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Name: Fiona
City, Country: Adelaide, Australia
Sent: 4.08 AM - 7/29 2002

I finally got Ramon to Triple M this morning for his radio gig!

It was fantastic sharing an evening with Ramon, even if we didn't convert him to AFL!

Best of luck with your Adventures Ramon and if you ever do head back to Adelaide and need a place to sleep, please ask! I'll make sure we ditch the sofa bed though- sorry for the bar in the back!

And for everyone else, Ramon is the perfect houseguest!


Name: Wendy, George and Troy
City, Country: Adelaide, South Australia
Sent: 5.40 AM - 7/28 2002

Ramon arrived safely in Adelaide on Friday. Enjoyed a night out being the centre of attention at the Comedy Club where he gave as good as he got! (He was the main topic of one comedian who didn't know Ramon was sitting front centre!) After a late night night he returned to the backpackers hostel for a good (?) nights sleep. I met Ramon next morning at the Beehive Corner in Adelaide, went for a stroll along North Terrace before returning home to local suburb Rostrevor for lunch and a nap. Ramon had brought the good weather again so we all went for a walk to the local Morialta Falls (where his Adelaide pic was taken). Unfortunately the fine weather disappeared over night and it has rained off and on since! Off to new hosts today in good spirits, ready for the media attention coming through the week.

Name: Allen
City, Country: Santa Cruz, California
Sent: 8.44 PM - 7/27 2002

I do miss the friendly souls of Australia. Wonderful people. What a great idea you had in doing what you are doing. When do you think you'll start your journey through the United States? Hope you have a year or so.

Take care and be safe.

Name: Margaret
City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 3.54 PM - 7/27 2002

About Pat Welsh's comments that what Ramon is doing is nothing new: I think it's true that many people have hitchhiked around or whatever, but has anyone else ever shared their adventures with so many people AS THEY HAPPEN the way Ramon is doing? Some people have traveled and written a book, or given a few media interviews (such as a guy from some European country who is now swimming the entire length of the Mississippi River.) But what is unique about Ramon's adventures is all the stories and pictures of real people far away from us all that we can enjoy very soon after they happen via his photos especially, week after week. Sometimes I get annoyed with Ramon for some reason but this adventure is not all about just him; it's about all the people and places he encounters and then SHARES WITH THE WORLD right away. It's community building on a grand scale. But you're right that many travelers have experienced goodwill from their hosts throughout history. We ought to ask Bedouins to share some of their folklore with us about hospitality from strangers. I bet they have a lot of stories about it.

Enjoy the journey, everyone.

Name: Coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 3.41 PM - 7/26 2002

Hi Ramon - wow you really are seeing a lot of this world , who have thought it - I remember seeing your name in our paper all that time before you set off , now look at you ??? You are also showing the world that there are a lot of good people in the this world of ours - ...keep up the good work -


Name: Alexandra
City, Country: Adelaide, Australia
Sent: 2.45 PM - 7/26 2002

Hoi! I am a huge fan of Dutch people :) I think this site is really cool! A friend from Holland recently back packjed around Australia. perhaps we could catch up? Doei! Alexandra :)

Name: Pat Welsh
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 12.36 AM - 7/26 2002

Well done lad hope you are going well on your travles although what you are doing is nothing new, ask any CB user who as travled they did the same and stay with radio friends I .y self have had ofers to stay in different parts of the world , keep it up i think it s great,


Name: Gus Campbell
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 11.50 AM - 7/25 2002

Hi Ramon, I see you are nearly in Adelaide, the home of Australias best wines, best women (arguably) and the dryest state in the dryest continent in the world. Sounds inviting doesn't it especially if you love nice big round juicy morsels in your mouth (i'm talking about grapes of course). I look forward to having you to stay for a day if you make it to the Adelaide Hills Ramon, i will endeavour to get you to wherever you need/want to go with as much media coverage as you require while you stay in South Australia.

Kind Regards
Gus Campbell

Name: Vanessa and Darrell Nattrass
City, Country: BOULDER
Sent: 10.39 AM - 7/24 2002

The offer to come and Stay in Boulder is, of course, still open.

Don't miss the Goldfields, you'll regret it!!
Have sent you an email with info. on FREE TRAIN TRIP TO BOULDER.
Adelaide can wait. Plenty of transport from the Goldfields over to the East.
Vannessa and Darrell Nattrass.

Name: Greg James
City, Country: (Now) Perth, Australia
Sent: 9.47 AM - 7/24 2002

Just dropped Ramon at Perth bus station to set off to Adelaide. He's in for a long three day journey, and so he'll be looking forward to a nice massage when he arrives. Ladies...? I think he might be a bit hungry too!

Disclaimer: I was forced by Ramon to write this message.

Name: Maureen
City, Country: Denmark, WA
Sent: 7.36 AM - 7/24 2002

Farewell Ramon -Hope your trip to Adelaide is full of adventure for you. It looks as though you will be leaving in the rain :( Did you have a guinness or two when typing your Denmark report mate #;-) Can you alter my web page address to Thanks for the link to the Yorkshire Posts too. Anyone from Yorkshire out there should take a look at the link. A great place to visit. Have a safe journey. Maureen, Kevin and Bella.

Name: Greg James
City, Country: Pemberton, Western Australia
Sent: 2.44 AM - 7/24 2002

I guess because Ramon, there was quite a collection of stories to tell. But because he was also taking a break (or wasitbecausehedidn’ or, not all of those made it into his reports. Let me fill in some of the details a little…

The cute little girl with red hair? That’s Josiene, our beautiful daughter. If any Hollywood producer, advertising agency executive, or world class fashion magazine editor is reading this post and wishes for a Nicole Kidman child double, ‘face of …’ star, or downright sassy lady-of-the-world, then giveusabellrightnow!.com. By the way, she is great at collecting chicken eggs.

The little boy with the killer smile? That’s Jasper, our son-of-mischief-and-fun-and-cuteness. Ditto above, except he’s still learning to collect the eggs…

The rooster? The rooster was an illegal immigrant who escaped from out of the neighbour’s chookyard. And we ALL KNOW WHAT WE AUSTRALIANS THINK OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, don’t we! In his own yard, other bigger roosters were giving him a hard time, so he became kingofthekids on the outside, terrorizing the chickens up and down the back laneway, leaping into their cages for a casual rape, and waking up Jasper at 5:30am by cock-a-doodle-dooing outside his window, neverminding what would happen when there was a full moon. The clincher was when he attacked our poor old bantam rooster in the middle of our lawn, who is well past his prime, but living out his days in a life of idle luxury in our chook pen. The bantam (‘Pake’ is his name) was nearly pecked to death, except that Minke came out of the back door of our house just in time. Enough became enough! Our other neighbour (Murray, as featured in one of the photos) had been hanging around for weeks waiting for his chance, hanging out his shed window with a ‘wind shooter’ (in Dutchlish), um, air rifle. Then, whilst Minke was out and only Ramon was home, he snuck through the gate in the side fence between our homes, slunk down our yard commando-style (through all the duck-poo), and POW! The Rooster was an ex-Rooster. He was first transferred to a bucket in Murrays’ shed, and now resides in the forest on the other side of the road.! Ramon didn’t get the chance to take the obligatory photos.

The train? Pemberton received some unwelcome bad publicity a couple of weeks ago when Australia’s Public Liability Insurance crisis finally caught up with the town’s steam train and tram (amongst others) and the State newspaper ran a negative story on it. Things looked grim, but the owner, who is a train buff, at great personal expense, has managed to broker another deal that will allow him to operate again! Joy, joy, the weekend morning ‘toot-tooting’ and romantic coal-smoke drifting across town as the train puffs out of town is back again, much to Jasper’s delight! The rest of the state of WA thinks it’s great too – the paper ran a small follow-up article. So, Pemberton is NOT dying – it’s a great little place, so!

The cat? Ramon and Siepie had a bit of a relationship going on. Siepie went into Ramon’s room each night and went to sleep on his bed. When he didn’t come (he was working on his reports), and so she came out to get him. One night, THREE TIMES!!! Then we didn’t see either of them until about 10am next morning. Check out the love in their eyes in the photos!

Siepie is now missing Ramon terribly. The first night after he left, she sat on top of the fridge all night and just stayed there. She missed her bedtime companion. Minke has finally managed to coax her down. It wasn’t all fun and games for Ramon – we did finally manage to drag him off his computer and wash a few dishes. He even carted a wheelbarrowload of gravel for me! Still, I guess he did have a pretty cushy time. He even informs me he is a master chef, although most of his guests never get to see it or know about it … oops, sorry Ramon, did I just sell you out?????!!!!!

I’m sure there are a few more tid-bits, but I’ll


What can I say... Thanks Greg!

Name:_matt_City,_Country'>Name:_Emma_City,_Country'>Name:_Anne_City,_Country'>Name:_Maria_City,_Country'>Name: Brian B
City, Country: Garner, NC, USA
Sent: 3.44 PM - 7/22 2002

Ramon, I know the days in Pemberton must have been relaxing. Especially since you stayed with a Dutch family.

I just read in the forum that you will be taking a break in Holland again after leaving Australia. I'm anxious to discover what part of the world you'll open our eyes to next.

Well, Brian, that's all up to anybody who wants to sponsor me in getting somewhere

Name: Danielle
City, Country: Canada
Sent: 3.33 PM - 7/22 2002

Hi Ramon! My names Danielle and I just wanted to let you know I think what you're doing is so cool!! My mom always follows where you go on your website. We just registered our house for when you come to Canada! We're also friends with Karin and Tom Spence, who's house you just stayed in while you were in Australia!

Name: Maureen
City, Country: Denmark, WA
Sent: 2.43 PM - 7/22 2002

Hi Ramon, It was great having you stay with us. We wish you could have stayed a little longer though. Hope all goes well with the rest of your journey. Keep smiling. Maureen and Kevin.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.21 AM - 7/22 2002

Hi Ramon, Joan, and Emma, and everyone...

Joan, thanks for your comment. Have you heard that world class Ozzie comedian Kevin Bloody Wilson go on about how people sound so different? It is worth a listen, if you can handle a bit of dirty humour.

Emma, thanks for your comments as well. Ramon is indeed a wonderful person, and the more people that can tell the world that thru their own experiences, the better for Ramon, and untimately the better for all of us.

Ramon, if you need a break, then ask to stay another night. You don't have to be shy, we understand, it's incredibly hard work you are doing.

One more thing, Bret from California says hi to everyone. He is happy that the forum is still there. Speaking of which, I'm off to see what's new there...

Sala kahle to all


Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 1.29 AM - 7/21 2002


I know what you mean about accents. I love hearing various accents from different countries, that is why I was anxious to hear Ramon's voice. My mother is British, so I am obviously quite familiar with that accent since I visit Britain often.

Aussies I hear often with the stars in TV and movies. South Africans less often. However, I am a car racing fan, and watch Thomas Schecter, South African, in the IRL (Indy Racing League), and have even chatted with him at the Indy 500.

I have also been fortunate to visit Brazil and loved hearing the Brazilian Portuguese language (a truly Romance sounding language, much softer on the ears than Spanish I believe), and I loved their accents when speaking in English.

As I am sure is true in many countries, there are accents and dialects in the USA. Sometimes I have trouble understanding the "Southerners" (Southeast USA) accent when speaking English.

I grew up in New Jersey, USA, which has a distinct accent in the Southern part of the state. Then I lived in Boston, Massachusetts for several years, which has a whole different accent. People in Boston jokingly made fun of my New "Joisey" accent! Hmmph! :-) I now have a mixed mongrel accent, living in the Southwestern USA.

Cultures, languages and accents are interesting!!

I love the world we live in - 'cause it's the only one we have! :-)

Peace to all on Earth, someday, I pray!

Keep on truckin' Ramon!

Regards And Hugs to all,

[] [] []

Name: Maria
City, Country: Perth, Australia
Sent: 5.52 PM - 7/20 2002

Emma, I love your comment on the forum. It seems you and Ramon both were pretty impressed by his visit at your place :-)

Name: Anne
City, Country: Armadale: Perth : W.A.
Sent: 4.47 PM - 7/19 2002

Hey Ramon,

Have u already left Perth??
What about the invitation to stay with us?
I s'pose you have had 100's of invites to stay with people, but we were looking forward to meeting you in person and having 'you-stay-for-a-day!!!
Never mind, mischien een andere keer!!
Enjoy yor trip across the Nullabor wen u do it!! We did it 6 months ago and we LOVED it!!!!

If u get the chance ... Albany is a GREAT spot as well!!!!!

Regards, Anne B.

Name: Emma
City, Country: Peppermint Grove, Western Australia
Sent: 1.29 PM - 7/19 2002

Hello to all of Ramon's supporters and followers...

thought I should come on here and say hi, as Ramon mentioned there were a couple of messages about me/us!

Firstly let me assure you that Ramon was not in the best of health on the extra night he stayed with me. It wasn't so much sickness, more sheer exhaustion and fatigue! The poor guy just needed a break from the whole "Hi, who are you? where have you been? where did you get the idea..." etc etc. He fitted into my family immediately, and within an hour I felt like I'd known him for years. We 'clicked' immediately and had long conversations about just about everything! When he told me how exhausted and drained he was, I offered him to stay another night- after all it was a different house so it wasn't exactly breaking the rules of his project!

I couldn't believe the comment from one poster that Ramon didn't want to go from 'upper-class' to 'lower class'!!! I have never read such rubbish! You are talking about a guy who was quite happy to sleep in the back of a car? You think a suburb's reputation is really going to matter to this guy? He shared stories of staying in tiny shacks in Africa, made of tyres, rubbish and street litter. Any house would be a palace compared to this. Ramon is not travelling easily, or in much style- could you live out of a backpack travelling daily for over 16 months??

I thoroughly enjoyed Ramon's company, and look forward to seeing him again. If any of you reading this have not yet invited him to stay- don't hesitate at all! Invite this warm, funny, adventurous man into your life.


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Afrcia
Sent: 6.30 AM - 7/19 2002

Hi Ramon

Now THAT is something worth putting on a video clip, a walking fish! I've never seen or even heard of such a creature.

The closest thing to it is the Mudskipper, but I really don't have much more on it. It does not really walk, sort of waddles along on its pectoral fins out of water.

How does Jaimes' fish walk? Does it also use its pectoral fins? Are they adapted only for walking? Feet? Toes? Or do they get used in the more conventional sense while the fish swims? Does it swim?

Jaimes, how about putting a little story about your strange creature on the messageboard, so that we can learn about it? It sounds quite facinating. What made you get it? How long does it live? What does it eat (presumably not the other fish in the tank...)?

Ramon, these are the little things that must surely make your journey special. Little things about people, what they do, what they have, or don't have, little interesting titbits about the human behind the person.

Hamba kahle


Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.10 AM - 7/18 2002

Hi all

Matt in Oz, don't feel bad, mate. Your internet industry is apparently much better than ours here in SA. Also, Ramon's ISP have to allow him that extra storage space for huge video files. The messageboard already has a limit in size, and the forum was interrupted...

But yes, it is indeed a brilliant idea, Margaret.

Ramon, as usual, my sincerest wishes are with you. Keep strong, and continue with the accurate journalism.

Hamba kahle


Name: matt
City, Country: cessnock australia
Sent: 4.11 AM - 7/18 2002

Name: Margaret

City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 4.25 AM - 7/18 2002
Just a few comments today:
(2) Why doesn't someone give Ramon a digital videocam and have him post a few digital video clips as well as still photos? Has that possibility been explored by anyone? (Would you do that if someone gave you one?)

Margaret in australia we have stupid download limits and slow internet even our broadband so even if ramon had a digital camera he wouldnt be able to upload video because of our slow boring internet and dumb download limits these are all because a company here telstra wants to earn more money (

Name: Chris Egan
City, Country: Mandurah, Western Australia
Sent: 3.42 AM - 7/18 2002

Great website. Ive taken an interest from when you visited Karratha as that is my old home town and you have been going to all the places i have been. Many western australians know about him as he was featured on the news and on radio. Hope the trip goes well


Name: Margaret
City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 7.25 PM - 7/17 2002

Just a few comments today:

(1) Like Joan, I listened to your voice interviews (Canada, BBC) for the first time today, too. They are great!

(2) Why doesn't someone give Ramon a digital videocam and have him post a few digital video clips as well as still photos? Has that possibility been explored by anyone? (Would you do that if someone gave you one?)

(3) I often play Hearts (a card game) on, and fairly often end up playing with Australians. I always ask them if they know about your project or are following your website, and invariably they say NO. I always tell them to take a look at it. This tells me that you are not yet a household word in Australia. But maybe that will change by the time your visa is up.

Well, stay safe and grateful as always.

Name: Kylie
City, Country: Morley, Western Australia
Sent: 2.31 PM - 7/17 2002

Hi Ramon,

You may have cut your own throat (have you got offers for travel over east?) with your comments towards Lizs' father like that knowing full well how many people read your daily reports.

I tell people about what your doing and the first thing they say is "freeloader" then when they think about it, they are actually envious and wonder why they didn't think of it themselves., they then say "good on him". Being judgemental sucks and I think you owe Liz and her family an apoligy.

Happy Travels,

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 5.17 AM - 7/17 2002


Thanks for the links to the voice interviews. I am embarrassed to say I had not visited that area of your web page after all this time! :-( I loved the interviews, and yes, now I have heard your voice! Thanks again!


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