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Name: Gustavo
City, Country: Ushuaia, Argentina
Sent: 3.54 PM - 1/2 2002

If you come to visit Argentina and you come to patagonia, see visit to me in ushuaia, I have cybercafe that will be to your disposition without cost so that you can respond your messages

Happy New Year!

Name: Pam DeMonte
City, Country: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 7.44 PM - 1/1 2002

I may be a bit behind the others, but I do wish one and all a very happy New Year.

Health and Happiness for the year 2002, especially to you Ramon. How and where did you see in the new year?

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA, USA
Sent: 12.28 AM - 1/1 2002

Ramon and everyone else on the message board. Wishing you all the happiest of the New Year to come. Take Care.


Name: Marc Eigner
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 8.05 PM - 12/31 2001


Here one of a unknown relative from Holland, I haven't seen you for a while and actually this is the first time I'm visiting your website. Thing looking OK from my point of view. Keep on going and I want to wish you a very happy and more prospective 2002, secondly you get the king regards from Lisette (my wife).

See and keep going on.

Regards Marc Eigner

Name: Loran
City, Country: Holland
Sent: 7.19 PM - 12/31 2001

Everyone, all over the world:

Wish you all the best.
In afection

Name: Coralie
City, Country: ENGLAND
Sent: 5.20 PM - 12/31 2001

Well , Ramon what a year much has gone on this year September 11th ..I pray for you all...and wish you ALL a Very Happy New Year 2002 !!wonder what the next year will bring ? perhaps we should have a prophecy board!

much love

Name: Michael
City, Country: Seattle, USA
Sent: 4.19 PM - 12/31 2001


You can find "The Doors Award 2001" news article at:,,9015-2001584866,00.html
But you will need a Sunday Times password.
Also the full text of the article is shown in the graphic
on this site (main page).

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 1.27 PM - 12/31 2001

Where can we read about "The Doors Award 2001" Web personality of the year please?

Name: xiaoting wang
City, Country: xi'an China
Sent: 11.57 PM - 12/30 2001

I read about you in a chinese maganize ,

How amazing you are.
Welcome to China someday.

Name: Heather
City, Country: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 10.23 PM - 12/30 2001

I read about your website in a weekly publication in our city...Amazing!! Sounds like you are having fun!!

Have a Happy New Year where ever you may be!!

Name: Sylvia (past host)
City, Country: North Berwick
Sent: 8.32 PM - 12/30 2001

Message for Fraser McIntosh: If you look back over the "online reports" to July 13 you will see that Ramon was in Edinburgh where you live and North Berwick which is not far away! He was great company and 'to stay for a day' wasn't long enough!

Name: fraser mcintosh
City, Country: edinburgh, scotland
Sent: 3.53 PM - 12/30 2001

what a brilliant idea; i only just read about your site today in the papers so felt i had to have a look. no doubt you will meet many kind and good people all over the world - -nice one.

Name: Shiva
City, Country: Tehran, Iran
Sent: 4.41 PM - 12/28 2001

Hi Everybody,

I really enjoy looking at Ramon's adventures everyday.
Good job Ramon. It's just perfect. I am in London now but when I get back to Iran I will invite you. I am sure lots of Iranian are looking forward to see you and also I am sure that you will enjoy your stay in Iran.

All the best and have a perfect new year,


Name: Shiva
City, Country: Tehran, Iran
Sent: 4.40 PM - 12/28 2001

Hi Everybody,

I really enjoy looking at Ramon's adventures everyday.
Good job Ramon. It's just perfect. I am in London now but when I get back to Iran I will invite you. I am sure lots of Iranian are looking forward to see you and also I am sure that you will enjoy your stay in Iran.

All the best and have a perfect new year,


Name: Esmeralda
City, Country: México
Sent: 1.12 AM - 12/26 2001

Happy New Year !!

I'll wait for u here. You'll love Méxican food...

Name: duby
City, Country: zeelim, israel
Sent: 3.04 PM - 12/25 2001

merry cristmas to you ramon, and for all.

waiting for your visit in our unpossible country.
have a wonderful holiday.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 6.06 AM - 12/25 2001

Merry Christmas to all, to the less fortunate, to families that have lost loved ones anywhere in the world, to those that have pain or suffering...let the ones that are fortunate extend yourself...and also to anyone this message reaches, have a safe and wonderful holiday season.


Name: donatella
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 2.17 PM - 12/24 2001

to Brian (from South Africa): MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, as well!!

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 11.24 AM - 12/24 2001

Hi all

Yep, still in Cape Town on holiday, and again at an internet cafe (with a painfully slow connection...).

To all of Ramon's followers, to all his fans, notably Tom whose wise and kind words grace this site, to alll of Ramon's support team, and to Ramon as well, have a wonderful Christmas if you are celebrating it. May 2002 bring all that is good and peaceful to each of you. Ramon, we will continue to follow and support you.



Name: Simona
City, Country: Ancona, Italy
Sent: 11.31 PM - 12/23 2001

Merry Christmas! May Jesus bring to all of you peace and love.

Name: Helena (ex-hostess in UK)
City, Country: Shoreham by Sea
Sent: 11.20 PM - 12/21 2001

Late Happy Birthday, which I only realised by reading the last messages. So here's my message to you:

“You are never given a wish
without also being given the
power to make it true.
You may have to work for it, however.”
Richard Bach “Illusions”

That 2002 brings you health and that your dreams may keep coming true.

Helena, Iman and Zane

Name: Anja
City, Country: Duesseldorf, Germany
Sent: 10.11 AM - 12/21 2001

dear ramon,

a bit late but nonetheless straight from my heart:
happy birthday to you

Name: donatella gazzoni
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 12.13 AM - 12/21 2001

sorry for being late, but.. happy birthday!! I sent you an e-card. I hope your stay in spain is goin' on at the best. I wish you well, enjoy the spanish groove.

CIAO! donatella

Name: Nelmarie (ex host)
City, Country: Bredasdorp, SOUTH AFRICA
Sent: 9.22 PM - 12/20 2001

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAMON!!!!!!!! (I hope you got new hiking shoes) Safe travels... bye x

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 5.27 PM - 12/20 2001

Happy birthday!!! Hope you are having a great timeand that you will enjoy your 2 weeks holiday!

Name: Gerben
City, Country: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Sent: 3.31 PM - 12/20 2001

Happy Birthday Ramon. Damn, you're ageing! You're a big boy now ;-). See you Sunday...

Name: Marc Meij
City, Country: Barcelona
Sent: 3.12 PM - 12/20 2001

Nice story in El Pais, good picture! I read you'll be in Barcelona around Christmas, and I heard from Bas van. D. that they will come as well. I am happy you already got shelter, but if you need anything, mail me.


P.S. Happy birthday, I got my birthday tomorrow...

Name: annemarie
City, Country: zwolle
Sent: 1.55 PM - 12/20 2001

Happy Birthday Mones!! I'll have a drink on you tonight! Hope you have a nice day. stay in touch ok!?

see ya!

Name: Jeanine
City, Country: Grahamstown, South Africa
Sent: 1.20 PM - 12/20 2001


Have a great day and a super year ahead of you.
Keep well ...

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle, Ramon's home town
Sent: 12.18 PM - 12/20 2001

Hey Ramon,

One year older, one year wiser. Any grey hairs yet? :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! See you soon...

Name: Bart VDC
City, Country: Knokke-Heist, Belgium
Sent: 10.34 AM - 12/20 2001

Hi Ramon,

I've needed 2 weeks to read all the contents in your site and just in time to wish you a happy birthday.

This is such a typical Dutch idea, it would be impossible for a belgian to create an idea like that because we don't have such a big mouth and aren't so extravert like you guys do. Hope you have a fine time partying through the end of year period.


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 10.24 AM - 12/20 2001

Hi Tom

Yep, you are quite right. Thanks for those positive words. I agree with you. I believe what you say, but I had to warn Ramon that my cooking can improve.

Hey, I'm alive, and it is not thanks to take outs! Can't afford them. But thanks anyway. You can read more about me as soon as birthday boy has a bit of time (hint to his hosts...) to update the missing reports.

Sala kahle (means stay well in Zulu)


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 10.21 AM - 12/20 2001

Hi Ramon

Greetings from a warm, sunny, and windy Cape Town. Yep, I'm on holiday in CT for two weeks or so. Sitting at an Internet Cafe, just to say a great huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I hope that Spain is treating you well, I'll read the reports when I get back to work next year.

May you have a truly great day, and keep warm in that freezing part of the world. I hear the Spaniards are warm people, so you should be fine.

Hamba kahle


Name: Salomé
City, Country: Cape Town, South Africa
Sent: 10.13 AM - 12/20 2001

H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y !!

Have a fantastic year with lost of love & light.
Still reading your reports everyday and loving it :-)

Name: Bob Williams
City, Country: Johannesburg , South Africa
Sent: 8.55 AM - 12/20 2001


Just in case you thought I would forget. It was great being your sponsor to South Africa and many thanks for the kind words about me and my company
Enjoy Spain and have a GR8 Birthday.

Name: Rebecca
City, Country: Kugluktuk, Nunavut, Canada
Sent: 7.44 AM - 12/20 2001

Hello Ramon!

I have just checked out your website after hearing your interview on Arthur Blacks' Basic Black here in Canada and I'm not too sure you'll want to visit me! I live in the Arctic right now in a community of Inuit people... I think it would be interesting for you but you'll need to get a little better at handling the cold! But we have big parkas you can borrow... not to worry! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas as well... I am sooo impressed at your idea... it's wonderful! Hope you visit Canada soon. I am also from Calgary so you can visit me there as well when you visit your Aunt and Uncle. Take care,

Name: Anna & Juan (ex-hosts)
City, Country: Madrid, Spain
Sent: 6.45 AM - 12/20 2001

May this be your first birthday of a few more in this trip around the world...

Be good, be happy
Anna & Juan

Name: Sylvia (ex host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 1.32 AM - 12/20 2001

(To be sung)!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Ramon
Happy Birthday to you

Lots of love and have a nice Birthday

Sylvia xxx

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 12.19 AM - 12/20 2001

Feliz Cumpleanos a ti! Happy birthday, Ramon,


Name: Juan
City, Country: Madrid
Sent: 11.16 PM - 12/19 2001

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

Name: juut en gerrieke
City, Country: groningen, netherlands
Sent: 7.22 PM - 12/19 2001


AND have a NICE day!!!

lots of love

juut en gerrieke

Name: Ivana
City, Country: Bologna, Italy
Sent: 1.02 PM - 12/18 2001

I don't know U...I just had a look at your website and discovered that it will

be Your Bday in 2

and if U'll ever think to come to Italy, Bologna, pls let me know.

Name: Ramon
City, Country: Barcelona, Spain
Sent: 10.09 AM - 12/18 2001

Read the online report from the Independently Homeless crew in South Africa

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver, US
Sent: 4.20 PM - 12/17 2001

Anna, you seem to be a very sweet person!! :) I'm glad Ramon had the chance to stay with you and we, as readers, got to meet you as well.

I'm always in the habit of trying to cheer people up, it's what I do. :) A bright side would be, yes, it seems you got to meet and become friends with a very fine person. How lucky! In that process I think you also gained 200 other friends that have hosted Ramon, and the thousands of us out here that follow his website.

I hope that helps somewhat? Lovely to meet you Anna!!

Your friend,


Name: Anna Mayer (ex-host Madrid)
City, Country: Madrid, España
Sent: 11.20 AM - 12/17 2001

Saturday and Sunday felt a bit restless, and I wonder whether this is a common thing among your hosts. Maybe it was having you here for three days instead of just one, and of course the silly jokes about the Swedish helped somehow :-)

The feeling is that of a loss, of having contacted with a nice person and seeing it go so soon; not only: having you here was somehow special (not because *you* are special, just in case this upsets you :-), but because you were our only guest; I guess that if I had something like, guests would still be special but in a quite different way); and one can't help feeling that this necessarily can't be both ways, what with all the 2700 hosts you had/you're going to have.

Now, this is getting complicated, when it is not.

What I really want to say, not caring whether I seem selfish and self-centered, is that it was really nice having you here, and it is a pity that you have this funny 5-year project ahead of you (it's not a pity of course because it looks like an excellent project, but it is a pity for me-Anna Mayer, as opposed to me-the host), because this probably means that there are little chances of seeing you again, not to mention getting to grow a friendship, at least not soon. Besides, I probably should "compete" with other 2699 people :-D

It may be an Italian thing, or an Annamayer thing, who knows, but I just get really upset when a relationship (such as a friendship in this case, I hope I don't have to point this out too often, just in case I get misunderstood!) doesn't get going the way I would like it to; and the best method I've found so far in my life to solve or at least smooth the "upsetting" (upsettment?) is to speak it out.

I don't know whether the overall tone of this mail manages to convey what I'm feeling, or whether you see only bad or upset thoughts. I might have insisted on the upset ones, but only because I suppose the good&happy ones are obvious and taken for granted :-)

Be good, enjoy yourself.

Anna Mayer

Name: donatella gazzoni
City, Country: milan, italy
Sent: 1.59 AM - 12/16 2001

hello ramon,I want to cheer you if you're still on line. I haven't read your latest reports, apart from the message below. also here in italy is freezing: we've had a sudden snow buffering..

I hope everything's going on well for you!
ciao, donatella

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Madrid, Spain
Sent: 12.20 PM - 12/15 2001

The latest news:

The wave of cold and snow summons up the life of six people in Barcelona

The weather is causing serious breaks, not only circulatory, in all Catalonia. Great part of Barcelona has been without light this late by a blackout that has affected, in addition, to the localities of Calldetenes, Manresa, Vic, Terrassa and Vilasar of Sea, among others, according to has informed sources into the Fecsa-cEndesa company.

In addition, all the schools of Gerona are being evacuated as a result of the intense ones made snow-white falls in the zone, whereas the schools of a twenty of Catalan localities have had to bad weather close their doors due to.

The temperatures will lower in Madrid, where it will be able to snow to any level, until the five degrees below cero, being able to also register winds of up to 90 kilometers per hour in zones of the mountain range which they are to 1,000-1,500 meters of altitude.

One of the communities where the weather is feeling with special intensity is Catalonia. The snow has been lowered from this morning on the provinces of Gerona and Barcelona, including the coast and the Catalan capital, that has forced the Firemen to carry out the first exits and to evacuate several schools in the gerundenses regions.

Translated article in El Pais, ready to declare emergency situation
Guess I have to flee to the Canary Island at the African westcoast...

Name: KathleenWhite/Richard Hijnen
City, Country: Calgary Canada
Sent: 2.01 AM - 12/15 2001

Greeting from your cousins in Calgary. Hope you have a fun birthday and Merry Chritmas. Good luck with your adventures,see you in Calgary sometime in the next 5 years. Kathleen, Richard adn Dylan. Take care.

Hey uncle Richard and Aunt Kathleen logged in on my website. Really great! Greetings from cold Madrid.

Name: Joao Paglione
City, Country: New York City, New york
Sent: 11.21 PM - 12/14 2001

Hey Ramon, I got a response out of you! Cool. Hope alles is gut and you are enjoying man Tapas. You really should check out, because he is an ex-patriote writer living in Spain and is a FASCINATING character, has traveled all over the world and been involved in many situations, he runs a small pensione in a small village, helps the gypsies harvest olives, makes pen and ink sketches, and has a small Brazilian daughter he concocted one hot night at Carneval in Rio de Janeiro!

Man, I am so jealous you are in Spain, but it sucks that it is winter and cold there, too. Just like here in New York. Oh well, maybe you will get magically whisked away to the Caribbean.

Doesn't sound bad as a next destination, does it?

totzieds - jp

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