().

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.


The name of the property to remove. This must be a string.

Return value description

TRUE if the property was removed, FALSE if there's an error.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Removes a layer from an object.

This removes a layer from an object. Removing the layer will also remove methods provided for in that layer.

Parameter Name



Layer number, from 0 to LayerNumber()-1.

Return value description

TRUE if the layer was removed, FALSE if there was an error.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Appends a list to the end of another.

This appends a list's elements to the end of the current list. Replacement is IN PLACE, causing the original list to be modified.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

string.ListAppend ([8,9]);

The resulting list is [1,2,3,[5,6],8,9]

Parameter Name



(Optional) What to append.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Appends one or items to the end of the string list.

This concatenates one or more items onto the end of the current list. Any lists added are created as sub-lists. The current list is modified in place.


var list = [1,2,3];

list.ListConcat (4, [5,6]);

results in:

list = [1,2,3,4,[5,6]]

Parameter Name



First tiem to concatenate to the list. More than one item can be added.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Inserts a list before the element of another.

This inserts a list's elements before an element in the current list. Replacement is IN PLACE, causing the original list to be modified.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

string.ListInsert ([8,9], 1);

The resulting list is [1,8,9,2,3,[5,6]]

If AddSubLists is TRUE then the result would be: [1,[8,9],2,3,[5,6]]

Parameter Name



(Optional) What to insert.


(Optional) Element to insert before. If not specified then this will be 0.


(Optional) If this is TRUE then if the Insert parameter is a list the list will be added as a sublist. If FALSE (or undefined) then if Insert is a list its individual elements will be added.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Merges the second list onto the first.

This merges a second list onto the end of the first. The current list is modified in place.


var list = [1,2,3];

list.ListConcat ([5,6]);

results in:

list = [1,2,3,5,6]

Parameter Name



List that gets merged onto the end of the current list. If this is not a list then the item will be merged into the list.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Returns the number of items in the list.

This returns the number of items in the list.


var list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

return list.ListNumber();

Returns 4.

Parameter Name


Return value description

The number of items in the list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Prepends a list to the beginning of another.

This prepends a list's elements to the start of the current list. Replacement is IN PLACE, causing the original list to be modified.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

string.ListPrepend ([8,9]);

The resulting list is [8,9,1,2,3,[5,6]]

Parameter Name



(Optional) What to prepend.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Randomizes the orders of the elements in the list.

This randomizes the order of the elements in the list. The list is modified in place.

NOTE: This uses the Random() function for generating the random numbers. If your code has been relying on a random seed this will change the seed.


var list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];


Parameter Name


Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Removes one or more items from the list.

This removes one or more items from the list. The current list is modified in place.


var list = ["a", "hello", "c", "e"];

list.ListRemove (1, 3);

results in:

list = ["a", "e"];

Parameter Name



First item (by index) to remove from the list.


(Optional) One more than the last item to remove from the list. If this is left blank then EndIndex is set to StartIndex+1, which causes it to only delete StartIndex.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Replaces a portion of one list with another.

This replaces a portion of the current list with another. Replacement is IN PLACE, causing the original list to be modified.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

string.ListReplace ([8,9], 1, 2);

The resulting list is [1,8,9,3,[5,6]]

Parameter Name



(Optional) What to replace the range with.


(Optional) Starting index to replace. If not specified then this will be 0.


(Optional) Ending index to replace. If not specified this will be the end of the list.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Reverses the elements in the list.

This reverses the elements in the list. The list is modified in place.


var list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];



list = [[5,6],3,2,1]

Parameter Name


Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Searches through a sorted list for an element.

This searches through a sorted list for an element. It returns the index to the element, or -1 if it can't be found.

The list have been sorted using ListSort() with the same SortingFunction that's passed in.


list = ["a", "e", g", "z"];

return string.ListSearch ("e");

This returns 1.

Parameter Name



The element to look for.


(Optional) This is a function or method that will sort the elements. The function or method accepts two parameters, A and B. It should return a negative number it A appears before B in the list, 0 if A is the same as B, and 1 if A appears after B in the list.

If no sorting function is passed then the list will be sorted alphabetically or numerically. Make sure that all the elements are the same type; don't mix numbers with strings, etc.

Return value description

If the element is found, this is an index into the list. If more than one element matches than an arbitrary one will be returned. If an element isn't found then -1 is returnd.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Searches through a sorted list for an element to insert before.

This searches through a sorted list for an element to insert before. It can be used to keep the sorted even when inserting new items.


list = ["a", "e", "g", "z"];

list.ListInsert ("h", list.ListSearchToInsert("h"));

The new list will be ["a", "e", "g", "h", "z"];

Parameter Name



The element to look for.


(Optional) This is a function or method that will sort the elements. The function or method accepts two parameters, A and B. It should return a negative number it A appears before B in the list, 0 if A is the same as B, and 1 if A appears after B in the list.

If no sorting function is passed then the list will be sorted alphabetically or numerically. Make sure that all the elements are the same type; don't mix numbers with strings, etc.

Return value description

Index in the list to insert before in order to keep the list sorted.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Copies a portion of the list into a new list.

This copies a portion of the list into a new list.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

return list.ListSlice (1, -1);

Returns [2,3].

Parameter Name



The index into the list that will become the start of the new list. If this is negative, this is the index from the end of the list. (ListNumber() + StartIndex).


(Optional) The index into the list beyond the end of the list. This must always be 0 or a negative value, with 0 keeping from StartIndex to the end of the list, -1 discarding the last element, -2 discarding the last two, etc. If this isn't specified then 0 (the end of the list) will be used.

Return value description

The sliced out list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Sorts the list.

This sorts the list. Sorting is in place, so the current list is changed.


list = [6,2,3,1,4];


The resulting list is [1,2,3,4,6]

Parameter Name



(Optional) This is a function or method that will sort the elements. The function or method accepts two parameters, A and B. It should return a negative number it A appears before B in the list, 0 if A is the same as B, and 1 if A appears after B in the list.

If no sorting function is passed then the list will be sorted alphabetically or numerically. Make sure that all the elements are the same type; don't mix numbers with strings, etc.

Return value description

The list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Copies a portion of the list into a new list.

This copies a portion of the list into a new list.


list = [1,2,3,[5,6]];

return list.ListSubList(1,3);

Returns [2,3].

Parameter Name



The index into the list that will become the start of the new list.


(Optional) The index into the list that will become end of the new list. If this isn't specified then the end of the list will be used.

Return value description

The sliced out list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Calls a method in an object.

This calls a method in an object. It can be used to call methods using a string instead of the method.

NOTE: This only calls public methods.

For example:

return AnObject.MethodCall ("AMethod", 3, 5);

Parameter Name



Method name. This is either a method name or a string.


Parameters passed into the method.

Return value description

Whatever the method returns, or Undefined if the method doesn't exist.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns a list of the methods supported by the object.

This returns a list of methods supported by the object.

NOTE: This only returns public methods.

For example:

return AnObject.MethodEnum ();

Returns [Method1, Method2, etc.]

Parameter Name


Return value description

List of the methods supported. This does not include automatic methods, such as MethodEnum(). If no methods are supported by the object it returns an empty list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns TRUE if the object supports the method.

This checks to see if an object supports a method and returns TRUE if it exists.

NOTE: This only checks public methods.

For example:

return AnObject.MethodQuery ("AMethod");

Parameter Name



Method name. This is either a method name or a string.

Return value description

TRUE if the method exists, FALSE if it doesn't.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns the name of an object.

This returns the name of an object. It can called by any function or method.

It is automatically called when an object is concatenated to a string so that a proper name can be concatenated. If unsupported, the class that the object was originally created from will be used as the name.

Parameter Name


Return value description

Should return a string for the name of the object.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns a list of the properties supported by the object.

This returns a list of the properties supported by the object.

NOTE: This only returns public properties.

For example:

return AnObject.PropertyEnum ();

Returns ["AProperty", "Property2", etc.]

Parameter Name


Return value description

List of the properties supported. If no properties are supported by the object it returns an empty list.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Gets an object's property using a string for the property name.

The gets and object's property, using a string for a property name.

NOTE: This only gets public properties.

For example:

AnObject.AProperty = 5;

return AnObject.PropertyGet ("AProperty");

Returns 5.

Parameter Name



Property name. This must be a string.

Return value description

Value of the property, or Undefined if it wasn't supported by the object.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns TRUE if the object supports the property.

This checks to see if an object supports a property and returns TRUE if it exists.

NOTE: This only checks public properties.

For example:

AnObject.AProperty = 5;

AnObject.PropertyRemove ("AProperty");

return AnObject.PropertyQuery ("AProperty");

Returns FALSE.

Parameter Name



Property name. This must be a string.

Return value description

TRUE if the property exists, FALSE if it doesn't.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Removes an object's property.

The deletes the object's property, using a string for a property name.

NOTE: This only removes public properties.

For example:

AnObject.AProperty = 5;

AnObject.PropertyRemove ("AProperty");

Results: AProperty is removed from the object.

Parameter Name



Property name. This must be a string.

Return value description

TRUE if the property is removed, FALSE if it isn't found.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Sets an object's property using a string for the property name.

The sets and object's property, using a string for a property name. If the property doesn't already exist in the object it's created.

NOTE: This only sets public properties.

For example:

AnObject.PropertySet ("AProperty", 5);

return AnObject.AProperty;

Returns 5.

Parameter Name



Property name. This must be a string.


What value to set the property as.

Return value description

Value of the property, or undefined if there is an error (such as the property name already used by a different class of identifier).

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Appends a string to the current one.

This appends the Insert string at the end of the current string. Insertion is IN PLACE, causing the original string to be modified.


string = "Hello";

string.StringAppend (" ! ");

The resulting string is "Hello ! ".

Parameter Name



The string to append.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Compares two strings.

This compares the string with the Compare string. It returns 0 if the two strings are the same, a negative value if the string (this) should be placed before Compare, and a positive value if it should be placed after Comapre.


string = "abacus";

return string.StringCompare ("zebra");

Returns a negative number.

Parameter Name



String to compare against.


(Optional) If TRUE is passed then the comparison will be case sensative; if FALSE it's case insensative. If not specified then the comparison is case sensative.

Return value description

It returns 0 if the two strings are the same, a negative value if the string (this) should be placed before Compare, and a positive value if it should be placed after Comapre.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Appends one or more strings to the end of the string object.

This concatenates one or strings onto the end of the current string. The current string is modified in place.


var string = "Hello";

string.StringConcat (" there ", 534, ".");

results in:

string == "Hello there 543."

Parameter Name



First string (or other value) to concatenate. More than one string can be added.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Replaces %1, %2, etc. in the string.

This searches through the string for "%1", "%2", ... "%9" and replaces them with the 1st, 2nd, ... 9th parameter in the StringFormat() call.

StringFormat() is extremely useful for fill-in-the-blank strings.


var string = "My %2 is %1.";

return string.StringFomat ("Mike", "name");

return "My name is Mike."

Parameter Name



If %1 is found, it is replaced by Param1.


If %2 is found, it is replaced by Param2.

Return value description

New string that includes the replacements.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Creates a string from one or more characters or character codes.

This creates a string from one or more characters ('a', 'b', etc.) or character codes (numbers).


var string;

string = string.StringFromCar (163, '2', '0', '0', '4');

results in, the Pound-sterling symbol followed by "2004"

Parameter Name



The first character or chracter value to be placed in the string. More than one character can be used.

Return value description

New string that includes the replacements.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Inserts one string into another.

This inserts the Insert string into the current string. Insertion is IN PLACE, causing the original string to be modified.


string = "Hello";

string.StringInsert (" ! ", 1);

The resulting string is "H ! ello".

Parameter Name



(Optional) The string to insert.


(Optional) Character index to insert before. If not specified then this will be 0.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Returns the number of characters in the string.

This returns the number of characters in the string.


string = "Hi there!";

return string.StringLength();

Returns 9.

Parameter Name


Return value description

Number of characters in the string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Inserts a string at the beginning.

This inserts the Insert string at the beginning of the current string. Insertion is IN PLACE, causing the original string to be modified.


string = "Hello";

string.StringPrepend (" ! ");

The resulting string is " ! Hello".

Parameter Name



The string to insert.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Replaces a portion of one string with another.

This replaces a portion of the current string with another. Replacement is IN PLACE, causing the original string to be modified.


string = "Hello";

string.StringReplace (" ! ", 1, 2);

The resulting string is "H ! llo".

Parameter Name



(Optional) What to replace the range with.


(Optional) Starting character to replace. If not specified then this will be 0.


(Optional) Ending character to replace. If not specified this will be the end of the string.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Finds an occurence of one string inside another.

This searches for the substring within the original string. If it's found then it returns the index into the original string where the substring begins, or -1 if it can't be found.


string = "Hi there!";

return string.StringSearch ("there");

Returns 3.

Parameter Name



The string to search for.


(Optional) The character index, within SubString, to search from. If this isn't specified then 0 will be used.


(Optional) If TRUE is passed then the comparison will be case sensative; if FALSE it's case insensative. If not specified then the comparison is case sensative.

Return value description

The index into the string where SubString appears. If SubString is not found then -1 is returned.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Copies a portion of the string into a new string.

This copies a portion of the stirng into a new string.


string = "Hi there!";

return stirng.StringSlice (3,-1);

Returns "there".

Parameter Name



The index into the string that will become the start of the new string. If this is negative, this is the index from the end of the string. (StringLength() + StartIndex).


(Optional) The index into the string beyond the end of the string. This must always be 0 or a negative value, with 0 keeping from StartIndex to the end of the string, -1 discarding the last character, -2 discarding the last two, etc. If this isn't specified then 0 (the end of the string) will be used.

Return value description

The sliced out string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Splits the string into multiple strings based on the delimiter.

This splits the string into multiple strings based on the delimiter (such as ',' or ' '). The new strings are added to a list, which is returned.


string = "1,2,3,,,5,6,7";

return string.StringSplit (',');

Returns ["1", "2", "3", "", "", "5", "6", "7"].

Parameter Name



The string or character used to separate the entries.

Return value description

The list containing the split-up string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Copies a portion of the string into a new string.

This copies a portion of the stirng into a new string.


string = "Hi there!";

return stirng.StringSubString (3,8);

Returns "there".

Parameter Name



The index into the string that will become the start of the new string.


(Optional) The index into the string that will become end of the new string. If this isn't specified then the end of the string will be used.

Return value description

The sliced out string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Converts the string to lower case.

Converts the string to lower case.


string = "Hello Mike!";

return string.StringToLower();

Returns"hello mike!".

Parameter Name


Return value description

Lower case version of the string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Converts the string to upper case.

Converts the string to upper case.


string = "Hello Mike!";

return string.StringToUpper();

Returns"HELLO MIKE!".

Parameter Name


Return value description

Upper case version of the string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.

This trims the whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.


string = " Hello Mike! ";


String's new value is "Hello Mike!"

Parameter Name



(Optional) This this isn't specified then whitespace on the left and right sides of the string is cleared. If TRUE then only the left whitespace is cleared. If FALSE then only the right whitespace is cleared.

Return value description

The string.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

NOT Common to all objects


Adds a new timer to the object.

This adds a new timer to the object. If the timers in the object are suspended then this timer will be added in a suspended state too.


Object.TimerAdd ("MyTimer", TRUE, 1.5, MyMethod, Param1, Param2);

Parameter Name



The name of the timer. Usually this is a string, but it can be any value. If the name is already used for a timer then this call will fail and return FALSE. (NOTE: Name comparisons are CASE SENSATIVE.)


If TRUE then the timer keeps repeating until it is removed using TimerRemove(). If FALSE then the timer only runs once before it is automatically removed.


The number of seconds (or fraction) before the timer goes off. If this is a repeating timer then this is also the number of seconds between repetitions.


This is the function or method to call when the timer goes off.


(Optional) Zero or more parameters passed into the function (or method) when the timer goes off.

Return value description

TRUE if the timer was added, FALSE if an error occured.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Enumerates all the timers in an object.

This enumerates all the timers in an object. It returns a list with the timers names.


Object.TimerAdd ("MyTimer", TRUE, 1.5, MyMethod, Param1, Param2);

return Object.TimerEnum();

Returns ["MyTimer"].

Parameter Name


Return value description

List of all the timers in the object. This may be an empty list if there are no timers.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Deletes a timer from an object.

This deletes a timer from an object.


Object.TimerAdd ("MyTimer", TRUE, 1.5, MyMethod, Param1, Param2);

Object.TimerRemove ("MyTimer");

Parameter Name



The name of the timer, as passed into TimerAdd(). This is a CASE SENSATIVE compare.

Return value description

TRUE if the timer was found and removed. FALSE if the timer wasn't found.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Deletes a timer from an object.

This deletes a timer from an object.


Object.TimerAdd ("MyTimer", TRUE, 1.5, MyMethod, Param1, Param2);

Object.TimerRemove ("MyTimer");

Parameter Name



The name of the timer, as passed into TimerAdd(). This is a CASE SENSATIVE compare.

Return value description

TRUE if the timer was found and removed. FALSE if the timer wasn't found.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Returns 0.0 if the object's timers are suspended, 1.0 if they're active, or different values if they're slowed down.

Returns 0.0 if the object's timers are suspended.

Returns 1.0 if the object's timers are active.

The object's timers might also be slowed down (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) or sped up (above 1.0).

See also TimerSuspendedSet().

Parameter Name


Return value description

Returns TRUE if the object's timers are suspended, FALSE if they are active.

Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects


Suspends, resumes, or changes the speed of an object's timers.

This suspends, resumes, or changes the speed of an object's timers.

An application can use this to quickly and easily suspend timers for an object when the object is inactive. Or, the object's timers can be slowed down when it doesn't need accurate timing.

Parameter Name



(Optional) If 0.0 then all the object's timers will be suspended. If 1.0 then any suspended timers will be resumed. If not specified then it will suspend the object (with 0.0 value).

If between 0.0 and 1.0, the timers will be activated, but at a slower pace. If above 1.0, the timers will be activated at an accelerated pace.


(Optional) If TRUE this will suspend all the objects contained by this object, and whatever they contain. If FALSE then only this object will be suspended (or resumed). If not specified then only this object will be affected.

Return value description


Overrides: Call only the highest priority method

Common to all objects

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