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Unit Overview

Content Area: English Language Arts

Unit Title: Unit 5 Literature: Folktales, Legends, Myths, Dramas and Reflective Writing/Portfolio Completion

Target Course/Grade Level: English Language Arts Grade 7

Unit Summary: Unit Five explores the required skills for the successful comprehension of Literature in the following forms: Folktales, Legends, Myths, and Dramas. Portfolio development will be completed.

Primary interdisciplinary connections: Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8 and Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects 6-8 can be accessed through the following link:

http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RH/6-8/ -Social Studies Standards

http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RST/6-8/ -Science Standards
College and Career Readiness: Note that the Common Core State Standards provide for College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening, which are listed specifically at the beginning of each section of the grade-level standards and then infused throughout the grade-level standards. For specific College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards, see


21st Century Themes: Global Awareness, Civic Literacy, Environmental Literacy, Health Literacy, Financial, Economic,

Business, and Entrepreneurial Literacy


Learning Targets

Content Standards

RL – Reading Literature, RI- reading Informational, W –Writing, SL – Speaking and Listening, L –Language


Common Core Standard for Mastery

Key Ideas and Details


Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.


Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text;

provide an objective summary of the text.


Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact

Craft and Structure


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and

connotative meanings; analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds

RL. 7.6

Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators

in a text.

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia

version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium


Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place, or character and a historical account of

the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.

Key Ideas and Details


Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as

inferences drawn from the text.


Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the

text; provide an objective summary of the text.


Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text

Craft and Structure


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

Text Types and Purposes:


Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

  1. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically.

  2. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.

  3. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another.

  4. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.

  5. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events.

Production and Distribution of Writing


Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.


With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.


Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and cite sources as

well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing sources.

Research to Build and Present Knowledge


Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

  1. Apply grade 7 Reading standards to literature

  2. Apply grade 7 Reading standards to literary nonfiction

Range of Writing


Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Comprehension and Collaboration

SL 7.1

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led)

with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

a. Come to discussions prepared having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.

  1. Follow rules for collegial discussions, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define

individual roles as needed.

  1. Pose questions that elicit elaboration and respond to others’ questions and comment with relevant observations and ideas that bring the discussion back on topic as needed.

  2. Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views

SL 7.2

Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study

SL 7.3

Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and

the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

SL 7.4

Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent

descriptions, facts, details, and volume, examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate and clear expectations.

SL 7.5

Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points.

SL 7.6

Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when

indicated or appropriate.

Conventions of Standard English

L 7.1

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or


  1. Explain the function of phrases and clauses in general and their function in specific sentences.

  2. Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas.

  3. Place phrases and clauses within a sentence, recognizing and correcting misplaced and dangling modifier

L 7.2

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when writing.

a. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives. b. Spell correctly.

Knowledge of Language


Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

a. Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing and eliminating

wordiness and redundancy.



Click on the link above to be sure all Progressive skills are taught for every year in the grade span indicated.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use


Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on

grade 7 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

  1. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

  2. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., belligerent, bellicose, rebel).

  3. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or its part of speech.

  4. Verify the preliminary determination of

the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by

checking the inferred meaning in context or in dictionary


Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word


  1. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary, biblical, and mythological allusions) in context.

  2. Use the relationship between particular words (e.g., synonym/antonym, analogy) to better understand each of the words.

c. Distinguish among the connotations (associations) of words with similar denotations (definitions) (e.g., refined, respectful, polite, diplomatic, condescending).


Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and

phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

By the end of 8th grade




Demonstrate knowledge of a real work problem using digital tools


Create a document (e.g. newsletter, reports, personalized learning plan, business letters or flyers) using one or more digital applications to be critiqued by professionals for usability.


Use and/or develop a simulation that provides an environment to solve a real world problem or theory.

21st Century Themes:


Gathering and evaluating knowledge and information from a variety of sources, including global perspectives, fosters creativity and innovative thinking.


Collaboration and teamwork enable individuals or groups to achieve common goals with greater efficiency. Leadership abilities develop over time through participation in groups and/or teams that are engaged in challenging or competitive activities.


Effective communication skills convey intended meaning to others and assist in preventing misunderstandings. Communication with people from different cultural backgrounds is enhanced by the understanding of different cultural perspectives.


Digital media are 21st-century tools used for local and global communication.

There are ethical and unethical uses of communication and media.


The nature of the 21st-century workplace has shifted, demanding greater individual accountability, productivity, and collaboration.

Ethical behaviors support human rights and dignity in all aspects of life.

Essential Questions:

  • What information do I need in order to complete the assignment/project?

  • What resources are available?

  • How do I know it is a good source?

  • How does culture influence drama?

  • How do people connect?

  • What is a reasonable answer? Does my solution work out in a real-world context?

  • How can I express complex ideas using simple terms?

Unit Questions:
  • What are the characteristics of Drama?


Legends? Myths?

  • How do authors of folk tales and legends use elements of fiction to reveal timeless and universal themes?

  • How do playwrights utilize various historical references and other sources to create drama?

  • How does the portfolio reflect a student’s progression in writing from September through June?

  • How can students compare and contrast literary genres?

Unit Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand that…

  • By using analytical skills and comparing the dramatic adaption to original source, a deeper understanding and appreciation of the genre will result.

  • By employing higher level critical thinking skills, valuable connections/similarities exist that transcend time and place.

  • By using a student writing portfolio, a student can see the writing process in publication.

  • Reflection is a way to measure growth.

  • Myths, legends, folk talks, and drama each have distinct characteristics.

  • Oral tradition is woven through the development of various genres.

  • Drama utilizes unique format different from other genres.

  • Literary analysis requires critical thinking skills to evaluate a piece of literature.

  • Writers use the knowledge of language and its convention when

  • How do students develop an understanding of history through oral


  • How are the elements of drama different from other genres?

  • How will students use the writing process to analyze literary works?

writing, speaking, reading, and listening.

Unit Objectives

Students will know…

  • Define and Identify elements of poetry

folktales legends myths drama

  • How to collaborate effectively

  • Teacher expectations and assessment tool

  • Active Reading Strategies

  • Grade level vocabulary

  • Interpret and analyze Text

  • Identify Story Elements

  • Author’s purpose

  • Literary Terms

    • Literary Analysis

    • The purpose of technology in real world situations

    • How to Use creativity and innovation

    • How to Use critical thinking and problem solving

    • How to communicate effectively

Unit Objectives

Students will be able to…

  • Work in cooperative Learning groups

  • Use graphic organizers

  • Set a purpose for reading

  • Evaluate writing through rubric

  • Expand vocabulary

  • Make connections based on text/self/world

  • Draw conclusions

  • Make inferences

  • Use flashback and foreshadowing

  • Figurative Language

  • Incorporate technology

  • Present information orally

  • Critique other presentations

  • Use higher level critical thinking skills to read/respond to text ideas and the author’s craft by using textual evidence to support information and formulated interpretations.

  • Read and analyze plays and myths, folk tales, and legends

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