Of bsc. (Hons) Computing/ beng. (Hons) Software Engineering / bsc. (Hons) Business Computing Systems / bsc. (Hons) Data Science / beng. (Hons) Networking / beng

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Final Project Proposal Approval Form 2024
Final Project Proposal E158421
Uniqueness of the project
As a developing country we are now, currently changing the physical data stores to cloud based platforms.in that period securing those platform is the most important part in my opinion. Because day today life different kind of cyber-attacking threats growing rocket fast. Inhere my job is to secure “STOREMATE” (cloud-based ERP system) from the latest technologies.
Your Contribution to achieve the uniqueness

Page 3 of 4 Security assessment report detailing vulnerabilities, risks, and recommendations for enhancing the security posture of the cloud-based ERP hotel management system. Customized security policies, procedures, and guidelines tailored to the specific requirements of hotel management systems and regulatory compliance standards. Implementation plan outlining the deployment of technical controls, encryption mechanisms, and monitoring solutions. Training materials and awareness programs for hotel staff to promote cybersecurity awareness and best practices. Ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the continuous effectiveness of implemented security measures.

Timeline: Phase 1: Security Assessment and Requirements Gathering (2 months) Phase 2: Policy Development and Implementation Planning (1 month) Phase 3: Technical Implementation and Deployment (3 months) Phase 4: Training and Awareness Programs (1 month) Phase 5: Ongoing Support and Maintenance (Continuous)
Supervisor Comments

Project Topic Approval

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Approved / Not
Supervisor’s Signature

Date of Approval
Student’s Signature

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