Overview In this section you will be providing a table listing the species to be taken, by age and sex class, the number of individuals, methods (e.g., capture, intrusive procedures), for each location/general area in which you will be working.
You need to have a separate row for each unique combination of species, production type (wild or captive), life stage, take action, capture method, and procedures.
The take table is available as an Excel file for you to complete and submit with your application.
Entering Take Information The take table represents annual takes for the duration of your project. Enter the following information for each location to the take table Excel file provided on our web site.
You must refer to Appendix III for a list of the options to use to describe take information for a particular species group (e.g., marine mammals).
Columns in the take table appear in the following order:
Species: Indicate one species by common name and/or category (e.g., whale, sperm) for each row. For a complete list of species, see: https://apps.nmfs.noaa.gov/docs_cfm/species_lists.cfm.
Listing Unit/Stock: Provide the name of the stock or DPS (Distinct Population Segment), where applicable.
Production/Origin: Enter the origin of the animals to be taken. Categories include “wild,” “captive,” “rehabilitation facility” (for marine mammals only), or “all.”
Life Stage: Indicate the applicable life stage. You may enter take information for more than one life stage (e.g., adult versus juvenile) on separate rows or select a combination of life stages for one take category/row.
Sex: If your activity targets only one sex, indicate which. If it targets both and they can be targeted separately, enter separate rows for male and female; otherwise select “male and female.”
Expected Take: This represents the number of animals you expect to take or import, annually. Enter the number of animals you expect to capture, observe, etc. for the “Take Action” you select (see below). For actions where a number is difficult to determine (e.g., abalone spawning, import/export of parts), contact the Permits Division at 301-427-8401.
Takes Per Animal: Indicate the maximum number of times an individual will be subject to the take actions, etc., annually. For surveys or incidental disturbance, if the same animals may be present on more than one occasion, but not individually identifiable, use the maximum number of times the survey or disturbance event would occur in a year.
Take Action: The “take action” is a generalized overview of how animals will be taken. Select only one take action from the applicable species list in Appendix III. If more than one action is proposed, you must enter the takes on separate rows.
Observe/Collect Method: Use the list in Appendix III to select the method of observation (e.g., survey, vessel) or capture (e.g., net). Select only one observe/collect method per row. If various methods will be used, you must provide take information in separate rows for each observe/capture method.
Procedures: This column is where you provide specific information on the research or enhancement activities that will be conducted. A separate pop-up window will appear with a species-specific list of activities. Select options from the appropriate list in Appendix III. You may have multiple procedures per row.
Note: The procedures list includes both intrusive activities such as “insert ingestible telemeter pill” and non-intrusive activities such as “observations, behavioral,” “photo-id,” and “acoustics, passive recording.”
Refer to Appendix III for a complete listing of “Take Actions,” “Observe/Collect Methods” and “Procedures” by species groups.
Transport: If you will be transporting live animals during your research or enhancement activities you will need to enter additional information about the transport. Include a brief description in this column and provide details in the section below.
Details: Enter details on each take table row. For example, if you chose “instrumentation, external” as a procedure, use this box to describe what type of instrument you will be deploying (e.g., satellite tags). If you chose “other” as a procedure, describe it here.