Nigeria: Report Gives Details, Says Terrorist Groups Gaining Foothold in Nigeria

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"All we want from you is that you should repent and return to the Way of God. I swear, if not... Look, do not think that it is us you are fighting. You had thought that by killing Mohammed Yusuf the problem had passed, but what happens now? You are still searching for a Mohammed Yusuf! (Clip of Mohammed Yusuf's blood-drenched dead body) Even me who is speaking, maybe I am better off. All we want is to die and go to paradise. We do not care about this world. We pray to Allah to protect us.

"That is the message I wanted to communicate to all people, so that ordinary people could have a rest of mind, to know that wherever we are seen we are not at fault over this issue. We are just fighting those who are fighting us, soldiers and police and the rest; and anybody, even if he is a learned Muslim teacher, if we confirm that he exposes us to the government, his children will become orphans and his wife will become a widow, in God's name. That is our way. But the ordinary people in town, we seek your forgiveness; I swear we will not harm you. We are not really seeking your permission, but God;s support. That's all I wanted to say."

The video showing Shekau fades out just as recitation from the Qur'an in Arabic resumes. The group's logo is shown and, under it in Hausa appears the inscription, "We seek prayers from you, our brethren, with the hope that God will grant us the Islamic realm and help us all".

[Description of Source: Isheri Nigerian Compass Online in English -- Website of the privately owned newspaper close to former Rivers State Governor Peter Odili; URL:]

CAR: Chadian Rebel Allegedly Declined Al-Qaida Offer of Huge Money to Join Them

AFP20110915678001 Bangui Centrafrique-presse Online in French 14 Sep 11

[Exclusive Interview with Chadian dissident General Baba Laddé, head of the Popular Front for Renewal (RPF) by Omar Kateb Yacine culled from; 14 Sep: "Dialogue is the only way out of the impasse in Guinea and its socio-political contradictions"]

Le Jour - General Abdel Kader whose war name is Baba Laddé is a dissident of the Chadian regime. Arrested in 1998 for an alleged coup d'état against Deby, who himself came to power through armed rebellion in 1990, General Baba Laddé, head of the Popular Front for Renewal (RPF) is now hiding in the Central African forest, a country bordering Chad. This Fulani pedigree is a trained gendarme and his war-name Baba Laddé comes from the Fulani language. According to him it means ''the king of the forest' or ''Father of the bush, meaning the lion, normally called king of the bush. Academically, he holds an "A" level certificate in (Administrative Technology) from the Lycée Technique Commercial of Ndjamena. For years, he fought against the totalitarian regime of Idriss Déby to, according to him, establish a democratic government that promotes good governance, equitable sharing of national resources, justice and peace among all components of Chad. But his ideal goes beyond the borders of his native Chad. The head of the FPR of Chad deplores the fate suffered by the Fulani in African states like the Central African Republic, Mauritania, Guinea-Conakry, etc ... For more information on the intentions of General Baba Laddé, we approached him and he gladly granted us this exclusive interview. ...

Editor's note: Information not yet confirmed report that the Armed Forces of Central African Republic [FACA] attacked the Baba Laddé's camp near Kaga-Bandoro on Wednesday.

[Le Jour] Since when are you in rebellion against the government in N'Djamena and why?

[General Baba Laddé] [GBL} We openly went into rebellion since 1998 because of many reasons related to social injustice suffered by the people in general and particularly by the Fulani. As you know, since Idriss Deby's taking of power in 1990, the members of his clan commit abuses and violations of human rights against Chadians with impunity. Never are they reprimanded neither by the judiciary nor by the political and administrative authorities of our country. Faced with this intolerable situation, only a popular uprising is imperative! For this reason we have opted for armed struggle against this unpopular regime just like other Chadian groups who have gone underground.

[Le Jour] Since when does your movement FPR exist?

[GBL} The Popular Front for Renewal (FPR) has been existence since 1998.

[Le Jour] What is wrong with President Deby?

[GBL} Like all Chadians, we blame Idriss Deby for his clannish management of power, for his lack of democratic values, bad governance and socio-economic policy in Chad. He is also the perpetrator and responsible for unacceptable violations of human rights. Several opponents, journalists and human rights activists have been cruelly killed by bullets of his presidential guard, composed mainly of his Zaghawa ethnic group.

[Le Jour] Why are you in Central African Republic and not in Chad?

[GBL} Because of strategic reasons; for security reasons we decline to disclose things to the public.

[Le Jour] Your men are accused of terrorizing civilians. What do you say?

[GBL} Remember Hissein Habré was called a thief of camels and a bandit. Mandela, Arafat, and those who defended a just cause are always described as terrorists and guerrillas, even with pejorative words.

So back to your question, we say that such information is completely false and unfounded because the FPR is a people's movement which defends them against arbitrariness and impunity from which they suffer. Accusing us of abuses is trying to tarnish our image of honest men who are campaigning for social justice and respect for human dignity in both Chad and beyond our borders. Actually that's what worries our political opponents. The FPR is against these false and crude allegations perpetrated by N'Djamena and Bangui.

[Le Jour] What seems to oppose you to the regime of President Bozize?

[GBL} You will agree with us that President Bozize is a product of Idriss Deby, who catapulted him to power in 2003 as head of CAR by ousting the late President Ange Felix Patasse, though democratically elected by the Central African people. He is indebted to Idriss Deby against whose autocratic and illegitimate power the FPR is fighting.

[Le Jour] You were kidnapped in 2009 and delivered to N'Djamena. How did you manage to escape?

[GBL} Yes! I was kidnapped by the Central Intelligence Service when I was negotiating in Bangui. They delivered me to Ndjamena without the knowledge of the International and the Central African human rights organizations which nonetheless were sponsoring the peace talks. You are aware that I am a well trained soldier. You can imagine the rest!

[Le Jour] What are the real demands of the FPR?

[GBL} The FPR is demanding more democracy, transparency in the management of natural resources, totally squandered by Idriss Deby and his family, more justice and respect the for basic rights of the individual, changeover in power through democratic and legal means. The FPR is also demanding a limitation of the presidential mandate because, you know, Idriss Deby blew up the lock limiting the presidential mandate so as to remain indefinitely at the head of the country against the people's will. In this sense, the FPR said NO!

[Le Jour] How many men do you have at your disposal?

[GBL} For strategic reasons, the FPR regrets to give you the strength of our men. However, we have the military resources for our political ambitions in Chad.

[Le Jour] Who funds the RPF?

[GBL} Your question is curious! But we are sorry we can't give you an answer so as to protect our national and international partners who support our cause and struggle.

[Le Jour] Recently in a statement, you said that the FPR that you lead is defending the cause of the Fulani in the world. Why?

[GBL} It is a general observation that the Fulani are the most marginalized and vulnerable people in Africa. So it is legitimate we plead their cause at all levels so as to end the politics of exclusion, denial, stateless people of which the Fulani is a victim of regimes in Africa (Guinea, Mauritania, Chad, Central African ... ... etc.

[Le Jour] You say that you will help the Fulani who are victims in some African countries within a humanitarian framework. What does it mean?

[GBL} Note that the Fulani are usually victims of spoliation of their cattle by armed men and other thugs. This is happening in Chad and all over Africa. We denounce these acts that are real barriers to community integration and peace among the various social components of our countries. That is why the FPR is talking about a humanitarian framework to help restore the legitimate rights of all these victims.

[Le Jour] With such a position for your community, don't you fear "retaliation" from other leaders of countries harboring members of this community?

[GBL} Retaliation exists already. We have raised this issue above. So we have to resolve the situation by challenging those who abuse their power by oppressing and suppressing other people. In our minds and reasoning this position is logical for social justice.

[Le Jour] In the same statement you admitted being contacted by representatives of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the Boko Haram of Nigeria, the Islamic Front of Chad of Ahmat Tidjani Ismael Bichara, the Somali Shebab and Al Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula (AQAP) which proposed to you millions of Euros to make an Islamist rebellion in the Central African Republic and Chad, and you refused. Can you be more explicit?

[GBL} Admittedly, our cause differs widely from theirs. The FPR does not make any confusion in its political demands. Therefore, we declined these proposals. The FPR is firmly against these extremist factions so as to stay in a conventional and defensible struggle. We take this opportunity to condemn all these terrorist groups.

[Le Jour] You opt for a tolerant Islam. Why, does your movement the FPR refers to religion for the conquest of power?

[GBL} Of course, Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. The FPR is not taking advantage of a religious leverage as main argument for the conquest of political power because we work for the dialogue of religion and culture among people.

[Le Jour] Still referring to the same statement, you mentioned that you are in a cease-fire with Déby's forces, but it would be broken if the forces of Al-Qadhafi from Libya penetrated into Chad. Now that the Guide is defeated, does it mean that the cease-fire is broken with the government of Chad?

[GBL} In any case with Idriss Deby, one must expect anything so we are not going to be less careful because he is capable of anything at any time. He is known for his many violations of the peace agreement with his opponents both civilian and military. Certainly, we are sincere, but we are careful with this man!

[Le Jour] What do you think of the Habré case that seems to drag on?

[GBL} None of the African leaders wants such a thing because all trails behind them criminal cases. For them it is not necessary to establish a court for former African heads of state. This is the crux of the matter concerning the blocking of the Habré trial.

[Le Jour] To make peace with N'Djamena, what do you want from President Déby?

[GBL} He better quits power! This would open the door to political stability, the return of all political and politico-military Chadian exiles for national reconciliation and ultimately a lasting peace.

[Le Jour] If an agreement is signed between the FPR and the regime in power, are you ready to go home and change your movement into a political party to gain power through the ballot box?

[GBL} Absolutely, it is because in Chad, the political environment is unhealthy. This explains our commitment to military action. But if we get to clean up the Chadian political landscape, the FPR could be transformed into a political party for the democratic conquest of power.

[Le Jour] What else can you tell us?

[GBL} The FPR is concerned about the current socio-political situation in Guinea. Information we have received in the press here in the bush, draw our attention to the real risks of collapse of this country. Therefore, the FPR is making an urgent appeal to President Alpha Condé to get rid of the old demons of division and hatred of others for peace and political stability in Guinea-Conakry, a brother country. Dialogue is the only way out of the impasse of Guinea and its socio-political contradictions.

[Le Jour] Thank you, General Baba Laddé for granting us this interview.

[GBL} It is I who must thank you for your interest in our struggle.

[Description of Source: Paris Centrafrique-presse Online in French -- Blog operated by Paris-based Prosper Ndouba, ex-President Patasse's former communication advisor; URL:]

Intelligence Report Reveals Islamic Sect's Plot To Conduct Attacks in Nigeria

AFP20110926581001 Ibadan Nigerian Tribune Online in English 26 Sep 11

[Unattributed report: "Boko Haram Plots Suicide Bombing Oct 1 -Intelligence Report; CBN, NNPC Towers, Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Federal Secretariat Prime Targets; As FG Puts Security Agencies on Red Alert; May Cancel Independence Anniversary Parade"]

THE terrorist Islamic group, Boko Haram, appears not willing to let go of its sinister plot to wreak a monumental havoc on the nation to avenge the military onslaught against the group, with intelligence report showing that the group has earmarked between Monday, September 26 and Saturday, October 1, 2011, when Nigeria would be celebrating its 51st independence, as the period to hit some of their selected targets.

Nigerian Tribune gathered that security agencies have unmasked plots by the group to use two brand of vehicles, a Nissan Sunny salon car with registration Abuja-CL 735 ABJ and an Audi new model with Kaduna number plate, as the cars with which to possibly carry out their next suicide attacks on 'very important government targets' in the Federal Capital Territory.

Among these targets, the source said, are the NNPC Towers in Abuja; Central Bank of Nigeria headquarters; the Federal Ministry of Finance; Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Army barracks and mammy markets in Abuja; Federal Secretariat Complex; the National Assembly; Supreme Court; Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and the Nigeria Police headquarters.

It was reliably gathered by security agencies that their target at the Police Headquarters is yet to be accomplished, even after the earlier attack in June this year.

Subsequently, Nigerian Tribune gathered that a new security alert has gone out to all military, police and other security agencies to be alive to their responsibilities and not switch off for any moment as the sect appeared determined to carry out their destardly act.

Asked if states earmarked for attack by the group particularly those in the Niger Delta should downgrade the threat by the sect, now that it had narrowed its plots to attacking government assets in Abuja, the security source said.

"It will be a big mistake as the group was very good at elements of surprise. When you begin to think all is well, that their minds were focused on a different target, that is when they strike at you."

Also, Nigerian Tribune gathered that an army general has been assigned following controversies over the release of one of the Boko Haram's leader, Ali Tishau, who was purportedly released to one of the military security agencies by the police from where he gained his freedom.

The source said that the government had taken a serious view of the action of the said general, as his organisation is one of those government was looking up to seriously to help it in tackling the Boko Haram menace in the country.

Meanwhile, worried by the security implications of the terrorist activities of the Boko Haram, the Federal Government may have cancelled the Independence Day parade scheduled to be hold at the Eagle Square, Abuja, on October 1.

An impeccable presidency source, who revealed this to the Nigerian Tribune in Abuja, at the weekend, said the action became necessary, following what was described as "bad security reports" from the nation's security agencies.

It will be recalled that during last year's celebration, there were two multiple bomb blasts in Abuja, shortly after the visiting foreign heads of governments and President Goodluck Jonathan arrived at the Eagle Square.

Already, a visit to the Eagle Square, venue of the celebration, showed that there was no sign of preparations at all, while the usual rehearsals by military and paramilitary organisations, which normally take place at the square, were absent.

Nigerian Tribune's source revealed that the security agencies reportedly advised the Federal Government to allow this year's celebrations to be on a low key and to further save Nigeria from international embarrassment that any blast on the Independence Day would cause the nation, should the Boko Haram sect carried out threats to cause further mayhem during the celebration.

It was gathered that the security agencies further based their reports on the recent incessant bombings in the country, especially the Police Force headquarters and the Un ited Nations (UN) Abuja office, which had further proved that the Boko Haram sect was unrepentant and which would make Nigeria look unsafe to the international community.

According to the source, "no world leader will like to come to Nigeria at this particular time for any Independence Day celebration, because of the recent security challenges in the country. Up till now, we have no clue about those behind these incessant bombings and how to stop them. We don't want to take chances, they did it last year and they will want to repeat same, going by their daring posture in recent times."

The source could, however, not confirm whether similar parades at the state and local government levels would be affected by the cancellation at the national level.

[Description of Source: Ibadan Nigerian Tribune Online in English -- Website of the privately owned daily; URL:]

Nigeria: Anxiety Trails Boko Haram's Alleged Infiltration of Security Agencies

AFP20110926686005 Port Harcourt The Tide in English 26 Sep 11 p 6

[Report by Andy Osakwe: "Boko Haram Members Infiltrate Nation's Security Network"]

There are fears in government circles that some members of the Boko Haram sect may have infiltrated the security agencies in the country. This is coming as suspicions have arisen that some former intelligence chiefs and officers may be behind the sect.

Investigations showed that there is concern in government and among some security agencies over Boko Haram’s intelligence network which has made it difficult to unmask or crack the sect.

According to findings, some security reports have confirmed that Boko Haram members appear to be a step ahead of security agencies fuelling speculations of infiltration of security agencies.

It was learnt that Borno State has remained under intermittent siege of Boko Haram due to the alleged infiltration.

It was gathered that the government is worried that Boko Haram continued to launch attacks on their targets despite the presence of the Joint Task Force [JTF] in Borno. A top source, who spoke in confidence, said: "We are suspecting infiltration of security agencies by Boko Haram members. They seem to have more intelligence information on our security agencies than we had thought. And the manner in which they beat security agencies to attack point to some moles within the security network. Some security operatives have not risen above ethnic and religious persuasions. We think such operatives might be leaking information." The source added, "If there are no moles, why will a security chief release a Boko Haram leader in detention? This infiltration is being addressed. I won’t say more than this."

Responding to a question, the source continued: "We are working on a theory that some former intelligence chiefs and officers might have been providing back-up support for Boko Haram. The guerrilla type of operation and use of sophisticated arms have buttressed this bend of probe into Boko Haram.".

The source however promised that the government would eventually smash Boko Haram, no matter what it takes. He said: "The Chief of Defense Staff, Air Marshal Olusheyi Petinrin and other security chiefs are already reshaping intelligence units in most of the services. The JTF in Borno is also being strengthened. "With enhanced intelligence system, Boko Haram will soon be a thing of the past," he assured.

Meanwhile the chairman of the Northern Governors' Forum, Dr. Muazu Babangida Aliyu yesterday challenged leaders of the region to stand up and be counted in the battle against the menace of Boko Haram.

In a down to earth speech he delivered at a meeting of the Northern Traditional Rulers Council held in Kaduna, he berated leaders of the region for dragging their feet on the threat that Boko Haram has become to the region and the country in general.

"We cannot drag our feet any longer. We can't continue to double-speak in our handling of the issues, saying one thing in the open and acting differently in private. We must categorically say no to the recurring wave of bombing, terrorism and crime in our communities." Aliyu said.

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Sa’ad who also spoke at the meeting condemned the spate of violence that across the region has led to the death of many.

Dr. Aliyu said that the North could not afford to fall into another crisis before taking necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and future of the region.

The North, the governor stated, must collectively and categorically say no to the recurring wave of bombings, terrorism and crime in the region.

According to him, the North must go beyond current efforts to address the underlying causes of these violence and take practical steps to "cure the disease and to move forward," adding that "to secure our future and forestall violence, crisis and conflicts, we must create the space and opportunities for people to realize their full potentials and aspirations".

Dr. Aliyu noted that Nigerians must decide whether they "are serious about lasting peace or merely paying lip service to it while some of us continue to remain in our comfort zones as our society is overtaken by violence, crime and extremism.

"There is no doubt that as traditional and political leaders, we have a great opportunity to make the much needed difference. But we must remember that opportunity come with responsibility. We really need to properly define lasting peace – could it be merely bringing about an end to violence and conflicts in our communities and the nation or doing more?"

The governor added: "we have a responsibility to act decisively to conquer poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, diseases and extremism of all forms before we can genuinely hope to achieve desirable lasting peace and stability.

"We must categorically say no to the recurring wave of bombing, terrorism and crime in our communities. But our responsibility does not end there. We need to go beyond that to address the underlying causes of these symptoms, to take practical steps to cure the diseases and to move forward. To secure our future and forestall violence, crisis and conflicts, we must create the space and opportunities for people to realize their potentials and aspirations.

"We need to do a lot at different levels to change the perception of the North as the bastion of violence, poverty and religious extremism. As traditional rulers, you can do a lot to assist the development process in the society by involving yourselves in matters that affect the socio-economic well being of the people".

According to him, "as elites we have to take full responsibility for what is happening in the nation. We need to unite to protect the interest of those not so privileged, rather than remain fragmented in pursuit of narrow selfish interests, otherwise we will lose all.

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