MANAGING STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATION[MST] CASE 4: JAGUAR SUBMITTED BY GROUP 1 3 present cases that showed a positive turnaround. Without reports on the production volume and after sales customer feedback, one cannot be sure of the validity of Hudson’s success story. The improvements highlighted could only be attributed
to escort production, but does it translate the same to Jaguar.
15. With majority of the activities outsourced can the success story solely be attributed to Halewood plant transformation How committed and invested are the external vendors Have they been properly vetted to prevent any quality or malpractice issues A detailed analysis is needed about the dependency on external vendors and how the firm is able to maintain and minimize its risk exposure. Hypothesis
1. There must have been a sizeable political coalition (might include Govt) that fuelled extreme autonomy of the Union. The firm’s Management didn’t wish to confront them and let the Plant die an organic death.
2. Halewood employees got isolated from the top management – lack of farsighted insight or will from top management to fix longstanding issues.
3. The Management forced Govt’s hand
in providing them investment, the only way perhaps for Ford Management to fight the longstanding political coalition and Union’s autonomy. The investment from Govt. would ensure their commitment to the Plant, help tackle the troublemakers within the company. Such a strategic plan on part of Ford Management might have been a smart move to tackle the longstanding powerful opposition.
Recommendation 1. The employees demanded a higher salary for building a Jaguar car. Even if the Management didn’t want to agree to their exact requests, it could certainly have provided motivation to them through PMS.
The PMS should be in alignment with new goals and objectives. KPI’s can be created giving Share with your friends: