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(viii) China

D.F. Urrows: ‘China, Churches, and Organs’, American Organist, xxvii (1993), no.4, pp.54–9; no.7, pp.50–55; no.12, pp.58–62

J. Welch: ‘China Update: an Organ Tour of Taiwan and Mainland China’, The Diapason, lxxxiv/8 (1993), 14–15

Organ: Bibliography

(ix) Croatia

L. Saban: ‘The Organs of Ivan Juraj Eisl in Croatia’, Organ Yearbook, iii (1972), 41–51

J. Meder and N. Vranic: Orgulje u Hrvatskoj [Organs in Croatia] (Zagreb, 1992)

Organ: Bibliography

(x) Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic, Slovakia

V. Němec: Pražské varhany [Prague organs] (Prague, 1944)

R. Quoika: Der Orgelbau in Böhmen und Mähren (Mainz, 1966)

J. Bate: ‘Developments in Czechoslovakia’, Organists Review, lx (1975), 15–17

J. Sehnal: Varhanáři na Moravě 1500–1800 [Organ makers in Moravia] (Brno, 1979)

J. Sehnal: ‘Die Orgeln der Olmützer Kathedrale’, Acta organologica, xv (1981), 37–75

O. Gergelyi and K. Wurm: Historické organy na Slovensku/Historische Orgeln in der Slowakei (Bratislava, 1982)

O. Gergelyi and K. Wurm: ‘Historische Orgeln und Gehäuse in der Ostslowakei’, Acta organologica, xxii (1991), 13–104

D. Hollick: ‘Organs in the New Czech Republic’, Choir & Organ, iii/3 (1995), 10–14

Z. Fridrich and K. Fridrichová: ‘The Restoration of the Baroque Organ in the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in the Snow, Olomouc’, The Diapason, lxxxvii/6 (1996), 12–14

P. Czerný: ‘Orgels en orgelmakers in Praag: een historisch oversicht’, Het orgel, xciii/3 (1997), 17–28

Organ: Bibliography

(xi) Denmark

A. Hammerich: Et historisk orgel paa Frederiksborg slot (Copenhagen, 1897/R)

J. Foss: Kirkorglar i Danmark (Copenhagen, 1909)

J. Foss: Forslag til orgel-dispositionen (Copenhagen, 1910)

J. Wörsching: Die Compenius-Orgel auf Schloss Frederiksborg (Mainz, 1946)

N. Friis: Orgelbygning i Danmark: Renaissance, Barok og Rokoko (Copenhagen, 1949, 2/1971)

M. Manthorpe: ‘Some Organs in Denmark’, The Organ, xxxv (1955–6), 92–8

J. Johnsen: Organister og orgler i Agder Bispedømme (Trykkeri, 1962)

N. Friis: Helsingør Domkirke: Sct. Olai kirkes orgel, 1559–1969 (Elsinore, 1969)

M. Kjersgaard: Renaissance-orglet i Dronning Dorotheas Kapel på Sønderborg Slot (Valby, 1976)

O. Olesen: ‘The New Organ Revival in Denmark’, JBIOS, iii (1979), 46–55

A. Nørfelt: ‘Orgelbyggerne Frederik og Emil Nielsen’, Dansk orgelårbog, (1981–2), 35–59

P.K. Frandsen, S. Prip and C. Røllum-Larsen, eds.: Dansk orgelkultur (Copenhagen, 1997)

Organ: Bibliography

(xii) England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales


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J. Baron: Scudamore Organs (London, 1858)

E.F. Rimbault: The Early English Organ Builders and their Works (London, 1865/R)

E.J. Hopkins: ‘The English Medieval Church Organ’, Archaeological Journal, xlv (1888), 120–57, 423–40; pubd separately (Exeter, 1888)

A.P. Purey-Cust: Organs and Organists of York Minster (York, 1899)

F.W. Galpin: Old English Instruments of Music (London, 1910/R, rev. 4/1965/R by T. Dart)

A. Freeman: ‘Records of British Organ-Builders, 940–1660’, Dictionary of Organs and Organists (London, 1912, 2/1921), 7–72

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A. Freeman: English Organ-Cases (London, 1921)

A. Freeman: ‘Records of British Organ Builders, Second Series’, MO, xlv (1921–2), 874–5, 963, 1058–9; xlvi (1922–3), 53–4, 153, 257–8, 462, 561–2, 665–6, 859, 958, 1051, 1154; xlvii (1923–4), 63, 175, 284–5, 505, 608, 714–15, 811, 915–16, 1010, 1101, 1203–4; xlviii (1924–5), 61, 172–3, 288, 399, 508–9, 616, 729, 835, 935–6, 1033, 1128–9, 1228–9; xlix (1925–6), 61–2, 278–80

J. Perkins: The Organs and Bells of Westminster Abbey (London, 1937)

N.A. Bonavia-Hunt: The Modern British Organ (London, 1947)

L.S. Barnard: The Organs of Bangor Cathedral (Bedford, 1955)

H.J. Steele: English Organs and Organ Music from 1500 to 1650 (diss., U. of Cambridge, 1959)

B.J. Maslen: ‘The Earliest English Organ Pedals’, MT, ci (1960), 578–9, 717–18; cii (1961), 107–9, 248–9

B. Matthews: The Organs and Organists of Salisbury Cathedral (Salisbury, 1961, 4/1989)

W. Shewring: ‘Quel che fu l’organo per gli inglesi’, L’organo, iii (1962), 59–75

C. Clutton and A. Niland: The British Organ (London, 1963, 2/1982)

P. Williams: English Organ Music and the English Organ under the First Four Georges (diss., U. of Cambridge, 1963)

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M. Wilson: The English Chamber Organ: History and Development, 1650–1850 (Oxford, 1968)

C. Eden: Organs Past and Present in Durham Cathedral (Durham, 1970)

J.T. Fesperman: A Snetzler Chamber Organ of 1761 (Washington DC, 1970)

J. Uhlworm: Beziehungen zwischen Chorgestühl und Orgelprospekt in England vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Berlin, 1973)

J.B. Clark: Transposition in Seventeenth Century English Organ Accompaniments and the Transposing Organ (Detroit, 1974)

D. Dawe: ‘The Mysterious Pyke, Organ Builder’, MT, cxv (1974), 68–70

J. McKinnon: ‘The 10th Century Organ at Winchester’, Organ Yearbook, v (1974), 4–19

J.P. Rowntree and J.F. Brennan: The Classical Organ in Britain (Oxford, 1975–9)

W. Shaw: The Organists and Organs of Hereford Cathedral (Hereford, 1976, 2/1988)

N. Thistlethwaite: ‘E pur si muove: English Organ-Building 1820–1851’, Organ Yearbook, vii (1976), 101–24

P.R.W. Blewett and H.C. Thompson: Antony Duddington, Organ-Maker: the Duddyngton Manuscripts at All Hallows-by-the-Tower (South Croydon, 1977)

N. Thistlethwaite: ‘Organo pneumatico’, JBIOS, ii (1978), 31–62

N. Temperley: ‘Organs in English Parish Churches 1660–1830’, Organ Yearbook, x (1979), 83–100

B. Owen: ‘The Evidence for Trompes in the 16th-Century English Organ’, Visitatio organorum: feestbundel voor Maarten Albert Vente, ed. A. Dunning (Buren, 1980), 489–98

R. Pacey: The Organs of Oxford (Oxford, 1980)

S. Bicknell: ‘English Organ-Building 1642–1685’, JBIOS, v (1981), 5–32

V. Butcher: The Organs and Music of Worcester Cathedral (Worcester, 1981)

W. Barry: ‘The Keyboard Instruments of King Henry VIII’, Organ Yearbook, xii (1982), 31–45

R. Francis and P. Klein: The Organs and Organists of Ludlow Parish Church (Ludlow, 1982)

J. Boeringer: Organa britannica: Organs in Great Britain 1660–1860 (London and Lewisburg, PA, 1983–9)

R. Downes: Baroque Tricks: Adventures with Organ Builders (Oxford, 1983)

N. Thistlethwaite: The Organs of Cambridge (Oxford, 1983)

M. Gillingham: ‘Sources of Form and Decoration in Old English Organ Cases’, The Organbuilder, ii (1984), 10–13

J. Norman: The Organs of Britain: an Appreciation and Gazetteer (Newton Abbot, 1984)

N. Thistlethwaite: A History of the Birmingham Town Hall Organ (Birmingham, 1984)

S. Bicknell: ‘The Organ in Britain Before 1600’, JBIOS, ix (1985), 28–41

D. Gwynn: ‘Organ Pitch in 17th Century England’, JBIOS, ix (1985), 65–78

C. Clutton: ‘The British School of Organ Building Considered in its Historical Context’, The Organ Club Diamond Jubilee (London, 1986), 53–66

L. Elvin: Family Enterprise: the Story of some North Country Organ Builders (Lincoln, 1986)

S. Jeans: ‘The English Chaire Organ from its Origins to the Civil War’, The Organ, lxv (1986), 49–55

B. Owen: ‘Towards a Definition of the English Renaissance Organ’, Early Keyboard Studies Newsletter, iii (1986), 1–7

M. Forsyth-Grant: Twenty-One Years of Organ-Building (Oxford, 1987)

W. Stegtmeyer: Die englische Kirchenorgel (Münster, 1987)

B. Owen: ‘The Early Seventeenth-Century Organ in St. Nicholas, Stanford-on-Avon’, Organ Yearbook, xix (1988), 5–30

N. Plumley and J. Lees: The Organs and Organists of Chichester Cathedral (Chichester, 1988)

P. Hale: The Organs of Rochester Cathedral (Rochester, 1989)

R. Williamson: The Organs of Cheltenham, 1791–1989 (Cheltenham, 1989)

A. Barnes: Historic Organs in Historic Places: the Eighteenth-Century Chamber Organ in Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire (Atherstone, 1990)

D. Gwynn: ‘The Development of Bellows Systems in British Organs c.990–1790’, JBIOS, xiv (1990), 35–47

N. Thistlethwaite: The Making of the Victorian Organ (Cambridge, 1990)

W.H. Grindle: The Organ and Music of St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Dublin, 1991)

R. Hird and J. Lancelot: Durham Cathedral Organs (Durham, 1991)

J. Inglis: ‘The Builders of Scotland’s Organs: a Survey’, JBIOS, xv (1991), 50–58

J. Inglis: The Organ in Scotland Before 1700 (Schagen, 1991)

C. Kent: ‘The Harris Organ of Bristol Cathedral: Some Recent Investigations’, Organ Yearbook, xxii (1991), 69–95

D.A. Stewart: Organs in Edinburgh (Edinburgh, 1991)

R. Tomkins: Organs of Derby Cathedral (Derby, 1991)

R. Williamson: The Organs of Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Cirencester from the XVth Century (Cheltenham, 1991)

J. Harper: ‘The Origins of the Historic Organ at Stanford-on-Avon’, Organ Yearbook, xxiii (1992–3), 37–69

A. Abbott and J. Whittle: The Organs and Organists of St. Mary’s Church, Nottingham (Nottingham, 1993)

D. Gwynn: ‘The Development of English Key Actions up to 1800’, JBIOS, xvii (1993), 18–31

G. Verloop: ‘Een orgelreis naar Scotland’, De mixtuur, no.74 (1993), 714–41

G. Sumner: ‘The French Influence in High Victorian Lancashire’, JBIOS, xviii (1994), 108–25

T. Easton and S. Bicknell: ‘Two Pre-Reformation Organ Soundboards’, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, xxxviii (1995), 268–95

L. Elvin: Pipes and Actions: Some Organ Builders in the Midlands and Beyond (Lincoln, 1995)

D. Gwynn: ‘The Development of English Reeds from Robert Dallam to John Gray’, JBIOS, xix (1995), 123–41

R. Tomkins: Pipe Organs in Churches and Chapels of the Derbyshire Derwent and Ecclesbourne Valleys (Cromford, 1995)

De Gwynn: ‘Two English Pre-Reformation Sound boards’, Organ Yearbook, xxvi (1996), 1–27

P. Hale: ‘Englische Kathedralorgeln’, Ars organi, xliv/2 (1996), 67–88

P. Hale: The Organs of Southwell Minster (Southwell, 1996)

A. Mumford and D. Simpson: The Organs of St. Mary’s Parish Church, Twickenham (Twickenham, 1996)

N.M. Plumley: The Organs of the City of London (Oxford, 1996)

N. Thistlethwaite, ed.: Fanfare for an Organ-Builder: Essays Presented to Noel Mander (Oxford, 1996)

B. Owen: ‘A Payer of Organs and a Voyall’, The Tracker, xli/2 (1997), 4–11

R. Pacey and M. Popkin: The Organs of Oxford (Oxford, 1997)

R. Tomkins: Historic Organs in Derbyshire (Cromford, 1998)

Organ: Bibliography

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