National open university of nigeria school of arts and social sciences

These are called voiced sounds 89 Personal Deixis

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ENG223 Discourse Analysis
These are called voiced sounds

Personal Deixis: Personal Deixis are used to refer to the participant roles of the referent in a discourse, such as speaker and addressee. Personal deixis include first person deixis (I, me, we, us, mine, myself, ourselves, etc), second person deixis (you,
your, yours, yourself, yourselves), third person deixis (he, she, they)
Tola can come this evening. She must make sure she sees me
before leaving.

Can you see that book with him The book is mine.
Place Deixis: Place deixis is deictic reference to a location relative to the location of a participant in the speech event, typically the speaker, eg: this, that, here, there.

Please bring the box here. (the location of the speaker)

Once I was blind, but now I see. This is my story.
Time Deixis: This is a deixis that refers to time relative to a temporal reference point. It typically points to the moment of the utterance. Examples are now, then, tomorrow,
yesterday, etc. These are also called temporal adverbs.
14.10 In 1969, my uncle graduated from the university as a medical
doctor. I was
very young then.

Please come to my office tomorrow.(determined by the time the speaker uttered the statement)
Social Deixis: Social deixis refers to the social characteristics or distinctions between the participants in a discourse. Examples are Your Highness, Mr. President, His
Excellency, His Royal Highness, our mentor, etc.
Your excellency, we welcome you to this historic occasion.

Today, we are honouring a man who has helped to shape our
destiny, our mentor, Prof. Promise Brown.

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