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116. Choose the correct item

1. Do you know…..time?-Yes,……clock has just struck nine.- Then it isn’t……time to go yet.

A. -;a;- B. the; the; the C. the; the; - D. a;-;-

2. He said: “As……matter of.….fact, there was…..explosion in……last house I visited.”

A. the;-;a;- B. a; the; an; the C. a;-;the;- D. a; -; an; the

3. He is looking for…..plain shirt, but all…..shirts are striped.

A. a; the B. the; the C. a; - D. the; -

4. He is…..student. he studies…..History at….. Harvard University.

A. the; the; the B. a; -; the C. -; -; - D. a;-;-

5. What is…..name of…..ocean between….. America and…..Asia? ……Pacific

A. a, the, -, -, - B. the, the, -, -, the

C. the, an, -, -, the D. the, -, the, the,-

6. …..Japanese admire…..traditions of…… Chinese.

A. the, a, a B. -, a, - C. the, a, - D. the, the, the

7. Did you like…..coffee we had with our meal…..last night?

A. -, the B. a, a C. -. - D. the, -

8. ……bicycle is……excellent means of transport.

A. the, an B. -, the C. -, an D. -, -

9. ……whale is a mammal but it lives in….. sea.

A. -, the B. -, - C. the, - D. the, the

10. …..Life would be very difficult without…… electricity.

A. -, the B. -, - C. a, a D. the, -

11…..Seychelles are…..group of islands in……. Indian Ocean.

A. the; the; the B. -; -; - C. -; the; - D. the; a; the

12. If you commit…..serious crime, you could be sent to…..prison.

A. a; - B. the; the C. -; - D. a; a

13. Every year, thousands of……students come to…….Cambridge University to study……English.

A. the; the; the B. -; -; - C. the; the; - D. the; -; the

14. Sailors know……English Channel as perhaps……most dangerous sea channel in……Europe.

A. the; the; the B. the; the; - C. -; -; -

D. the; -; the

15. There is…..splendid view of……Lake Geneva from this hotel. It’s……first time I have seen it.

A. the; the; the B. a; the; the C. a; -; the D. -; -; -

16. ……test wasn’t too difficult, but I couldn’t answer……question 8 which was really…… most difficult.

A. the; the; the B. -; -; - C. the; -; the D. -; -;the

17. After leaving……school, Nora worked as a cleaner at……hospital.

A. -, the B. a, - C. a, a D. -, -

18. Every English child knows the story of Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed…..rich and gave the money to……poor.

A. the, the B. -, - C. -, the D. the, -

19. Peru is……country in…..South America. ……capital is Lima.

A. -, the, the B. a, -, the C. the, -, - D. a, -, a

20. ……life of……Napoleon was very stormy.

A. the, - B. a, a C. -, - D. the, the

117. Choose the correct plural forms of the nouns.

1. A box, a mother-in-law, a leaf, a deer, a cliff.

A. Boxes, mothers-in-law, leafs, deer, cliffs

B. Boxes, mother-in-laws, leaves, deers, cliffs

C. Boxes, mother-in-law, leaves, deer, clives

D. Boxes, mothers-in-law, leaves, deer, cliffs

2. A handkerchief, a calf, a photo, a passer-by, an analysis.

A. handkerchiefs, calves, photoes, passer-bys, analyses

B. handkerchief, calfs, photos, passers-by, analysis.

C. handkerchiefs, calves, photos, passers-by, analysis

D. handkerchieves, calves, photos, passer-bys, analyses

3. A piano, a roof, a schoolboy, a salmon, a criterion.

A. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmon, criteria

B. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmons, criteria

C. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmon, criterions

D. pianos, rooves, schoolboys, salmon, criteria

4. A potato, a path, a man, an ox ,a thief

A. potatos, pathes, mens, oxen, thieves

B. potatoes, paths, men, oxen, thieves

C. potatos, paths, men, oxen, thieves

D. potatoes, paths, man, oxen, thiefs

5. A kilo, a baby, an analysis, a leaf, a trout

A. kilos, babies, analyses, leaves, trout

B. kiloes, babies, analysis, leaves, trout

C. kilos, babies, analyses, leafs, trouts

D. kilos, babies, analyses, leaves, trouts

6. A wife, a story, a lunch, a piano, a mouse

A. wifes, stories, lunches, pianoes, mice

B. wifes, stories, lunchs, pianos, mices

C. wives, stories, lunches, pianos, mice

D. wives, storyes, lunches, pianoes, mice

7. A sheep, a schoolboy, a calf, a video, a basis

A. sheeps, schoolboys, calfs, videos, bases

B. sheep, schoolboys, calves, videos, bases

C. sheep, schoolboys, calves, videos, basis

D. sheep, schoolboys, calfs, videoes, bases

8. A potato, a swine, a month, a school-mate, a phenomenon

A. potatos, swines, monthes, school-mates, phenomenon

B. potatoes, swines, months, schools-mates, phenomenons

C. potatoes, swine, months, school-mates, phenomena

D. potatoes, swine, monthes, schools-mate, phenomena

9. A sheep, a grown-up, a hero, a torch, a safe

A. sheep, grown-ups, heros, torches, safes

B. sheep, grown-ups, heroes, torches, safes

C. sheeps, grown-ups, heros, torches, saves

D. sheep, growns-up, heroes, torches, saves

10. A path, a roof, a foot, a key, a datum

A. pathes, roofs, foot, keys, datums

B. paths, roofs, foot, keys, data

C. pathes, rooves, foot, keys, datum

D. paths, roofs, foot, keis, data

11. A hero, an ox, a goose, a criterion, a kerchief

A. heroes, oxen, geese, criteria, kerchiefs

B. heros, oxes, geese, criteria, kerchiefs

C. heroes, oxen, goose, criterions, kerchiefs

D. heroes, oxen, goose, criterias, kerchiefs

12. A country, a thesis, a loaf, a radio, a month

A. countrys, thesis, loafs, radios, months

B. countries, thesises, loafs, radios, monthes

C. countries, theses, loaves, radios, months

D. countries, theses, loaves, radioes, months

13. A tooth, a crisis, a mouse, a frying pan, a zoo.

A. tooths, crises, mice, frying pans, zoos.

B. teeth, crises, mouses, frying pans, zoos.

C. teeth, crises, mice, fryings pans, zoos.

D. teeth, crises, mice, frying pans, zoos.

14. A play, a child, an Englishman, a swine, a belief

A. plays, childs, Englishmans, swine, beliefs

B. plaies, children, Englishmen, swine, believes

C. plays, children, Englishmen, swine, beliefs

D. plays, children, Englishmen, swines, beliefs

15. An auto, a dish, a deer, a medium, a German

A. autos, dishs, deer, mediums, Germen

B. autos, dishes, deers, media, Germans

C. autos, dishes, deer, medium, Germen

D. autos, dishes, deer, media, Germans

16. An aircraft, a parent-in-law, a thief, a sheep, a tooth

A. aircraft, parents-in-law, thieves, sheep, teeth

B. aircrafts, parent-in-laws, thieves, sheep, teeth

C. aircraft, parents-in-law, thiefs, sheep, tooths

D. aircraft, parents-in-law, thieves, sheeps, teeth

17. A passer-by, a locksmith, a half, a hypothesis, a solo

A. passer-bys, locksmiths, halfs, hypothesis, solos

B. passer-bies, locksmiths, halves, hypothesa, solos

C. passer-by, locksmithes, halves, hypotheses, soloes

D. passers-by, locksmiths, halves, hypotheses, solos

18. An oath, a kangaroo, a policeman, a criterion, a looker-on

A. oaths, kangaroos, policemen, criteria, lookers-on

B. oathes, kangaroos, policemans, criterion, lookers-ons

C. oaths, kangaroes, policemen, criteria, lookers-ons

D. oaths, kangaroos, policemen, criterium, lookers-on

19. A folio, a youth, crisis, a handkerchief, a grown-up

A. folioes, youth, crisis, handkerchiefs, grown-up

B. folios, youth, crises, handkerchiefs, grown-ups

C. folios, youth, crises, handkerchieves, grown-ups

D. folios, youth, crises, handkerchiefs, growns-up

20. A sandwich, a secretary, a thesis, a roof, a kilo

A. sandwichs, secretaries, thesis, roofs, kilos

B. sandwiches, secretarys, thesis, rooves, kilos

C. sandwiches, secretaries, theses, roves, kilo

D. sandwiches, secretaries, theses, roofs, kilos

118. Choose the correct sentence in Reported Speech.

1. Mary said to Jill: “I love chocolate.”

A. Mary told Jill that she loved chocolate.

B. Mary said Jill that she loved chocolate.

C. Mary told to Jill that she loved chocolate.

D. Mary told Jill that she loves chocolate.

2. Christopher asked me: “Do you want to dance?”

A. Christopher asked if he wanted to dance.

B. Christopher asked me if did I want to dance.

C. Christopher asked me if wanted I to dance.

D. Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance.

3. Elisabeth asked John: “Did you watch the latest film?”

A. Elisabeth asked if he had watched the last film.

B. Elisabeth asked John if you had watched the latest film.

C. Elisabeth asked John whether he had watched the latest film.

D. Elisabeth asked John whether had you watched the latest film.

4. Ronald said to her: “Keep a record of your expenses.”

A. Ronald said her to keep a record of her expenses.

B. Ronald told to her to keep a record of her expenses.

C. Ronald told her to keep a record your expenses.

D. Ronald told her to keep a record of her expenses.

5. “You play chess, don’t you?” he asked me.

A. He asked if I play chess.

B. He asked me whether you played chess.

C. He asked me whether I played chess, don’t I.

D. He asked me whether I played chess.

6. “You needn’t come in tomorrow.” the boss said.

A. The boss said me I didn’t have to come in the next day.

B. The boss said he didn’t have to come in the next day.

C. The boss said I didn’t have to come in the next day.

D. The boss said you needn’t come in tomorrow.

7. Mary said: “If were you, I should get another lawyer.”

A. Mary said if she were me, she would get another lawyer.

B. Mary said if she was I, she would get another lawyer.

C. Mary said if she were me, she should get another lawyer.

D. Mary said if she were you, she would get another lawyer.

8. He asked me: “Who were you looking for?”

A. He asked me who I was looking for.

B. He asked me who I had been looking for.

C. He asked me who I had being looking for.

D. He asked me for who I was looking.

9. I asked Mary: “How can I solve the problem?”

A. I told Mary how the problem I could solve.

B. I asked Mary how could I solve the problem.

C. I asked Mary how I could solve the problem.

D. I asked Mary how she could solve the problem.

10. Helen asked him: “Which countries will John be visiting?”

A. Helen told him which countries John would be visiting.

B. Helen asked him which countries he would be visiting.

C. Helen asked him which countries would John be visiting.

D. Helen asked him which countries John would be visiting.

11. The doctor asked:“Which of you is waiting to see me next?”

A. The doctor asked which of us was waiting to see me next.

B. The doctor told me which of us was waiting to see him next.

C. The doctor told which of us was waiting to see him next.

D. The doctor asked which of us was waiting to see him next.

12. They asked me: “You like Italian food, don’t you?”

A. They ask me if I like Italian food.

B. They asked me if I liked Italian food.

C. They told me if I liked Italian food.

D. They asked me whether liked I Italian food.

13. She wondered: “Did you study hard for the exam?”

A. She wondered whether we had studied hard for the exam.

B. She wondered if we studied hard for the exam.

C. She wondered if did we studied hard for the exam.

D. She wondered if had we studied hard for the exam.

14. “Would you mind waiting?” he asked.

A. He asked if I would have minded to wait.

B. He asked me to wait.

C. He asked me if wanted I to wait

D. He told me to wait.

15. I said to Mike: “Please, send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.”

A. I told Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived.

B. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.

C. I said to Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrives

D. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived.

16. “Let’s play badminton,” said Nick. “Oh no,” said Mike.

A. Nick said to Mike to play badminton, but Mike didn’t want to.

B. Nick told Mike to play badminton. Mike said “No”.

C. Nick suggested playing badminton. Mike refused.

D. Nick asked to play badminton, Mike said he wouldn’t.

17. The teacher said: “The Earth moves around the sun. This fact was proved long ago.”

A. The teacher said the Earth moved around the sun and this fact had been proved many years ago.

B. The teacher said that the Earth moves around the sun and this fact has been proved long ago.

C. The teacher said that the Earth moves around the sun and that fact had been proved long before.

D. The teacher said that the Earth moved around the sun and that fact was proved long ago.

18. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?”

A. Mary asked Tom what time he would come there the next day.

B. Mary asked Tom what time would he come there the next day.

C. Mary asked Tom what time will he come here tomorrow.

D. Mary asked Tom what time would he come here the next day.

19. My parents said: “If you passed your test, we should buy you a car.”

A. My parents said if I had passed my test they will have bought a car.

B. My parents said if I had passed my test, they would buy me a car.

C. My parents said if I you passed your test, they should buy you a car.

D. My parents said if I passed my test, they would buy me a car.

20. I asked her: “Were your boys happy here?” “Yes, they were,” she said.

A. I asked her if they were happy here and she answered they were.

B. I asked if her boys had been happy here and she agreed.

C. I asked if her boys had been happy there and she said they had.

D. I asked her id my boys had been happy there and she said they were.

119. Choose the correct variant of the sentence in Passive Voice.

1. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow.

A. Tomorrow you must be done with these exercises.

B. These exercises must be do tomorrow.

C. Three exercises must done tomorrow.

D. Three of these exercises must be done tomorrow.

2. I can easily forgive this mistake.

A. This mistake can forgive easily.

B. This mistake can forgiven easily.

C. This mistake can be easily forgiven.

D. This can be easily forgive by mistake.

3. Have you given out the exercises to all the students?

A. Have the exercises been given out to all the students?

B. Have the students given out all the exercises?

C. Have you been given the exercises of the students?

D. Have all been given out to the students?

4. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents.

A. The pupil was sent for the parents by the teacher?

B. The pupil’s parents were sent for.

C. The teacher was sent o the pupil’s parents.

D. The parents sent the pupil to the teacher.

5. They are building a new concert hall in our street.

A. Our street is being built near a new concert hall.

B. A new concert hall is being built in our street.

C. A new concert hall is been built in our street

D. A new concert hall is built in the street

6. The people looked at the little boy with interest.

A. The interest was looked for by the people.

B. The interesting boy was looked a little at.

C. The little boy was looked at with interest.

D. The people were looked at by the little boy with interest.

7. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

A. He was given a present by his colleagues when did he retire.

B. He was given a present by his colleagues when he would retire.

C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.

D. He had been given a present by his colleagues when he retired.

8. We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready.

A. You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready.

B. You will been sent your examination results as soon as they are ready.

C. You will be send your examination results as soon as they are ready.

D. You shall be sent your examination results as soon as they will be ready.

9. The manager always welcomes new employees.

A. New employees are always welcome by the manager.

B. New employers are always welcomed by the manager.

C. New employees are always welcomed by the manager.

D. New employers are always been welcomed by the manager.

10. When Jane came home, her mother was cooking the food.

A. When Jane came home, the food was being cooked.

B. When Jane came home, the food was been cooked.

C. When Jane came home, the food was been cooking.

D. When Jane came home, was the food being cooked.

11. You can buy videos like this one anywhere.

A. Videos like this one can be bought anywhere.

B. Videos like this one can buy anywhere.

C. Videos can be bought somewhere.

D. Videos like this one are able to buy anywhere.

12. They have proved that there is no life on the moon.

A. It proved that there was no life on the moon.

B. It has proved that there is no life on the moon.

C. It has being proved that there is no life on the moon.

D. It has been proved that there is no life on the moon.

13. One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard.

A. Chalk is being used to write on the blackboard.

B. One chalk is used for writing on the blackboard.

C. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard.

D. Used chalk is writing on the blackboard.

14. Who discovered the circulation of blood?

A. Who was discovered the circulation of blood?

B. Who was the circulation of blood discovered by?

C. By whom the circulation of blood was discovered?

D. Whose circulation of blood was discovered?

15. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the station.

A. The station is joined to a large group of young people on our way.

B. Young people of a large group were joined to the station on our way to it.

C. Our way was joined to a large group of young people by the station.

D. On our way to the station we were joined by a large group of young people.

16. Have you given out the exercises to all the students?

A. Have all the students been given the exercises?

B. Were all the students given out?

C. Have the exercises given to all students by you?

D. Have you been given the exercises out all the students?

17. This college is already full. We are turning away students the whole time.

A. This college is already full. The students are turned away the whole time.

B. This college is already full. The students are being turned away the whole time.

C. This college is already full. The time is being turned away by students.

D. This college is already full. The students are being turning away the whole time.

18. They will deal with this matter as soon as possible.

A. This deal will be mattered as soon as possible.

B. This matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.

C. They will be dealt by this matter as soon as possible.

D. The will be dealt with the matter possibly soon.

19. Have the students written the paper without mistakes?

A. Has the paper been written without mistakes?

B. Have the mistakes been written by the students?

C. Has the paper written without mistakes by the students?

D. Have the students been mistaken by the written paper?

20. They promised that they would take care of the child somehow.

A. They were promised somehow by the child to take care.

B. They promised that the child will be taken care of somehow.

C. They promised somehow that the child would take care of.

D. They promised that the child would be taken care of somehow.

120. Choose the appropriate Phrasal Verb to substitute for the underlined verb/phrase

1. I met my teacher at the movies last night.

A. found out B. gave in C. ran into D. ran out of

2. He continued talking after everybody asked him to stop.

A. kept on B. made up C. broke out D. kept in

3. Don’t use water to extinguish a grease fire.

A. put off B. wait up C. let out D. put out

4. When my sister goes on vacation, I take care of her dog.

A. look up B. give in C. look after D. take off

5. Extinguish your cigarettes!

A. put up B. put out C. turn in D. keep on

6. After a long fight the crew surrendered.

A. broke into B. put by C. turned away D. gave in

7. They departed in a fast car.

A. took off B. took over C. did for D. ran at

8. I found this old book.

A. came across B. looked after C. took off D. went against

9. The cost reaches millions.

A. looks into B. goes into C. runs into D. bursts into

10. He doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents.

A. put up B. get on with C. fall in with D. carry on with

11. Is there anyone here to serve us?

A. wait for B. wait on C. look forward to D. strive for

12. You can inspect the house.

A. cross over B. look after C. look over D. hold over

13. His new book will be published in June.

A. put in B. look up C. come out D. run out

14. Ralph decided to delay his trip until April or May.

A. put off B. take off C. put up D. take away

15. She looks like her mother but she resembles her father in character.

A. takes up B. takes in C. takes after D. takes off

16. They searched for the ball for a while, but eventually abandoned the hope to find it and went home.

A. got over B. gave up C. broke in D. cut down

17. The towels match the colour of the bathroom tiles.

A. keep on B. go with C. give in D. fall apart

18. I can scarcely understand his writing.

A. put on B. look up C. make out D. take after

19. I’ve told him to stop but he continues scratching it!

A. keeps on B. gets on C. brings down D. comes over

20. We cancelled the game because of bad weather.

A. called off B. broke out C. go ahead D. carried on

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