The Lib. Search tab’s display (Figure 8) is divided by a vertical splitter bar. All five of the major tab displays have moveable and reorientation divider bars and tabs associated with various windows within a view. In the Lib. Search tab, there are three windows on either side of the splitter bar. On the left side of the splitter bar, the top Window is the Spec List (known as the Clipboard Window in previous versions of the Program), a Hit Histogram in the middle, and a Hit List at the bottom. On the right side of the vertical splitter bar are three separate Windows: Search Spectrum/Spec List Spectrum, top; Compare, middle; and Hit List Spectrum, bottom. There are vertical splitter bars associated with these six windows that allow for customization of the display. In addition, by selectingView from the Main Menu Bar, you can choose to have the Compare Window displayed or not displayed. If the Mouse pointer is in the Search Spectrum/Spec List SpectrumWindow or the Hit List Spectrum Window, the right mouse button can be clicked to display a menu and select Change Splitter Orientation to change the splitter bar between the spectrum plot and text information from vertical to horizontal or back.