Figure 2. Student Tb bStudent T1 0 1 2 Baseline Day 1Da y 2 D a y 3 D a y 4 D a y 5 D a y 6 D a y 7 D a y 8 D a y 9 D a y Day Day Maintenance bProbe Days S tr a te g y R u b ri c S c o re 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 C o nt e n t % C o rr e c t Baseline-Presumed Strategy Mastery Content Mastery Strategy Mastery Trend Content Mastery Trend Student T Results Figure 3 indicates that Student T experienced initial difficulty in using the strategy. She scored at the lowest level on six of the first seven days of assessment (achieving the 2nd lowest level on the 6th day of assessment, before using the strategy independently on consecutive days on the last week of intervention, in addition to the maintenance assessment. Content scores indicate a perfect score on the first day of content assessment, with a low score of 70% on the third day, and 95% correct on the other three days of assessment. Figure 2. Student T1 Student T2 0 1 2 Baseline Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Maintenance bProbe Days Strategy Rubric Score 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Content % Correct Strategy Baseline-Presumed Strategy Mastery Content Mastery Content Mastery Trend Strategy Mastery Trend Figure 3. Student T2
NCEO Student T3 0 1 2 Baseline Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Maintenance bProbe Days