Oakeley, Sir Herbert (Stanley)

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(i) General




A.A. Hülphers: Historisk afhandling om musik och instrumenter (Västerås, 1773/R)

J. Norbury: The Box of Whistles (London, 1877)

D. Buck: The Influence of the Organ in History (London, 1882/R)

A.G. Hill: The Organ-Cases and Organs of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (London, 1883–91/R)

C.F.A. Williams: The Story of the Organ (London, 1903/R, 2/1916)

H. Degering: Die Orgel: ihre Erfindung und ihre Geschichte bis zur Karolingerzeit (Münster, 1905)

G.C. Bedwell: The Evolution of the Organ (London, 1907)

J.I. Wedgwood: Some Continental Organs and their Makers (London, 1910)

G.L. Miller: The Recent Revolution in Organ Building (New York, 1913/R)

M.E. Bossi: Storia dell’organo (Milan, 1919)

L. de Bondt and R. Lyr: Histoire de l’orgue (Brussels, 1924)

G. Frotscher: Die Orgel (Leipzig, 1927)

C.W. Pearce: The Evolution of the Pedal Organ (London, 1927)

K.G. Fellerer: Orgel und Orgelmusik: ihre Geschichte (Augsburg, 1929)

H.G. Farmer: The Organ of the Ancients from Eastern Sources, Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic (London, 1931)

A. Cellier and H. Bachelin: L’orgue: ses éléments, son histoire, son esthétique (Paris, 1933)

H. Klotz: Über die Orgelkunst der Gotik, der Renaissance und des Barock (Kassel, 1934, 3/1986)

F.W. Galpin: A Textbook of European Musical Instruments (London, 1937, 3/1956/R)

W. Apel: ‘The Early History of the Organ’, Speculum, xxiii (1948), 191–216

W.L. Sumner: The Organ: its Evolution, Principles of Construction and Use (London, 1952, enlarged 4/1973)

W. Haacke: Orgeln in aller Welt (Königstein, 1953)

S. dalla Libera: L’organo (Milan, 1956)

J. Perrot: L’orgue de ses origines hellénistiques à la fin du XIIIe siècle (Paris, 1965; Eng. trans., abridged, 1971)

P. Hardouin: ‘De l’orgue de Pépin à l’orgue médiéval’, RdM, iii (1966), 21–54

H. and H.J. Norman: The Organ Today (London, 1966, 2/1980)

P. Williams: The European Organ 1450–1850 (London, 1966)

H.H. Eggebrecht: Die Orgelbewegung (Stuttgart, 1967)

G. Frotscher: Orgeln (Karlsruhe, 1968)

P. Hardouin, P. Williams and H. Klotz: ‘Pour une histoire du plein-jeu’, Renaissance de l’orgue, no.1 (1968), 21–4; no.2 (1969), 6–11; no.3 (1969), 3–9; no.4 (1969), 6–8; nos.5–6 (1970), 31–4; no.7 (1970), 9–11; no.8 (1970), 17–20; Connaissance de l’orgue, no.1 (1971), 4–7; nos.2–3 (1971), 6–11; no.4 (1971), 8–13

W. Walcker-Mayer: Die römische Orgel von Aquincum (Stuttgart, 1970; Eng. trans., 1972)

L. Elvin: Organ Blowing: its History and Development (Lincoln, 1971)

N. Meeùs: La naissance de l’octave courte et ses différentes formes au 16e siècle (diss., U. of Leuven, 1971)

Orgel und Orgelspiel im 16. Jahrhundert: Innsbruck 1977

D.R. Bruch: The Early Development of Organ Pedals in Northern Europe (diss., U. of Kansas, 1979)

M.I. Wilson: Organ Cases of Western Europe (London, 1979)

F. Brouwer: Orgelbewegung und Orgelgegenbewegung (Utrecht, 1981)

H.G. Klais, ed.: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Ästhetik der Orgel (Bonn, 1983)

B. Sonnaillon: King of Instruments: a History of the Organ (New York, 1985)

C. Wolff, ed.: Orgel, Orgelmusik und Orgelspiel: Festschrift Michael Schneider zum 75. Geburtstag (Kassel, 1985)

K. Marshall: Iconographical Evidence for the Late-Medieval Organ in French, Flemish and English Manuscripts (New York, 1989)

P. Williams: The Organ in Western Culture, 750–1250 (Cambridge, 1993)

U. and U. Rüge: Berühmte Orgeln in Europa (Munich, 1994)

A. Reichling, ed.: Aspekte der Orgelbewegung (Berlin, 1995)

Organ: Bibliography

(ii) Africa

M.G. Hallowes: ‘Organs in Africa’, The Organ, vii (1927–8), 115–22

Z.C. Codner: ‘The Organs of the Groote Kerk, Cape Town’, The Organ, xxxix (1959–60), 93–8

J.L. Dixon: ‘Organs in Uganda’, The Organ, lv (1975–6), 30–40

J.L. Dixon: ‘Some Organs in Kenya’, The Organ, lv (1975–6), 137–45

A. Troskie: Pyporgels in Suid-Afrika (Pretoria, 1992)

Organ: Bibliography

(iii) Australia

H. Snow: ‘The Organs at Melbourne Town Hall’, The Organ, ix (1929–30), 26–35

E.N. Matthews: Colonial Organs and Organ Builders (Melbourne, 1969)

J.R. Maidment: Gazetteer of Victorian Pipe Organs (Melbourne, 1970)

J.R. Maidment: Gazetteer of Tasmanian Pipe Organs (Melbourne, 1971)

J.R. Elms: Gazetteer of West Australian Pipe Organs (Melbourne, 1972)

B.A. Clark and J.M. Johnson: Pipe Organs of Tasmania: a Brief History (Hobart, 1974, 2/1981)

B. Naylor: Gazetteer of South Australian Pipe Organs (Melbourne, 1974)

J.R. Maidment: ‘Imported Organs in Australia: a 150-Year Tradition’, Organ Yearbook, vi (1975), 64–86

G. Cox: Gazetteer of Queensland Pipe Organs (Melbourne, 1976)

G. Cox: ‘Nineteenth-Century English Organs in Queensland, Australia’, The Organ, lv (1976–7), 64–73

D. Kinsela: ‘The Restoration of the Organ in Sydney Town Hall’, JBIOS, ii (1978), 87–102

J. Stiller: ‘Historic Organs of South Australia’, OHTA News, iv/2 (1980), 15–40

G.D. Rushworth: Historic Organs of New South Wales (Sydney, 1988)

J. Maidment: ‘Australia’s Multi-Cultural Organ Heritage’, JBIOS, xiii (1989), 79–86

J. Grant, ed.: The Organs and Organists of St. Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne (Melbourne, 1991)

M. Brightman: The Organ and Organists of St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Toowoomba (Toowoomba, 1995)

B. Owen: ‘Organ Preservation “Down Under”’, The Tracker, xxxix/3 (1995), 18–23

M. Lutz: The Work Praises the Man: Organbuilders in the Barossa Valley (Nariootpa, 1996)

B. Jefferson: Steve Laurie, Organ Builder: his Life and Works (Somers, 1998)

Organ: Bibliography

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