Subdirectories are in boldface and files have a Size entry in KB. Table 8-3 Directories under the root-level of the Niagara host. URL Req’d User Rights Description http:///stations general admin-read Contains all station-specific files and subdirectories used by the currently running station. If a Web Supervisor or JACE-NP, may also include subdirectories for other stations. http:///tridium Contains Java class files for different object types. If a Web Supervisor, also doc files. http:///nre Contains important host files and licensing files (in the lib subdirectory). If a JACE-NP or Web Supervisor, also contains all executable for the Niagara Framework (Niagara Runtime Environment). http:///tridiumx Contains subfolders for the various Niagara modules installed on the host, including Java class files and doc subdirectories. http:///backups Exists if the station has the Backup Service. Contains backup zip files for the station database and SQL application database.