National Forests in Florida Final Report

Coastal Plain St. John's-wort Dwarf-shrubland

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Coastal Plain St. John's-wort Dwarf-shrubland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Hypericum brachyphyllum Dwarf-shrubland

Database Code: CEGL003955

Formation: Seasonally flooded needle-leaved and microphyllous evergreen dwarf-shrubland


Element Concept

Summary: This association occurs on extensive seasonally flooded flats interspersed with cypress domes in central and southern peninsular Florida, and possibly southern Georgia and the Panhandle of Florida. Hypericum brachyphyllum is the dominant dwarf-shrub. The herb stratum is typically very well-developed and diverse, and includes abundant graminoid species, especially Rhynchospora spp., Scleria spp., and Fuirena spp. Additional associates include Andropogon capillipes, Amphicarpum muehlenbergianum, Panicum hemitomon, Panicum verrucosum, Eupatorium leptophyllum, and Xyris sp.

Environment: This type consists of seasonally flooded flats (characteristically interspersed with cypress domes) in central and southern peninsular Florida, and possibly southern Georgia and the Panhandle of Florida.

Vegetation: Hypericum brachyphyllum is the dominant dwarf-shrub in stands of this type. The herb stratum is typically very well-developed and diverse, and includes abundant graminoid species, especially Rhynchospora spp., Scleria spp., and Fuirena spp. Additional associates include Andropogon capillipes, Amphicarpum muehlenbergianum, Panicum hemitomon, Panicum verrucosum, Eupatorium leptophyllum, and Xyris sp.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information

Synonymy: No information

Comments: None

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G3? (97-12-01):

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This association is found in central and southern peninsular Florida, and possibly southern Georgia (?) and the Panhandle of Florida.

States: FL GA?

Crosswalk to State Classifications: Not yet cross-referenced to state classifications

TNC Ecoregions: 53:P, 55:C, 56:?

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bf:CP?, 232Ce:CP?, 232Dc:CP?, 232Ga:CCC

Federal Lands: USFS (Ocala)

Element Sources


Flatwoods – Wooded Ponds and Dome Swamps

Chapman's St. John's-wort - Myrtle Dahoon - (Dwarf Blackgum) Shrubland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Hypericum chapmanii - Ilex myrtifolia - (Nyssa ursina) Shrubland

Database Code: CEGL003867

Formation: Seasonally flooded microphyllous shrubland


Element Concept

Summary: This association represents open shrublands dominated by Hypericum chapmanii in northern Florida. Such areas may be found in a variety of habitats such as small flatwoods ponds and dome swamps or along the ecotones of larger ponds and domes in the region. The vegetation is typified by a moderate to dense shrub/dwarf-tree stratum 2-5 m tall, dominated by Hypericum chapmanii, typically with Ilex myrtifolia and Hypericum brachyphyllum present. A sparse emergent layer of Taxodium ascendens may be present. Other shrubs, such as Cyrilla parvifolia and/or Nyssa ursina, may also occur as codominants or significant components in some examples. Typical herbaceous species include Coreopsis nudata, Polygala cymosa, Lobelia floridana, and Pinguicula planifolia.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: A vegetation sample on the Apalachicola National Forest recorded the following species: Taxodium ascendens, Hypericum chapmanii, Hypericum brachyphyllum, Ilex myrtifolia, Eriocaulon decangulare, Eriocaulon compressum, Smilax laurifolia, Magnolia virginiana, Sarracenia flava, Oxypolis filiformis, and a number of Rhynchospora species (NatureServe unpubl. data). Examples from Eglin Air Force Base lack Nyssa ursina (C. Nordman pers. obs.).

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information

Synonymy: No information

Comments: The growth form of Hypericum chapmanii is a dwarf-tree (single-trunked and up to 20 cm or more in diameter at base). Compare the related forest community dominated by Taxodium ascendens, Nyssa biflora, and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, occurring in larger depression ponds in the same landscape. These are important breeding habitats for the Flatwoods Salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum).

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G1 (98-01-11): This association is narrowly endemic to a small portion of the Florida Panhandle, with occurrences in (at most) 9 counties, as indicated by the documented range of Hypericum chapmanii (Wunderlin and Hansen n.d.). Total acreage is small. Although occurrences on public lands such as Apalachicola National Forest and Eglin Air Force Base are well-protected and managed, occurrences on private lands are often degraded by fire exclusion, timber harvest in the community itself or in adjacent communities, drawdown of regional water tables by wells, ORVs, and other impacts.

High-ranked species: AMBYSTOMA CINGULATUM (G2G3)

Element Distribution

Range: This type is found in the western panhandle of Florida.

States: FL

Crosswalk to State Classifications:

  • FL: Dome Swamp, in part (FL 1992)

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bg:CCC, 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Eglin); USFS (Apalachicola)

Element Sources

References: FNAI 1990, NatureServe Ecology - Southeast U.S. unpubl. data, Nordman pers. comm., Wunderlin and Hansen n.d.

Flatwoods – Wooded Ponds and Dome Swamps

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