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Name: Joop Mul
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 3.19 AM - 6/18 2002

What a shame that I did not see this earlier. How typically Dutch. What a nice challenge. Just jealous. Would have liked to have been of assistance when you were in Sydney.

Joop Mul (born in Gouda) 46 years in Oz.

Name: Melissa
City, Country: London, England
Sent: 7.11 PM - 6/17 2002

Well, I'm only 16, but it's people like you who have convinced me that I am going to travel as much as possible while I'm still in my youth, despite my old fashioned family who think that I should settle down right away. I don't think I'm brave enough to do it all for free though... anyway, thanks for the inspiration. When you get around to writing that book (I'm a hopeful author-to-be too), I'll be the first in line to buy it.

Happy adventures!

Name: Sharyn Brown
City, Country: Townsville, Australia
Sent: 1.05 PM - 6/17 2002


Just a quick note to say thanx for coming to visit. As you may have guessed, we love having visitors and meeting new people and it was great to meet you. If you ever come back this way (in the next 50 years or so...) feel free to call in again! I would like to say it might not be as hectic, but I doubt that, as its always chaos.

I hope you enjoyed your short stay (except for the bacon!) and the bus trip wasn't too bad for you!

Enjoy the outback and the rest of your fabulous adventure! Will keep track of you.

Name: Lily Morgan
City, Country: Darwin, Australia
Sent: 1.00 PM - 6/17 2002


i initially offered accomodation to you in darwin...some months ago

i have had no response from you, either via email, letter or phone and consider this to be extremely rude and displaying a distinct lack of manners

i received a message on my mobile ph this morning, and upon checking your site note that you plan to be in darwin this evening!

do you really expect me to drop everything and welcome you into my home at such short notice?????

i think not!!!!!!!

invitation withdrawn!!!!!!!

Dear Lily,

If you have invited me through my website, you have probably received an email to confirm your invite. This letter also told you that I would contact you at least a week before I would get near you.

Please understand I have over 3300 invites from 68 countries, the website gets over a million visitors per week and with the life I am living on the road and with people EVERY DAY I just can't send emails to everybody who has invited me. "I will contact you" is what my autoresponding email clearly said.

I have called your phonenumber 6 times since last week, even way back in Townsville and left a message on Saturday afternoon. When I arrived today in Darwin I simply asked you to contact me, because I wasn't getting any possible contact with you at all.

Just look at it through my perspective, I have absolutely no reason to be rude or anything like that to anybody who has invited me over.

If we would get in contact any other way after your email to me, I would politely have asked when it would be possible for YOU to have me over. You are never asked to drop whatever you do and to welcome me TODAY. It's even up to you to say "sorry Ramon, can't do" and I will thank you after all.

Name: Suzie
City, Country: Wembley, England
Sent: 11.02 AM - 6/17 2002

Read about you in a British Magazine. Just wanted to say Good Luck with your travels.

Name: Carol
City, Country: Northern Ireland
Sent: 10.00 AM - 6/17 2002

Is it just me or does anybody else reckon that the guy who gave Ramon a lift from Tully to Townsville is really Osama Bin Laden? The yanks are wasting time in the Afghan caves - they're not even in the right hemisphere- OBL is alive and well and picking up hitch hikers down under.

Name: Lupe
City, Country: Rosario, Argentina
Sent: 7.51 PM - 6/16 2002

Dear Lynn,

Shame on you...
The world is like this because it is filled with people who won´t do a thing for anybody else but them...
It is no surprise for me to find that this message was written by an north american (a country which doesn´t even have a name of their own) -they suck south america´s blood but won´t give theirs to no one-
My country is suffering a lot for the FMI and the world bank won´t give us any help. I consider they are very unloyal... for when they needed to lend their money to someone so as not to reduce its costs, they made arrangements with our military governments so that they would accept it at very high risks -obviously for the generations that would come next-
Dear Ramon,
I hope we can soon have you here despite the terible situation the country is in. We ARGENTINIANS -and I dare say it in the plural form- welcome you arms wide open.

Name: ian
City, Country: wakefield england
Sent: 7.39 PM - 6/16 2002

Just read about you in british magazine.Iwish i had the bottle to do it .All the best Ramon.your doing what most of us dream of doing.

Name: Alex
City, Country: Edinburgh, Scotland
Sent: 6.50 PM - 6/16 2002

I read about your expedition in a British newspapers' magazine. I think what you are doing is so cool and it has really inspired me. I will be following your journey with pleasure. :)


Name: Balinder
City, Country: London, England
Sent: 5.19 PM - 6/16 2002

I read about your site and your expedition in a British newspaper- had to visit it and see what it was all about. You are my hero. When I grow up I wanna be just like you.

Name: Nicci your Noosa Friend
City, Country: Bristol, UK
Sent: 1.23 PM - 6/16 2002

Hi Ramon, Still following your journey mate, Han and I got the photos developed from skinny dipping in Noosa, there is a full frontal of u but luckily Han only caught a piccie of my bum!

She thanks u for calling her Laura as she can remain anonymous! Can't believe u told the world about our frolicks in the sea but it was all good fun - Han will email u the photos soon, I think they are a bit naked for the message board!
Take it easy, we are now home in the UK where it is definitely too cold for skinny dipping!!

Name: acadia
City, Country: Maine. USA
Sent: 11.19 AM - 6/16 2002

You misunderstand Ramon's journey. It is not to get whatever he can for nothing. It is to spread friendship and inform the rest of us along the way of what and who he encounters. Please take the time to read his site and check out the rest of the Daily Reports, see for yourself.

Thank you for responding to me. I understand that there many countries out there and the US is only one of them. But I maintain that everytime you mention the USA in your reports it is in a negative way. That is a shame. I look forward to what you have to say once, and if, you actually get here. I hope people come through and you see a side to this country that will change your outlook. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy your reports from places afar, that I have only dreamed of visiting.

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.43 AM - 6/16 2002

Bret and Lynn,

Bret, thanks for your response to Lynn. I think Lynn perhaps just "stopped in" and did not take the time to learn about Ramon's project. The USA's problem with foreigners is related to illegals, not legitimate travelers, which Ramon is.

Lynn, true, there is a heightened "sensitivity" to illegal folks in the States these days, but that is not by any means obstructing usual tourism and travelers. (Though the questions and document checking may now take longer when going through Customs than in the past!) I doubt Ramon would have any problems entering the States and staying here during his project, with all the proper VISA documents, which I am sure his support team researches and takes care of.

The "freeloaders" are indeed a problem here - the "ilegal aliens" who enter without proper credentials. It is a problem, but not Ramon's problem, and I do not think he will have any problems, nor would he be considered a "freeloader" in the sense of the illegals who enter. Not even close.

Thanks for visiting us Lynn, but please read up on Ramon's humaritarian and peace loving project before making judgements. We are all often rushed to judgement - myself included at times - but in my heart I know where Ramon's heart is, and the general purpose of his travels.

He is a good man and will be welcomed in the USA!! Not as a freeloader, but as a good will ambassador visiting people from all walks of life in the USA!!!!


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 2.12 AM - 6/16 2002

Lynn, Lynn, Lynn!

You should really wake up and start reading message boards and looking at web sites before you make such ridiculous remarks. Your an embarrassment to us in the USA. Then again Lynn, you might be one of those who are just trying to get a "rise" out of your remark, to spark some (more) controversy. We've been through this already, and are well aware that Ramon is far from a freeloader. I'm willing to bet he works harder than you do. How do I know this? I read the message board and learn? Every time I come here I learn! Enough said.

Alessa, from Dusseldorf,

I don't think visiting the USA is anymore interesting than anywhere else in the world. It just seems to be the most recent discussion right now. Ramons agenda as I see it, is whoever will sponsor him to the next country where he has a fair amount of invites is where he will go. If he has a round trip from the Netherlands to Australia, and ends up back in the Netherlands. He'll make the best of it and tour around Europe until his project takes him else where. Ramons like a river, he goes with the flow and the least resistance. Makes perfect sense to me. I hope he get's to Dussuldorf as well as Japan, and everywhere else as far as I'm concerned. It's a win, win situation for us who enjoy his journey. Keep on trucking Ramon.

I have a return flight to The Netherlands, but I doubt if I will use it as New Zealand and Southeast Asia is just around the corner. If I go back to the Netherlands, it might take a while before a sponsor would fly me to the other side of the world again...

Name: Tamara & David
City, Country: Kewarra Beach, Cairns Australia
Sent: 11.37 PM - 6/15 2002

Good luck Ramon with the rest of your tour of Australia. If you are here in May 2003, drop in for our wedding!

Name: Lynn
City, Country: Providence, USA
Sent: 9.55 PM - 6/15 2002

Fellow Americans, stop and think before requesting Ramon to visit the states.

We have enough FREELOADERS here already.
Why add another one to the pot.


Just another fine example of No Understanding = No Respect....

What a nice world we live in, don't we?

Name: annemarie
City, Country: zwolle, netherlands
Sent: 5.31 PM - 6/15 2002

when do you think you'll go to south australia? I recommend you barossa valley!

Name: Coralie
City, Country: England
Sent: 11.49 AM - 6/15 2002

Hi Ramon

your really doing great , we are just looking at last years holiday video in Jersey , and we are laughing at the times we were saying , "Well soon we will se Ramon!" oh dear !
please say a prayer that ....."England wil win at football against Denmark!"

take care of yourself.

loads of hugs

Name: Nina
City, Country: Panama
Sent: 2.52 AM - 6/15 2002

Ramon, congratulations to you on completing a year and one month of your project. Thanks to you, the hosts, sponsors, and the back up crew for allowing everyone to enjoy your travel. Great team work! I wish you the best through out your second year. Your reports are very informative, and what makes them even more enjoyable to read is your great sense of humor.

I hope that you will soon make it over to this side of the world. North, Central and South America are waiting for your visit. Great diversity and exciting places to see. I am sure that once you are over on this side, you will receive plenty more offers to stay for a day. There are still a lot of wonderful places I would like to see over on the other side where you are, so take your time if you must.
Stay safe, happy, and keep going.

Name: michael
City, Country: germany
Sent: 6.47 PM - 6/14 2002


good luck!

Name: Sarah
City, Country: Canada
Sent: 3.21 PM - 6/14 2002

Hi Ramon

Glad to hear your travels are going well. Just been reminiscing about North Stradbroke Island just off the coast of Brisbane. How's your all over tan going ?!?

Good luck for the rest of your journey mate.

Name: Acadia
City, Country: Maine, USA
Sent: 12.13 PM - 6/14 2002

I just wanted to add my best regards to Ludo. I hope his poor health is a temporary situation.

Name: Acadia
City, Country: Maine, USA
Sent: 10.30 AM - 6/14 2002

My husband has hitchhiked from Maine to Florida, and has motocycled from Maine to California all alone. He did both these things with little money and a backpack. I have known many people who have backpacked all over the US including the Appalatian Trail. I'm not sure where Mark has gotten his information (possibly bad experiences himself?) but things aren't like that all over. There is a series of great articles in a magazine called People, Places and Plants that follow a man's bike journey across the US, including both good and not go good.

Ramon it seems that you are willing to give up on us here with out giving this country a chance. The world view of the US is a dim one, I know that, but we have great people here too, just like any other place.

Arcadia, no where I am sayting that I am not going to visit the US. For me it is JUST one of the 68 (!) countries, please keep that in mind.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.20 AM - 6/14 2002

Hi Ramon

It's facinating to see the time and temperature readings where you are. I log on in the mornings SA time (GMT+2hrs), and I watch the temperature drop from 28 down to about 26 or so.

This happens while the sun rises here, and we go from about 18 up towards 26 or so later in the day. This just puts the whole scenario into perspective, the sun really does set in Oz as it rises here. You are on the other end of the world.

Look after yourself over there, Ramon, and be good (or at least be good at it).

Hamba kahle


Name: Sharyn
City, Country: Townsville, Aust.
Sent: 3.48 AM - 6/14 2002

Well Ramon is now safely aboard his bus bound for Cloncurry and Outback Australia. We had a great time with Ramon the short time he stayed with us. Loads of funny and fascinating stories to listen to. If you get the chance and you haven't already, invite him to stay, you won't regret it!

Ramon, take care with the rest of you amazing journey and stay safe.

Name: Linda
City, Country: Dallas, Texas
Sent: 7.35 PM - 6/13 2002


It's really neat what your doing. If you ever get to the USA I'd volunteer to let you stay with me for a day! Good luck with your travels and don't get into trouble. Be careful and keep the updates coming. I think what your doing is really neat!

Name: Shawn
City, Country: Toronto
Sent: 6.42 PM - 6/13 2002

Don't you worry Ramon, Canada will do just as well as the Dutch (and the Australians) in the World Cup this year. :)

Name: Crystal
City, Country: Calgary, Canada
Sent: 6.25 PM - 6/13 2002

Hi Ramon,

I just finished reading your story in the Calgary Sun, and I ran upstairs to check out your website. And I have got to say Wow! I wish I had thought of it! I am actually slowing starting to travel, however at the moment it is limited to Canada....Do you have any plans on coming here?? You should it is a wonderful country. Well good luck on your many adventures I looked for to checking them all out now.... :)

Name: Janice
City, Country: Ohio, USA
Sent: 4.34 PM - 6/13 2002

Ramon, Hitchhiking is done in the US all of the time. You just cannot do it on major freeways and Interstate roadways. You must wait at an on ramp or off ramp to catch a ride. Also, have never heard of anyone being arrested for not having any cash in their pocket. If that were true half of America would be in jail. They only arrest you if you remain in one place for an extended period of time and then rather than arrest you they take you to a homeless shelter where they provide you with room and board until you can get back on your feet. Where do some people get their information?

Name: wolf
City, Country: houston texas
Sent: 7.49 PM - 6/12 2002

the note from mark about hitchhiking and vagrancy . yes hitchhiking is illegal on state and federal highways, but local roads are not enforced mostly .

Vagrancy - can be avoided with proper id's and 20 us$ in pocket beside most police forces don't need the hassles of hassling someone .As for the fear factors TV is American's IDOL GOD and does more harm than good here in the states . Am looking forward to you visit here.

Name: MJ
City, Country: Denver
Sent: 11.42 PM - 6/11 2002

HI Ramon!

I look forward to your wonderful pictures...everyday!


Name: alessa
City, Country: düsseldorf, germany
Sent: 9.37 PM - 6/11 2002

hy, this is so amazing, my first thought: why haven´t i got this great idea? it´s the genius who gets the ideas, you know! i hope your able to travel far more and not to mention that my doors are open, but i guess düsseldorf is not that far interesting and much to near to your home!?

just one thought to this america-discussion: why should it be more interesting to visit the US than any other country? i believe on the "all-praised" equality, so i don´t believe the americans being much "friendlier", you know,it´s a great place to see, and there are a lot of nice people, but where´s the difference to japan, you see. Otherwise, doesn´t we know the US from europe? ;)No reason not to go there and find the truth as far as possible!
Enjoy your trip, good luck, alessa

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 5.17 AM - 6/11 2002

Hi All,

I think Ramon will see once he arrives that the United States is a great place to visit. I recommend he make his first stop the previous site of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, and then go out to the USA from there. I believe you will have a most excellent trip Ramon, in the land of the free, home of the brave! :-)


Name: Margaret
City, Country: Minneapolis area
Sent: 4.57 AM - 6/11 2002

About Brian-(from South Africa)'s suggestion that you try to get invitations to Alaska, as a matter of fact, Peter Jenkins who wrote WALK ACROSS AMERICA in the '70s recently wrote a book about discovering Alaska!!! At his ripe old age he is still looking for, and finding, adventure and open hearts and homes. I'll try to get the title and send it to you, even if you don't have time for reading. You're doing the traveling now, but he's a good example of someone who has also done the post-adventure writing very successfully. Hey, I can't wait til you ARE in the U.S. I can imagine all kinds of 'bad' and 'good' things that you will encounter but most of all, I want Americans to meet someone like you.

Name: Cynthia Holdeman
City, Country: Colorado, USA
Sent: 2.05 AM - 6/11 2002

Hi Ramon,

About traveling the US, I've been a traveler all my life and love to visit but always return to my beautiful homeland, many times without money. The more I travel, the more I appreciate the freedom we have here in the US. There are good people everywhere and we've signed up to assist you in your travels here. Traveling anywhere you must make adjustments but you'll find you will have many options. I do agree though, Americans watch too much TV and unfortunetely rely only on that form of information. Maybe you can travel Canada and just say you were in the US. Just kidding you Canadians. Really, just kidding.

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