National Forests in Florida Final Report

East Gulf Coastal Plain Blackgum Dome Swamp

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East Gulf Coastal Plain Blackgum Dome Swamp

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Nyssa biflora / Ilex myrtifolia / Carex glaucescens - Eriocaulon compressum Forest

Database Code: CEGL004720

Formation: Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest


Element Concept

Summary: The canopy of this East Gulf Coastal Plain dome swamp community is strongly dominated by Nyssa biflora, often with scattered Taxodium ascendens, and sometimes low canopy height Ilex myrtifolia. The subcanopy is poorly developed, and consists of Ilex myrtifolia and Cyrilla parvifolia. Magnolia virginiana and Persea palustris may be present. Shrubs are typically not present or, at least, not abundant, but may include Lyonia lucida, Clethra alnifolia, Hypericum chapmanii, Hypericum brachyphyllum, Smilax laurifolia, and Smilax walteri. The herbaceous layer includes Eriocaulon compressum, Eriocaulon decangulare var. decangulare, Carex glaucescens, Lycopodiella alopecuroides, Coreopsis nudata, Juncus repens, Sabatia bartramii, Rhynchospora spp., Rhexia spp., Xyris spp., Woodwardia virginica, and Erigeron vernus. Tillandsia bartramii can be an abundant epiphyte. This association occurs in small seasonally to semipermanently flooded depressions surrounded by Pinus palustris - Pinus elliottii var. elliottii flatwoods. Fire periodically burns into the Nyssa ponds.

Environment: See Summary

Vegetation: The canopy of stands is strongly dominated by Nyssa biflora, often with scattered Taxodium ascendens, and sometimes low canopy height Ilex myrtifolia. The subcanopy is poorly developed, and consists of Ilex myrtifolia and Cyrilla parvifolia. Magnolia virginiana and Persea palustris may be present. Shrubs are typically not present or, at least, not abundant, but may include Lyonia lucida, Clethra alnifolia, Hypericum chapmanii, Hypericum brachyphyllum, Smilax laurifolia, and Smilax walteri. The herbaceous layer includes Eriocaulon compressum, Eriocaulon decangulare var. decangulare, Carex glaucescens, Lycopodiella alopecuroides, Coreopsis nudata, Juncus repens, Sabatia bartramii, Rhynchospora spp., Rhexia spp., Xyris spp., Woodwardia virginica, and Erigeron vernus. Tillandsia bartramii can be an abundant epiphyte.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations:

  • Nyssa biflora / Itea virginica - Cephalanthus occidentalis Depression Forest (CEGL007434)--more widespread.


  • IIA10b. Swamp Tupelo Pond Forest (Allard 1990) B. in part

Comments: Also see I.C.3.N.d for dome swamps with Pinus elliottii var. elliottii.

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G2G3 (97-06-19): Hydrologic alterations are the biggest threat to this type. Past ditching and draining have altered many examples. ORV traffic also poses a threat to vegetation and to the integrity of the hardpan underlying dome swamps. Fire is essential for the maintenance of a dome swamp community. Without periodic fires, hardwood invasion and peat accumulation can convert the swamp to bottomland forest or bog. Because these communities are typically wetter in the winter, burns during this time of year usually prove ineffective in maintaining this community.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This type is known from the East Gulf Coastal Plain of the United States.

States: AL FL GA?

Crosswalk to State Classifications:

  • FL: Dome Swamp, in part (FL 1992)

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 56:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Ca:CCC, 232Dc:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Eglin); USFS (Apalachicola, Conecuh, Osceola)

Element Sources

References: Allard 1990, FNAI 1992a

Flatwoods – Wooded Ponds and Dome Swamps

Sandhills Ogeechee Tupelo Depression

Element Identifiers

NVCS association: Nyssa ogeche - (Nyssa biflora) Forest

Database Code: CEGL004718

Formation: Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest


Element Concept

Summary: This association is dominated by Nyssa ogeche, with some Nyssa biflora and Acer rubrum. It occurs in poorly developed sinkhole depressions in the Coastal Plain of Florida and Georgia, and is flooded long enough to preclude the presence of a significantly developed herb layer.

Environment: This association occurs in poorly developed sinkhole depressions in the Coastal Plain of Florida and Georgia, and stands are flooded long enough to preclude the presence of a significantly developed herb layer.

Vegetation: This association is dominated by Nyssa ogeche, with some Nyssa biflora and Acer rubrum.

Dynamics: See Summary

Similar Associations: No information


  • IIA10b. Swamp Tupelo Pond Forest (Allard 1990) B. in part

Comments: None

Conservation Ranking & Rare Species

GRank: G2? (01-03-28): This association is restricted to sinkhole depressions in the Coastal Plain of Florida and Georgia.

High-ranked species: No information

Element Distribution

Range: This association is restricted to sinkhole depressions in the Coastal Plain of Florida and Georgia.

States: FL GA

Crosswalk to State Classifications: Not yet cross-referenced to state classifications

TNC Ecoregions: 53:C, 55:?, 56:C

USFS Ecoregions: 232Bg:CCC, 232Ca:CCC, 232Cb:CCC

Federal Lands: DOD (Fort Stewart); USFS (Apalachicola)

Element Sources

References: Allard 1990

Flatwoods – Wooded Ponds and Dome Swamps

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