National fsa training Module 18: Impact assessment studies

Economic impact assessments

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Source: Adapted from Matata et al., 2001
Economic impact assessments

Some 20-30 years ago, development projects were largely the product of engineers and economists (Rashid, 1998). A combination of technical criteria and internal rates of return determined project design. Whilst the objective was poverty alleviation, the main focus was essentially on increase in production, particularly in the agricultural sector. Economic impact assessments generally estimate the economic benefits produced as a result of the interventions under study (Cost-Benefit Analysis, Rates of Return). The methods employed in economic evaluations often ignored social, environmental and institutional effects.

Social and environmental impact assessments

Since the 1980’s, social and institutional aspects did get a toehold in the thinking about project design and evaluation. Gender and environmental issues started to get wider attention as from the mid-eighties. Social and environmental impact assessments are concerned with the broader effects of a research project or activity on society and the natural environment. Such assessments go beyond the examination of economic returns and look at the effects on such things as cash flow, labour, or health. Especially the introduction of environmental and gender impact assessment studies has pulled the assessment of projects away from the sphere of economic appraisal only.

Towards a more integrated approach

With increasing concerns for social and environmental issues, several specific impact assessment-screening tools came to co-exist. In addition to CBA and EIA we can mention: Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Gender Assessment Study (GAS) and Poverty Assessment (PA). This gave rise to a rather poorly co-ordinated aspect-by-aspect approach that has several weaknesses: ignoring interdependencies between sectors, misjudgement of impacts and oversight of valuable alternative solutions. This has led towards increased interest for crosscutting issues and a movement towards more integration. However, many conceptual problems remain for integrating thematic assessments (Scholten and Post, 1998).

Difficulties related to impact assessment studies

Assessing the effects of innovations is complex. Several difficulties can be encountered:

  • First, there are measuring problems. It is quite difficult to measure changes in yield, production, nutritional status, and erosion, and it requires costly fieldwork and analysis. Agricultural research organisations often lack the personnel and operating funds needed for this, especially when several growing seasons are required for changes to be measured in most yield and production systems. Trends in dry land agriculture, for example, cannot be measured in a few cropping seasons.

  • Attribution problems. Second, even where a change can be measured, it is extremely difficult to attribute it to specific research activities. For example, in an area where potato yields or milk production has increased, how can the contribution of research versus that of extension, credit programs, and improvements in market conditions be estimated?

  • Time lags. Third, research managers, policymakers, donors, and the public all tend to be impatient and to want impact estimates when research is still underway or has just recently been completed. This is neither realistic nor possible. There is often a considerable time lag, first from the start of research to the release of a technology and from the start of dissemination to the impact at farm level.

  • Assumptions and simplifications. Impact assessments generally employ scientific methods drawn from economics and the social sciences and often use indirect indicators of impact because the effects of technology on farm-level production, nutritional status, pollution, and the like cannot be directly measured. To cope with this problem, production-function models are often used to estimate the effects of research or technology on production, incomes, and associated variables. Numerous assumptions are also often made to overcome data limitations and to simplify economic models.

  • Scepticism. Research managers and policymakers tend to be sceptical of the data and methods used in impact assessment. They may also find the reports difficult to understand, interpret, and apply. This highlights the need to pay close attention to data quality, and to make special efforts to summarise the findings. It is extremely important for results and recommendations to be presented in terms that are meaningful to policymakers, managers, and scientists.

  • Decorative use. Often, the impact study is actually not more than just an administrative requirement and policy makers (already having taken their decisions) never considered to use the results anyway. This is the fate of many environmental impact studies and gender impact studies. Also, donors have thematic policies (gender, environment, culture, equity, institutional capacity) for which they require regular baseline and impact studies. In practice, the results of these studies are hardly used (Scholten and Post, 1998).

The future of impact assessment studies is not very clear. If the donor focus is on sector approaches, there is a possibility that thematic impact assessment studies (and the problems related to the aspect-by-aspect approach) will prevail. If the focus is on higher-level goals like poverty alleviation, the tendency towards an integrated approach to impact assessments may be strengthened.

18.7 Rural livelihoods and adoption of innovations in Tanzania
A livelihood is the way people in a certain environment sustain a living. It is the outcome of people making decisions on the best possible use they can make of available resources. Resource endowments and entitlement relations are crucial in this context. Sen (1981) distinguishes entitlement relations based on trade, production, own-labour and inheritance or transfer. A person can exchange what he owns for something else. A person will be exposed to poverty or starvation if the ownership that he actually has, does not contain any feasible bundle including enough food to eat or enough money to be beyond the poverty line. Or in the famous words of Sen: Starvation is the characteristic of some people not having enough food to eat. It is not the characteristic of there being not enough food to eat (1981: 1). In the same way poverty is the characteristic of people not having enough income (in kind and in cash). It is not the characteristic of there being not enough money available in the economy.
The core of each rural livelihood is the production system where people use their commodity bundles (land, labour, capital and information) to attain their objectives. A livelihood is reflected by the (agricultural, off-farm, housekeeping and communal) activities in which people are engaged, as well as the output of these activities, whether for home consumption or sale on the market. The advantage of a livelihood system perspective is that it starts with the views and activities of the farmers. It also goes beyond a limited focus on the agricultural production side only because it has an eye for both farm and off-farm activities, production and marketing, returns to units of land and labour, income maximisation and risk reduction.
In Tanzania, more than four million households in the rural areas are engaged in small-scale agriculture. These households produce about 75% of the total agricultural production. More than 60 percent of the rural populations live in absolute poverty. Considering the quantity and quality of natural resources as well as the available economic opportunities, it is evident that actual levels of land and labour productivity are well below what they could be. Average yields per hectare are low and for most major crops they could easily double. Increasing productivity and using labour saving technologies are crucial components of efforts to alleviate poverty in the country.
Many adequate and profitable technologies are available in Tanzania (and in addition many others are on the shelf). Most of these technologies have been released based on attributes like high yield, early maturity and taste. Economic assessment of these technologies has not been sufficiently integrated with the process of agricultural technology development. However, some of these technologies like improved maize and bean varieties, the use of animal draught power for ploughing and weeding, and dairy farming may proof to be profitable (Limbu, 1999). However, the examination of many indicators suggests that four decades after independence the use of modern agricultural technology is not a common practice.

According to the 1994-95 National Sample Census of Agriculture out of every ten households:

  • Three use improved seeds

  • Four use farm yard manure

  • Two use chemical fertiliser (and this is mainly in seven out of 20 regions)

  • Three use pesticides, insecticides or herbicides

  • Six receive advice of extension agents

The common farm implement owned by all holders is the hand hoe. Out of ten holders:

  • Eight own an axe and a big knife

  • Seven a mortar

  • Five a grinding stone

  • One a plough

Out of thousand holders:

  • Four own harrows

  • One a tractor

  • Five get agricultural credit

  • Three carry out irrigation (mainly in three regions).

Tanzania has made little use of the rich livestock resources:

  • Draught oxen represent 5% of the total cattle population, improved dairy cattle only 2.5%

  • Animal traction is used on 20% of the cultivated land. Although weeds constitute one of most serious barriers to increased agricultural production, this is even less for weeding.

  • Despite its large herd, Tanzania is a net importer of dairy products. Per capita milk production (20-28 litres) is well below the African average (35 litres) and Kenyan levels (44 litres).

Despite serious threats to the natural resource base, adoption rates of soil fertility management, water conservation and erosion control measures are still very low.

More than ten years ago, it was already noted that “despite the sizeable research network, Tanzania research services have not been able to fulfil their role in developing appropriate technological packages for farmers” (URT, 1991: 13). The major problems are poor stakeholder involvement, weak research-extension linkages, inadequate funding, low staff motivation, insufficient output, insufficient adoptability analysis, poor co-ordination and backstopping, fragmentation and poor co-ordination of the research system.

Of course research cannot be held responsible for the situation of the agricultural sector. It is clear that many problems related to the low adoption level of agricultural technology lie outside the domain of the national agricultural research system. According to Limbu, the major factors hindering poverty alleviation through improved agricultural technologies are the limited scale of production, low producer prices, disfunctioning and partial collapse of seed multiplication system, high input prices, lack of credit facilities, institutional weaknesses and a lack of aspirations. The extension systems have not worked according to the expectation of beneficiaries, inputs were not available or were too costly, farmers lacked information or had a set point of satisfaction and would not make an effort to produce more (Limbu, 1999). All these factors reinforce each other. The neglect of the rural people by the bureaucracy, manifested in various malfunctionings and failures of established systems, has over time led to a dangerous vicious cycle of effects: low productivity, little production and reduced income, diminishing purchasing power, economic and social deprivation, degeneration of incentives, frustration and apathy, less production, less income, growing poverty, low productivity etc.
It seems that only a radical review of current practices may lead to improvement. The major challenge is to bridge the research-extension gap and to create an enabling environment. An enabling environment for scientists to deliver KIT (knowledge, information and technologies), for extension to communicate effectively with all segments of the farming community, and for farmers to be able to adopt innovation and to invest in their enterprises.
The specific challenge for agricultural research institutes is to position itself as innovation centres working closely together with the private sector, local authorities and extension services, both GO and NGO. To examine the performance of research, it is important that appropriate, intermediate indicators are used. These intermediate indicators would highlight the output of agricultural research (such as new varieties and planting material, new agricultural practices, leaflets, training modules and other extension materials, trained extension personnel, etc.). In addition, appropriate indicators have to be determined for the performance of extension. Last but not least, a good system of monitoring of actual farm practices and other indices related to agricultural development have to be developed.
Recent policy documents (Vision 2025, Poverty reduction strategy, public sector reform, agricultural sector development strategy and plan, Client service charter of MAFS and many others) indicate that a serious rethinking of the Agricultural Technology Development and Dissemination System is now underway. The hope is now focused on the effective implementation of new policies which have the potential to lead to better results, i.e. dissemination, adoption and positive effects of agricultural innovations.

Key terminology
Adoptability analysis Analysis of the likelihood that a proposed technology or an innovation will be adopted.
Adoption Incorporation of new elements in an existing situation; adoption generally refers to the acceptance of innovations.
Adoption study Study of the level of the uptake of technologies or innovations by targeted beneficiaries.
Approaches towards adoption studies There are two major approaches:

  • Interpretative approach Research approach that tries to understand a situation from within, as if through the eyes of the people under study.

  • Survey approach Research approach that compares the characteristics of people showing certain behaviour (for instance adoption of innovation) with people without that behaviour. Different characteristics of these groups are supposed to give insights to the understanding of different behaviour patterns.

Evaluation Analysis of effectiveness, efficiency, quality and relevance of activities. Ex-ante evaluation takes place at the beginning of a project cycle, it addresses planned activities. Ex-post evaluation is situated at the end of the project cycle; it addresses already implemented activities.
Impact assessment Evaluation of effects (of certain activities on certain situations). Often, specific impact assessments are distinguished: Environmental impact assessment, Social impact assessment, Gender impact analysis, Poverty assessments.
Innovation An idea, method or object, which is regard as new by an individual, but which is not always the result of recent research. An innovation has two components: the hardware and the software.
Livelihood The way people in a certain environment sustain a living.
Monitoring The process of comparing what actually takes place in comparison to what was planned, with the objective to improve performance and (if necessary) to take timely corrective action.
Objectively verifiable indicator (OVI) An indicator for which the same value can be determined by different persons.
Opinion leaders Persons within a community who tend to influence the opinions and decisions of other community members.
Pre-impact screening Analysis of the potential (positive and negative) effects that are likely to occur after the implementation of a proposed technology or innovation.
Alreck, P.L; and R.B. Settle (1985). The survey research handbook. Homewood, Illinois.
Ashby, J.A. (1990). Evaluating technologies with farmers: A Handbook. Cali, Colombia: Centro International de Agricultural Tropical.
Ban, A.W. van den and H.S. Hawkins (1988). Agricultural extension. Harlow, Essex: Longman.
Bisanda, S. and W. Mwangi (1997). Farmer's adoption of improved maize technologies in Mbeya region of the southern highlands of Tanzania. In: Ransom, J.K.; A.F.E. Palmer, B.T. Zambezi, Z.O. Mduruma, S.R. Waddington, K.V. Pixley, and D.C. Jewel (eds). Maize productivity gains through research and technology dissemination: Proceedings of the fifth Eastern and Southern Africa Regional maize conference, held in Arusha, Tanzania, 3-7 June 1996. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: CIMMYT.
Bisanda, S., H. Mwangi, H. Verkuijl, A. J. Moshi and P. Anandajayasekeram (1999). Adoption of Maize Production Technologies in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. CIMMYT and EARO. Maize Production Technology for the Future: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of the Sixth eastern and Southern Africa regional Maize Conference, 21-25 September, 1998, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) and EARO (Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation).
CIMMYT Economics Program (1993). The Adoption of Agricultural Technology: A guide for survey Design. Mexico, D.F.: The World Bank.
David, Groenfeldt and J. Lewinger Moock (1989). Social Science Perspective on managing Agricultural Technology.
Derek, Byerlee and Michael Collinson (1980). Planning technologies Appropriate to Farmers: Concepts and Procedures. CIMMYT, Mexico.
Feder, G.R.E. Just, and D. Zilberman (1985). Adoption of agricultural innovations in Developing Countries: A Survey, Economic Development and Cultural change 33(2):255-298.
Larsen, A. (1974). Agriculture in Sukumaland/Tanzania. Landbrugoekonomiske Studier No. 5. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lavenda, R.H. and E.A. Schultz (2000). Core concepts in cultural anthropology. Mountain View (California): Mayfield Publishing.
Limbu, F. (1999). Agricultural technology: economic viability and poverty alleviation in Tanzania. Paper presented at the Structural transformation policy workshop. Nairobi: ECAPAPA, Tegemeo Institute and Michigan State University.
Lyimo, S.D. (1997). Module 5: Adoption of agricultural technology. Arusha, SARDI. Paper presented for national FSA course.
Maddala, G.S. (1983). Limited - dependant and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics. Cambridge, U.K; Cambridge University Press.
Mafuru, J. and H. van de Meerendonk (1999). Adoption analysis, essential tool for monitoring and evaluation of suitable technologies. Mwanza: LZARDI. Unpublished paper.

Peterson, W. and D. Horton (1997). Impact assessment. Handout 5/14/6 of ISNAR training course on research planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Rashid, H.E. (1998). Impact Assessment of projects – then and now. Paper presented for the workhop on integrated approaches to impact assessment at the 18th Annual meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) in Christchurch, New Zealand, 23 April 1998.
Rogers, E,M. (1983). Diffusion of Innovation. New York, New York: Free Press.
Rosenberg, M. (1968). The logic of survey analysis. New York, New York: Basic Books.
Sen, A. (1981). Poverty and famines. An essay on entitlement and deprivation, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Scholten, J.J. and R.A.M. Post (1998). Strengthening the integrated approach for impact assessments in development cooperation. Commission of Environmental Impact Assessment, The Netherlands.
Smale, M. with Z.H. W. Kaunda, H.L. Makina. M.M.M.K. Mkandawire, M.N.S. Msowoya, D.J.K. Mwale, and P.W. Heisey (1991). Chimanga cha Makolo, Hybrids and composites: An analysis of Farmers' Adoption of Maize Technologies in Malawi, 1989-1991. CIMMYT Economics Working Paper 91/04. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT.
Steenhuysen Piters, B. de (1999). The mathematics of maximum adoption. Arusha: SARI. Unpublished paper.
URT (1991). National Agricultural and Livestock Research Masterplan. Dar es Salaam: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Cooperatives.

Sources of further information
Management Systems International. 600 Water Street, SW, NBU 7-7. Washington DC 20024, USA. Has developed a matrix of research impact indicators for USAID to measure the extent and magnitude of the impact of research and extension projects.
Center for Development Information and Evaluation (CDIE) US Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, DC 20523-1082, USA. CDIE, the evaluation branch of USAID, publishes a newsletter on evaluation and issues reports and guidelines on many aspects of impact assessment, including data collection, indicators, and analysis of qualitative information.
Economic Evaluation Unit, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). GPO Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Carries out ex-ante and ex-post economic impact assessments for ACIAR’s research areas and selected projects. Can provide evaluation reports and guidelines.
Economic Advisor, Secretariat, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA. Can provide information on impact assessment in the CGIAR system.

Further reading
Anderson, J.R. (1992). Measuring the efficacy of international agricultural research. CIMMYT 1991 Annual Report. Centro Internacional de Me-joramiento de Maíz y Trigo, Mexico, DF. Describes ways international research centers can measure their impact. Details the results of an ongoing assessment of CIMMYT’s impact.
Anderson, J.R., Herdt, R.W. and Scobie, G.M. (1988). Science and food: The CGIAR and its partners. The World Bank, Washington, DC. An assessment of the impact of the CGIAR system and collaborating NARS.

Presents background information on international agricultural research centers, discusses their impact on agriculture through work in plant breeding and farming methods, and assesses changes in human resources and the capacity of national organizations.

Avila, A.F.D., Irias, L.J.M. and Paiva, R.M. (1985). The socio-economic impact of investments in research by EMBRAPA: Results obtained, profitability and future prospects. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Brasilia. One of several impact studies carried out by EMBRAPA.

Analyzes the socio-economic impact of investments in agricultural research. Focuses on actual and potential benefits and on the social rate of return to these investments.

Biswas, A.K. and Geping, Q. (1987). Environmental impact assessment for developing countries. Tycooly, London.

A collection of papers on environmental impact assessment. Includes methodological guidelines and case study reports.

Carley, M.J. and Bustelo, E.S. (1984). Social impact assessment and monitoring: A guide to the literature. Social Impact Assessment Series 7. Westview, Boulder.

An extensive literature review designed and organized to be of direct practical use to students, teachers, and practitioners responsible for organizing social impact assessment (SIA). SIA is viewed as a response to the ever-growing need for full and open information and involvement in decision-making. Summarizes views on a large number of topics related to SIA and includes numerous references.

Echeverría, R.G. (ed.) (1990). Methods for diagnosing research system constraints and assessing the impact of agricultural research. Vol. 2, Assessing the impact of agricultural research. International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague.

Papers on impact assessment concepts, experiences, and results. Topics include impact of international agricultural research centers, impact of research on food quality, impact of private- and public-sector research, impact of farming systems research, an evaluation of research extension in Peru, and an assessment of the impact of research on pasture and cassava improvement in Latin America. Covers both ex ante and ex post assessments.

Graham-Tomasi, T. (1991). Sustainability: Concepts and implications for agricultural research policy. In: Pardey, P.G., Roseboom, J. and Anderson, J.R. (eds), Agricultural research policy: International quantitative perspectives. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

An overview of basic issues and concepts related to sustain-ability. Outlines research policy issues and discusses the measurement of sustainability. Useful background reading for environmental impact assessment.

Horton, D.E. (1986). Assessing the impact of international research and development programs. World Development 14, 453-468.

Issues related to impact assessment for international agri-cultural research centers. Presents an interdisciplinary approach to the review and assessment of accomplishments.

Kariuku, J.G. (1990). The economic impact of the adoption of hybrid maize in Swaziland. Farming Systems and Resource Economics in the Tropics 9. Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, Kiel, Germany.

Uses a survey of 245 homesteads as well as secondary data to assess the diffusion of hybrid maize varieties and their impact. Concludes with an assessment of macro-level benefits and costs.

Menz, K.M. (1991). Overview of economic assessments1-12. Australian Centre for International cultural Research, Canberra.

A summary of economic assessments of 12 successful ACIAR project areas. The paper concludes that the benefits from these 12 project areas alone are sufficient to recoup all ACIAR project costs to date, even if the remaining 166 projects were to produce no economic benefits at all. The summary confirms the general view that agricultural re-search represents a wise investment of development-assistance funds.

Murphy, J., Casley D. and Curry, J. (1991). Farmers’ estimations as a source of production data: Methodological guidelines for cereals in Africa. Technical Paper No. 132. The World Bank, Washington, DC.

Informative and useful look at estimating impact based on information collected from farmers.

Sperling, L. and Loevinsohn, M.E. (1993). The dynamics of adoption: Distribution and mortality of bean varieties among small farmers in Rwanda. Agricultural Systems 41, 441-453.

An interesting example of an adoption study that analyses the dynamics of farmer-to-farmer distribution of new bean varieties. Outlines a diffusion strategy for improving small farmers’ access to new varieties, recognising that adoption is not a one-time affair and that poorer farmers have particular difficulty in receiving and keeping new cultivars.

Winpenny, J.T. (1991). Values for the environment: A guide to economic appraisal. HMSO, London.

Designed to give economists working in developing countries a summary of the state of the art on the methodology and practice of economic appraisal of environmental impact. Includes a wide range of case studies.

Annex 1: Diffusion and adoption of innovations
(Adapted from Van den Ban and Hawkins 1988. Agricultural extension, p. 100-123)

Innovation and diffusion

Adoption processes

Adopter categories


Diffusion processes

Some implications of adoption research for extension

Limitations of diffusion research

Innovation and diffusion

Extension serves as a link between scientific research and the farmer. Innovations are often developed by this research, sometimes by farmers. An innovation is an idea, method, or object which is regarded as new by an individual, but which is not always the result of recent research. The metric system is still and innovation for some Anglo-Saxon North Americans despite the fact that it was developed about 200 years ago.
Thousands of research reports have been published about the diffusion of innovations, and about how extension clients decide whether to adopt or reject these innovations. The motivation is that extension administrators are often worried about delays in farmers’ use of the research findings. There was a boom in this research in less industrialised countries during the 1960s, because the Ministries of Agriculture saw the need for large numbers of farmers to use the results of scientific agriculture in order to prevent famine and to fight poverty. People wanted to know how the adoption of relevant innovations could be accelerated. Similar concern with the adoption of innovations was expressed in other scientific disciplines.
Interviews with potential users of the innovation generally form the basis of diffusion of studies. The following questions are investigated:

  1. What decision-making pathways do individuals fallow when considering whether or not to adopt an innovation? Which sources on information are important?

  2. What are the differences between people who adopt innovations quickly or slowly?

  3. How do the characteristics of innovations affect the rate of adoption?

  4. How do potential users communicate among themselves about these innovations? Who plays the important role of opinion leader in this communication process?

  5. How does an innovation diffuse through a society over time?

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