SummerCruise All scholarship students willparticipate in a fourweek summer cruise followingeveryacademicyear. The first cruise followingfreshmanyear, CORTRAMID (Career Orientation andTraining formidshipmen)provides a brief exposureto theMarine Corps and Naval line (warfare) communities. TheSecond and First Class cruises(following sophomore and junioryears) allow students to explore enlisted and officer responsibilities at sea, and afford an opportunityforin-depthexploration ofthe aviation, submarineor surface communities. Risingseniors with Advanced Standingwill also participate in aFirstClass Cruisethe summer before theirsenioryear. Marine-Option midshipmenmayparticipate in trainingat theMountain Warfare TrainingCenter after sophomoreyear andasix-week Officer Candidates School(OCS) prior to their senioryear.
Ourstudents travel all over theworld oncruises. TheNavyandMarine Corps payfortravel expenses to and from thecruisesite everysummer. Ourjuniors havemanyoptions available to them, such as; requesting Aircraft Carrier orPatrolSquadroncruises, specialtrainingwith Navy SEALSor ExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal Units, ora foreignexchange cruise fortheirFirst Class summer cruise. Inrecentyears, NROTC andNaval Academymidshipmenwerehosted bythenavies ofAustralia, Canada, Chile, Denmark,Italy, Japan, the Netherlands,Norway,Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, andSouth Africa. Some foreign languageskillsmaybe required to cruise with non-English speakingnavies.
Students are given theopportunityto provideinput regarding the summer cruisephase (first, second, orthird), travel locations, and specificplatforms (ships, aircraft, submarines). This allows students to plan the remainderof their summers, includingwork, summer school,studyabroad, and familyvacations. However, evenwith prior planning, students willneed to remain flexiblewith activedutytrainingdates.
On aweeklybasis, students willattend NROTC classes, Naval ScienceLaboratory,and PT (physicaltraining).Naval ScienceLab is theweeklymeetingof theNROTCUnit, lastingapproximatelytwo hours. At lab, midshipmen receiveavarietyof trainingingeneral militarysubjects, practiceclose order drill,conduct uniform inspections, and meet with their student chain of command.
Social Activities
TheUnit willhost severalfunctions each semesterrangingfrom socialsto formal ceremonies. These activities allow students to interact outside oftheUnit and help build lastingties.
Amongthe moreformalactivities, the midshipmen willattend a Navyand Marine Corps BirthdayBallduringthefallsemesterand aSpring Social Event duringthe springsemester. These eventshonorthe longand proudtraditions of thenaval service,andexpose studentsto professionalsocial eventssimilar to those theywillattendas officers in theNavyand MarineCorps.
Color Guard, Drill Team,&MilitaryExcellenceCompetitions
TheUnit Color Guard and Drill Teamwillhavetheopportunitytoperformat militaryandcivilian functions, parades, and beforeuniversityand localsporting events
Inaddition, theVillanovaBattalion hostsaMilitaryExcellenceCompetition in thespringterm, where midshipmen from regional NROTC units compete in drill, track and field events, combat skills, swimming, and basketball. This event isagreat opportunityformidshipmen to meet students from other units, engagein healthycompetition,and have fun. The Unit also sends midshipmen to compete at otherMilitaryExcellenceCompetitions throughout theyear suchas at the Cornell MEC.