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Справочная литература
Carter Vaughn Findley, ed., "Middle East and North Africa since 1500," in Mary Beth Norton, general ed., The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, New York, 1995, 1, 498-526
Turkologischer Anzeiger, Vienna, 1975-.
Kornrumpf, Hans-Jürgen, Osmanische Bibliographie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Türkei in Europa, Leiden, 1973 (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erganzungsband VIII).
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Общие работы
Inalcik, Halil, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age, 1300-1600, London, 1973
Shaw, Stanford J. , History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, 2 vols. , New York, 1976-77, with Ezel K. Shaw as coauthor of vol. II
Mantran, Robert, ed. , Histoire de 1 'Empire ottoman, Paris, 1989
Matuz, Joseph, Das Osmanische Reich: Grundlinien seiner Geschichte, Darmstadt, 1985
Holt, P. M. , et al. , ed. , The Cambridge History of Islam, 2 vols. , Cambridge 1970
Cook, M. A., ed. , A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730, Cambridge, 1976, chapters from the Cambridge History of Islam and the New Cambridge Modern History by V. J. Parry, R. Inalcik, A. N. Kurat, and J. S. Bromley.
Karpat, Kemal, ed. , The Ottoman State and its Place in World History, Leiden, 1974, including essays by
William McNeill, Arnold Toynbee, Kemal Karpat, Halil Inalcik, and Albert Hourani.
Sugar, Peter, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804, Seattle, 1977
Доосманский период
Golden, Peter, An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples, Wiesbaden, 1992
Togan, A. Zeki Velidi, Umumi Türk Tarihi'ne Giris, 3d printing, Istanbul, 1981
Barthold, W. W. (=Vasilii Vasilyevich), Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion, London, 1928; 4th ed., 1977
The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia, ed. Denis Sinor, Cambridge, 1990
Hassan, Ümit, et al. , Tiirkiye Tarihi, 1: Osmanli Devletine kadar Türkler, Istanbul, 1987 ("The Turks before the Ottoman Empire")
Fletcher, Joseph, "Turco-Mongol Monarchic Tradition in the Ottoman Empire," in Eucharisterion: Essays Presented to Omeljan Pritsak by His Colleagues and Students, Cambridge, MA, 1981, 236-51
Cahen, Claude, La Turquie pré-ottomane, Istanbul-Paris, 1987
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Turan, Osman, Selçuklular Zamaninda Tiirkiye Tarihi, Istanbul, 1971
Vryonis, Speros, The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Centurv, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1971
Foss, Clive, "The Defenses of Asia Minor against the Turks," Greek Orthodox Theological Review, XXVII (1982), 145-205
Lewis, Archibald, Nomads and Crusaders, A.D. 1000-1368, Bloomington, 1988
Holt, Peter M., The Age of the Crusades: The Near East from the Eleventh Century to 1517, New York, 1986
Friendly, Alfred, The Dreadful Day: The Battle of Mantzikert 1071, Charlottesville, 1981
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On Ibn Battuta in general, see Ross Dunn, The Adventures of Ibn Battuta, A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century, London, 1986.
Wittek, Paul, Das Fürstentum Mentesche: Studie zur Geschichte Westkleinasiens im 13.-15. Jahrhundert, 1934; Turkish translation, 1944
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Ögel, Bahaeddin, Islamiyetten önce Türk Kültür Tarihi: Orta Asya Kaynak ve Buluntularina Göre, Ankara, 1988
Lewis, Geoffrey, trans. , The Book of Dede Korkut, London, 1974
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Schimmel, Annemarie, Mystical Dimensions of Islam, Chapel Hill, 1975
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Gölpinarli, Abdülbaki, Mevlana'dan sonra Mevlevilik, Istanbul, 1953 ("Mevlevism after Mevlana"--one of many books on the movement by the leading Turkish authority of his generation)
Chittick, William C. , The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi, Albany, 1983
Ocak, A. Yasar, La revolte de Baba Resul ou la formation de 1'hétérodoxie musulmane en Anatolie au Xlllc siécle, Ankara, 1989
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Wolff, Robert L. , and Harry W. Hazard, ed. , A History of the Crusades, vol. II: The Later Crusades, 1189-1311, Madison, 197 , chapters on Islamic subjects. Kenneth M. Setton is the general editor for the entire History.
Kretschmar, Marit, Pferd und Reiter im Orient: Untersuchungen zur Reiterkultur Vorderasiens in der Seldschukenzeit, Hildesheim, 1980
Османская империя: XVI век
Kafadar, Cemal, Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottoman State, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1995
Imber, Colin, The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1481, Istanbul, 1990
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Köprülü, Fuad, The Origins of the Ottoman Empire, trans. and ed. Gary Leiser, Albany, 1992, originally published as Les origines de I'Empire ottoman, Paris, 1935
-----Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun Kurulusu, Istanbul, 1981 (expanded Turkish edition of "Origins of the O.E.," with other related studies)
Lindner, Rudi P. Nomads and Ottomans in Medieval Anatolia, Bloomington, 1983
Jennings, R.C., "Some Thoughts on the Ghazi Thesis," WZKM, LXXVI (1986), 151- 61
Imber, Colin, "Paul Wittek's 'De la défaite d'Ankara a la prise de Constantinople, "' Osmanli Arastirmalari, V (1986), 65-81
Özdemir, Hasan, Die altosmanischen Chroniken als Quelle zur türkischen Volkskunde, Freiburg, 1975
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Babinger, Franz, Mehmed the Conqueror and his Time, translated by Ralph Manheim, Princeton, 1978 (original German edition, 1953)
Har-El, Shai, Struggle for Domination in the Middle East.- The Ottoman-Mamluk War, 1485-91, Leiden, 1995
Tursun Beg, The History of Mehmed the Conqueror, ed. Halil Inalcik and Rhoads Murphey, Minneapolis-Chicago, 1978
Kritovoulos, History of Mehmed the Conqueror, translated by Charles T. Riggs, Princeton, 1954
Doukas, Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks, translated by Harry J. Magoulias, Detroit, 1975
Sphrantzes, George, The Fall of the Byzantine Empire: A Chronicle by George Sphrantzes, 1401-1477, trans. Marios Philippides, Amherst, MA, 1980
----A Contemporary Greek Source for the Siege of Constantinople, 1453: Th( Sphrantzes Chronicle, trans. Margaret Carroll, Amsterdam, 1985
Barbaro, Nicolo, Diarv of the Siege of Constantinople, 1453, trans. J. R. Jones, New York, 1969
Jones, J. R. The Siege of Constantinople, 1453: Seven Contemporary Accounts, Amsterdam, 1972
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Setton, Kenneth W. The Papacy and the Levant (1204-1571), 4 vols. , Philadelphia, 1977-86
Woods, John E. The Aqquyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire, A Study in 15th l 9th Century Turko-Iranian Politics, Minneapolis-Chicago, 1976
Fisher, Sydney, The Foreign Relations of Turkey, 1481-1512, Urbana, 1948
Reindl, Hedda, Manner um Bayezid, Berlin, 1983
Hazard, Harry W., ed., A History of the Crusades, vol. III: The Fourteenth an( Fifteenth Century, Madison, 1975
Miksch, Hans, Der Kampf der Kaiser und Kalifen, 1: Wir sehen uns beim Gold- enen Apfel, Koblenz, 1986
Bacqué-Grammont, Jean-Louis, Les ottomans, les safavides et leurs voisins: Contribution a 1'histoire des relations internationales dans l'Orient islamique de 1514 a 1524, Istanbul-Leiden, 1987
Eberhard, Elke, Osmanische Polemik gegen die Safawiden im 16. Jahrhundert nach arabischen Handschriften, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1970
Allouche, Adel, The Origins and Development of the Ottoman-Safavid Conflict (906-962/1500-1555), Berlin, 1983
Hess, Andrew, The Forgotten Frontier: A History of the Sixteenth-Century lbero-African Frontier, Chicago, 1978
Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, translated by Sian Reynolds, 2 vols., 1972- .
Merriman, Roger B. , Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566, Cambridge, MA, 1944
Clot, André, Soliman le Magnifique, Paris 1983
Labib, Subhy, "The Era of Süleyman the Magnificent, A Crisis of Orientation," IJMES, X (1979), 435-51; also in Saeculum, XXIX (1978), 269-82
Tardy, Lajos, Beyond the Ottoman Empire: 14th-16th Century Hungarian Diplomacy in the East, trans. Janos Boris, Szeged, 1978
Schaendlinger, Anton C., Die Feldzugstagebücher des ersten und zweiten ungarischen Feldzugs Süleymans I., Vienna, 1978
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Farooqi, Naimur Rahman, Mughal-Ottoman Relations: A Study of Political and Diplomatic Relations between
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Paneta, Rinaldo, Pirati e corsari turchi e barbareschi nel Mare Nostrum: XVI.
secolo, Milan, 1981 ("16th-century Mediterranean Pirates and Corsairs")
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Alderson, Anthony D. , The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty, 1966
Peirce, Leslie P., The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire, New York, 1993
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-----Padisahlarin Kadinlari ve Kizlari, Ankara, 1980 (Women and Daughters of the Sultans)
Miller, Barnette, Beyond the Sublime Porte: The Grand Seraglio of Stambul, New Haven, 1963
-----The Palace School of Muhammad the Conqueror, Cambridge, MA, 1936. She should have said Mehmed (or Mehemmed) the Conqueror.
Penzer, N. M., The Harem, London, 1936
Papoulia, Basilike D. , Ursprung und Wesen der 'Knabenlese' im osmanischen Reich, Munich, 1963 (on the devsirme, or child levy)
Lybyer, Albert H., The Government of the Ottoman Empire in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent, Cambridge, MA, 1913; an outdated classic
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Barkan, Ömer Lutfi, "The Price Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: A Turning Point in the Economic History of the Near East," IJMES, VI (1975), 3-28. A sample of the work of the major Turkish economic historian, whose work Braudel found interesting and often referred to (but the translation is not exact).
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Raymond, André, The Great Arab Cities in the 16th-18th Centuries: An Introduction, New York, 1984; id., Grandes villes arabes a I 'époque ottomane, Paris, 1985 (a longer work on the same subject as the first)
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Winter, Michael, Society and Religion in Earlv Ottoman Egypt, New Brunswick, NJ, 1982
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-----The Age of Sultan Siileyman the Magnificent, New York, 1987 (catalogue of the exhibition of the same name)
------ Süleymanname: The Illustrated History of Süleyman the Magnificent, New York, 1987
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