or in degrees 1 to 360 (90 degrees = East, 180 degrees - South, 27 degrees = West, 360 degrees = North 0 frequently stands for Calms.
18 - Wind can be conceived to be a vector which, in the polar system of coordinates, is defined by an azimuth and ab bdistance in a unit of time, in representing the wind speed. As this system is only for bidimensional representation of the wind, the cartesian system of coordinates (X axis North/- South Y axis West/East; Z axis : vertical ) is used when vertical convection has to be considered as well. 2.5.13 Observation of wind As the wind field, speed and direction near the ground are to a large extent influenced by the topography and the surface cover (vegetation - grass, crops, trees artificial obstacles -buildings, walls ), observation sites have to be Share with your friends: |