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Name: Rhonda
City, Country: Gold Coast Australia
Sent: 10.20 PM - 3/27 2002

Hi Ramon,

Just wanted to say that it was my great pleasure to meet you a few nights ago. You are the most interesting young man I have met in a long time. Thank you for your sense of humour, for without that you may have been offended at being told to "Go to your room!" Ha! I did not have the pleasure of having Ramon stay in my home, I invited myself to the home he was staying in. I'm glad I did because the Prawns were incredible! Thank you Mark and Del. To all those who have invited him, you are in for one hell of a treat. He is someone special. Thank you for your company Ramon. Stay well.

Name: chris
City, Country: münchen.germany
Sent: 7.02 PM - 3/27 2002

hello ramon

you are great!!!!!!!!

Name: Dave and Sue
City, Country: Langwarrin, Victoria
Sent: 11.08 AM - 3/27 2002

Hi Ramon (and all his followers!!)

First time I've been in this part of your site!

Sue and I are looking forward to meeting you when you venture to Victoria. We invited you a few weeks ago after seeing your gig on ACA. Got to hand it to you though. What a BRILLIANT idea!

I, along with 3-4 million people around the globe, are wishing we thought of the concept first! Then actually achieving it is extra-ordinary. I now follow your travels on a daily basis. The people and cultures your experiencing must be mind blowing. (I'm sure there has been some "bad" times but I suspect the good are outweighing the bad 100 times over.

As for the bozo's who have a go at you. Don't let them worry you mate! Don't bother calling the cops in! Just publish their name and address on this forum. I'm sure the culprit won't get a wink of sleep!!!!

Anyway we really hope you manage to make it to Langwarrin (At the start of the Mornington Peninsula. Nice part of the world! (biased view of course)

Can't wait to meet you

Smile to excess!!

Dave & Sue

Name: Michael Offe
City, Country: Willunga, South Australia
Sent: 7.15 AM - 3/27 2002

Hi all,
It looks like Ramon is enjoying his travels in Australia (give or take a few stupid messages here), but I am sure that there are enough nice things about Australia to make up for that! :-)

I am looking forward to seeing Ramon in person when here gets to my place... I first heard about him last May.
Just for interest - I was the guy who helped organise the Bridge Climb over Sydney Harbour for Ramon. :-)

With regards to 'Thomas' and Brian's message below...

I fully agree that 'Thomas' was totally out of line, and should have thought far more about what he did!
But if he is genuinely sorry for his actions and has really learnt his lesson ('Thomas' I am trusting that you have learnt a lot from this - and will refrain from such actions in the future), may I suggest that Ramon's decision is for the best.

This may sound silly, but... in my opinion a lot of the current counselling and psychiatric help, often 'screws up' the person even more...

Especially if they aren't 'social misfits', I believe that the 'system' for dealing the true 'social misfits' tends to turn the person who isn't yet a 'bad case' in the wrong direction - since they are being treated as a true 'social misfit'.

This is just my personal opinion on the matter (don't all take it personally please), which I thought I would mention.

Ramon, enjoy you travels, 'Thomas' I hope you enjoy your future visits to this site and learn from your mistakes, and all the best to all of you reading this, and to those of you from other countries... I hope you enjoy your little insight to our unique and wonderful country!

Yours sincerely,

Michael Offe,
South Australia.

Name: Renee
City, Country: currently Sunshine Coast/Brisbane, Australia
Sent: 6.53 AM - 3/27 2002

Hey Ramon & all,

Like most people, I'm sorry to hear you had to go through what you have recently. I totally agree that a minority will always be unreasonably jealous of those who do something well, but it is much to yours & others credit to not give up your vision but instead deal with "hurdles" in a reasonable and compassionate way.

As an addicted traveller myself, I think your resourcefulness is brilliant. I've worked in the backpacker industry for years and absolutely love showing off our brilliant country to foreigners. I've even backpacked my own country several times, and although now living in the UK, I'm back in Australia for a few months to do it again! And spend some time with family.

I've made numerous precious friendships on my travels -I've had many pleasant times learning about the world from travellers, showing them the area & offering a free bed over the last few years. I am now travelling myself and enjoying their brilliant hospitality throughout the UK & Europe in return. Yes, there are always risks involved trusting people, but it is a very small percentage of those who aren't genuinely wonderful, friendly people. And by being careful & aware, the risks are well worth the long-lasting friendships or at the very least, some stimulating conversation & a lesson about life from another perspective!

Anyway, I'm rambling on, but trying to say good on you, looking forward to meeting you. And also hi to everyone else on here & thanks for your messages, enjoying reading through them!

Thanks for your texts Ramon and looking forward to seeing you when you arrive here soon!

Renee :)

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.25 AM - 3/27 2002

Hey, if nothing else, this will make facinating reading in your book...

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.24 AM - 3/27 2002

Hi Ramon

If Thomas Jackson's successive messages are anything to go by, it seems that you have answered his appeal to be lenient. Ramon, I salute you for doing this. It takes a real man to forgive such lunatic actions.

Having said that, and maybe I am horribly wrong here, I feel that this person may well be "just" fooling around. But, as has been said by many people, it is stupid, idiotic, and criminal.

Perhaps he was drunk or high or something when he did it. Whatever the case, he needs psychiatric help. Yes, it is unfair on his uni, his family, and his friends, but next time he might go further, and then what will these people say?

Ramon, I know, and understand, that you are very busy, and that it is not in your nature to interefere, but please consider a plea bargain situation, in which he will do many hours of counselling, followed by years of comunity service. If he does not accept this, then let the cops deal with it.

Maybe it will also set a precedent, and anyone else who might consider being so incredibly stupid will think twice before acting.

Whatever happens, we are all right there with you, Ramon. We support your actions, as we know that you are intelligent and level-headed. And benevolent.

hamba kahle


Name: Amanda
City, Country: Australia
Sent: 6.20 AM - 3/27 2002

Thomas is only sorry that he got caught. People like him need to be taught a lesson. He has tarnished Ramons experience in Australia and I'm over letting people get off just because they say sorry. He should have thought about the consequences before he wrote such an offensive e-mail.

Name: Thomas Jackson
City, Country: Auckland
Sent: 4.17 AM - 3/27 2002

Hi ramon,

Thank you so much. I don't have any words to explain my gratitude. Please do not let my personal information to anyone else.

"Thomas", please contact me by email.

Name: "Thomas Jackson"
City, Country: auckland, New Zealand
Sent: 1.41 AM - 3/27 2002

Hello Ramon and others,
I am really sorry for sending the previous message. Now since you have found out from where I am. I know the cops will find me easily. You are right I am a university student. But I really don't want to tarnish the name of my University or my parents. My real name is not even Thomas Jackson. I really did not mean anything seriously. I wanted to just have fun(I know the seriousness of it) after seeing Andys message. I know you have informed the cops. Please I beg you to take the complaint back and forgive me. I don't want to spoil the name of my university, family and parents who have worked hard to send me to the university. To all others who use the discussion board I am sorry and please forgive me. I really am ashamed of myself. I am honest this time. I really mean no harm not only to Ramon but to anyone else. Please do help me in this matter. Ramon and the others in the discussion board please help me. Dont put me behind bars. I am sorry for having used any offensive and threatening language in my message. Please. I am not jealous of your effort Ramon. I am really proud of what you have done. But I just sent the message to have some fun without realizing what I have done really. The hand of the law is firm and I can't escape it. I know you can find me out by this message I have sent. I am down to my knees. I beg you all to forgive me. I promise I will never send offensive messages, harm others or think evil about anyone else at all. This mental torture of being caught by the police is punishment enough. Please I beg you ramon and others in the discussion board.

Name: Kelli
City, Country: Melbourne, Australia
Sent: 11.54 PM - 3/26 2002


Please dont take any notice of losers like Andy & Thomas. It is nothing but pure and simple jealousy !! We really are a great bunch here down under - but I am sure you already know that!!

I only wish I had HALF the courage you have to do what you have done. Travelling the world is only a dream of mine.

I wish there was more people like you in this rapidly depressing world of ours.

Take care, be careful and most of all - enjoy yourself!

Best wishes..


Name: Frans Wilbrink
City, Country: Sydney, Australia
Sent: 11.22 PM - 3/26 2002

Hey Ramon,

First of all sorry I took so long to finally post something here...druk druk druk, you know how that goes...

These idiots like 'thomas' and 'Andy' have no clue how much work 'freeloading' actually involved.

When Ramon stayed in my place he worked till deep in the night to write his updates. We kept him up way too long just by talking about all kinds of stuff and still he had the willpower to work on his website..

Andy's view is luckily not one that is shared by most aussies... I guess he's just a jealous nitwit...

As for 'thomas' what can you say.. he needs some serious counceling... So you don't like what Ramon does? fine, don't invite him, post a message on the board he's a freeloader and get on wiht your life...making deathtreads in a public forum where you can be traced is not only stupid, but illegal too...

Ramon, take care and don't let idiots like these get to you... I know you are smart enough not to get in trouble... If you need any help, just let me know...

As for the other readers, All I can say is I can really recommend inviting Ramon. He's a nice easygoing guy who really has heart for his project. I haven't regretted inviting him 1 second!
I don't see Ramon as a freeloader, I see him a guy who wants to travel the world (don't we all?) without the use of monetairy funds... there is more in the world then just money. Once you've met Ramon you know that 'lazy' and 'Ramon' are 2 words who are very hard to combine...

Name: Jo Dunning
City, Country: Raumati Beach, Kapiti coast, New Zealand
Sent: 8.37 PM - 3/26 2002

Can't wait till you get here - what a pity a few plonkers have spoiled your time in the land of Oz - i know they're not all like that - here's hoping the kiwi plonkers are all asleep when you get here.

I think you're living a dream of many of us who would love to be able to do what you're doing but can't - and by having you stay lets us have a small share in the experience.

Take care and i sure hope you visit kiwi land soon.

Name: Charlotte
City, Country: Vienna, Austria
Sent: 2.54 PM - 3/26 2002

Hi, Ramon - be careful, because I want you to be my guest, when once in a future life you pass by in Vienna. So - without joking -I do hope, that these insane people, who don't understand the meaning of your way to travel, will be found sonn and that you can continue without any further problems.

Love and good luck

Name: Lauren
City, Country: Lancashire, NW England
Sent: 11.53 AM - 3/26 2002

Hi Ramon,

Hope your travels are going as well as ever! If you ever come back to the UK, come up to the north to stay! ;-)

I find it really pathetic that some people actually bother to come here and write so much about how stupid they think this whole idea is - if they dislike it so much, why come onto the site in the first place? Sad....

Take care and have fun,
Love Lauren xxx

Name: Evelyn Hooper
City, Country: Dortmund, Germany
Sent: 10.01 AM - 3/26 2002

Hi traveller! I wish you all the best on your journey. If you ever come to Germany, feel free to pop in, you´re welcome at our house!

Have a save journey!

Name: Carole
City, Country: Ottawa, Canada
Sent: 3.21 AM - 3/26 2002

Hi Ramon,

Just wanted to let you know that you have another avid follower! I am thoroughly enjoying the reports of your travels through Australia (I have been a regular reader of your website since last June). I love your pictures (especially the candid ones!) I particularly like the way your daily reports give us the 'common' man's viewpoint not the one usually offered in the glitzy tourist brochures.

Anyone who has a problem with your unique approach to travel isn't worth wasting time on. You shouldn't let the Andys and Thomas' of this world dampen your enthusiasm. For every one of them there are thousands of us who recognize how much time and effort goes into "publishing" your daily reports.

Keep up the good work - I look forward to your future(?) arrival in North America.


Name: Syd and Marion Brown
Sent: 3.14 AM - 3/26 2002

We have just been fortunate enough to have Ramon stay-for-a-day.He is an exemplary guest; easygoing, tolerant,flexible and totally without expectation. On top of this he is prepared to participate and provoke discussion on a wide range of topics and as you can imagine he is good at it.

His stay was our gain.
Thanks Ramon and Good Luck!

Syd & Marion

Name: Jennifer
City, Country: Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Sent: 2.46 AM - 3/26 2002

Ramon, I am frightened for you. Be careful!

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 11.24 PM - 3/25 2002

Hi Ramon

As you know, we are all very protective towards you and threatening remarks from people like Andy and Thomas are rather worrying. I just hope that neither of them use a false name and send you an invitation! Be very careful Ramon and I wish you a safe journey.

Sylvia and Family xxx

Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 9.35 PM - 3/25 2002

Ramon, Thanks for taking action on "Thomas". This message board is about sharing your travels with everyone else who travels with you.

Annette, Thank you for letting us know how hard Ramon does work to keep this project going. Without him we all wouldn't get to see the world and enjoy all the little bits of history, and other facts he reports in his letters. Plus the great pictures. Hell, I'm not envious of Ramons project, I'm envious of Ramon.

Take Care, Happy Trails.


Name: Annette
City, Country: Brighton, UK
Sent: 5.24 PM - 3/25 2002

I've only just seen the ... how can I put this nicely ... um ...negative messages that have been posted lately. I really have difficulty believing how narrow-minded some people can be!

I was kind of a surprise host right back a month after the project started (well the travel bit anyway! I dread to think how much work had to be done before leaving!) - I say surprise host because the first I knew of it was when my housemate Chris said "by the way we've got this Dutch guy from the internet staying in about half an hour". I can honestly say that when I met Ramon I was extremely jealous that I hadn't thought of the idea first, but by half way through his visit I was glad that I didn't! The amount of work he had to do made my teaching workload of lesson preparation, marking (around 60 books a night), assessment, etc look totally insignificant!

I actually thought he'd left by about 1.30pm because I hadn't seen him for a while, but three hours later he emerged from behind Chris' computer thanking us for our hospitality and saying he should be leaving for his next host! I have never known anyone spend that long working voluntarily!

Before people make such vibrant judgements about Ramon's 'work ethic' I suggest they take a moment to find out the facts - I personally have never seen anyone work quite so hard, and despite such bizarre circumstances. I am glad I didn't think of the idea first, I don't think I could have coped with the workload!

Keep up the good work, Ramon, you're definitely doing my travelling for me! I'd never get to 'see' so many places without all your hard work!

Good luck with future travels, and God bless.


Name: Bret
City, Country: CA,USA
Sent: 7.40 AM - 3/25 2002

Brian, You came through again! Thanks for a great post, and putting things in perspective.

As for Thomas Jackson, you haven't paid too much attention to this message board. Because if you did, you would know that Ramon has access to who you are and who your provider is, who knows where you live. So expect a visit from your local police official pal. Because you just made a death threat to someone, which should always be taken seriously. This may seem funny to you, but it isn't to those of us who travel with Ramon, and especially his family who care for his well being. I'm sure we will no longer hear from you Thomas because you WILL! be shut down. You signed a contract with your provider that most likely prohibits you from such actions. May you learn from your stupidity.

To all of my friends on the message board. You now know what it takes to "lift my relays!" I'm really hopeing Ramon takes action on Thomas' post. Some posts can be shrugged off, but death threats should always be taken seriously.

Ramon, I really hope you do report Thomas. If you drop Thomas' post, please dump this one also, so it doesn't spark unnecessary responses. As always Ramon, keep it safe, keep up the great article, and Happy Trails.

A lot of things are known about Thomas Jackson by now. The federal police of New Zealand has received a report about him today.

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 7.00 AM - 3/25 2002

Hi all

Yow! Reality check!

While everyone has the right to their opinion, and everyone has freedom of speech, everyone also has the right to respect and dignity. Think about it.

We can all make judgements, we can all criticise, and we can all ridicule. To Andy and Thomas, have either of you ever taken five and five (to quote from someone the other day), and considered the whole picture?

I doubt it!

Ramon is not trying to travel the world by being lazy, dispite what you may think. His project involves and requires a hell of a lot of work. He has many things to do, not the least of which is keeping this website up-to-date.

He has to arrange his travels, his accommoddation, and he has to find time, at his hosts convenience, to attend interviews with many media. And he has to be friendly and sociable to his hosts.

It may seem like a holiday to you, but Ramon spends many hours each day working hard. It is a full time job with all the stress of a "normal" job, and then some. And, on top of all this, Ramon is a decent, friendly, and kind man, who smiles through everything.

Yes, we all can judge, and we all can ridicule, but is it fair to do this as an outsider? Andy and Thomas, perhaps you should visit this website in silence for a week or two, and watch.

Read the messages that Ramon's supporters post, especially those who are previous hosts. We are in a far better position to pass honest and accurate comment, since we have seen Ramon at work. Yes, it is only a glimpse of what he does, but it is something. It is a hell of a lot more than you have seen.

And, with the sour attitude that you exude, it is more than you will ever see.

So, get off your lazy butts, and get a life! Go out there, and do something. Make the effort. Then, and only then, will you be in a position to speak!

Like all things in life, until you have been there, and have understood the reality of the situation, you will be unable form honest opinion. It is your job to do that investigation.

Ramon, I feel so sorry for you having to receive this sort of crap. These guys are clearly social outcasts, and until they actually make the effort to fit in with society, they will never be welcome among us.

I am sorry for being so blunt, Ramon. Keep up the great work, and ignore naive stupidity like that which emerges from brainless individuals.

Kind regards


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