National Forests in Florida Final Report

Pond-cypress / Myrtle Dahoon / Myrtleleaf St. John's-wort - Florida Lobelia - Tall Pinebarren Milkwort Woodland

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Pond-cypress / Myrtle Dahoon / Myrtleleaf St. John's-wort - Florida Lobelia - Tall Pinebarren Milkwort Woodland

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Taxodium ascendens / Ilex myrtifolia / Hypericum myrtifolium / Lobelia floridana - Polygala cymosa Woodland

Database Code: CEGL004959

Formation: Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous woodland


Element Concept

Summary: This dome swamp association occurs embedded in pine flatwoods. Taxodium ascendens dominates the canopy (often essentially monospecific), but sometimes with lesser amounts of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii or Nyssa biflora. Ilex myrtifolia is common in the understory. Other characteristic species include Arnoglossum ovatum, Asclepias lanceolata, Coelorachis rugosa, Coreopsis nudata, Dichanthelium erectifolium, Dichanthelium scoparium, Dichanthelium wrightianum, Eleocharis tuberculosa, Eriocaulon decangulare, Hypericum myrtifolium, Juncus polycephalus, Lobelia floridana, Ludwigia pilosa, Oxypolis filiformis, Pinguicula planifolia, Polygala cymosa, Rhexia virginica, Rhynchospora careyana, Rhynchospora corniculata, Rhynchospora filifolia, Rhynchospora spp., Sabatia bartramii, Scleria baldwinii, Woodwardia virginica, and Xyris spp.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: See Summary

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information

Synonymy: No information

Comments: None

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G3 (99-12-15): These pond cypress swamps occur in depressions in pine flatwoods in the East Gulf Coastal Plain Ecoregion and probably also in southern Georgia. They are often small in acreage, and in dry years fires in adjacent lands burn through them or into the swamp ecotone. This community type was once thought to be common throughout its range, but most have been degraded or destroyed by silvicultural and agricultural activities (including grazing) and, more recently, by urban development and off-road vehicle traffic ("bogging"). Plowed firebreaks are frequently placed in the swamp ecotones, which prevents fire from extinguishing naturally in the ecotone or, on occasion, burning completely through the swamp, thereby maintaining the open woodland nature of this community. High-quality examples with undisturbed, well-burned ecotones are rare.

High-ranked species: PINGUICULA PLANIFOLIA (G3?)

Element Distribution


States: AL FL GA MS

Crosswalk to State Classifications:

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: USFS (Apalachicola)

Element Sources

References: FNAI 1990, FNAI 1992b, Kindell et al. 1997, NatureServe Ecology - Southeast U.S. unpubl. data

Flatwoods – Wooded Ponds and Dome Swamps

Pond-cypress / Myrtle Dahoon Depression Forest

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Taxodium ascendens / Ilex myrtifolia Depression Forest

Database Code: CEGL007418

Formation: Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest


Element Concept

Summary: This forest, dominated by a moderate to dense canopy of Taxodium ascendens over Ilex myrtifolia, occurs in depressions on the Coastal Plain from southern North Carolina south to panhandle and peninsular Florida, and west to Alabama and Louisiana. Other characteristic species in the canopy, which can occasionally share dominance with Taxodium ascendens are Nyssa biflora and (from southeastern South Carolina south) Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Other common species in this community are Nyssa biflora, Magnolia virginiana, Acer rubrum, Persea palustris, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Cyrilla racemiflora, Clethra alnifolia, Lyonia lucida, Dulichium arundinaceum, Osmunda cinnamomea, Pontederia cordata, Boehmeria cylindrica, Triadenum spp., Brasenia schreberi, Nymphoides spp., Nuphar lutea, Cabomba caroliniana, Potamogeton spp., Rhynchospora macrostachya, Rhynchospora inundata, Carex glaucescens, Carex spp., Utricularia spp., Juncus spp., Polygonum spp., and Hydrocotyle spp. Typical occurrences have a mostly closed canopy, little understory with shrubs and herbs established on fallen logs, tree bases or areas where the substrate is elevated. Deep areas may have rooted aquatics and surface water will be present for extended periods of the year.

Environment: This forest occurs in depressions on the Coastal Plain from southern North Carolina south to panhandle and peninsular Florida, and west to Alabama and Louisiana.

Vegetation: Stands are dominated by a moderate to dense canopy of Taxodium ascendens over Ilex myrtifolia. Other characteristic species in the canopy are Nyssa biflora and (from southeastern South Carolina south) Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Other common species in this community are Nyssa biflora, Magnolia virginiana, Acer rubrum, Persea palustris, Cephalanthus occidentalis, Cyrilla racemiflora, Clethra alnifolia, Lyonia lucida, Dulichium arundinaceum, Osmunda cinnamomea, Pontederia cordata, Boehmeria cylindrica, Triadenum spp., Rhynchospora macrostachya, Rhynchospora inundata, Carex glaucescens, Carex spp., Juncus spp., Polygonum spp., and Hydrocotyle spp. Floating aquatic species include Brasenia schreberi, Nymphoides spp., Nuphar lutea, Cabomba caroliniana, Utricularia spp., and Potamogeton spp.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information


  • IIA10a. Pond Cypress Forest (Allard 1990) B. in part

  • Dome Swamp, Cypress Dome subtype (FNAI 1992b) B. in part

Comments: Represented by plot APAL.56 (NatureServe unpubl. data).

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G3? (97-08-15):

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This forest occurs in the Coastal Plain from southern North Carolina south to panhandle and peninsular Florida, and west to Alabama and Louisiana.


Crosswalk to State Classifications:

  • AL: Pond Cypress Pond Forest (AL 1993)

  • FL: Dome Swamp, in part (FL 1992)

  • GA: Cypress/Gum Pond, in part (GA 1990)

  • LA?: Slash Pine-Pond Cypress/Hardwood Forest, in part (LA 1996)

  • MS: No equivalent? (MS 1994)

  • NC: Small Depression Pond, in part (NC 1990)

  • SC: Pond Cypress Pond (SC 1986)

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 55:C, 56:C, 57:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bh:CCC, 232Br:CCC, 232Ca:CCC, 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Fort Stewart); USFS (Apalachicola, Conecuh, Croatan, De Soto, Francis Marion, Ocala, Osceola)

Element Sources

References: Allard 1990, Ambrose 1990a, FNAI 1992a, FNAI 1992b, Nelson 1986, Oberholster 1993, Schafale and Weakley 1990, Smith 1996a

Upland Depression Shrub Ponds

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